Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
He finished updating his journal with events from the past couple of days, organized his photographs, packed his bags and got ready for his last visit to a vineyard. After a quick lunch at the lodge, he drove about fifteen minutes to the Stonecroft Vineyard, considered to be one of the most highly appreciated vineyards in the region, where had booked an appointment for 2:30 to join a small group of four people to sample and learn about their wines and gbangs.

Promptly, at 2:20, Cyrus pulled into the beautiful estate with its rolling hills much like those in Tuscany, and admired his surroundings for a few moments before entering the cellar. It was located in a small brick, barn-like structure, and the inside was warmly decorated with teak wood, and filled with the aromas of gbangs and wine. He was walking around, reading the different labels, when someone came up to him,

"Hi there. Are you here for the 2:30 slot?"

"Uh. Hi. Yes, I am. I'm Cyrus Mistry."

"Hi Cyrus, I'm Jane. I'll be showing you around today and telling you all about our wines. The others are here, so we'll start in a few minutes. So hang around and I'll call you when we're ready."

"Great, thanks so much." He found a chair to sit on while he waited.

"Uh, hi. Excuse me." He heard a lady in a very distinct and familiar Indian accent. "Are you from India?" He turned to face a beautiful lady, perhaps in her late thirties or early forties, with dusky skin and distinct Indian features sitting in a chair a few meters to his right.

"Hi. Yes I am." He looked at her a little confused, wondering how she knew.

"Just heard you speaking to Jane. You said your name was Cyrus Mistry, and you definitely sounded like you are from India." She gave Cyrus the warmest smile.

"Well, yes indeed. I'm from Bombay."

"Me too." She stood up and came and sat next to Cyrus. "I'm Anusha." She seemed very enthusiastic and excited at the coincidence as she stuck her hand out to Cyrus.

"Nice to meet you Anusha." Her warm friendliness and gorgeous features definitely sparked his enthusiasm, not to mention the fact that she seemed to be alone. Her smile was the first thing he noticed in the few seconds in which they had introduced themselves to each other. Now, while they chatted, he noticed her lustrous and rich black shoulder-length hair that was fashionably styled, perfectly framing a delicately featured face with large almond-shaped eyes, a petite nose and full lips. He couldn't tell much about her body being seated, which was dbangd in a linen dress that only exposed her well-toned calves with smooth dusky skin.

"So are you on holiday?" She asked the question he had heard so many times on this trip.

"Kind of." He answered vaguely before Jane interrupted their conversation.

"Ok everyone. We're ready to begin. I'm Jane and I'll be taking you through our selection of wines. At the end, we'll take you through a quick walk-around of the facilities." She walked behind the counter where she had lined up eight bottles with tasting glasses.

"We'll talk more later." Anusha stood next to Cyrus and whispered, giving him a view of her petite and slender figure. His attention was now definitely divided between her and the wine, but for the time being, he chose the wine.

They went through the eight different wines, learning about the different gbangs, their vintages and what they are best paired with; Cyrus and Anusha sharing their opinions on each as they went along. At the end of the tasting, they followed Jane to the production facility for a quick tour through the mostly traditional system before ending the tour in the shop.

"That was fun." Cyrus said. "And some pretty awesome wines too."

"Indeed. Some were excellent I thought."

"So you're here on a holiday?" He asked her

"Actually, I'm in the wine imports business in Bombay. Here on work. But fun work." She laughed.

"Wow, that's awesome ya. What a job."

"Ya, it's fun for sure. Tough and hectic, but good. Been in it for ten years now. What about you? On Holiday?"

"Actually, kind of. Ya. Back home I work with the family in our exports business. But I got really fed up of that. My passion is more in photography. So I'm taking a break. I traveled the North Island already and tomorrow I'm leaving for the South to join a group of photographers for two months as an apprentice."

"Oh cool.... That sounds like fun too ya."

"I'm sure it will be. Can't wait. So where are you staying?"

"I'm at this small cottage near Napier. Quiet little place. Quaint. I love it."

"Have you had a chance to travel around at all?"

"No. This is my first trip. Luckily I managed to spare five days after I'm done with work. I'm going to drive from here to Auckland and stop at a few places along the way before I fly out. I really want to see more though. I've heard so much." They wandered out of the shop and aimlessly walked around the property, chatting about their work, travel and wine.

As they walked, Cyrus continued to admire Anusha and her warm and charming demeanor. He still didn't know exactly how old she was, but was fairly certain she was a fair bit elder to him. Her dusky skin glowed in the sunlight, giving her a very exotic appeal. From whatever he could see of her, she was downright gorgeous, and especially so for her age.

"Anusha. I was wondering." Cyrus said when they were back at the parking lot. "Would you like to go into town, have a drink, dinner maybe? I can give you some recommendations on places to see along the way as well." He smiled, hoping he wasn't too forward, but then again, time wasn't on his side.

"Hmmm." She seemed hesitant. "I actually have another appointment at another vineyard Cyrus."

"Oh ok. No problem."

"But maybe I could meet you somewhere afterwards." She seemed to change her mind.

"Oh. Ya, that would be great." Cyrus seemed a little excited. "What time will you be done?"

"Let's meet at 8? It'll give me time to go back to my place and freshen up."

"Perfect. So 8 in Napier. Give your number and I'll call you when there, we'll coordinate where to meet."

They exchanged numbers and went their own way, only until 8 pm later that evening. Cyrus, in a state of heightened excitement drove back to his lodge and rested for a while. Anusha, in the mean time, finished her appointment with mostly Cyrus on her mind. She was divorced and hadn't been in young and stimulating male company in a long time, relieving any sort of sexual tension with only an occasional self-indulgence. Not that she was thinking that far ahead, but an assumption, or desire was not completely uncalled for. And now, she had the chance to spend an evening with a young, handsome and interesting young guy, and the possibilities were endless.
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 04:26 PM

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