Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
He woke up early, and quickly realizing it was last day of the year, he was quite keen to do something at night. Over breakfast he first planned his day and would visit a couple of vineyards that were close to Blackridge. From the book he chose Red Barn, Te Mata, Craggy Range and Ashwell; Craggy Range being one of the largest and most popular. Then he called John for suggestions for the night,

"Hey, John. Good Morning."

"Hi Cyrus. Morning. How can I help you?"

"Just wanted some suggestions for a good place to go to tonight."

"Oh ya. Uhmm, let me see." He said, thinking for a few moments. "I highly recommend dinner at the Mission Estates Winery close to Napier. It's award winning and fabulous, and tonight they'll have something special for sure. After that you can hit a couple of bars on the Marine Parade, they should be pretty exciting."

"Ok, that sounds good."

"Would you like me to book a table for you? And perhaps, a chauffeur service?"

"Yes, actually, that would be great. Thanks a lot. Can you book the table for 8?"

"Sure, and I'll email you a confirmation."

"Thanks so much. Happy New Year in advance."

"Same to you. Have a nice day."

Cyrus showered and left to visit his first two vineyards, Red Barn and Te Mata, which offered spectacular Pinot Noirs and Sauvignon Blancs, both wines relatively new to Cyrus.

It was nearly 2 p.m. and Cyrus was famished by the time he reached Craggy Range. Before doing any more tasting, he decided to eat, and found a table on the beautiful wooden deck overlooking the vineyard. After the waiter took his order of white wine, salad and pasta, he switched on his laptop and continued to write in his journal as he waited.

Then he saw her. He happened to look up from his laptop, straight out in front of him to see her, seemingly staring at him through her sunglass covered eyes. She looked pretty from where he was seated, and he continued to glance in her direction, admiring her sophisticated demeanor, almost certain she was several years his elder. Her lustrous blonde hair was tied up, exposing the fair and creamy skin of her slender neck. She was dressed elegantly, in a khaki colored jacket and denims, with a pair of flat brown sandals. As she leaned back in her seat, her jacket parted to reveal a tight t-shirt that seemed to be filled up rather nicely at the chest, while the rest of her seemed pretty slim from what Cyrus could make out.

They looked at each other for a few seconds before she shifted her gaze and continued to sip on her glass of wine. Cyrus continued to stare for a few more moments, waiting for her to look back at him, for any sign of acknowledgement or interest. But with nothing coming his way, and with the risk of her being offended with his gawking, he finally turned back to his laptop till his food arrived. He closed the lid, and as he sipped his wine, he noticed the lady once again staring back at him. Cyrus smiled this time, but either it went unnoticed or she didn't seem to care as she turned her face and stared out somewhere else.

This visual exchange went on a few more times before she eventually stood up. It was then that Cyrus, in hopes of her coming up to him, noticed her gorgeous body in greater detail. Though his assumption of her slimness was true for her thin waist, the rest of her was artistically curvaceous, evident from her form-fitting denims. She was, by all means, voluptuous, as once again her jacket parted a little to display a full chest. But to Cyrus' dismay, she gave him a quick glance and walked towards the wine shop and disappeared.

Cyrus enjoyed the rest of his meal in solitude, with only a memory of her elegance branded in his mind. He had a thing for older women, and she had fit the bill more than perfectly. All he could do now was savor the image in his mind while his cock twitched in his pants.

He sampled the wines at Craggy Range, then at Askerne, and finally made his way back to his lodge by 4 p.m. He sat on the deck and turned on his laptop to find an email from John waiting for him.

Hi Cyrus,

I've booked a table for you at Mission Estates at 8:00 p.m. I've also arranged for a chauffeur to drive your car and asked him to reach you by 6:30. I suggest you walk around the town of Napier before dinner. The art-deco architecture there is fabulous. Have a great night.


Cyrus felt a little drowsy and decided to nap in the couple of hours he had available, to make sure he was fresh and ready for a hopefully fun evening ahead of him. His cell phone buzzed after what seemed like hours, jolting him out of a deep sleep,

"Uhh.. hello." He answered after several rings

"Hi Mr. Mistry. This is Shane, your driver."

"Oh, hi. Are you here?"

"Almost, just ten minutes more or so."

"What time is it?"


"Ok. Thanks. The door's open. Come in when you get here."

"Ok thanks Mr. Mistry."

Cyrus hung up and stretched in bed, wondering what Priya's plans were. It was so quiet and peaceful and he was almost in two minds to stay in. But deciding not to be boring, he jumped out of bed and went straight in for a hot shower, making a mental note to call Priya a little later.

He dressed smartly, in a pair of dark denims, shirt and jacket and though he was going out alone on New Year's Eve, he was somewhat excited, given the sort of luck he had been having over the past couple of months. As he stepped out of his bedroom, he noticed Shane reading a newspaper at the kitchen counter.

"Hi Shane I presume."

"Hi Mr. Mistry." Shane stood up.

"Please, call me Cyrus. I'm all set to go." Cyrus gave Shane the keys to his car.

"Ok Cyrus."

"So no plans for tonight?"

"No. I actually need the extra cash. So decided to work."

"In college?" Cyrus asked as he slid into the passenger seat.

"Yes. First year. Wow, this is an amazing ride. I'm not feeling so bad about working New Year's Eve after all." He laughed.

"Oh it's an amazing ride. And it's nice to be driven around for a change." Cyrus laughed as he looked out the window, quietly admiring the scenery as Shane drove out of the vineyard towards Napier.

They chatted along the half hour drive, until Shane pulled up near the town center.

"Ok. Here we are. I'll meet you back here at 7:45." Shane said. Cyrus had already told him about the plans for the night.

"Sounds good." Cyrus took his camera out and walked down one of the main streets. With a map in hand, he navigated the quaint and quiet town for an hour, admiring the pristine art-deco architecture before finding himself back at the center to meet Shane, who drove him to dinner.

Dinner was splendid to say the least, with a five-course tasting menu specially designed by the chef, using the freshest produce Cyrus had ever seen, along with a pairing of five of the vineyard's best wines. After the immaculate meal, he decided to walk a little before heading into a bar, and asked Shane to drop him off at the beginning of Marine Parade.
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 04:23 PM

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