Non-erotic Dawn at Midnight By Pinuram - {Completed}

Himadri’s thirty-third birthday passed away without any ripple. As a timid and faithful wife, I presented him a tie on his birthday. It was my duty as a wife, which I administered. I waited for him until midnight, he did not return. Later he called at dead night and informed Niladri that he would stay at one of his friend’s house. Already my heart was numb, so that news did not perturb me much.


One person who never left my side was my sweet sister-in-law, Churni. She used to call me every other day. Her words acted as a soothing medicine to my shattered soul. However, she was well aware that nothing could mend my crippled heart. Sometime Kalyani also called me. I never asked her about Abhimanyu and she never talked about Abhimanyu. I tried to ask but I do not know what refrained me from asking. Her baby angel was nearing her first summer in this beautiful world. I filled my empty soul with her sweet babbles over the phone.

My summer vacation neared. I asked Himadri, that I wanted to goto my native place. He did not question me. Niladri accompanied me to my house.

On the way, he asked me---“Boudi, who is the new teacher in your college?”

I could not understand as of whom he was talking, so I asked him---“Who?”

---“Oh Boudi! A new girl has joined your college.”

I tried hard to dig in my thoughts as I kept mostly to myself in college.

---“That girl, who wears beautiful salwar kurta always. Long hair, curved chin and small nose. She has glasses.”

I tried to imagine as of whom he was talking and then I asked him---“Why do you want to know?”

---“Boudi, she is beautiful. What is her name?”

I closed my eyes and tried to think hard and then it dawned that a new English teacher joined our college in junior section.

I smiled at him and asked---“Why? Have you fallen for her?”

He tried hard to conceal his coy face, which was evident from his glistening eyes. He nodded his head.

“Ok, once I return back I will find out. But tell me what is so special about her.” I pushed him.

He held my palms in his and pleaded---“Boudi, she has got her canine over another tooth which makes her smile very beautiful. Her smile is like, Mousumi Chatterjee. Please Boudi, do something.”

---“Ok, I will do that, but you have to do me a favour.”

He nodded his head---“I will do anything for you Boudi.”


I looked out of the window of the train; the electric posts were racing back. The train was cutting between green fields.

I took a deep breath and asked Niladri---“What is the actual nature of your work?”

I was looking at him with a deep piercing soul-shattering gaze. I wanted to know badly as what was the actual nature of work of my father-in-law. Niladri was at his back-foot as he heard that question from me. He fumbled for words. When I saw him, babbling, I fathomed very well, that my apprehensions were very much true. I did not ask anything after that. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lips “What type of family I have been married to?”


Pubali turned one-year. She was a very sweet cute little angel. She was then roaming all over the place with small steps. Kalyani and Maithili were very happy to see me. On the day of Pubali’s first birthday, I clasped the baby in my bosom and cried a lot. I took out a gold necklace that I was wearing on my neck and graced her tiny neck with that.

I pressed my lips on her chubby cheeks and sobbed out to her tiny ears---“My little angel, I don’t have anything to give to you. I am a penurious aunt of your, darling.”

Kalyani very easily figured out the pains of my heart. She understood that I was missing everything in my life. I was missing my vacant womb; I was missing my heart-throb. She did not try to say any word as she felt that saying would not do anything. She let me cry and shed my tears. My eyes were all soaked with tears; Kalyani came to console me at last.

I gave a blank look at her and asked---“How can I die?”

She slapped me hard on my cheek and clasped me with her bosom. She almost crushed me. I cried out on her shoulder. She let those tears flow.


Himadri came to my native place to take me back to Dhanbad. I felt that I had lost him totally. He did not talk to me as he used to have in the first year. I also felt not talking to him as my heart was lost in abyss of dark ocean of pain.

One the last evening, before my summer vacation was to end, I was trotting at the backyard of my house. Slowly I came near the old mango tree. I looked up to the tree and smiled painfully on finding that there were less mangoes than previous years. I told to that tree “You are also crying?” I rubbed my empty womb and said to him “See, I have also failed to bear any fruit. You and me are on the same boat, is not that?” I sat beneath the tree and looked at the pond. My legs were folded and I rested my chin on my knees. My gaze was all-blank. I was lost into some aimless thoughts. I felt a nudge on my shoulder, I looked up. Maithili stood there with her prying gaze upon me.

She asked me---“Why are you sitting like that?”

My voice was cold---“What should I do?”

---“Talk to Himadri. Both of you should try to understand each-other and cope with situation.”

She sat beside me and took my face between her palms---“I know you won’t be able to forget him after what has happened. However, time and compassion will make everything alright.”

---“Is that so? I cannot sleep properly Churni. Whenever I close my eyes, I feel ripples in my womb. Those soft ripples kill me grain my grain every moment. I hear my baby’s voice, calling me, Churni.”

She bit her lips and controlled her tears---“Paree, most of the goes through this. It is natural.”

My lips quivered---“You know why that happened. What about that, Churni?”

She shook head gently and said---“I don’t have any explanation for that Paree.”

I tried to ask the question “Did he call you?”

Maithili understood from my quivering lips as what I was going to ask her.

She clenched her jaws---“Better forget what happened.”

---“How can I forget Abhi? He waited there for me with his stretched arms, to take me in his embrace and you ask me to forget him? WHY this has to happen with me only?”

We observed that Himadri was approaching us, so our conversation stopped there only. I wiped my eyes and stood.

He joked at us---“What all is happening between sister-in-laws? Do I smell something fishy?”

Maithili answered---“What is happening between you two, Himadri?”

He was taken aback by her query. He gave a queer look at both of us.

Maithili continued---“Paree, is very soft girl, Himadri. You have to understand her and console her.”

He gave a stern look at me and then said to Maithili---“See, I did not ask for whatever happened. Anyway, it is between a husband and a wife. We will solve it.”

From his last words, I inferred that he would make my life hell so I pinched Maithili to keep quiet.

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RE: Dawn at Midnight By Pinuram - {Completed} - by usaiha2 - 11-02-2020, 07:25 PM

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