Misc. Erotica Meeta - the submissive training
Dinesh moaned as she worked on his cock. He looked up and she was dutifully milking his cock. Her eyes looked a bit tired, possibly, from the tears she shed. 

"That was good. The best!"

Meeta was glad he felt that she way. She enjoyed the second part with the fucking but what happened in the morning was not forgotten. Her ass still hurt from the thrashing.

"Did you learn a lesson though?" 


"Start working out. I will redo the test in 3 weeks."

She nodded.

"Let's go out somewhere. It is almost evening."

He got up and went for a shower. Meeta got up and felt her ass, which was tender. Her hands also wandered around her pussy and it was still a bit moist from the sex. She increasingly getting aware of her sexuality and she liked the sex. Some of the other stuff around it was however not that easy to swallow. Her mouth still tasted salty from his cum. She decided to shower in the other bathroom. 

The hot shower helped her to calm down but it hurt when water or soap came in contact with her ass. She closed her eyes and remembered the sight of the belt in his hands. As she got out of the shower, Dinesh was smartly dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. 

"I have selected the clothes for you." He indicated the nicely laid stack on the bed.

Meeta dried herself and looked at what she was supposed to wear. Dinesh had picked one of the short skirts and top to go with. There was bra next to it but no panties. She obediently dressed. She felt a bit naked, as she had not worn this skirt since the first time. Dinesh had made her go panty-less before but it was the first time in this small skirt.

"Can I wear my underwear? It feels a bit odd." She tried her luck but was not sure if he would agree.

"No. You don't get to wear panties this weekend. Plus I think you ass won't mind that as panties might hurt."

Meeta thought about that. It was partly right but she rather take the pain then go without panties. She did not say anything.

"Let's go out for a drink. It is a bit too early for dinner. We can then figure out what to do."

They got into the car. As she sat on the leather seats, Meeta winced. Her ass was getting sorer. Dinesh saw that.

"Sorry your ass had to take that. But you deserved it for disobeying me." 

Meeta kept quiet. Dinesh sensed the defiance in her silence.

"I think this will make sure you remember next time. Won't you?" Dinesh was trying to make her talk.

"Yes." She mumbled.

"Remember what?" Dinesh persisted.

"Not...to disobey you?" Meeta blurted out. She felt humiliated having to say it.

"We will get you drunk and you will forget that." Dinesh joked and pulled over into a parking lot. It was bar like place and was quite crowded. Meeta meekly walked behind him, making sure her skirt stayed low. The cool air and her lack of underwear was helping with her sore behind. 

They entered in and Dinesh went to the bar. There were couple of bar stools free and he got into one. Meeta maneuvered herself on it awkwardly. The hard stool caused her more pain and so she shifted uneasily trying to find the best spot. There was not one.


"I will have coke." She replied looking around nervously at all the people, wondering if they knew her state of undress.

"A pint of Stella, a coke and a glass of white wine." Dinesh ordered. The bar lady was busy juggling the different drink orders and Meeta looked at her in awe. She got the beer first and the followed it by the wine. 

"This wine is for you. I have also ordered coke. The wine will help you relax and also with the pain in your naughty bum." Meeta quickly looked around to see if anyone heard that. 

"Don't worry. Plenty of women get spanked by their husbands." Dinesh had no idea if that was true but neither did Meeta. Couples do practice such relationships and in some cases it is also forced on the wife. What they were doing was closer to the latter. 

"Do they?" Meeta got a bit curious.

"Well...it is not that common but at the same time it does happen. I think it is a good way to run the relationship. I will take care of you and make sure all your needs are satisfied. But at the same time you need to give up some control and let me decide things."

"Yes. But I don't like it." The waitress bought her coke and she took a sip.

"Off course, no one likes having their bum spanked. You just need to behave and remember that if you get me angry, your bum pays the price."

Meeta stayed quiet. The message was loud and clear. She disagreed but did not know how to counter argue. Dinesh took a long sip of the beer.

"Have some wine. So what made you disobey?"

Meeta took a sip of the wine and it actually felt ok. Just like other things she was getting used to the alcohol.

"I don't know." She replied.

"You know. You just can't say it. Think again."

"I did not like it and thought you would understand."

"Understand what?"

"That I did not like it."

"It is good for you. You are at home all day with little to no activity."

