Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
He finally put it down, realizing his efforts to read were in vain, and jumped in for a shower to wash off the oils. Feeling revitalized from the massage and fresh after the shower, he dressed in casual linen attire, sprayed his cologne, put on his leather sandals and made his way to the main lodge. He could see the sun dipping to the west, beginning to cast a light pink hue in the late evening sky when his thoughts drifted to Priya. He made a mental note to call her at some point in the next couple of days.

The deep wood of the lodge glowed beautifully with the spotlights that had been turned on. As he entered, the main area had been dimly lit, a small fire was ablaze in the stone fireplace and a piano concerto flowed from speakers in the ceiling. A couple of guests were already there, scanning the bookshelves and the room, chatting with each other.

Mitchell entered a few minutes later, "Oh, good evening Cyrus. How was your massage?"

"Fantastic. I feel amazing. Thanks."

"Great. Well, make yourself at home. We're expecting about 5 more people." He said and turned to greet an elderly couple. Cyrus scanned the library and the interesting array of books before greeting the elderly couple.

"Hi there." He extended his hand out to the elderly gentleman. "I'm Cyrus."

"Hello Cyrus, Rob Fleming. This is my wife, Roz." He pointed to a sweet, grandmotherly type old lady, with a beaming smile.

"Hi Cyrus, nice to meet you. So where are you from? Roz asked, shaking his hand.

"From Mumbai, India. How about you?"

"Oh, Mumbai. Wow. We were in India for 4 months last year, it was lovely. We had such a fabulous time." Roz was a very peppy and chirpy old lady. "We're actually from just a little outside of London, near a town called Bray."

"Ah, ya, I've heard of Bray." Just then, another group of guests entered and made their way towards Cyrus.

"Hello there." A middle-aged man, almost aristocratic and very sophisticated in nature, greeted them with a warm smile. "James Worthington."

"Hello, I'm Cyrus."

"Nice to meet you Cyrus, I'm Melanie Worthington." He assumed the elegant and pretty lady was James' wife. "This is our friend Scott." She pointed to another middle-aged man walking towards them.

All six of them chatted for a while, making small talk about where they came from, what they did and so on. Cyrus was particularly fascinated with James' story of his friends in England who were into photography and documentary films.

They stood around and chatted for some time, sipping their wine and nibbling on some delicious cheese and crackers, when Cyrus noticed the two women who had just walked in. They looked young, probably close to his age, and very pretty, one of them catching is eye in particular. They spoke to Mitchell for a few minutes before making their way to the bar and greeting Roz, who had gone to refill her drink. He decided it would be a good time to refill his glass and have the opportunity to speak to someone of his age, especially two beautiful ladies.

As he walked, he noticed both of them more carefully. The one on the left was beautiful, slender and petite. She wore a tight blouse that accentuated what seemed like medium sized breasts, her tight denims hugged her slim waist and hips, and her medium length black hair was tied up neatly in a ponytail to clearly display her sharp facial features.

The one to the right really caught Cyrus' attention. She was a little taller, and though she seemed fairly lean and slender, she had some exotic looking curves that were evident from her form fitting clothes. Her body hugging half-sleeve shirt filled out nicely at her chest, and her tight denims accentuated her hips and slender legs. Her long and wavy brown hair was beautifully styled with a few strands covering the right side of her face, as the rest flowed down her side. As Cyrus moved closer, she flicked her hair back to reveal her piercing green eyes that stood out on her divine face. She had sharp features with a small but pointy nose, full lips that spread from side to side as she smiled, and slightly high cheekbones. As he got even closer, he noticed her flawless olive toned skin, glowing without the presence of little makeup, if any at all. She was stunning to say the least.

"Oh, hi Cyrus." Roz said as he approached the three women. "Finally someone your age in a hotel full of oldies like us." She said to the two girls.

The one on the right was staring deeply into Cyrus' eyes as he greeted her, "Hi, I'm Cyrus," returning her gaze.

"I'm Brianna and this is Jessica." She turned to her friend on her right. "Nice to meet you." She extended her hand. Cyrus shook her soft palms and then Jessica's.

"Can I get anyone a drink?" He asked as she stepped to the bar.

"How's the red wine?" Brianna turned to ask him.

"It's really good actually."

"Um, ok, I'll try a glass. Jessica?"

"Ya, same for me. Thanks."

"Roz?" He asked

"No thanks. I'm all set, thanks. You kids carry on, I'll go see what my husband's up to."

Cyrus offered them their glasses and has his refilled. "She reminds me of a grandmother, she's so sweet. But she's right, it's nice to meet someone closer to my age in this place."

"You know," Brianna took a sip of her wine and turned to face Cyrus. "I had heard this place attracts mostly the elderly elite."

"Well, we're neither elderly, and I don't know about you, but I'm certainly not elite."

"Oh, we're totally elite." Brianna said sarcastically and laughed. "Actually, Jess and I had initially planned to only bag pack around for a month. But my uncle told me about his reservation here he couldn't make it for, which he gave to us for free. So we re-planned our trip a little so we could definitely make use of. Lucky lottery."

"Wow. Most certainly. Of what I've seen, this place is heaven."

"It's so amazing here, but to be honest, a little boring and too proper." Jessica said.

"I'd still take it." Brianna laughed. "But I agree, it can be a little boring. But maybe things have changed." She looked at Cyrus with a cheeky grin.

"Oh really now. Maybe I have to agree with you." Cyrus smiled back. "So where have you been to so far?"

"We were mostly around Queenstown and the Fiords, doing all the walks and what not. We spent a few days on Stewart Island and then flew up here."

"Oh, How was Stewart Island?"

"Unreal. It's really underrated actually. More people should go. What about you?"

"Actually I am planning on going."

"No, I mean, where have you been to?"

"Oh, I started up in the far north, then Bay of Islands, Corromandel, Bay of Plenty, Rotorua and now here. It's been a month and a half already and another 2 or so to go."

"Ok, so I suppose you don't work, and you are amongst the elite." She laughed

Cyrus laughed. "I'm sort of taking a break and figuring some things out."

"Nice way to do that. Travel for 4 months, stay in ultra luxury like this. Not bad I must say."

"Ya, I am sort of pampering myself."

"So what did you do back home? Where are you from by the way?"

"Mumbai, India. We have a family business. Exports. A typical Indian trading business. But I got real sick of that. Completely not my thing. I'm actually here doing a lot of photography. And after the north, I'm going down to the South Island and spending 2 months with a group of professional photographers on a project."
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 04:16 PM

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