Misc. Erotica Meeta - the submissive training
He took her around the house and explained the different rooms. The main bedroom, guest room, exercise room and the study. 

She did not seem to have the curiosity. She seemed to be more concerned about her nakedness. As they were walking back, she felt his hand on this ass and it wandered down to her pussy. He flicked her clit and then on the way back squeezed her cheeks. 

"Let's see how fit you are", he said as he opened the room.

The room had a TV, few mirrors, a treadmill and some exercise equipment. 

"Did you do any sports in India?"


"I like to stay fit and want you to do the same. How much can you run?"

"I have never run much", She said

"Hop on to the treadmill, let's find out."

"But I am naked." 

"I don't think you are getting any clothes today. You need to get comfortable with your body and a bit of naked running might loosen you up. Hop on."

He punctuated that with slap on her ass.

"Let's get your ass moving."

She cringed at the idea but seemed trapped in this room, in this country, in this relationship. He adjusted the treadmill to a basic one-mile per hour speed and got her legs moving. Her body was shapely but no way was she athletic. He admired her breasts as they bounced and enjoyed the shapely jiggle of her ass.

After a minute, he increased the speed and she quickened a bit. 

"Is that too fast?"


She was gasping. He slowed it down.

"Run for 5 minutes. Let's see how fit you are."

He jumped on the other treadmill and joined her. He was a good runner and he wanted to make sure she got in on the fitness wagon.

Two minutes later, she was panting.

"I can't ...stop this." 

"Press that red stop button."

She did it right way. He admired the sweaty and naked body of his newly wedded wife.

"Good. We will get you into more shape. You will have lots of time to work on this"

"We can tone this area more", He said looking at her tummy.

"Let's get showered"

He led her to the shower and to her surprise stripped of his shorts and got into the shower with her. She was getting used to her nakedness but showering with him was not something she was expecting. He turned on the shower and warm water hit her naked breasts.

"I will bathe you and you do me"

He soaped her taking time to roam his hands over her entire body. He also spent good time on her private parts and then rinsed her off.

"Your turn." 

She gingerly started returning the favor. She was a bit tired from the running and mentally drained from the activities of the day. For a girl with no prior sexual contact she had spent the day stripping for him, sucking his dick, his pussy played with and now she was showering with him.

She started from his chest and as she reached his genitals she tensed. 

"Don't be afraid of it", He laughed.

"Spend some time with my balls."

She gently massaged him with soap. His dick grew hard. 

"Give it a kiss and it will be happy." 

She looked up to be sure he was serious and lent and kissed his soapy cock. 

"One each for my balls", he added.

She complied.

She rinsed him off and they got out of the shower.

"Are you hungry?" 

"Yes, a little."

"Let's order food."

She dried herself and sat on the bed. For her showering followed by dressing up and it felt odd that she was sitting naked. His words about making her comfortable with her nakedness still rang in her head. She knew he was expecting her in the living room in her naked state. Drying her hair she walked in to the room. 

"Can I wear my clothes? I feel odd without them"

He paused and considered the request. Without answering her he walked into the bedroom. He rummaged in his closet for a t-shirt from one his cousins who had left it there. He could have given her one of his but that would have covered too much.

"Here you can wear this. That's all you get." -- He smiled

She put it over her head and the touch of cloth felt good. She pulled it down to realize that it only covered part of her ass. Her ass cheeks peeked out, as did her pussy. She looked up at him like a deer in headlights.

"A bit short but you look cute in them. You bum peeks out nicely." 

She smiled. She did not see the humor in it but it was better than being naked. She felt dominated by his decisions on what she could wear but was afraid to say anything. She was standing in a t-shirt that barely went beyond her waist and he was dressed in shorts and t-shirts.

He pulled out a menu from a shelf and asked her what she wanted to eat.

"Just rice and dal." 

She was hungry but did not feel like reading the menu. He made a call and started ordering. She took a seat in one of the couches. The leather felt weird on her naked ass.

"Food will be here in 45 minutes."

"Do you want to call your parents?" 

She thought about it. They had spoke to their parents when the landed but it was quick call. 

"Let me dial the number."

