Incest SATURDAY........Romance between MOM & SON (Completed)
The next morning, Mala preparing the breakfast was brooding over the subject of how to disclose to her son about the other man she was contemplating to have in her life. She was reluctant in putting across to her son straightforward. At first she thought being a mature person he may be able to apprehend her feelings and on the other hand, she did not want him to be offended on hearing the news. She was in a dilemma as how to disclose it and finally she resolved to bring it out in humor.

Sitting by the side of him on the breakfast table, she tried her best to bring out the subject but failed every time she contemplated putting it across. Finally seeing him eyeing a girl on the TV she asked him.

'How many girl friends have you left behind?'

'None he replied' without shifting his eyes from the one he was seeing on TV.

'How come' she asked quickly?

'I did not meet anyone gorgeous to befriend,' he replied.

Hearing him utter the word 'gorgeous' she was surprised.

'How do you rate the one you are watching she asked jokingly?' 'Poor, Fair, Good or Gorgeous'

'Poor' he replied.

Whom do you rate as 'Good or as say gorgeous' she quizzed?

'You' he said looking deep into her eyes.

Mala was shocked to hear this and before she could react, he replied.

'For me you are the most beautiful and gorgeous woman in the world. I cannot visualize anyone else,' saying this he let his eyes roam over her body.

On hearing those words she felt like her world was falling apart. Just the other night she had thought of bringing someone into her life, but now she felt it would be a dream. She then realized that her son needed her the most. She had packed her son out of her life for too long and now it was her turn to give him all the love and care which she had missed out during the last three years. Wiping the tears out of her eyes she ventured into the kitchen and when she came out after five minutes, she had changed. She looked charming, she looked elegant, and she looked captivating. All this was for her son.

Both Mala and Ravi changed from that moment. While Mala joked and teased him every moment, Ravi became bolder and bolder in replying to her. Thus their intimacy grew.

One day while they were on the drive, Mala ran through what Ravi had said. 'For me you are the most beautiful and gorgeous woman in the world'. She laughed on recollecting those words.

'What's so funny', asked Ravi hearing her laugh?

'Your words' replied Mala.

'Which ones' he asked?

'Can't repeat them' she said.

'Why' he asked again.

'Because they are not true' she said.

'How can you be so sure,' he asked her.

'Because I know, I am neither beautiful nor gorgeous' as you put it.

Hearing this Ravi slowed down the car and facing her he said, 'You are both'

'Now you are pulling my leg' she replied coolly.

'No, I mean it' he replied.

'What's so beautiful' she quizzed back.

'Your face' Ravi replied.

'And what's Gorgeous?' she asked smiling at him mischievously.

Ravi stopped the car and turning towards her said. 'You have a beautiful face and you have a gorgeous . . . . he stammered (he wanted to say body but changed and said) ... lips'.

Mala knew she had caught him on the wrong foot but to continue the conversation she asked. 'What's so gorgeous about my lips? Tell me; tell me' she said, protruding her lips in front of him and smiling at him.

'You have pouting lips' he said pointing his fingers at them.

'You like them' she asked.

'Yes, I do' saying this he touched her lips with his fingers.

Mala felt his fingers bracing her lips. She was enjoying it and to lure him further she questioned, 'How do they feel,' she asked?

'Soft, warm and exciting,' he replied.

'What's so exciting' she murmured?

'Their moistness' he replied.

'How did you find out about all these,' she asked.

'By touching them' he said.

'By touching them you have found out so much, I wonder what you would say after kissing them' she said. The moment she let out those words she regretted it. She was ashamed and before he could answer, she said 'I was just teasing you, come lets go.' Somehow she stalled the proceedings.

Ravi knew she was trying to pull out. He also knew that this was just the start and if he played his cards correct he could reach new goals. Acting on her wishes, he started the car and drove home. On reaching home as Mala stepped out of the car and started moving inside, Ravi's eyes followed her strides. He was captivated by the way she walked. It was like witnessing a model on a ramp. Her height added to her strong built and the movement of her mounds was captivating. Ravi on watching her lively mounds felt a warm feeling creep inside his body and before it could engulf him, Mala was out of his vision.

Mala went straight to her room. There she discarded her clothes and stood naked before the mirror. Seeing her nude body she was aroused. Her hands suddenly reached up and took hold of her breasts. She gently caressed them with her palms. Her body started to grow warmer. She then slid her hand down and moving it over her belly, she fondled the warm flesh. Then she could not resist from bringing the other hand in to play. She moved the other hand further down her belly. She felt the moist opening of her womanhood. She brushed aside her pubic hair and when the hot pink lips were exposed, her body convulsed and she shuddered. She could not control herself.

