19-01-2020, 10:45 PM
To me Love means a feeling that makes that individual think that the opposite sex is the right person for their life. It comes when the other makes them laugh, comfortable, sacrifice, happy and safe. Meera had sex with prabu only on those factors. He made her laugh, independent, listened to her needs, likes and dislikes, sacrificed the cigar for her, etc. She felt that he gave everything that she missed in her life. She never loved anyone in her young age. It was with prabu, she understood what it feel when someone in love. She was happy beyond description and enjoyed every moment with him. He was so lively. So definitely, what she had for prabu is not just lust. It is love. She knows that saravanan is a good human being, good father and good husband. But did he keep her happy, make her laugh. No. She was more like maid most of time. Cooking, cleaning house, looking after children etc. Saravanan did not even talk to her to understand her likes and dislikes. He did not try to understand what kind of person she is and what she is really looking for. From day 1, prabu worked on these areas and it made meera impressed with him. If it is just lust, she would have forgot him. She had some "feeling" for prabu. The so called "feeling" is LOVE. Same is case for prabu too. This is just one of my thoughts.