She nodded. That part was true. She switched to the wine. It was working well. Dinesh finished his beer and ordered another. 

"Do other wives exercise?" 

"Yes. There are gyms here as well if you are interested."

"Does Anju exercise?" She was the only person she knew here.

"I don't know. She might. Speaking of her, did you meet again after that." 

"No. Only once."

"What did you talk?"

"Just the usual stuff."

"Did she ask any private questions? She is a bit nosy."

"Not much. She asked about how I was adjusting etc." Meeta did not want to divulge any more.

"Next time you speak to her ask about the exercise and you can also ask her what she feels about me forcing you to do it."

Meeta was surprised at how close Dinesh was to knowing what actually happened. She took a long sip of the wine.

"One more?" Dinesh asked.

She nodded. 

"One more wine, please."

Meeta shifted in her seat.

"Let's go somewhere comfortable." Dinesh took the beer and wine and got up. Meeta did the same and the cool air returned to soothe her ass. She felt good and did not want to sit again. Dinesh was right about not wearing panties.

They walked around the place and found a nice quiet corner with a more comfortable couch. This was much better than the barstool.

"Better on your bum?" Dinesh joked.

Meeta smiled back.

"So what else did you and Anju talk about?"

"Nothing else. Cooking etc." She partly lied.

"Cooking, really? Anju hardly cooks." 

"She..." "She was asking me about my cooking." Meeta stammered trying to cover her lie.

"I think you are hiding something from me. You girls were gossiping." Dinesh laughed.

"Did she ask about our sex life?" 

"Yes." Meeta decided to say the truth.

"But I was not comfortable talking about it and so we did not talk much."

"Nosy girl!!"

"Did she tell you to disobey me?" Dinesh was fishing a bit. He was not sure but it felt that Meeta was not telling him everything.

"What do you mean?" Meeta shot back but could not hide the nervous tone.

"I don't know but maybe she is partly to blame for your what happened to your bum."

Meeta went quiet. Dinesh hit the nail on the head.

"She did. Didn't she?"

"Yes." Meeta looked down on her glass of wine.

"That nosy interfering bitch." Dinesh laughed.

"Poor you." 

Meeta agreed. She was the poor one, caught between  Anju and a belt wielding husband.

"She deserves a spanking." Dinesh took another sip of the beer.

Meeta was shocked to hear that. Would Dinesh spank her?

"Next time you speak to her. Tell her about what happened. You also tell her that I was angry and spanked you."

"No. I don't want to tell her that."

"You will. " Dinesh used his strict tone of voice.

"No. Please don't make me do that. It is weird telling her that."

"Trust me that will help. You don't need to give her all the details."

"OK." Meeta agreed.

He hugged her and gave her a kiss. 

"Good girl."

Dinesh wanted to see how Anju reacted to that. She was playing a game with him via his wife. Dinesh knew juicy secrets about Anju from their college days. Secrets that Anju's husband Adam did not know. Because of that Dinesh held the power in their relationship and Anju hated that. He felt sorry for Meeta who was now caught in this proxy battle. But it was fun and it added a new twist to his domination of Meeta.

Meeta finished her 2nd wine and was feeling it. Dinesh had another beer and was enjoying the conversation and the occasional feel up her skirt. He also flicked her pussy from time to time making her shudder a bit. They then got up and decided to have dinner. Dinesh took her to a nice sandwich place. As they were eating, Dinesh ran into one of his friend. 

"Hey Dinesh." The guy exclaimed. He had another person with him.

"Hi Praveen." Dinesh replied and shook his hands.

"So you back from India. And is this is your wife?"

"Yes, I got back a month ago. This is my wife Meeta. Meeta, this is Praveen, a friend whom I went to college with."

"Hello." Meeta said. Praveen smiled back. Meeta also observed that the other guy was staring at her legs. This made her uncomfortable. 

"This is  Ravi, my roommate." Praveen introduced him.

"So how is marriage treating you?" Praveen asked.

"Nice. Have a lovely wife." Dinesh put his arms around her shoulder.

"I can see that." Praveen joked. Ravi was still starting at her. They ate together and talked about random things like football, cricket, a movie etc. Meeta kept quiet except for the occasional nod of agreement.

"She is a bit shy. Isn't she?" Praveen asked.

