Misc. Erotica Heavenly Angel: Deceived by Trust - by - duckhunter-SoftCoreXX
Devika goes in the room and started expressing milk using her pump. Vishnu was getting nervous and excited both at the same time. He took out his mobile and started reading about breast pump, milk, etc.
He was shocked to read the findings on the internet.

“Devika madam is so innocent” – is the only thing coming into his mind.

The humming sound of breast pump stopped after 20-25 mins but Vishnu’s heart started humming. He was not able to control his excitement.

Devika: Vishnu, you can come in.

Vishnu entered the room and froze at the door. Devika was sitting on the bed without her blouse and bra. She was covering herself with thin Sari. Bright tube light in the room made her sari further transparent. Devika’s beautiful boobs, red-pink areola and nipples were clearly visible through the sari.

Devika: Vishnu..

Vishnu: Yes Madam.

Devika: What are you looking at?

Vishnu: You are really beautiful

This was the first time Vishnu was so open to appreciate topless Devika. Devika couldn’t counter him.

Devika: Thanks, but I am a problem

Vishnu: I know the problem

Devika: You know?

Vishnu: I know, your milk is keep coming, you are not able to empty your breasts

Devika: (shocked) How you know?

Vishnu: While waiting outside I started reading about your problem and got to know that it will not work this way.

Devika: Oh, any solution they have mentioned?

Vishnu: Site says – “Good, healthy women with big boobs … sorry.. I mean big breast will keep producing the milk. Speed of production is equal to speed of baby sucking or breast pump sucking”

Devika: Oh God. That way I cannot measure it. Not sure why she suggested this to me.

Vishnu: Who is that she?

Devika: I will talk later. But any solution?

Vishnu: Only solution is to suck or extract faster than production.

Devika: But I am running my pump at the highest speed and suction.

Vishnu: OK

Devika: Vishnuuuuu ..can you suck (shy)

Vishnu: Are you fine with it?

Devika: I have no option.

Vishnu: You can wait for Venki Sir.

Devika: No. He will question a lot. I cannot tell him everything about the treatment (couldn’t hide her mind – She is not a liar, She is an angel)

Vishnu: Are you hiding something from him?

Devika: Sorry Vishnu to lie with you. I mean with him… I mean for lying… but this is something I am doing for the good of my child and Venki won't allow me.. Now please don’t ask more… I am already in the problem.

Vishnu: Don’t feel bad. Let us do it.

Devika: Thanks Vishnu

Vishnu: Let me wear that eye mask(pad) (still playing safe)

Devika in her mind – “Vishnu is such a good boy. Respecting my privacy. Not in hurry like Hemant”

Vishnu came in with eye mask in his hand. Devika was sitting on the bed.

Devika: You have to lay down on bed with head in my lap.

Vishnu: OK

Devika was sitting on the bed, still covering herself with sari which was just a formality. Vishnu has slowly come on the bed and lay down next to her. Devika helps him by bringing his head on her lap. Vishnu saw her boobs hiding behind the sari. To show his modesty, he wears the mask.

Devika, not matter how open was till now gets shy. Her breathing gets heavier. Vishnu’s situation was no different.

Devika pulls he sari pallu aside to expose her boob just the minimum to her nipple. She bends down to position her nipple over Vishnu’s lips. It was not an easy situation for Devika to move in. There is a hell lot of difference between thinking and doing. Devika was facing same. Her nipple was still a few inches away from Vishnu’s lips. She further bends down, but still an inch away from his lips.

Devika takes a deep breath and bends further. Her nipple brushes Vishnu’s lips. Vishnu opens his mouth, but Devika was not stable and her nipple goes off target touching his nose. Vishnu was in her lap with mouth open. Devika again position her nipple to his lips. This time it landed on his upper lip. Vishnu opens his mouth further and grabs her nipple.

