Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
"Aaaaaaahhh ffffuccccckkk yesssss... yessss.. yesss!" He moaned, collapsing on top of her, as it erupted. His hips bucked, his cock frantically twitches as he began shooting his hot semen deep inside her wet pussy. He pumped in and out in short thrusts, squeezing his muscles to deliver every last drop into her before lowering his head onto her breasts.

Both of their bodies continued to spasm as the last of their orgasms subsided deep inside them. They lay in an entangled embrace for several minutes on the couch, their sweaty bodies clinging to each other, having experienced yet another intense and potent climax together. Jenny was panting, her chest rising up and down as Cyrus' head lay nestled in the comfort of her spongy breasts. She wrapped her hands around Cyrus and held him close, her heart still beating in double time.

"Ohh Cyrus. Baby. Oh baby. Amazing." She panted.

Cyrus sat up onto his knees and stared down at her spent body spread across the sofa, looking as divine and angelic as ever. Her chest heaved up and down, her hair lay spread across the armrest, and her eyes burned with satiated desire. Slowly, his cock began to soften and slipped out of her sticky pussy, a few gobs of his come trickling out of her slit.

Jenny sat up, her breasts jiggling a little before taking their rounded shape once again. She neatened up her rumpled hair and tied it back up in a bun, all along Cyrus gazing at her.

"What?" She asked him

"Nothing. It's just you. I can't help it." They both laughed.

"Be right back darling." She jumped off the sofa to go and clean up. Cyrus, in the meantime, moved off the sofa and crawled into bed, enjoying the feeling of lying down on a comfortable mattress. He stared at the ceiling, replaying the last half hour or so in his mind, unable to get over Jenny in all aspects; her beauty, her passion, her lust.

"Don't get too comfortable." Jenny jumped onto the mattress next to Cyrus. "I'm not done with you."

"Who said I was done with you?" Cyrus teased her, wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her onto him.

Their naked bodies wrestled around the large bed, entwined in each other, feeling the warmth of their skin rubbing against one another. Cyrus felt her breasts push against him as they rolled around, engaged in a passionate kiss, once again commencing a sultry coital dance. Jenny let her hair loose, cascading down her lithe body as she explored Cyrus' every sensitive spot, before expertly using her mouth around his shaft, making him ready once again. Cyrus, in the meantime, explored every sensual curve of her seductive body, paying particular attention to her bosom, before tasting her sweet nectar seeping from her tight folds.

Once both had reached extreme levels of arousal, they engaged in the final stage of their coital dance, experimenting in several different positions, before bringing each other to their ultimate shattering climaxes of the night. Utterly satiated and completely spent, Jenny and Cyrus feel asleep in each other's arms, not knowing nor caring what time it was.

They slept blissfully till the early morning sunlight peered through the window. They were curled up under the blanket, with Cyrus' body pressed against hers from the back, their warm skin stuck to each other. As the sunlight splashed her face, she woke up with a slight jolt.

"Shit, what time is it?"

"Huh. What?" Cyrus stirred a little, and in his daze he mumbled something incoherently.

"Cyrus, I better get back to my room. I don't want to get caught up here." She said, jumping out of bed and fumbling around for her clothes. Quickly putting them back on, she gave Cyrus a quick kiss. "Meet me at breakfast in a couple of hours ok? I have some plans for us." She stroked his cheek and rushed out of the room quietly.

Cyrus instantly fell back into a deep sleep, turning around to face away from the sunlight. He dreamed of Jenny and her body, her hair, her breasts and how he had enjoyed each and every part of her the night before. Finally, he woke up around 9; his mind a little fuzzy and his body still a little stiff. He threw off the blanket, allowing the cool breeze trickling in to caress his naked body, as he stared out of the window for several minutes.

He suddenly remembered that Jenny had mumbled something about breakfast and some plans to him before she snuck out this morning, and this encouraged him to jump out of bed. He had a hot shower to relax his body and mind, changed into some fresh clothes and reached downstairs just in time to catch breakfast.

"Ah, good morning Cyrus." Michael was clearing a table as Cyrus walked in.

"Hey Michael. Morning. How're you?"

"Absolutely perfect. How was the island trip?"

"Oh Michael. Firstly, thanks so much for organizing it. It was incredible. I hadn't imagine diving here was so nice."

"Ya. It's certainly not tropical, but there's some nice stuff down there huh."

"Sure is." Cyrus poured himself a large mug of coffee and a bowl of cereal and milk.

"I hope Jenny has been a good host?" Michael asked, as Cyrus was just about to put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. To avoid choking, he had to stop short, and tried not to grin too obviously.

"Oh, most definitely. She's told me about quite a lot of stuff. I hope to do as much as I can today. Especially the Coromandel Forest." He obviously left out details about Jenny having some plans.

Just then, a beautiful, statuesque lady walked into the dining room, gliding towards Michael and Cyrus. "Oh, Cyrus, meet my wife, Danielle. Danielle, this is Cyrus, from India."

"Well, hello Cyrus. Very nice to meet you. Hope you're having a pleasant stay?"

"Absolutely. Having a wonderful time." It was tough to control himself from admiring her beauty. It was now clearly evident where Jenny got most of her stunning looks from. Danielle was tall and slender, with a similar body structure as Jenny's. The age had added a couple of extra pounds, but nothing drastic, making her still look like an absolute divine lady. She too had thick blonde hair, tied in a ponytail that flowed just a little past her shoulders, with a few errant strands forming a frame around her face, accentuating her sharp blue eyes, full lips and pert nose. Lower down her body, her tight t-shirt clearly displayed her ample round breasts, perched high on her chest. Her jeans curved around her rounded hips, which descended into a pair of long legs. Danielle was exactly what Jenny would become in the future.

"Great. Well have a lovely stay." Cyrus peeled his eyes off and focused on his breakfast before he embarrassed himself. Just then, Jenny came prancing into the room, and this time, Cyrus had to fight much harder to keep his head down. "Oh, you've already met Jenny I think?"

Cyrus didn't even bother looking up from his breakfast, because if he did, he would've been thrown out of the lodge.

"Yeah, we met. I went up to give him the brochures and tell him about the area." Jenny thankfully replied, saving him from babbling some bullshit.

"Well, let either of us know if you need anything at all." Danielle said, as she turned to leave.
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 04:02 PM

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