"A little bit but mainly because of the new country, people etc. I am trying to open her up and teach her a few tricks" Dinesh joked and put his hands on her thighs. Meeta was a bit embarrassed because they could all see her skirt ride up a bit. 

The sandwiches were done quickly and Praveen and his friend left.

"He is an ok guy. Not a close friend." Dinesh explained to her.

"The other guy was strange. He kept looking at me." Meeta offered her observation.

"Yes, I noticed that. One of those people who struggles to talk to women but does not mind staring. "

"He is weird. I did not like him."

"Well you are worth looking at." Dinesh leaned and kissed her. 

"But I might hide you from him next time."

It was getting close to 8.00 PM. It was getting a bit cold as well. Meeta had totally forgotten about her lack of panties and also the punishment this morning. The wine did help. They walked by a cake shop.

"Do you want something sweet?" 

"Yes. Sure."

They entered. The place had lots of different cakes and they offered a taster of them. Meeta and Dinesh tried a few. Meeta liked one of them very much and exclaimed.

"That is great. I love it." 

"That is a cheesecake."

"I want it."

"Sure, let's take them home." They ordered a few cakes and drove back home. 

"Why did we not eat here?" Meeta asked.

"I have a plan." 

Meeta was getting afraid of his plans but stayed quiet.

As they got home, Dinesh said.

"Let me toss a coin and that will decide who gets to eat the cakes first." 

"Ok, why can't we eat together?"

"You will know soon. Your call."

"She called heads and it came tails." 

"I get to eat first."

Meeta was visibly disappointed.

"You want to eat the cake, don't you?"

She nodded and smiled.

"You want to eat it first?" 


Dinesh started removing his clothes to her surprise. 

"So this cake is quite easy to spread and my plan was to eat of each others bodies."

Meeta was not sure. She wanted to eat the cake but it felt odd. Dinesh was quickly naked. He then laid on the couch, opened one of the cake boxes and smeared his lips with the cake.

"Start here." 

Meeta got the idea and tried to lick his lips. The cake was delicious and so quickly ravished it. She looked up to Dinesh for seconds. Dinesh now applied the cake to his chest. Meeta got the idea and instinctively knew that she was going to have to eat it of his cock as well. 

She licked the cake off his chests. The third serving went down further and was by his belly button. Meeta adjusted herself on her knees. His cock was getting hard and she moved it away to get access to the cake. The cake was really good and so she was licking it off quickly.

"Now the final serving." Dinesh tool all of the cake and smeared it on his cock and thighs.

"Make sure this area is completely cake free." He applied a little bit of cake to her face.

Meeta got back to work, licking his balls and cock. His cock kept moving from the arousal and she had a touch time keeping it in control. She was also feeling a bit full but there was still some cake left. So she worked on it.

"I bet you never eaten cake like this." Dinesh moaned.

"Yes. This is the strangest way." 

"It is the best way as well."

"Best for you." Meeta muttered in between her licking.

"Don't worry. You will get your chance as well."

Meeta cleaned up to her best. His cock was getting a bit sticky.

"I'm done." She looked up.

"Want another cake?"


Dinesh looked down.

"There is still some left by my balls. Lick that clean. Work a little more."

Meeta obediently went back to licking. She gathered as much saliva as she could and worked on it. His cock was now wet and shiny. She was wondering if he would ask her to suck him. She was tired from the activities of the day and was not in a mood for that.

"That's good. Now get up. My turn."

Meeta stood up.

"Get that cake and get naked."

She bought the cake to him. The she slipped off her top and undid her bra. She unzipped the skirt and was fully naked in quick time.

"Sit here." Dinesh offered his spot and got up.

He took his cake and mashed it a bit. Then he smeared some on her breasts and face.

"You tell me where you want this or else I will make my own decision."

Meeta was not sure. She was embarrassed to tell him where to put the cake. But she wanted to play the game a bit.

"My stomach."

Dinesh obliged and smeared some.

"What about here?" He put his finger on her pussy and twirled it.

She giggled at the touch and did not say anything.

"Still shy. I won't put anything there unless you tell me."


"Ok. What?"

"Put some there."

"Where?" Dinesh was toying with her.

"In my pussy?" 

"A lot or just a little?" Dinesh continued.

"A little."

"Are you sure?"

She smiled. Dinesh lathered it with a lot of cake. It felt cool and a little bit dripped on her thighs.