Devika shivers badly as he closes his lips and puts pressure on her nipple. No one needs to learn sucking. Vishnu without fail makes first suck. Not much milk comes to his mouth. He makes a bigger such and extract more milk from her breast. Devika on the other hand feels it her boob got stuck in a vacuum cleaner pipe. Vishnu was 10 times harder than Adi or her breast pump. Vishnu kept sucking and drinking her milk for next 3-4 minutes. Devika for the first time felt like her boob drained out.

Vishnu: (releasing her nipple) Not much is coming out. Let me suck another one.

Without changing his position, he further drags into her lap. Devika bends further more to adjust to far reaching boob. Her nipple touched and missed his lips again. Vishnu, this time moves his hand to Devika’s side back to bend her father. Once contact is made he latch upon her nipple and started sucking her. Devika was feeling his power suck. Vishnu quickly drains the other one and come out of her lap.
Devika covers herself.

Vishnu: Hope I didn’t hurt you.

Devika: (shy and embarrassed) .. no

There was simply silence in the room for a minute and then Vishnu speaks out

Vishnu: Measuring tape?

Devika moves off the bed and brings her notes, pen and tape and hand it over to Vishnu.

Vishnu: How to measure?

Devika: Just full size of each boob. Left to right, top to bottom around the cups.

Vishnu takes the tape and was about to measure over her sari.

Devika: Actually, I need to take measurement of bare boobs.

Vishnu: Why?

Devika: For accuracy.

Vishnu: (makes his intelligent move) I think you can take over this thin sari and then reduce it equally every time. What you need to measure is the change in size, which will come out keeping Sari constant.

Devika: Oh my God Vishnu. You are so intelligent. Why I could not think that way.
Vishnu: All because of you. I studied hard this year and its simple mathematics and science.

Devika: You are a Gem Vishnu. Only you are the one who thinks about my modesty everytime.

Vishnu: It's all because I love you.

Devika: I love you too Vishnu.

Vishnu was happy to make Devika happy and win her trust again. He completes the measurement with ultra care of not crossing his lines. Devika certainly felt the difference in how Rahim did and how Vishnu is doing it now. She thought that Rahim and his designer robbed her. They could have used the same logic. She herself was dumb. But her angel heart forgives them again thinking Vishnu is far intelligent that those two.

Vishnu: It's done now. Can I leave?

Devika: Thanks Vishnu, but last one thing, if you can help?

Vishnu: For your lotion?

Devika: Yes. In that box (pointing to the box on the table)

Vishnu: Pulls out the bottle.

Devika: Make sure you are not touching the lotion with hand. It needs to be directly applied over the skin.

Vishnu: OK.

Devika was on her back now. Vishnu sits next to her and puts the eye mask again pointing lotion bottle over her breast. Devika removes her pallu completely. Her beautiful melons which were recently sucked by Vishnu were shining in bright tube light.

Vishnu: Should I open the cap.

Devika: Yes.

Vishnu: I will slowly drop the lotion one by one on each of your parts. You can let me know if I am missing the area.

Devika: OK.

Vishnu opens the cap and slowly start dropping lotion on her boobs. The first drop was right, but next one goes off near her cleavage and lower neck

Devika: Hold on.

Vishnu stops.

Devika: You can take mask off. The bottle is small and cannot waste it.

Vishnu takes out his mask. He saw Devika next to her topless with her beautiful boobs open to grab. Vishnu starts putting lotion again.

Devika: Make sure you slowly put drops covering full area

Vishnu: Sure.

Vishnu slowly was dropping lotion. Lotion liquid was a bit cold on the skin. Vishnu was slowly dropping on her boobs. Now there was no barrier. He was constantly seeing them. Devika was looking at this face. She sees him putting it dedicatedly.

Vishnu in between turns his eyes on Devika’s face. Both see each other. Devika smiles and so Vishnu.

Vishnu completes first boob. He moves to second one. Devika sees Vishnu again. Vishnu’s helping nature, innocence, respect to her modesty was making Devika forget all bad incidences. She was very relaxed now.

Continuous dripping of cold lotion started playing its role. Medicine started showing its effect as well. Her boob started getting firmer. Nipples harden. Entire body started getting tiny goose bumps. Vishnu finishes both the boobs and empties the bottle.

