Gay/Lesb - LGBT Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon ( Complete )
Tuesday morning, Kelly instituted a change in our routine. Before our shower, she replaced the leather collar with the combination lock gold chain given me when I flew back for my home office meeting. "You will essentially be wearing this chain 24/7 from now on, little one. It really is a piece of jewelry and will ride below the leather collar when you are wearing it. I would prefer that you wear my leather collar 24/7, but a mistress can't have everything she wants. There will be times I may substitute a different day collar for this combination chain." 

Since I was to be introduced to all the employees as the new CIO, Kelly had me wear two more new purchases: a lace, front closing bra and my new long sleeve sweater dress. A garter belt held up my nylons. No panties were permitted, however. Black pumps complete my wardrobe. 

After the introductions I was fully briefed on all the facets and nuances of my new position by the COO and Diane. That took up most of the morning. After lunch with Diane in my new office, which was hers, but she had removed most of her personal possessions on Friday and Monday. She spent time transferring computer administration and files to my control in addition to showing me specifics aspects of the CIO position. I also taught two classes on the new software to the final departments that had not received any training. 

It felt good to get home and finally remove my clothes in the foyer. Clothes were beginning to feel, well, a little 'confining.' I found my Mistress waiting on the sofa. I knelt and recited the requisite words asking for permission to wear her collar. 

"You have to earn the privilege tonight, pet. I'm horny," she said, spreading her legs to invite me in. "I missed this last night." Normally, I would take my time, bringing her to a slow, loving climax. However, because of her next words, "Regretfully, we need to hurry, though, kimmy. I have already called our order in to Lisa's, so we won't be late for your class." I literally attacked her clit, sucking it between my lips and flicking it with my tongue. As soon as she climaxed, I was ordered to the bedroom. "Your clothes are on the bed, pet." 

I was shocked to find only the jeans I had worn on Monday and a pair of white socks. In less than two minutes I was again kneeling in front of Kelly. "Mistress, I am not questioning you, but do you really think I should go to class like this?"

"Of course, I don't, pet, the rest of your outfit it in the hall closet. Bring whatever you find there, including the box on the floor, back to me." I returned carrying three leather garments and the box. At Kelly's direction, I placed them on the sofa. She picked up a leather vest first and told me to put it on. I loved the feel of the silky lining against my bare skin. "Since you are going to be riding on your own for the first time tonight, dear, you should be properly dressed. Leather is the best protector for a motorcycle rider as you learned last night in class. While I admit that I am neglectful in this area while riding in and around town, I do wear leathers when riding long distances." 

Recognizing the purpose of my grin, she interjected, "Don't you dare recite the fact that most accidents occur close to home." She handed me a pair of leather chaps, while adding, "The vest, and these chaps are mine. I am only loaning them to you for your class tonight. You will also have to wear my leather jacket when you actually ride the bike. While you don't need the chaps until then, I want to see how they look on you. We will purchase a set for you after you finish the class." After I tried the chaps on, she commented on how nice they looked on me, before correcting herself, "I meant to say how nice you look in them. I can't wait to see how you look when wearing them without the jeans." I thought the idea was quite exciting and wondered if I'd be riding her bike that way.

I removed the chaps and she handed me the unopened box. I pulled out a new pair of lace-up, black leather, ankle boots. "While these are a 'graduation' gift for you, pet, you won't be properly dressed to ride without them, so you may put them on now. A word of warning: You had better pass your test tonight or you will pay for those boots with your ass."

Kelly stayed on the sideline at the driving course and watched the instructors put us through the training, which was, of course, quite intense, and stressed two-wheel safety. I must admit that I felt quite confident of myself as a bike rider when we finished. At the end, each of the students had to perform all of the maneuvers required by the state, with a state examiner present. I passed with flying colors. We were surprised to learn that in addition to the certificate of completion, the state examiner issued each graduate a temporary license. We had one week to go get the motorcycle endorsement on our license. Temporary license in hand, I ran to Kelly, hugged her, and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "Oh, thank you; thank you, Mistress. I never would have done something like this on my own."

"I am proud of you, pet, and intend to continue this celebration at home, but we have to make a stop along the way, so let's not dawdle. Fifteen minutes later, she parked in front of a Harley Davidson dealer. I know my chin put a hole in the pavement when she said, "The owner is a personal friend of mine, pet. It's past their closing time, but he said he would wait for us and promised to give you a good deal."

