Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
"Oh wow. So is that what you're planning on doing?"

"Ya, it's a hobby right now. But I think I want to become a professional photographer and documentary filmmaker."

"That's awesome. Sounds so fascinating."

"It's definitely a passion. Very fulfilling. Stimulating." He replied, sipping his wine, and noticing Jessica wasn't really involved in the conversation, staring out into space.

"When're you here until?"

"I just got here today, so 5 more nights?"

"It would be lovely to see some of your pictures. I love photography as well, but I'm a real novice."

"Oh, ya, sure. I'd love to show them to you." He was hoping he didn't sound too eager as his mind was excited at spending time with this gorgeous siren. "And what do you do back home?"

"I'm a graphic designer back in London."

"Oh, lovely. And you Jessica?"

"Same. We're work buddies actually." She smiled

"Cool. So when do you two leave?"

"5 nights, same as you. We drive to Auckland and then sadly back to the U.K." She looked disappointed. She turned to Cyrus with her lips bent downwards, looking so adorable.

"I know, this country is so amazing. Do you have anything planned the next few days?" He asked them, hoping he could spend more time with her, other than just showing her photos.

"Actually, we have a couple of things booked already for tomorrow and the day after. But the 17th and 18th we're free, right?" She turned to Jessica to confirm, who gave her a silent nod.

"Ok. So would you two join me? We could go for some walks, go kayaking, dinner and drinks maybe? It'll be fun. Seeing that we're all around the same age I suppose." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Um, ya I guess that would be cool?"

"Great. So anything in particular? I was just planning to ask Mitchell to suggest something."

"Ya, that's a good idea actually. Ask him, see what he says, then let us know. We're cool with anything." She said, with a broad smile on her face. She seemed as excited as Cyrus was. "So where in the South are you going to visit?"

"I'm not sure as yet. The group hasn't sent me the detailed itinerary but they warned me it's going to be hectic and very extensive. I'm hoping it's everything."

"Oh it's such a phenomenal country. Small but packed to the brim with natural diversity and beauty."

"I've only just scbangd the surface, but whatever I have seen has been so impressive. Every turn you take there seems to be a surprise waiting."

"India must be pretty as well?"

"It is. But it's also got a lot of shit associated with it. Population, garbage, pollution. Especially the cities. But ya certain parts of the country are stunning. And fairly raw still, which is kind of nice."

"Some day I'll visit. We're quite the adventurous lot, so I'm sure we'd enjoy it."

Cyrus laughed. "It would be an adventure all right. In many many ways."

Just then Mitchell walked in to inform everyone that dinner was ready.

"Hey, I'm going to the loo. I'll see you at the table." Jessica said

"Ok, no worries."

"She doesn't say much, does she?" Cyrus asked, as they walked to the dining room.

"She's usually very different. She's in a bad frame of mind today. She just heard that her boyfriend was cheating on her the past whole month that we've been here. So she's obviously really pissed off and upset. And no offence, but a little off mood with the guys."

"Aah. Totally understandable." They entered the dimly lit room, with one large and long common table, made from gorgeous mahogany wood, and set with simple and elegant cream-colored dinnerware.

Cyrus and Brianna sat next to each other and as Jessica came, she picked a seat opposite them. Soon, the wine flowed, as the guests enjoyed the sumptuous dinner and dessert, narrating stories of their time in New Zealand and other travel experiences. Cyrus and Brianna continued to chat, getting to know each other and really hitting it off, while Jessica remained quiet for the most part, engaging in brief conversation only when required.

They finished dessert and moved to the living room for some coffee. "Hey, Brianna, do you two smoke?"

"Ya, once in a while. Wouldn't mind one now though. Jessica?"

"Ya, would love one actually."

"Let's go out in the balcony." As they stepped out, a cool breeze hit them. The sky was absolutely clear, and even with the dim glow from the lodge, they could see millions of stars.

"Just look at that. Amazing huh?" Cyrus said as he stared up. "I really find it fascinating."

"I know. The concept of the universe boggles my mind." The three of them quietly stared upwards as they finished their smokes.

"Hey, Cyrus." Brianna said, turning to him. "It was great meeting you tonight. Unfortunately, we have to call it a night, we have to be up pretty early tomorrow. We're going for a long trek. But I'm really looking forward to seeing you again."

"Same here. I had a lovely time tonight." He said and as he leaned in to give her a hug, he felt her ample bust pushing against his chest, and a delicate fragrance wafting from her gorgeous hair. He couldn't wait to see her again, and for now had to do with this quick hug.

"Good night Cyrus." She said with a wink, before Jessica and she skipped off to their cottage.

"Good night." Cyrus stood, staring at her cute ass as she scampered off. He slowly made his way back to his cottage, washed up and in a state of reverie, got into bed and passed out.

He woke up early the next morning, excited for the day the lodge had planned for him. After a long and hot shower, and a hearty and delicious gourmet breakfast, he boarded the lodges' helicopter for a private trip around the area. For 3 hours, Matthew the pilot flew Cyrus around the Taupo region and the three volcanoes, sweeping the chopper close to the mountains and through several gorges, before they finally skimmed along the surface of the river back to the lodge.

This was followed by an equally exhilarating speedboat ride with Tanya, the captain, who expertly maneuvered the state of the art speedboat upstream, swerving past rocks and gorges, with occasional 360 degree spins. Cyrus even had a chance to let the boat loose in a part of the river which was fairly open and wide.

The day of adventure finally came to an end with a short walk to a stunning and completely secluded waterfall just a little upstream from the lodge. Throughout the day, Cyrus had a chance to click some very interesting photographs, and was sure Scott and the team in the South would appreciate some of this work.
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 04:16 PM

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