Misc. Erotica Heavenly Angel: Deceived by Trust - by - duckhunter-SoftCoreXX
After college dismissed.

Ganapati: Madam, can I come in?

Devika: Come in Ganapati

Ganapati: Now college ended. Can you explain me?

Devika: You are so adamant

Ganapati: I wanted to know

Devika: What was your question. I forgot

Ganapati: You told me that it was not pink blister, but it is baby making body part. How it makes babies

Devika: (feeling shy) Babies are made when a man drops baby sperms in that blister

Ganapati: baby sperms? What is that?

Devika: See..man has sperms (which makes babies) and woman has eggs when man gives sperms to the woman's egg together they make babies.. Ok?

Ganapati: I am confused. Where is woman's eggs? Hen gives eggs

Devika: Woman has tiny eggs in that red blister. Now when put his sperms their babies are made.

Ganapati: Woman eggs are ok, but how man gets sperms from

Devika: They make in their body.

Ganapati: Really? Where?

Devika: (embarrassed)… they make in he their balls..

Ganapati: Which balls?

Devika: Ball which hangs behind yours….. your penis.

Ganapati: That ball. But, how the put sperms

Devika: It comes out of your penis when you put penis in that blister..actually it is not blister but we call it a vagina

Ganapati: That is for peeing. Why they put in woman. Is not that dirty?

Devika: That is needed to make babies

Ganapati: So they pee inside woman?

Devika: No. When the put it inside vagina it doesn’t pee, but it sends sperms out. The body knows it

Ganapati: How body knows it?

Devika: When it is hard then sperms comes and when it is softer than pee. Now I am leaving enough for today.

Ganapati: How it gets harder

Devika: I am getting late. Tomorrow

Ganapati: Tomorrow, surely tell me please.

Devika: OK

Devika lives in a hurry. Ganapati too comes out and started locking rooms. When was locking main door, he sees Rahim.

Rahim: Hello Ganapati

Ganapati: You are still here?

Rahim: Yes. I was listening your question

Ganapati: I will tell your teacher, you do such things.

Rahim: Don’t tell her otherwise she will not explain you the answer and people will still call you dumb.

Ganapati: She will tell me

Rahim: She wont if you tell her that I also know

Ganapati: OK, I will not tell her

Rahim: Good. Now I will tell you want to ask

Ganapati: Why would you tell me? I know what to ask

Rahim: Hold on. When you ask her how it gets harder, ask her to show it. Tell her that you don’t believe it happens

Ganapati: But …

Rahim: No but… but… just ask her to show you how it gets harder

Ganapati: OK

Rahim: She may ask you to show your penis to show

Ganapati: uggh.. That is dirty

Rahim: Nothing is dirty. All is medical science. Only fools think it is dirty and you are not a fool and neither Devika madam

Ganapati: I am not a fool.

Rahim: Good. So ask her and she may ask your penis to show how it gets harder.

Ganapati: OK

Rahim left in a few minutes. It was not clear what was in his mind, but surely he has something cooking.


Trin Trin…

Devika: Hello

Venki: Devika, you are home?

Devika: Yes. Reached an hour back

Venki: Good. See, I need to go Ahmedabad urgently. Can you pack two pair of clothes for me. I will be home in an hour

Devika: Urgently?

Venki: Yes. There is some issue with the contractor who is furnishing the new office building. I need to go there.

Devika: OK.

Venki: Thanks.

Venki was at home in the next hour. He took a light breakfast and was about to leave.

Ding dong..

Venki: (opens door) Hey Devika, your boys are here

Devika: Coming

Anand: Hello Sir

Venki: Hello

Vishnu: Are you going somewhere (seeing suitcase)

Venki: Yes. I am going Ahmedabad for 2 days.

Rahim: OK

Venki: Take care of your modem in the meantime

Vishnu: Definitely. You don’t worry

Venki: Thanks.

Venki leaves for his flight.

Devika: So all three are here for the studies

Anand: Yes. We need to study hard. My target is to get first division.

Vishnu: Is so mine

Devika: But boys, I am not your teacher. I am just a mentor. You have to study on own. I will help you as much as much I can.

Rahim: No problem. We feel happy around you.

Vishnu: Me too.

Seeing Vishnu, Devika felt embarrassed. She wanted to avoid eye contact but it was not possible.

Devika: OK. Enough buttering. Now you guys start studying and let me know if you stuck somewhere. I am with Adi in the bedroom.

Anand: OK

All three were studying at the dining table. After 30 mins, Vishnu picks up his book and knocks the bedroom door which was already open. Devika was playing with Adi

Vishnu: Hello Madam.

Devika: Vishnu, you go out. I will come to help you there

Vishnu: No, the book has been just reason. I came here to tell you sorry for that day.

Devika: (quiet)

Vishnu: Actually, I thought you were aware of me and were asking loofah. I didn’t know you were expecting Venki sir. Once I was in you dragged me in before I could speak anything.

