Gay/Lesb - LGBT Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon ( Complete )
Finally, I followed Sam back to the den to receive my massage. Kelly was sitting on the bar stool waiting for us, wearing nothing but a miniscule, white towel, wrapped around her waist. I understood why men like to see women topless. Sam helped me to lie face down on the table. While she removed my socks, I started to wonder if I would ever get the use of my hands back. I shouldn't have worried, though. Kelly removed the cuffs saying she wanted me to savor my first massage to the max. She even removed the collar to enable Sam to do a full body wash, saying I could have it back as soon as Sam finished. I suddenly felt naked without it (pun intended).

This time I was able to watch Kelly as she sat on the barstool. She even spread her legs to "give me a better view." Do you like looking at your Mistresses' pussy, pet?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am. Thank you for the privilege." (I was learning.) Her hairless vagina really was beautiful. I especially loved the heart pendant still hanging from her clit.

The body wash and massage were pure luxury. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Kelly was making me feel like a "rich bitch." Come to think of it, with my salary, I could soon become one.

I was a little apprehensive while Sam placed the straight razor on my abdomen and started to spread shaving cream over my pubic area. Even though I had watched her skillfully use the razor on Kelly, and had thought that I wanted the same, my fear of being cut was overwhelming. "Uh, Sam, Mistress Kelly just shaved me."

"Today?" she asked.

"No, yesterday."

"Out of curiosity, were you shaved before you met Kelly?" When I answered that I wasn't, she looked at Kelly and said, "You moved faster than Mistress Allyson and I thought you would, Kelly." Then she looked at me and said, "Don't worry, this is just part of my service. There is very little stubble, and this will keep you nice and smooth for tonight." Her soothing didn't assuage my fears one iota. I again wondered what had been planned for the evening, positive that I was the only one who did not know.

As Sam massaged my ass, I remembered what she had done to Kelly and wondered what it would be like if she penetrated me THERE. My breathing rate increased when she trailed her fingers down my crack. I am no longer sure, but I think I raised my hips a little when she grazed my anus.

I was watching Kelly when Sam asked a simple one-word question, "Kelly?"

The answer of my mistress was actually disappointing, "No, Sam, she is an anal virgin. I reserve the right to be the first one to penetrate her." Another shiver moved up my spine. What did Kelly have in mind? "But you may kiss it if you want," Kelly continued. 

Sam's "kiss" included a slow licking of my sensitive rosebud. The sensation was like nothing I had ever experienced. No human being, other than a doctor, had ever touched me there. I knew I wanted more. I raised and pushed my hips towards her tongue, but she suddenly quit and instructed me to turn over onto my back.

When my body wash was complete, Kelly locked the collar around my neck. My frontal massage was like Kelly's. Sam did spend a lot more time working on my face with her fingertips and thumbs. Damn, it felt so good. I also enjoyed having her pay so much attention to my breasts. As she tenderly massaged them, I raised my hand toward her breast. "May I," I asked.

"I think you need to ask your Mistress, Kimmy, not me. If my permission is required, she will inform you." She understood the question in my eyes and continued, "You already know I am also a submissive. Mistress Allyson and Mistress Kelly have an understanding concerning what can do, what I must do and what I cannot do when here. Mistress Kelly knows if Mistress Allyson permits me to accept or refuse certain activities. I am not allowed to grant any permissions. You will learn the same, I am sure."

I looked over at Kelly. May I, Mistress?"

"May you, what, slut?"

"May I touch Sam's breast, ma'am?"

"You may, my pet. As part of your training, I must inform you that you will always request permission of your Mistress first and be very specific in what you want."

I understood her remark implicitly. "Ah, Mistress, may I please restate my request."

"You may, pet."

"May I play with Sam's breast?"

"You may, pet."

"See how quickly my pet learns, Sam? I told you she was an uncut jewel."

Both she and Sam laughed at this. I did enjoy feeling Sam's breast, though. When I ran my fingers over the bar bells, Kelly asked if they fascinated me. I replied that they did, and she said, "Then we will definitely have to decorate your nipples, too."

Sam finally got to the part of the massage I was anticipating the most. Her oil-covered fingers felt sensational as they moved ever so delicately over my smooth pussy. I raised my hips and was ready to go over the top when Kelly exclaimed, "That's enough, Sam. It's time for the next phase." I would be lying if I said I wasn't extremely disheartened. I needed to cum and I wanted to do it immediately. Kelly knew this and covered my lips with a finger just as I was about to beg. "Shh, pet. Do not say a word. I want your endorphins high for the pleasure you are about to receive."