Vishnu: It's one. I can go now (asking reluctantly as he doesn’t want to go)

Devika: Wait till it dries up. No one in the house. If Adi woke up, then I might need your help.

Vishnu: OK

Lotion started getting dry. With that it was stretching her skin. Devika was bit uneasy, but controlling herself. To distract herself, she starts talking Vishnu.

Devika: Please don’t share this with anyone.

Vishnu: Never.

Devika: I am sorry for asking you to do all this.

Vishnu: No Madam. It is nothing in return for what you have done in our life. We were a bunch of bad boys.

Devika: You were always good.

Vishnu: Thanks, madam.

Both went quiet. Devika and Vishnu saw each other in the eyes. Vishnu shy off. Devika smiles. Devika’s boobs were now firm and hard. They blossomed in full size. Nipples were hard and erect. Vishnu figured out the changes. These were similar to what he saw during massage day. He again looks at Devika. This time Devika shy off.

Vishnu comes closer to her.

Vishnu: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Devika: You are saying because you have never seen any other topless lady.

Vishnu: I don’t need to any.

Devika: You will. Your girlfriend and wife in future.

Vishnu: May be wife, but not a girlfriend.

Devika: Why not girlfriend. Now generations are ahead.

Vishnu: Because I am with my girlfriend now.

Devika: Oh ho..

Vishnu: Am I wrong?

Devika: I am married lady. Find someone of your age. A beautiful one

Vishnu: No one more beautiful than you. Not even close

Devika: Wait. You will find one.

Vishnu: I don’t need to search.

Devika: You are getting bigger everyday now.

Vishnu comes closer to her. Hardly a foot away were their faces. Eye to eye.

Vishnu: Really?

Devika: Yes. You are talking and behaving like a big boy now.

Vishnu: What is wrong in my behavior?

Devika: Nothing.

Vishnu: Really?

Devika: You are a good man.
Vishnu: Any reward for this good man

Devika: What you want? I will give you.

Vishnu: I will take myself

Vishnu moves further close to her. Devika goes on back foot. He was now very near to her.Vishnu was constantly looking at her. His eyes were on her. Devika was blinking her eyes, but Vishnu wasn’t.

Vishnu takes the boldest step. He comes close to her and put her lips on her lips. Devika was not expecting this. She was certain now feared, but was taken by surprise. Vishnu made it so comfortable there that she didn’t object. This was also not the first time. Vishnu was a quick learner. He took Devika’s lips in his mouth and sucked it slowly. Her beautiful soft lips slowly started melting in his mouth. Devika was already topless on the bed. Her boobs were stiff, nipples were hard, Vishnu was sucking her lips together all pushed her in the zone of love and intimacy. Her legs started getting restless. Laying down on the bed, her one leg moved over another. Both the legs trying to push each other down. In reality she was trying to control her emotions.

Vishnu leaves her lips and moves back. He sees Devika’s reaction. Devika was still with her eyes closed. With the break of kiss she opens her eyes and sees Vishnu. There was no revolt or anger or stress on her face. She smiled and turn away her face to other direction.

Vishnu touches her face and turns back towards him. Devika was feeling very shy.

Vishnu: Why are you closing your eyes.

Devika: Vishnu, you got your reward. Now please go. Lotion is dry. I will also clean it up now.

Vishnu: (coming back to the reality) OK. But your measurement post lotion?

Devika: that……

Vishnu: I remember you need to take two more

Devika: Oh yes. Let me get it clean

Devika goes in the washroom. Vishnu was jubilated. He was extremely hard. Had he been in the house would have masturbated by now.

Devika comes out with a towel on her boobs. Vishnu comes back with measuring tape. Devika takes the towel off giving him a glimpse of her neatly cleaned boobs. Nipples were shining red and boobs were firm. Devika covers them back with a sari.

Vishnu takes the next set of measurement. The only changes he was seeing was hard nipples and little firm boobs. He completes the measurement as a pro.

Devika: Any changes.