"Ah...Mistress...a good deal on what?"

"On new leathers of your own, little one. After you purchase them, we shall see." The last part of her answer was, obviously, to keep me in suspense. I hadn't realized that she had meant that we would purchase my leathers immediately after my class. I'll never underestimate my mistress.

Selecting my new "outfit" was relatively easy. The owner, whose name was Jeff, happily helped me select a helmet, leather jacket, vest, pants, and chaps. He had suggested that I wouldn't need chaps and the pants, but Kelly insisted on both. The bomb dropped when Jeff asked, "Are you ready to select your new bike, Kim?" My mouth dropped again as I turned to look at Kelly! She simply nodded.

"Ah...Umm...I guess so," I replied, stupidly.

I spent a lot of time looking at several bikes, but kept returning to a gold, Electra Glide Ultra Special without even knowing the price. Jeff explained that it was a custom color so there wouldn't be many like it on the road. He also explained its optional features. I and almost died when Jeff said it was ONLY $25,624 plus tax. (my emphasis on the "only"), adding that he was giving me a deep discount, if I liked it, because Kelly was a close friend and good customer. "Gawd, I've never paid that much for a car, Mistress," I whispered.

"Why don't you take it out for a quick spin around the block, Kim? Get the feel of almost 900 pounds of pure power vibrating between your legs." 

I laughed, because I immediately thought, "I'd rather have Kelly's tongue vibrating between my legs." I did take the ride, albeit reluctantly. When I returned, I said, "Wow! I love it, but I really don't think I want to pay that much for a motorcycle.

"Come on, kimmy, you are worth it," Kelly commented. "Besides, we both know you can afford it. You also have more than enough in your account to pay cash for it." Somehow, I knew that was an order. I wasn't to argue. Besides, I knew she was right. I wanted to buy it. I always chickened out on buying expensive items for myself. Then I would regret not doing it. I also thought that I wouldn't be spending my money on much else. Yes, "In bondage there really is freedom." 

Jeff actually clinched the deal by saying, "Look, Kim. Kelly has been a good customer for years. I'll let you take it home to road test it. I'll even throw in the helmet and leathers for free. I just need you to complete a short credit application for security. If you don't like it, just bring it back by the time we close on Thursday. The only thing I ask is that you try not travel more than 100 miles if you think you are going to return it. We'll either cancel the sale or you can test another model. If you want to keep it, just give me a call to make an appointment so I can prepare all the paperwork, including a full credit application." 

"What if she decides to pay cash for it, Jeff.?"

"Just bring a check with you and make sure you have enough in your account to cover it," he laughed.

I proudly rode my new HOG home beside Kelly. Well, not right beside her. I learned that was not safe. 

Once home, kneeling naked in front of Kelly, I said, "Gawd, Kelly, I cannot believe I bought that bike; or maybe I should say that I can't believe you made me buy it."

"To be honest, pet, I did it on a whim. If you really don't want to spend that much, I you have my permission to return it. You may also have Jeff process the credit application if you want. I won't force you to pay cash. Besides, having debt other than credit cards will probably be good for your credit score." 

"I guess I have to be honest, too, Mistress. I am a tightwad where money is concerned. I absolutely hate to part with it. You already know my finances. I really do want the bike, but if you give me the option, I will probably decide to return it or buy something less expensive."

"Well, I guess there is no question that I will make you keep it, then." I leaped onto the sofa and started kissing her. 

I had pushed Kelly flat on the sofa and was on top of her, passionately thrusting my tongue into her mouth when she suddenly pushed me away. "Whoa there, slut. Keep that up and I won't have time to finish my plans tonight." She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom, stopping only to pick up a strange looking flat metal bar from the playroom. The bar was about three feet long with what looked like a half-circle loop attached near each end and two attached near the center. She placed the bar on the bed, removed the eight wing nuts holding the half-circles to the bar, then removed the half-circles. I was directed to kneel with my legs spread and my ankles near the outside edges of the bar between the bolts that held the half-circles. She reattached the two outer half-circles to the bar, clamping my ankles in place. She then told me to lean forward, with my forehead on the bed and my arms between my legs. Once in position she grasped my right wrist, pulled it back over the center of the bar and fitted a half-circle over it. My left wrist was similarly secured under the fourth half-circle.

