Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
"Hi, morning Arianna."

"Hey, good morning Cyrus." She said, turning around to finally give Cyrus a better look at her. She looked incredible in a body-hugging yellow collared t-shirt, stretching across what seemed to be a lean torso and medium size, nicely rounded breasts. Her top two buttons were undone, stretching the material apart to give him a modest view of her not so modest cleavage. Her hair was covered by a bandana, with a few wisps poking out from the behind her ears and neck. She was a combination of adorable and hot, in a way that made Cyrus' blood flow faster through his veins.

"You look nice." He said modestly. "Look all set to conquer that forest."

"Thanks." She giggled.

They had a hearty breakfast of cereal, fruits and eggs, and made sure they had enough sustenance to carry them through the day. After a last cup of coffee, they got their things together and left the house.

"We can go in my car." Cyrus offered.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Come on, jump in."

"Nice car." She said as she climbed into the passenger seat.

It was a short, 45-minute drive to the parking area for the forest. It was a fairly protected area, and only had one parking area, with one entrance to the walking path. As Cyrus parked, they got their things and stepped out.

"Cyrus, can I ask you to help me with some sunblock. On my back and shoulders?" She gave him a naughty smile.

"Uh, yes, for sure." He took the lotion from her and squeezed some out into his palm. Arianna bent her head forward and moved her hair aside as Cyrus rubbed the lotion into her soft skin, running his hands across her firm back and shoulders.

"Mmmm... thank you. Much easier when someone does it for you. And much nicer." She snickered. After he was done rubbing the lotion, he applied some on his face and arms. "Hopefully the path is a little quiet today."

"Ya, that would be nice." Cyrus said, wondering what she had in mind. They already seemed to be casual with each other, and Arianna seemed to be fairly comfortable around him.

It was supposed to be a fairly easy, more or less flat walk which would be about 4 hours round trip. The park did occasionally get crowded, as one of the popular things to see were a few trees that were supposed to be some thousand odd years old. Cyrus hoped today was not one of those crowded days.

They began the walk, along the path, towards the deep forest. The first kilometer or so was through a fairly sparse growth, before the real dense part began. Cyrus had his camera out and ready to take interesting pictures.

"So you're interested in photography?" Arianna asked him, not yet knowing his passion for it.

"Oh ya. I absolutely love it. In fact, I'm now leaning towards making it a career."

"Oh really?" She said in a very excited tone. "So then you probably understand it really well."

"Well, I guess. Still loads to learn, but ya, I know the basics fairly well."

"I've been wanting to take it up as a hobby actually. Can you show me a few things? I really find it interesting."

"Ya, sure." He said, wondering whether she genuinely found it interesting or just said it so she could flirt a little with him. He didn't care, either which way, he was enjoying spending time with her, more and more.

As they walked, he took some very interesting shots and showed them to Arianna, explaining to her the meaning of shutter speed, aperture, lighting, exposures and the importance of composition. She even tried her hand at some pictures, and turned out that she truly was interested and was already fairly decent.

Cyrus and Arianna had hit it off pretty well and already had a very casual and playful rapport. On several occasions along the walk, they intentionally brushed each other's shoulders, or quite blatantly held each other's arms, and at some points even walked with their arms around each other, laughing and thoroughly enjoying their time together.

Cyrus taught her several things about photography, and Arianna listened intently. They walked the path, through the dense forest and stopped for several minutes at the cluster of old trees. The lighting deep in the forest beautifully came through the openings, casting a glow on the trees, enabling them to take some very interesting shots.

Cyrus even managed to get Arianna to pose for him. The lighting made her look even more gorgeous as the sunlight bounced of her bronze skin, allowing him to take some beautiful pictures of her.

They continued through the forest, following the winding path. Luckily the walk was not very crowded, passing only a few people along the way. By 1, they were back at the starting point, walking out of the forest towards the car.

"That was so much fun." Arianna said, as she skipped a little ahead of Cyrus. Turning around, she said, "I'm really looking forward to our cooking session."

"I know. I can't wait." And he barely could. "Do you know what we're cooking yet?"

"No clue. What sort of stuff do you like to generally cook."

"I guess Mediterranean would be what I cook most. Maybe categorized as modern European. Basically, no fuss, not overly fancy, hearty home-style stuff. What about you?"

"Similar I guess. A lot of grilling, salads, things like that. Using great Australian produce."

"Maybe you've heard of Jamie Oliver?"

"Yes, of course."

"I love his style and his philosophy. And Curtis Stone surely?"

"Of course. My favorite. He's so cute." She laughed.

"You girls." He shook his head and smiled

"Got some ideas for tonight?" She asked, as she walked beside him with her arms wrapped around his.

"Let's grill or bake some fish?"

"Sounds good. And a soup and salad?"


They reached the car after a lovely walk through a gorgeous forest. They splashed some water on their faces, freshened up and jumped in. They drove back discussing about food, recipes, chefs, making them hungry.

"Want to stop for a quick bite, all this talk about food is getting me hungry." Cyrus said

"I know, me too. Let's get a sandwich or something. Not too much."

"Cool." He said. Cyrus stopped at a small café alongside the road, and after a quick bite they drove back to the house. Kathy was sitting on the porch reading a paper as they pulled up.
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 03:57 PM

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