Vishnu: Yes. But let us finish the final measurement.

Devika: Which one?

Vishnu: With empty boobs. Right now they are filled again.

Vishnu without asking goes to the bed and lay down. Devika was mentally forced to move in bed again. Vishnu slides into her lap. Devika forgot that he was not covering his eyes with mask now.

Vishnu moves her sari aside, exposing her boobs. Devika was completely lost. She was doing what Vishnu was asking her to do. Vishnu was not needed any help from her. He moves his one hand on her back and makes Devika to bend further. He quickly grabs her nipple and start sucking it. This all happened so fast that Devika couldn’t figure out what is happening. Vishnu quickly drank her milk and rolled up to catch other boob. Devika turns further to give him access, but in that process, she picks a mini cramp.

Devika: Oouchhhh

Vishnu: What happened.

Devika: Little pain in turning more on your side.

Vishnu: OK, let us do it another way.

Devika: How?

Vishnu comes out of bed and asks Devika to to sit on the edge. Devika comes on the edge and Vishnu sit on the floor on his knees to access her boob. Devika need not to bend this time. Vishnu grabbed her nipple in mouth and started sucking it again. The position was not very stable and Vishnu was losing her nipple again and again.

Devika: It is also uncomfortable.

Vishnu stood up and moves his hand on Devika’s shoulder. He gently pushed both her shoulders down eventually making her lay on the bed again. Devika was laying on the bed again on her back. Vishnu comes near to her and completely removes her pallu. He too lay down next to her almost a foot below. Devika couldn’t stop his actions as she was already lost in this. Vishnu pulls Devika towards him and takes her nipple in mouth and starts sucking it. He quickly drains it again.

Vishnu: Let me check the other one if something refilled in the mean time.

Without asking Devika, for the first time he takes her full boob in hand and start sucking her boob. Not only nipple, but fairly 2-3 inches on her boob was in his mouth.

His sucking made Devika crumble in the bed. She was not able to handle this assault. Her hand automatically moved to Vishnu’s head. Her fingers started moving in his hairs. Vishnu kept sucking her boobs. He moved from one to another…he kept swapping them without asking Devika. Devika with her eyes closed, legs trying to squeeze into each other was now pushing her breast in his mouth. Milk was almost zero, but sucking was on. Both Vishnu and Devika were lost in the game of sucking. Devika realized that she was very wet down under. Vishnu’s sucking was not stopping anytime. Final assault came when Vishnu bit her nipple. Softly pressed teeth over her nipple made Devika mad. Her entire body went stiff like a wood log. Vishnu released her nipple and bit the other one. Devika moaned and moaned loudly. Her hands on Vishnu’s head pushed his head inside her boobs. Devika reached her orgasm. One which was built for some good time. Her moan came so loud that Vishnu stopped sucking her. He went in fear thinking he had bit her nipple wrongly. Devika didn’t allowed him to move back. She pushed his head again on her boobs. She completely lost it. Before she could do further damage to herself… Adi cries up loudly. He's awake now. Thanks to Devika’s loud moaning.

Adi was enough distraction for both to detach. Devika was breathing heavily and so Vishnu. Vishnu’s hard on was visible to both. Devika came back to reality. She ran away to pick Adi and started consoling him. Vishnu too was in fear. A meek bye and he left.

Adi was hungry. Seeing Devika’s boob he started crying further. Devika was not sure of any milk was left.To pacify Adi she gives him her nipple. Adi starts sucking her boob. She thought he would stop, but he didn’t. He was sucking and sucking. Devika was feeling bad for her baby for giving him fake sucking. But after a few minutes she sees Adi leaving her nipple with milk in his mouth. She moves him to other boob and Adi start sucking again. After regular sucking Adi was done. He was smiling after he was full.

Devika was surprised how Adi got so much milk after Vishnu drained them completely. May be power of medicines and lotion which made her boobs a milk machine.
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RE: Heavenly Angel: Deceived by Trust - by - duckhunter-SoftCoreXX - by manasi - 08-02-2019, 10:08 AM

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