Kelly slowly ran her hand over my upturned ass and exclaimed, "You know, pet, I think this would look much better with a few stripes. Do you agree?"

"My Mistress is never wrong," I replied with an accompanying gulp and groan. 

Kelly disappeared for a few moments. I turned my head on the pillow. It was somewhat awkward, but I wanted to see her when she returned and finally was able to watch her enter the bedroom carrying a riding crop and wearing her favorite 1-1/2-inch diameter dildo. She held the whip in front of my face. "You know what to do, pet." I placed the obligatory kiss on it and moved my head so that my forehead was again resting on the bed. 

The first stroke landed seconds later searing my flesh. "One! Thank you, Ma'am." After the fifth, Kelly climbed on the bed, kissed each of the rising welts and then my pussy. I tried to imagine what my ass and cunt must look like at this moment, on display in a way I never would have imagined. I loved the way she pushed my limits to accept positions I would have found obscene a few long weeks ago. 

She shifted position and before I could wonder what she was doing, the dildo was probing the entrance to my tunnel of love. The touch was like an electric shock. I moaned loudly. "Do you want it, pet?"

"Oh, gawd, yes, ma'am."

"You have to ask me properly."

"Please fuck your wanton slut, Mistress, please!"

"Not bad, but acceptable." Without any additional fanfare, she grasped my hips and rammed that fake dick fully into my cunt. I cried out, not from pain, but because of the joy I truly felt when it hit bottom. 

With slow, purposeful strokes she brought me to the brink of orgasm before pulling out. Needless to say, I was crushed. She was teasing me again. "Oh, gawd, Mistress. Please don't stop! I need to cum!"

"Don't worry, slut. You'll get to cum...when I'm good and ready." I groaned again and she slapped my ass. 

I felt her moving about on the bed a little but couldn't see what she was doing because of my position. I jumped, as much as my bonds would permit, when the cold liquid hit the top of my ass and started to slowly run down my crack. It stopped when she placed two fingers just beneath my upturned sphincter. Anticipating Kelly's intentions, I relaxed, then sighed as one, and eventually two fingers worked the lube into my puckered hole. More lube and a third finger were soon added, stretching me to my limit; or so I thought. As the saying goes, "It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what was next." Still, I think every muscle in my body stiffened when the fake cock, itself wet with lube, touched my anus.

"Relax, babe, and it won't hurt as much. I know this one will seem large, but I also know you can take it," Kelly whispered. 

As she pressed against my ass, I did my best to remain quiet and accept the inevitable, without success. Kelly either accepted my vocal expletives, or simply ignored them, because she maintained constant pressure on my sphincter, forcing it to expand enough to permit the invader to finally break through. I moaned when the bulbous head finally entered. Grasping my hips tightly, Kelly then started a systematic back-and-forth movement drilling the dildo in deeper, an inch at a time. When it was fully inserted, she said, "Ok, babe, I am not going to do all the work here. Start moving your ass." Even in my prone and inclined position, I was surprised to find that I could move my hips back and forth. She remained still. I realized that Kelly wasn't fucking me. I was fucking the dildo.

When Kelly reached around my hip and started massaging my clit, I quickly and unexpectedly climaxed. Before releasing me, she went to the bathroom and washed the dildo. I was informed that would be my job in the future. She fucked me, vaginally, to one more climax before releasing me from the bar. We hugged and kissed until we both fell asleep from total exhaustion. 

Kelly was still wearing the dildo when we awakened in the morning. I removed it for her, then she, in turn, unlocked the chain and removed my collar. Bathroom routine and showers followed. 

Kelly had been slowly, patiently, adding to my duties as her slave. I use the word duties instead of job, because a 'duty' has more of a moral obligation than a job. Wednesday morning Kelly raised a previously assigned duty one more level. "Little one, you have been assisting me to dress and undress since you agreed to be my slave." I nodded in agreement. "Well, I have come to the conclusion that you have been shirking your duties in this matter."

"I don't understand, My Mistress."

"Let me put it this way. Do you not agree that it is the responsibility of a slave to relieve her mistress of all mundane undertakings?"

Kelly said this with a weak attempt of an aristocratic accent that almost made my laugh. We both knew she was being silly, so I replied, "I totally agree madame," using a French accent on the last word, and ending with a courtesy, if one can truly courtesy when one is naked.