Her dad picked up the phone and he exchanged formalities. It was a very formal conversation and he handed it over to her. She was not that close to her dad. He was always a strange figure to her. He provided her with all the things but was not the type who would cuddle her or talk a lot with her. Her father asked the usual questions about the place, the weather etc and then handed it to her mother. 

While she was talking to her mother, he moved next to her on the couch. He ran his hand over naked thighs and close to her pussy. She shivered.He laughed. 

"If you want take the phone into the bedroom."

That sounded like a good idea. She got up and with her naked swaying hips went to the bed room. She had a long conversation with her mom. She invented stuff to say and nothing in her morning activities was something she wanted to discuss with her mom. When she finished she walked out. The food had arrived and he had laid it on the table.

They ate while chatting about the life in London. He explained his schedule and what he usually did on weekends and who their neighbors were etc. It was a normal conversation.

After lunch, he made coffee and they sat on the couch watching TV for some time. He then got up and went to another room and bought a small book.

"Here, this is for you." 

"What is this?" 

"It is a diary of things."

He opened it and flicked a few pages

"On the first few pages you need to write down the rules we agree on. Go ahead, here's a pen."

She took the pen and paused. She could only remember one rule and she wrote it down. 

My body is for your viewing pleasure

Then she looked up to him hoping for help.

"You forgot already? We just spoke about before lunch." 

He sounded angry.

"Rules need to be remembered. Let me make that point clear."

He got up and sat on one of the chairs. "Come here"

She went and stood by him

He pulled her over his knees, her face down and her ass nicely placed.

"Spank." His palm struck her

"This is for forgetting the rule. Also this is also an example of what punishment you will get if you disobey me or displease me."

"Spank" "Spank" "Spank" "Spank"

He rained more blows. Her cheeks burned. This was not a playful spanking. Her eyes welled up, not from the pain, but, from the embarrassment and fear.

"Have you learnt your lesson?"

"Yes" -- She squeaked.

"Use my own words and longer sentences when explaining my experiences. That was the rule you forgot. Now I am going to go out and will be back in 2 hours or so. Make sure you complete the diary"

He punctuated that with a few more slaps on her ass. Her brown skin did not change much color but it did get a bit warm. He moved his hands down and felt her pussy. No wetness. He was just checking to see if the spanking arose her. He lifted her on her feet, got up, and kissed her on her lips.

He went to his room and was back in few minutes fully dressed. Meeta had stayed in the living room, stunned to some extent, the diary in her hands and a stinging butt.

"Bye Bye darling -- I will be back in 2 hours. Write the rule in the book." 

Meeta had never been spanked like this. She went into the bedroom and inspected her butt in the mirror. There were no visible marks as such. She sat on the bed and thought what she was going to put in the diary. She finished writing it enough to satisfy him.

She looked at the watch. It was about 5.00 PM. Dinesh said he would be back in 2 hours. She was not sure what to do for 2 hours. She got up and walked around the house looking at different things. She was tempted to wear clothes as the nakedness still bothered her even though there was no one.

Dinesh shopped for some groceries and other items. On the way back selected a nice short and silky nightdress for her. He was done in one hour and so decided to head back and surprise her. He went in and rang the doorbell. 

The doorbell caused panic in Meeta. She was not sure who it was and there was no way she could open the door in the clothes she was in. She looked for her clothes but could not find them. As she was looking, she heard the door open and Dinesh walked it. 

"Forgot I had the key", He smiled

"If someone rings the bell, you can go to the door and ask who it is. You don't need to open it."

"He placed the grocery bag on the floor and fumbled in another bag."

"This is your phone." - He gave her a phone

"I have saved my number."

"When will you go to work?". She asked.

"Not for another week."

"I also bought you some soaps and shampoos. He started taking the items out of the bag."


"Also here's a dress for you wear. Remove the t-shirt."

She slowly took the t-shirt off. She was stark naked again. He walked over to her and slipped the dress on her. 

The silky dress felt weird. It was like someone was touching her. It did cover her better than the t-shirt. Her ass cheeks were no longer exposed.

"Looks good." -- He said running his hands over her back.

"Covers you more."

He lifted her dress to take a peek as if that was not desirable.

"Coffee, tea?"


"What do you want to do now?" 

She had no idea. She was not hungry and she was not sleepy. She was not sure what to do in this situation.

"I don't know."

"I you don't, then I will give us something to do."

