Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
Cyrus slid in and out slowly as both of them slowly began to return to a state of relative normalcy, panting and breathing heavily. Their mixed juices flowed from Priya's pussy as Cyrus collapsed forward and into her arms, as they lay completely spent. All this time apart and all the thoughts of passion between them had resulted in an amazing union of mind and body. Finally, both of them had fulfilled their desire to once again be together, and had accomplished it by uniting in the most passionate and erotic way.

They mumbled a few words of love to each other before falling asleep in each other's arms, their hot and sweaty bodies still intertwined and now being cooled by the air-conditioner. Cyrus stirred a little while later and reached for the light blanket, bringing it over them and falling back into a deep and restful sleep. Priya's mind was mostly blank from all that she had just undergone, with only a few random thoughts filtering through from time to time. Like Priya's, Cyrus' mind too was mostly placid as they slept, both in a place they had wanted to be for a very long time.

Couple of hours later, Cyrus stirred awake to find rays from the setting sun streaming through his window and casting a glow on Priya's naked body that lay against him. The blanket had partly slid off, exposing the left side of her body, right from her slender legs up to the curve of her left breast. As Cyrus moved a little, Priya awoke and stretched, allowing more of the blanket to slide off and expose the swell of both her breasts and her large nipples. She opened her large eyes and stared at Cyrus, revealing her sensual emotions.

"Hey baby." Cyrus said as he caressed her. "What an afternoon."

"You can say that again." Priya lay sideways and propped herself up on her elbow. "I have never felt so passionate in my life. Even when we were together earlier."

"I agree. Apart from all the physical satisfaction, there was a whole lot more. A completely different connection. Of a much much higher level." Cyrus said. "It was metaphysical." They laughed

They kissed for a few minutes before Priya pulled away. "What time is it? Aren't all these guys coming over?"

"Fuck. It's nearly seven. I don't know what time they're coming, but we better get ready and get sorted for cooking."

Priya and Cyrus showered together, and after controlling a strong urge to fuck each other in there, they quickly dressed and cleaned up the room, leaving no trace of what had transpired earlier. They were not ready for their friends to find out about the two of them just yet.

Cyrus went to the kitchen to marinate some meat for the barbecue while Priya prepared some vegetables to grill. Cyrus put on the stereo and played some soft lounge music and poured them both a beer to start off the evening with. They teased each other while casually chatting about Cyrus' trip, as he went into some detail of his apprenticeship.

"Hey, you forgot something I think?" Priya stood with her hands on her hips.

"What're you talking about? You mean your gifts?"

"No, although you got me some gifts? That's sweet of you. I'm talking about some detailed narration of certain.... You know... events that took place."

Cyrus laughed. "Oh that."

"Yes, that." Priya playfully reprimanded him

"Later tonight baby." He came over and gave her a juicy kiss on the lips. Just then, the doorbell rang.

"They're here."

As Cyrus opened the door, Rahul rushed in and gave him a hug and a firm slap on the back. "Good to see you buddy. Fuck, it's been long." He looked Cyrus up and down. "You haven't really fattened up. Been experiencing a bit too much physical activity I think."

"Typical." Cyrus laughed. "Yeah, way too much." He gave Rahul a look that said he wasn't joking.

"This is Nandana." He introduced a cute and petite girl who was standing behind them.
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 04:55 PM

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