"Well, you do a fantastic job in the rest of the house, cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, etc. However, I just realized that I do more than half the work when getting dressed. I select all my clothes and place them on the bed for you. I usually put on my own nylons and bras. By now you should be able to pick out my clothes once I tell you what I wish to wear.

"I want to wear nylons today. You may begin with them and a blue garter belt." When I started to smooth the first nylon my hand grazed the bare flesh of her leg. "I'm sure that was an accident, slut, but don't you dare touch my pussy without permission or I'll cane your ass." I looked up at her and couldn't tell if she was teasing or not. I knew it was better to obey than to find out. 

Three-inch black heels were next. I held her foot delicately while I slipped the pumps on. "You may kiss them if you wish, pet." I leaned forward and lightly kissed each foot. If, three weeks ago someone had suggested that I would do this humiliating act, I would have told them that they were fucking crazy. Now I considered it an honor to be permitted to kiss her feet.

"Please get the bra and thong that match my garter belt, dear. Granted permission to stand, I looked at Kelly standing before me, naked from the waist up, garter belt, nylons and high heels below. The sunlight streaming in the window highlighted her beauty. I guess I was staring because she said, "Do you like what you see, slut." 

"Oh, yes, My Mistress. I think you are absolutely beautiful."

"Well, I do enjoy it when you look at me like that, but if you don't get your ass moving, we will either miss breakfast or will be late for work." 

She made me hook her bra while standing in front of her. I've easily hooked my own bra behind my back since I started wearing one (until I wasn't permitted to wear one, of course.) Let me tell you, that doing it FOR someone from the front isn't as easy as it sounds, especially when you are being kissed at the same time. It's easier, and more fun to unhook one from the front. 

When I had put her bra on her, I had noticed she had winced ever so slightly. I asked if I had done something that hurt her. "No, my dear, you didn't." Then she reminded me about the articles we read that described all the changes that would occur in a woman's breasts during pregnancy and when lactating, including tenderness. We didn't have to worry about the pregnancy, of course.

Her last article of clothing was a print shirt dress. When I finished buttoning it, Kelly grasped my face, pulled it to her and gave me one of her toe-curling kisses. "Noe that is the way a mistress deserves to be dressed. Thank you, little one."

"The pleasure was all mine, My Mistress."

"Now get your ass down to the kitchen and prepare our breakfast."

"Yes, mistress." I was to remain naked.

After breakfast (the one I cooked, not my liquid one which I enjoyed in bed after we awakened), Kelly suggested that I should ride my new bike to work. "That way you should have a good idea if you want to keep it. Tomorrow you can take mine and make a comparison." 

On the way back to our bedroom, she asked if my office had a private bathroom. "Yes, ma'am, it does. I guess that means I really am an executive now," I giggled.

She smiled in return. Gawd how I love that smile. "Great, that makes it easier to decide what you will wear today." I followed her to the closet where she selected my wardrobe for the day. I gathered the clothes together and carefully placed them on the bed: A fitted shirt, pleated skirt, garter belt and nylons. I was then confused when she told me to get my new leather pants, vest, and boots. 

"I can't possibly wear all of that, Mistress."

She laughed, "Well, not all at the same time, slut. You will wear the vest and pants and boots, with the garter belt and nylons under them. while riding your bike. Pack the shirt and skirt carefully in your backpack and change when you get to work."

I didn't describe the vest earlier. It was sleeveless, had a V neckline and 4 snap buttons in the front. The kicker was that it laced up on both sides. A casual glance would reveal I wasn't wearing a bra. Kelly whistled when I finished putting on the leathers. "Wow, slut. You look great. You can even see evidence of the garters under the pants.
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:51 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:52 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:53 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:54 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:31 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:33 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:33 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:34 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:17 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:17 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:18 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:20 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:20 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:21 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:22 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:22 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:23 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:24 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:25 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 07:07 PM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 07:08 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 07:16 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 07:17 PM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 13-01-2020, 12:21 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 14-01-2020, 03:16 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 14-01-2020, 03:38 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 16-01-2020, 10:21 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 16-01-2020, 10:32 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 16-01-2020, 10:35 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 16-01-2020, 10:38 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 16-01-2020, 10:51 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 01:59 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:00 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:01 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:02 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:03 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:29 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:29 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:31 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:32 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:34 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:35 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:35 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:36 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:37 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:38 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:39 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:41 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:43 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:44 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:44 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:46 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:46 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:47 PM

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