23-11-2018, 10:50 AM
She thought for a while and then replied,
“Now freshen up quickly and come to downstairs. I'm preparing your favourite breakfast.
“I don't want it but he does and I'm not gonna beg him not to divorce me. If he want it, let it be. And you know, Raju uncle is better person than him. I’ll marry him after getting divorce from your dad.”
“But mom, he is married.”
“I know baba, his wife is ugly and he doesn't love her. He will divorce her too.”
Then I asked her a foolish question,
“Where will you live after your marriage with Raju?”
She understood the meaning of my question so she said,
“With him. This is my home now but you can spend weekend here.”
“Mom, I want to stay with you.”
“ I too want you to stay with me but it's not possible currently.”
“Why, mom?”
She became silent like I had asked very hard question.Then she said hesitatingly,
“Raju won't like you staying with him. He won't get liberty that he has without you around me. He will try to harm you. “
“Then come to our home , mom”
“I wish I could , dear”
She paused for a moment and then said,
“ But I'm always with you. You have very bright future.”
We heard voice of Raju calling her from downstairs. She sat straightly and said,