She jumped on to her bed and cuddling a soft pillow in her arms she called out the name of her son 'Ravi, Ravi' before lying down squarely on the bed. And as her nude robust body came in contact with soft silky bedspread, she started wriggle her body over it and before long she came. She came in streams and drained out the bed spread. All that was hidden inside her for more than three longs years drained out of her. She was so exhausted that she could not move up and change the sheets.

When she regained conscious she thought of her son. She felt what she was doing was reasonably fair. There was no harm in teasing and joking with his son. She even felt that there was no harm in allowing him some liberties. She thought she would watch his actions and if they went out of control she would stop him. She was positive that she could control him. Thinking about it she had a peaceful sleep.

Next morning Mala hurried up preparing the breakfast and by the time Ravi woke up she was dressed up to go to office to attend a meeting. Ravi, on seeing her departing early to office was unhappy, his face turned gloomy. Mala noticed the change and coming closer to him whispered 'I have a meeting, I have to go. Please cheer up.' Hearing her plead Ravi smiled. Mala was pleased and before turning away she kissed him on his cheek and promised she would be back early in the evening.

Ravi leisurely finished his Breakfast and after having watched TV for sometime was trying to take a nap. The moment he shut his eyes the figure of his mother came into his vision. He could not think anything else than his mother. He pictured her as she was sitting by his side on the last drive and said those words 'By touching them you have found out so much, I wonder what you would say after kissing them' He was contemplating what answer he would have got if he had said 'Let me kiss them' when the telephone rang.

It jolted him and as he lifted the receiver he was pleased to hear his mother's soft voice saying 'hai'. It brought back life to his body. He straightened himself as she questioned 'What are you doing'?

'I was dreaming about you' he replied.

'Now, what was my naughty boy dreaming about', she asked politely?

'Want to hear it' he questioned her?

'Yes, sure, I would love to know what's on the back of the mind of my son'.

'I was summing up the words you said yesterday evening,' he said.

'What did I say that's keeping you day dreaming', she asked warmly.

'It's about your lips. Do you want to hear those words?

'Well, if they are not harmful, yes,' she replied.

'No, they are not harmful. In fact they are the loveliest words I have ever heard, he said.

'My. My, what's so lovely about them, tell me, she cooed.

You said 'By touching them you have found out so much, I wonder what you would say after kissing them' he replied.

'My goodness do you still remember those words? I was just teasing you big boy'.

'No you were serious', he replied.

'Really,' she asked playfully?

'Yes,' he said.

'May be you have mistaken' saying this she laughed.

'No, I am pretty sure ', he said.

'What makes you so sure' she asked gently?

'Coz your lips were sparkling' he shot back.

'How do you know they were sparkling', she questioned again?

'Because I have mastered the art of facial therapy and I know exactly when they are sparkling, gleaming, lustrous, glossy, radiant or polished.' He said.

Hearing all these words Mala was shocked. She could not say anything. She was silent.

'Now what are you dreaming about' asked Ravi.

'I will come home and tell you' she said.

'Then come soon' he replied.

'Have patience big boy' saying this she disconnected the phone.

Ravi was thrilled to have had that conversation. It was blessing in disguise that he talked to her on phone. It would not have been possible to say what he had in front of her. Now that the cat was out of the bag he feared facing her.

Mala came an hour early than her usual time. She was in a blissful mood. She too could not face her son directly. She straightaway went to her room. As she was changing a thought struck her. She called out Ravi and asked him to be ready as she had some shopping to do.

Ravi eagerly accepted the invitation. He wanted an outing in the cool breeze. He changed and was ready in five minutes. Mala walked down wearing a simple cotton sari. She was looking simple and radiant. Ravi watched her face. He was visualizing how he could change its look if given a chance. He was imaging touching up her eye brows when he heard his mother say 'lets go'.

Ravi stopped over at the market and when Mala finished her purchasing, he shot the car towards the Highway. Mala watched in silence. Ravi stepped on the accelerator on reaching the Highway. The cool breeze blowing upon Mala was stimulating her. She slid comfortably on the seat allowing the breeze to sweep through her hair and her dress. In no time her hair were disheveled and the top of her sari had slid, exposing her sleeveless arms.
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RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 05:17 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 05:44 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 05:46 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 05:51 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 05:52 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 05:52 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 05:54 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 06:01 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 06:02 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 06:03 PM
RE: SATURDAY - by Nightking - 10-02-2019, 06:03 PM

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