Hooking my young dominating Aunt’s Bra
“I see you are wearing black today.” Was all I could come up with? “Well, you suggested it. So, how does it look?” She asked boldly as she gave me a view of both front and back.”It looks better than red.” Was all I could come up with, again? She smiled and I felt that a huge wall had been lifted from between us. A wall that not only consisted of the silence and formality that we usually had, but of something else as well, of another barrier. As I was leaving, she said, “I know I am going to feel very embarrassed and even ashamed later, but look.”I turned to look and she had pulled her shalwar down a little to expose her panty. It was a matching panty. I just laughed. She laughed with me.
I tell you, I felt hard all day long. There was an erection between my legs that just wouldn’t go away. I kept thinking of my aunt, of her bra, of her panties, even of her naked breasts as I had the privilege of seeing them once, even though accidentally. I felt special because she took my advice and choose a color that I had suggested. I imagined her thinking of me when she bought those and that made me feel excited. My aunt was thinking of me when she was buying her underwear. Imagine that, my aunt buying underwear because of me, dare I say, for me. She came to my room that afternoon. There was nothing she talked about, only fiddled with my books a little. Then she left quickly. I understood that her presence was the result of that special intimacy that we had shared.
She just wanted to be around me, as I wanted her to be around. I felt good. Next morning, I asked her, “So, what did uncle say about your new color?” There was a faint but naughty smile on my lips. She beamed when she answered, “Oh, I didn’t show it to him.” There was more she almost blurted out but she stopped herself there. Deep down, I felt the power. She didn’t want to show to my uncle what was Between the two of us. I realized the special bond that had been created between us. That bond only became clearer when she came to my room the next afternoon as well. We had become friends, I felt. Having a female friend felt different, in a good sort of way.
A few days later, she told me, “I have a surprise for you.”When I went to her room and finished hooking her up, she turned around and put her hands on her hips. “What do you think?” she asked. I looked at her with amazement on my face. She was wearing a black lace bra. I could see her nipples through the lace, even though they were barely visible because the color of her nipples was dark enough to blend in with the lace. I was speechless. She smiled almost victoriously. She said, “I guess the look on your face says everything.”I stuttered, “Sorry, I don’t know what to say. It looks great.”
The next day, she showed me a red lace bra. It was equally revealing, but still the color of her nipples sort of blended with the dark red color. Same look on my face, that must have become a familiar thing for her, and same victorious smile. I think she was enjoying herself; or rather she was enjoying the teasing she was doing with me. Then came a white lace bra. Her nipples were very visible that day. Even the rest of her breast was showing through the white lace. The contrast was so strong that I could make out all the details of her breast through that and she was proudly displaying them for me. She must have seen that look of arousal on my face. “So, how do I look?”
Her question was a bit more direct. “You look great?” I replied.”It’s not too much, is it? I feel I am showing too much.””Well, yes, you are. But, this is only for you, so it doesn’t matter. No one is going to see anything.” I was finally able to get a hold of myself.”Thanks Raj. But are you okay with it? I mean, you also get to see it besides me.””Yes, I am okay. How does uncle feel about it?” I don’t know why I said that but the thought was in my mind.”I have a secret for you. I don’t show this even to your uncle.”
“Why not?” I said without thinking.”This is our secret, that’s why.” She said a lot in that statement but I didn’t feel the weight of it until much later. That afternoon, she came to my room. She seemed a bit down and rather subdued. I asked her, “Are you okay? You don’t look okay.”She replied, “I have a slight headache.””Why? What gave you that headache?”Thinking too hard, I guess. I’ve been worried all day about your reaction to my being so daring.””Actually, I didn’t think much about it. We have become comfortable enough with each other that it didn’t seem out of place.””It didn’t.” She was serious.”Not at all.” I looked into her eyes to convince her of my sincerity.
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RE: Hooking my Aunt’s Bra - by kuskari09 - 31-01-2019, 08:39 PM
RE: Hooking my Aunt’s Bra - by Cupidangel - 31-01-2019, 09:52 PM
RE: Hooking my Aunt’s Bra - by Cupidangel - 01-02-2019, 04:55 PM
RE: Hooking my young dominating Aunt’s Bra - by Cupidangel - 04-02-2019, 02:54 PM

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