Dinesh started with her breasts and licked with fervor. Meeta felt a bit ticklish at first but then started liking the sensations.

Dinesh moved on to her belly and that tickled even more. She giggled. Dinesh increased the intensity and the reduced the ticklishness. Then he moved to her pussy. There was enough cake to work on and so he expertly used his tongue. Meeta was finding this pleasurable and so she closed her eyes. 

Half way through he stopped. He wanted to see if she reacted to that. Meeta felt angry at the stoppage and opened her eyes.


"Yes, off course." She sounded irritated.

"Now the shy girl wants more."

"Yes..." She groaned.

"Ask nicely and I will do it."

Meeta was irritated even more. Why was he doing this? Yet she wanted this to continue.

"Please continue." She pleaded.

Dinesh launched his second salvo and this time he was putting a lot more effort. She groaned and instinctively wrapped her legs around his neck. Dinesh worked up the face and sensed her orgasm. She started shouting and groaning. It was the most expressive she had been with him. Then her orgasm hit her and her moans reached top pitch before subsiding. Dinesh let her catch her breadth and waited for her legs to be lifted off him.

"Now that's how you eat cake." He got up and went to the kitchen. When he was back, Meeta had recovered and had a guilty look on her face. She barely managed to look at him. 

"That was good." She managed to say something.

"Good. You horny little naughty girl."

"Now get on all fours. I want to fuck you."

Meeta was a bit tired and did not want any more sex but she sensed Dinesh wouldn't be happy if she did not comply. So she slid off the couch and got on all fours. 

Dinesh got down and fingered her already wet pussy. He also played with her ass. The sting from the morning was mostly gone but Meeta still felt a bit. Then something happened that caught Meeta by surprise. She felt his fingers in her ass hole. Dinesh was not interested in fucking her asshole but he also felt that was one thing he had to do to make sure he fully had her. He was not planning to fuck her today but wanted to see how she responded. Her hole was really tight and she also instinctively squeezed it.

"This is one hole, I have not used. But will do so some day." He toyed with it. Meeta was shocked. She had not expected that at all. She was too stunned to say anything.

"What do you think?" Dinesh forced an answer.

"I don't know. Can we fuck there?"

"Yes we can. You have 3 holes and I have used 2 of them so far. This is the 3rd one."

"Ok." She acknowledged.

"You won't like it here but I might. So we will work on it and I will fuck you there some day. So don't worry today."

With that he thrust his cock into her sticky pussy. He pumped her and kept playing with her ass cheeks and spreading them. Meeta held her position but her thoughts went to her ass hole. How can he fuck me there? That is so tight and dirty. She was really scared.

Dinesh pumped more and he was building up a nice orgasm. As he came, he sprayed over ass cheeks and collapsed on the side. He gave her ass a good slap as he sat next to her.

"You can get off that position."

Meeta got up and sat next to him. Dinesh was pulled her close to him. 

"That was good. Wasn't it?"

She nodded. Her ass was sticky with his cum and her pussy with the cake. She wanted to take a shower.

"Can I go take a shower?"

"Yes, I was thinking the same. You go ahead. I will shower in the other bathroom."

They both showered and got out. Dinesh took longer than usual and so was out later. As he entered, Meeta was dressed in her pyjammas and top.

"Shower felt good." Dinesh exclaimed and then stared at her.

"I don't think you should be dressed. I still have not forgotten the morning."

The second half of the day was some of the best sex they had but Dinesh wanted to play the power games and so wanted to remind her of what happened in the morning. 

"Common. Get naked." He waved his fingers.

"But you already punished me." Meeta was bit defiant.

"I know that this is a continuation of that." Dinesh jumped into the bed and took his tablet and started playing with it.

Meeta sat for a while. She hated being made to undress for no reason. But she was afraid of angering him.

"Do you need help?" Dinesh looked up.

"No." She got up and removed her pyjammas and underwear. Stark naked she climbed into the bed.

"Good. You also stay naked tomorrow."
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Meeta - the submissive training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:23 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:24 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:25 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:26 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:27 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:28 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:29 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:31 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:32 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:33 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:34 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:34 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:35 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by Renjith - 13-02-2019, 01:42 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by behka - 09-12-2020, 04:03 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by sri7869 - 19-02-2024, 05:12 PM

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