Devika: You didn’t speak Vishnu. It was wrong. You had wrong intentions

Vishnu: I always call you my first love. We kissed many times and I took liberty this time. I am sorry for that.

Devika: You crossed all the limits

Vishnu: I am sorry. But, madam, you should think from our mind. I am just 18+ boy and seeing the most beautiful woman on earth. It's not that I was seeing for the first time. Last time also I saw you with sir. This time you were alone and looking very beautiful in the shower. I was carried away.. (Showing fake sadness)… I will go away now to my apartment if you really think I am a bad boy.

Devika: Ok, ok. I am not angry on you.

Vishnu: (smiled) Thank you madam

Devika: Now go and study

Vishnu: Can I get a small kiss?

Devika: (smiling) No….you are naughty boy now…

Vishnu: I am so happy to see you smiling. See Adi is also smiling

Devika: Adi is dumb. He is smiling because his favorite Vishnu is smiling…

Vishnu: I love him

Devika: He loves you too

Vishnu: I will miss him.

Devika: He will also miss you.

Vishnu: And you?

Devika: Of course, yes. Life will change

Vishnu: Why are you leaving. Can you stay more?

Devika: I cannot. You know the reason.

Vishnu: hmm

Devika: Now you go.

Vishnu: I am not feeling like study if you are inside.

Devika: I know. You have become very naughty

Vishnu: I cannot help. You are so beautiful

Devika: (feeling good).. but we need to study

Vishnu: I still feel that you are angry with me

Devika: I am not. I was but I know you are a very good boy

Vishnu: Then can I have my small kiss?

Devika: No. Other two are outside

Vishnu: They go away then?

Devika: Then also no..(smiling)

Vishnu: Can I stay here for tonight?

Devika: Vishnuuuuuu ..

Vishnu: Just joking…..

Devika: Now go out. I will be there.

Vishnu: OK


Anand: Why you went inside?

Vishnu: I had a doubt

Rahim: In this subject?

Vishnu: No, actually on another topic. The book was in hand and I took it accidently

Anand: hmm

Devika: Hello boys, how is studies going so far?

Rahim: Going ok ok …but if you sit with us then it will be fine

Anand: Yes, madam

Devika: OK, I am here. I am making tea. Do you guys want some?

Vishnu: Sure

Devika: Also, let us have dinner together. I will make dal-rice

Rahim: Cool. We will cancel our tiffin. There is nothing better than home made food and that too when you are making

Anand: Yes. You are very good cook

Devika: OK, enough buttering. Let me make my tea.

Rahim: Devika madam, why you always wear Sari at home. Now, since you started wearing modern clothes, why should you not wear T shirts and shorts

Anand: Yes. You look good in shorts

Devika: I know you what you boys are talking about. You are no more boys. I am happy in my Sari (smiling)

Vishnu: But you look really good in that.

Devika: Now Vishnu you too

Rahim: Madam, remember you wore that skirt for my bday party?

Devika: Yes.

Rahim: You can wear that. You looked so hot in that

Devika: Rahimmm. What do you think of me? You are coming here for studies or to flirt with your madam

Anand: Both.. ha ha ha

Devika: Very funny. I am not wearing. You study and go home.

Vishnu: Dal-Rice.

Devika: I will parcel…(mock anger)

Rahim: sorry madam. We were just making some fun. Got bored of studies

Devika: I know you boys got bored in 1 hour. How you will clear 12th

Vishnu: We will. We just need to be around you

Devika: …and make fun of your teacher

Anand: No fun. We wanted you to look hot and sexy…. Ooops

Devika: Anand? What were those words…

Anand: Sorry. It has been just movies impact.

Rahim: Yes. Movies what he watches..

Anand: Quiet, please..

Devika: Which movies Anand?

Anand: Nothing. Just romantic movies

Vishnu: Yes. Romance and too much of romance that….

Anand: Vishnuuuuuuuuuuu..stop it

Devika: Vishnu you tell.

Vishnu: He watches mostly adult movies….

Anand: No … no madam… he is lying….

Devika: Ha ha ha…. Its ok… even if you watch its fine. You all are adult now. Just remember you don’t over-watch and impact studies.

Anand: Hmm

Devika: So now I am getting you. Why you want your teacher to wear skirt and shorts

Rahim: nothing like that

Devika: It's ok. All wanted that. Well I will wear for you, but tomorrow. For that you to promise one thing

Vishnu: What?

Devika: You guys will study hard and make it worth

Rahim: Sure.

Anand: I will not sleep the whole night. I will ….I will….

Rahim: Will watch movies… ha ha ha

Devika: … ha ha..

Anand: No.. I will study..

Fun talk went along with studies. All had a good dinner and left around 10 pm. Devika was too tired and she too went for sleep.
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RE: Heavenly Angel: Deceived by Trust - by - duckhunter-SoftCoreXX - by manasi - 11-02-2019, 10:05 AM

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