He felt ready for another sexual encounter. He looked around and found his laptop. He then opened it, typed a few keystrokes. 

"Here's a task. Your morning blowjob was OK but can be improved. Here's a video to watch. Take this to the bedroom and watch it. You can rewind it if you need to watch again. When you are done, come back to the living room."

In the room she played the video. It had a blonde young woman and tall man. They were talking in English and she tried to understand the accent. He went and sat on the bed. She was wearing just her panties and her breasts were exposed. She walked towards him and dropped on her knees and started undoing his pants. Within seconds she was licking and slurping his cock. It reminded her of how she used to a lollipop in her school days. Licking moved into sucking. She seemed to know what to do and spent some time licking his balls. He was moaning now. This went for 15 minutes. Meeta watched it intently like she was reading a textbook. The fact that it was a porn video was lost on her. Then the man in the video grabbed the woman by her hair and forced her further. She sputtered saliva coming from her mouth. Meeta was shocked but she continued. After another few minutes , she started working his cock with her hands and with increased pace. He started groaning and ejaculated. She took his cum on lips and swallowed it. She continued licking the cock but more gently. He patted her head. She got up and went into another room and the video ended there.

Meeta sat there for a moment. She knew that Dinesh expected her to enact the video. She asked herself if there was anything she needed to review. It seemed mostly around sucking and licking. She closed the laptop and walked into the room.

As she walked in, Dinesh undid his pants and his boxers. His cock sprang out.

"Time to see if you have learnt."

She went down and started licking just like the woman in the video. She tried to repeat everything that woman did. 

Dinesh watched it while playing with her hair. She was very accommodating. He loved it. There could be other things to do.

Several minutes had passed. Dinesh was controlling his arousal. He wanted this blowjob to last. Meeta was working hard. Her mouth was starting to ache. 

She looked up.

"Am I doing it right?"

"Yes, keep it going."

She kept on sucking and licking. She worked on his balls and tip. He responded with a few moans. This went on for another 10 minutes or so. She was getting tired. She decided to take a break and slipped the wet cock out of her mouth.


"Yes", She said in between her breaths.

"You are doing fine. Much better than the morning. You get your break when I cum. Until then it's your mouth and my cock"

He was enjoying the control he was having over her. He sensed a rebel in her waiting to get out but she seemed to play along at least for now. He loved the mind the sex games they were having and it was only day 1. After a few moments she resumed her work on his cock. She sucked furiously and she wanted to get done with this. Her renewed vigor seemed to excite him more and his cock stiffened further. She sensed that and continued at the pace. He was moaning now and no longer playing with his hair. 

"Ohh", He moaned as he spurted his cum.

"Take in all in"

She did but her reflexes did not allow her to swallow. Gagging a bit, she rushed into the bathroom and spat it out. Coughing she came out and found him lying eyes closed. She sensed she had done a good job. She had spent over 45 minutes sucking his cock.

"That was good. Real good."

"Come here."

She did.

"Why did you not swallow?" 

"I don't like it."

"Over time we will work on that. It gives me great pleasure to see my women take all my cum in.". He lectured.

He leaned and kissed on her cheek.

"Good job."

He moved his hand on over her thigh. It tingled.

"Do you want some pussy love?" He asked as he moved his hands over her mound. There was some dampness but it was more from her sweating the blow job. 

She was not sure what to say. She liked what he did in the morning but was embarrassed to ask for it.

"Yes or no?" His fingers circling her clit as he stared at her.


That seemed like the easier answer. 

"OK, you just have to ask. Remember that. Don't be embarrassed in asking for pleasure" 

"Do you want to go out?"

"No. I am bit tired."

It was a busy day indeed. She had sucked his cock twice today, did a bit or running, got a spanking and lots more.

"OK, relax then. We can watch TV and stay at home" 

And that's what they did. He explained the different channels and also how to get the Indian ones. He also explained the TV system and collection of remotes. They ordered food again and went to bed early.
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Meeta - the submissive training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:23 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:24 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:25 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:26 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:27 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:28 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:29 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:31 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:32 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:33 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:34 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:34 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:35 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by Renjith - 13-02-2019, 01:42 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by behka - 09-12-2020, 04:03 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by sri7869 - 19-02-2024, 05:12 PM

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