Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
The cool air was refreshing as Cyrus walked along the water, watching the town now bustling with youngsters ambling around or heading into bars. He suddenly thought of Priya and decided to call her.

The phone rang several times before he heard her familiar peppy voice, "Cy!"

"Hey Pri! What's up?"

"Where are you? What're you doing tonight?"

"I just finished an amazing meal. Now walking along the water in this quiet town. Napier. Probably heading into a bar."


"As of now." He laughed

"I figured." She laughed. "I got your email. I wish I was there Cy."

"Me too darling. Really missing you tonight. What plans?"

"The gang's coming over. That's it. No one felt like stepping out into the chaos."

"That'll be fun. Say hi to everyone."

"Will do. Call you in a bit ok?"

"Sounds good."

"Ok. Bye"

He hung up, and as he continued to think about her, he wandered into a fun looking bar just attached to a swanky looking hotel. He walked around to check out the scene, first the outside then the inside, feeling just a little awkward to be there alone. He finally perched himself on a stool at the bar in the outside section, where the music was a little less loud and breeze was pleasant. He sat facing a large open window that ran across the length of the bar, where he could see the bar inside that ran along the same length.

In the mood for something stronger than beer, he ordered a mojito and scanned the area while he waited. The décor had a Mediterranean feel to it, with rough white walls, light wooden furniture, and gravel covering the ground outside. The inside was similar, except for the rough grey floor tiles, and the entire place was dimly lit with concealed lighting and candles. It was only around 10:30 and it was barely full, but the music was lively and the crowd seemed to be steadily pouring in.

The bartender served him his drink, and as he took a long sip, he nearly fell off the chair when he noticed the same lady from Craggy Range enter, walk past him towards the other end of the bar. She looked even more elegant, dressed in a long flowing dress that clung to her voluptuous figure like a glove. Her blonde hair was long and lustrous, cascading in gorgeous waves down her slender back, and gently bouncing as her body swayed towards the barstool, sitting down, alone, at least for the moment.

Cyrus continued to sip his drink while admiring her from the side of his eye, wondering what sort of luck and coincidence this was; bizarre to say the least. He was tempted to go over and speak to her immediately, but remained a little hesitant, not wanting to be too forward. He nevertheless turned towards her and gave her an occasional glance, trying not to be too obvious while hoping she would notice him.

Which she hadn't, at least that's what Cyrus thought. The bartender served her a drink, which she took, stood up and walked inside, leaving Cyrus a little disheartened as he had just about decided to go and speak to her. But then as luck would have it, she was back on her stool in a couple of minutes, and this time she did look over at him. Cyrus smiled and waited to gauge her reaction, and to his surprise, this time she actually smiled back. That was the cue he was waiting for as he slid off his stool and confidently waltzed over to her.

"Hi there. I'm Cyrus."

"Well, hello Cyrus." She said in the most elegant manner. Her voice was by no means soft and dainty, but rather sultry and seductive, full of passion. "I'm Leah." Cyrus now had a chance to admire her sophisticated beauty from up close. It was certain she was several years elder to him, but with a sophisticated radiance that possessed Cyrus instantly. With hardly any makeup on, her skin still looked fresh and young as it glowed in the dim light of the flickering candles. Her thick hair, which was now gathered and twirled around to cascade down her front, had a golden sheen to it.

"You were at Craggy Range earlier, weren't you?"

"Yes I was." She gave him a radiant smile. "I remember seeing you." She eyed him up and down, seemingly liking what she saw.

"Yes, was there for lunch and some tasting."

"Do you always stare at women like that?" She said, giving Cyrus a fright of his life. "Relax, I'm joking." She laughed.

"Oh, uh. Ok." Cyrus was at a loss for words.

"So are you here alone?" She asked almost out of formality, knowing well what the answer would be.

"Yes I am. And why is a beautiful lady like yourself alone tonight?"

"What makes you think I'm here alone?" She chuckled.

"Oh. Well I just saw you, so I... uhh..." He hesitated before she laughed and interrupted.

"It's ok. I am alone, unfortunately. So what brings you here alone then?"

"I'm actually visiting from India, alone. On kind of a career finding mission." He explained very vaguely. "I've been touring the North Island, and in a few days I go down to the South. And instead of sitting in my room alone, I decided to come out."

"Well, glad you decided to come out then. Grab a seat." They clinked glasses.

"So then how come you are alone?" He noticed a ring on her finger.

"Ah. My husband decided to travel just around this time. You see, he's this big winery owner and he was invited by one of his largest customers in China so he had to go." She said with quite a bit of resentment in her tone. "He's probably out humping some young little Asian doll as we speak." She downed the last of her drink and ordered another one.

"Oh. I see." Cyrus didn't know how to react to a stranger telling him about her apparently adulterous husband. He signaled the bar tender for another mojito. He also was a little disappointed at the fact that she was married. "Well, no reason you can't be out having a good time now."
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 04:23 PM

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