I watched Kelly closely. Was I becoming enamored with her? Maybe! Probably! Definitely! She placed a large zip bag on the stool, removed several straps and handed some to Sam. I had missed the line of slots along the edge of the table through which they threaded the straps. I somehow was able to remain passive while they quickly buckled the straps over my wrists and elbows. Next, they spread my legs by pulling my feet back and strapping them to the sides of the table. Finally, Kelly pulled a blindfold from the bag. It was leather and lined with thick fur. She placed it over my eyes, buckled its strap at the back of my head, and said, "Pet, when one loses one or more of their senses, other senses are intensified. You are now going to experience your first encounter with sensuous pain. I hope you enjoy it as much as we will."

I felt two pair of lips consuming my hard nipples. The sensation was unbelievable. Jolts of electricity went straight to my clit. Fuck! I wanted more and got what I wanted. Whomever was munching on my left nipple (I assumed it was Kelly, since she had been to my left when she placed the blindfold over my eyes), clamped down on my hard bud with her teeth. The person suckling my right nip followed suit as if they had planned this coordination in advance. I went ballistic. Kelly was right (again). Never had pain felt so damn good. Then they stopped biting and sucking.

A few seconds later, both nipples were squeezed and rolled between fingers and thumbs. I was disappointed when they stopped the light, sensuous pinching then screamed when a force I had never experienced gripped both nipples simultaneously. I sucked in a gallon of air and slowly released it as the severe pain gradually lessened and turned to torment. A finger suddenly touched my open cunt causing me to jump. I could not anticipate what I could not see. "Ah, me thinks my pet enjoys having clothes pins attached to her nips, Sam. Let's add more and see what happens."

They pinched the skin about two inches below my nipple, each on a different breast as before. What I now know were clothespins replaced fingers. I clenched my teeth to keep from screaming but gave my feelings away by sucking air through them as additional pins bit into my skin. Somehow, I managed to count as they followed the same routine seven more times, literally ringing my aureoles. The pain was not as excruciating as I would have thought, but, nevertheless, it was there. In my blindness I tried to imagine, without much success, what I must look like with eighteen clothes pins attached to my breasts.

Kelly spoke again. Sensing the direction of her voice, I knew that she had moved closer to my feet. "Look Sam, my pet is seeping more. Hot damn! She really is enjoying this. Let's finish."

" Oh, gawd, not there," I exclaimed, as they pinched my labia. I should have saved my breath. Again, clothespins replaced fingers. I clenched my teeth and moaned loudly as each one captured my tender flesh. I soon wore four pins on each side.

"May I, Kelly?"

"Absolutely, Sam, be my guest. Test the waters."

One of them (I assumed Sam because of the verbal exchange.) pushed against my legs spreading them farther apart. I thought they were going to pin my clit. I screamed again, this time from passion, not pain, when a pair of lips engulfed my clitoris. I didn't realize I was that fucking hot. Just as quickly the lips retreated. I screamed again. "Oh, fuck, don't stop. Make me cum!"

"Tisk, Tisk!" Exclaimed Kelly, "Such language from someone I thought was a sweet, innocent young lady. Maybe I she is a true slut."

" Are you ordering us to do something, slut?"

"Oh, gawd, Mistress, no. Please, I am begging you to let me cum."

"Much better, slut."

"I would like to put a clothespin on your clit, Kimmy, but, considering your state of arousal, I think you would experience a climax, and we can't let that happen right now."

She removed my blindfold. "You may now see your trophies, pet." I raised my head and couldn't believe how my tits looked. Because the ring of clothespins was causing the flesh to pull upward, they had created what looked like cups about half an inch deep with my pinched nipples and their clothespins prominently in the center. The resulting recesses would certainly hold liquid.

