Misc. Erotica Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay
Michelle stopped the boat and dropped anchor somewhat further out into the harbor and stepped out onto the deck. "Little earlier than expected. We have a couple of options." She said as she sat by his side. "We can go for a walk on the Whangamumu track, up that hill over there," pointing towards the small hill behind the little village, "and see a spectacular view of both sides. Or we could just hang out here, swim, relax, do whatever. I recommend at night we camp on the beach in some tents. It should be fun."

"Well, since there's light out for a while, let's do it all." He said enthusiastically.

"You're going to kill me." She laughed

He ran his hands up and down her thigh, "Oh come on. It'll be fun. We'll do a short walk, swim a bit then camp on the beach."

"Ok sir, whatever the guest wants."

So they got back into their raft and made their way to the shore. They tied the raft to a tree close to the water's edge, and walked towards the track. After 45 minutes and an easy hike up, they had reached the top, and Cyrus was speechless. On one side, he could see down to the harbor where they had anchored their boat, with views of clear blue water, and a vast expanse of ocean beyond. On the other side, Michelle told him they were looking at Parekura Bay, near where they would drop anchor the next day. He sat on a rock enjoying the views and taking a lot of photographs. The sun was dipping on the Parekura Bay side, creating a dramatic sky of shades of pink and orange.

"We better head back before it gets too dark. We still need to get our stuff from the boat." Michelle said as she began walking down the path. The walk down was a lot easier and in 30 minutes they reached the beach. They untied the raft and rowed back to the boat to get the tent, some food supplies, wine and clothes for the night. Though the requirement of clothes for the night would be fairly minimal.

By 8:00 they were back on the beach with all their stuff.

"Cyrus, do you mind pitching the tent? I'm going to run into the village to get a couple of things."

"Ya, sure thing. No problem." He said as he opened up the tent.

Once that was up, Cyrus went looking for some wood to build a fire. The beach was littered with hundreds of pieces of driftwood, and he picked up several small ones that were fairly dry. The camp was set up, and Cyrus began to light the fire when he saw Michelle walking towards him. Once again, she looked like a goddess, her skin glowing copper from the flickering light of the fire. Her blonde hair blowing lightly in the breeze, and her blue eyes sparkling as she came closer.

It was a little colder than the night before, and much to Cyrus' dismay, Michelle put on a light sweater, covering her bikini-clad boobs. Cyrus, in the meantime, had pulled on a pair of track pants and a light pullover himself, and sat around the fire watching Michelle.

"I love how your country is obsessed with the outdoors. I mean, everywhere you go, it's all about doing stuff in nature. It's the best."

"Why, India is such a big country. You don't do stuff outdoors?"

"India also has over a billion people. Mostly anywhere you go, you will find people. Or some farmer will come to object thinking you're encroaching on his land. Or some idiot security officer officer from the nearby town will bother you. Plus, so many places are not accessible, or they are crowded and dirty, or it's not safe. We sometimes go to the north of India, where there are some unbelievable places. But it's still different. Only a very very small percentage of people are into this kind of thing. Ironic, considering that nearly 75% of the population lives in somewhat of the outdoors."

"That's funny. So that's why I guess you all are so crazy about this stuff. I mean for me, though I absolutely love it and won't trade it for anything in the world, it's nothing new."

"True." He sipped his beer and they continued to chat. "Do you like visiting cities?"

"Sometimes. Depends on what city. London, Paris, New York, Rome. Something worthwhile."

"I agree."

"Hey, You know what Cyrus?" She said, as she was sorting through the supplies. "We forgot to eat lunch." They laughed.

"I was wondering why I'm so hungry."

"I'm going to get dinner ready. We just have a couple of cans of baked beans, some bread, cheese, and I think some fruit."

"That's fine. Here's a beer." He said as he threw her a can, and opened another beer and relaxed around the fire while Michelle got dinner ready. "You were right. This is amazing. I haven't camped in so long. And never on a beach."

"Good, I'm glad. I assure you it'll get better." She winked and giggled as she continued with the dinner preps.

His thoughts drifted to Bombay and Priya, wondering what she was doing. He did miss her and thought of how she would've loved camping on the beach. He thought about her on and off, and missed talking to her, joking with her. His thoughts also drifted back to his work, and how much he loved what he was doing now rather than sitting in an office all day long, dealing with bullshit issues. He knew this is what made him happy, and he was inching closer and closer to a new path in his life.

"Hello. Cyrus. You there?" Michelle tried to get his attention.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Was just lost in some thought."

"Dinner's ready, come and get it."

They ate a typical camp meal around the fire, with some music playing off Cyrus' iPod. He felt like he was transported back to the camps he went to from college.

"You want to go for a swim?" Michelle asked as she finished and cleaned up

"Isn't it a bit cold for that?"

"Oh come on. It'll be fun." She stripped before Cyrus could even think about what he wanted to do. Seeing her naked body, he couldn't resist, and within a minute his clothes were lying in a pile on the beach chair, and he was running towards the water behind her.
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RE: Cyrus' New Zealand Adventure by rd_bombay - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-02-2019, 03:53 PM

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