"Now comes the fun part, Kimmy." Kelly explained that they were going to remove the pins one at a time. Being a novice, there was no way I could know that the pain would be more intense when the damn things came off. "Are you ready pet?" she asked as Sam placed her fingers at the ends of one pin. Ol' dumb Kimberly nodded her head and screamed for at least the next minute, which seemed like a lifetime while they removed the pins one at a time. As soon as Sam finished removing the first nine pins (the one imprisoning my nip was last, of course), she leaned down and sucked on the nipple. Only then did Kelly start removing her nine. As expected, Kelly sucked her nipple after removing the last pin. I screamed and swooned at the same time, forgetting that eight pins still caressed other portions of my anatomy. Because I had shut my eyes, I missed Sam moving to the bottom of the table. The screams hit a crescendo as the blood rushed back into my labia when those pins vacated their positions.

I was proud when both Kelly and Sam kissed me and said that I did well. "Just imagine the experience you will enjoy when I use the tip of my whip to remove the pins, pet. "

"Oh, shit, I'll die," I thought.

"Well, Sam, it's almost time to get dressed so I think I think you should put on your ring, don't you?"

"Yes, Miss Kelly." The change in tone and form of address was obvious. I glanced from one of them to the other as Sam removed a ring from her purse and put it on her finger. I couldn't help but notice its uniqueness. It was nearly half an inch wide and made of smooth silver with a smaller ring attached to the top. 

"I can see that, once again, my pet shows her astuteness, Sam. She noted your switch from the familiar. Shall I explain things to her?"

"Yes, Mistress Allyson said she should know why I am being whipped."

"I will let you choose your instrument this time, Sam. You may select the riding crop, quirt or cane."

Sam headed up the steps, and Kelly explained, "When I talked to Allyson this morning, while you were still sleeping, she indicated that Sam had experienced a bout of jealousy after I left with you last night."

"Jealousy, I don't understand."

"Since it is totally out of character for Sam, I was surprised. When I brought Sam and Allyson together, they agreed on a trial Dom/sub relationship like the one you and I just signed. Theirs, however, was for six months. They quickly fell in love with one another and the relationship became permanent, as I pray ours will. Often, we went out on dates as a threesome. There were times we spent nights together, usually sleeping in the same bed. Allyson and I even disciplined Sam together. When Allyson would go out of town and couldn't take Sam with her, I became a babysitter, because they agreed Sam would never be alone. To make a long story short, Sam also fell in love with me."

"And Allyson doesn't mind."

"Oh, no, in fact, in her own way, Allyson loves me, too. It falls somewhere between close friendship and being lovers. She knows that Sam's love for her is greater than Sam's love for me, and that's all that is necessary."

"Do you love them?"

"Yes, in the same way they love me, pet."

"Oh," I said, in a somewhat dejected manner.

"Kimmy, we just met. I am sure I am unlike anyone you have ever known and probably anyone you will ever know. We both used the phrase 'I love you' last evening, but it isn't true romantic love; at least not yet. We haven't known one another long enough. There is a distinct possibility that we may truly fall in love, and, if that happens, you must realize that there are different levels of love. That is the problem with most relationships. They do not permit these different levels to exist and, eventually, jealousy breaks the relationship apart."

"So, you are going to whip her simply because she exhibited a little jealousy."

"No, that's not why she is getting whipped. A small level jealousy can be expected, and is acceptable, if one does not let it consume one's self. It's more like she lost her cool like a petulant child instead of sitting down and discussing the situation like the adult she is. In short let's just say that she engaged her mouth before putting her brain in gear. I would prefer that she is the one to explain the full story."

Sam returned and handed Kelly a three-foot long plastic rod, about a half inch in diameter. One end had a handle covered with woven black and red leather. "I am pleased you selected the cane, Sam. It suits your lapse in judgement." To me Kelly explained, "This is the modern version of the English Cane, pet. It is sturdier than bamboo and doesn't splinter or break. While the English cane creates a great deal of pain, it cannot compare to this little baby. By selecting it, Sam is showing us that she is very contrite and knows she deserves the punishment she will receive."

"Sam, I gave Kimmy some generalities, but you should provide the specific reason you are going to be caned."

"Must I, ma'am?"

"The vile words came from your mouth, Sam, and should be repeated by you alone. I will not rehash them. Telling Kimmy is part of your punishment."

"Oh, Kimmy I really am sorry. I said it all in the heat of passion."

"Sam, get over it. Just tell her what you said, or I will double the number of strokes your Mistress ordered. Graciously accepting the punishment in Kimmy's presence will be your apology.
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:51 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:52 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:53 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:54 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:31 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:18 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:37 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:38 PM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:43 PM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:46 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:47 PM

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