Gay/Lesb - LGBT Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon ( Complete )
The package contained a pair of black, opaque, over-the-knee, stockings. Wide, red ribbons tied in a bow at the top to keep them up. "These are also a Victorian style. Add a nice pair of pumps, and I believe you could take her out in public," Margaret said. I cringed at the idea. Kelly just grinned.

Margaret said she would have the second corset (It's colors would be red and black gingham with black lace trim) finished in about a week and asked if there was anything else she could do for us. "Yes, speaking of pumps," Kelly replied, "I noticed your display at the back of the store. When did you start selling shoes?"

"Just last month. They all have four to five-inch heels. Are you interested?"

"Oh, most definitely!" Half an hour later, Kelly had selected two pair for me. One pair were basic black pumps with four-inch heels. The second pair were white, open side pumps also with 4-inch heels but also with straps that buckled around the ankles. The straps came with small padlocks that could be inserted through a metal ring to prevent removal. I literally wobbled when I put on the black pumps and attempted to walk. 

When I paid for everything, Margret "threw in" two pair of black nylons to wear with the corset as a gift. I accepted them even though I had already bought some. While the shoes were priced at what I would call reasonable, the corsets were extremely expensive, in my opinion, even though one was half price. The idea of wearing everything for Kelly thrilled me, so I didn't worry about the cost. Nevertheless, the total, when including the second corset, made a large dent in my credit card. 

Kelly pulled the yellow dress from her purse and handed it to me. "It's time to leave, pet. While I would love to make you wear that corset home, we have more shopping to do. Put this on with your new blouse. I am pleased you wore them together, even though you were testing me. Otherwise I wouldn't have known how great they look together," she laughed.

Next, we stopped at a department store where she selected two pair of dress pants, one gray, one tan, and one pair of tight stretch denim jeans. I tried them on, and she said, "I know there will be occasions when you will need to wear slacks to work. These fit much better across your ass, and, look nicer than the pair you brought with you." Five fitted blouses and five skirts that she thought made me look sexier, but would be acceptable to wear for business, were next on the list. The hems on the skirts ended above the knee, a fashion statement I had never accepted for myself. Again, these were all top of the line clothes. When I indicated that I thought my own clothes looked OK, she replied that, in her opinion, they were simply nondescript and just too long. The new ones would fit my new image better. "I simply cannot have you going to work with those skirts you packed. While you are with me, your knees will never be covered when you wear a skirt or dress."

We were still not finished. I followed Kelly to another skirt rack where she selected a pleated, denim miniskirt, a white, pleated skirt and a blue and green plaid, tartan skirt. All, in my opinion, were too short. Kelly read my mind. "In case you are wondering about the length of these, pet, skirts and dresses that you wear outside of work will not extend below your fingertips when your hands are at your sides. No, I need to restate that a bit. With your hands at your sides, you will need to be able to curl your fingers so they touch your leg under the hem so you are able to easily lift it up." 

I knew this meant that they would not provide much coverage and commented, "Wow, this is the first time I've been really glad that I have long arms." She laughed with me.

The next item she dbangd over my arm was a beautiful, very expensive, white, belted London Fog raincoat. "I will enjoy seeing you wearing this when we go out, knowing you are naked beneath."

I was surprised when she picked up four bikini-style bralettes which were nothing more than triangles of cotton cloth with string to tie around the neck and back. At least they covered more than the ones the women at Lisa's wore. When I remarked that I thought I would be wearing the ones from Victoria's Secret and Fredericks she replied that those would be worn when I was "dressing up," although a couple could also be worn to work. These, however, would be primarily for work. I realized that the thin material would not provide much cover or support and that my breasts would surely bounce when I walk. "They had similar ones at Victoria's Secret, and I could have had you purchase them there, but didn't."

She picked up three white tank tops, two knit shirts and a white, long sleeve turtle neck sweater. I commented that they were all a size too small. Kelly said she knew that fact and thought they would look great when I was not wearing a bra. I shook my head and smiled. Still not finished, she selected several tunic style tops, handed me one and said that she would wait outside the changing room while I tried it on. I shouldn't have been surprised when she said, "Be sure to remove the dress, pet. I don't want the colors to clash. I almost didn't leave the changing room when I looked in the mirror and realized the tunic barely covered my ass and pubic area. I finally got up enough nerve and walked out. Kelly's only comment was, "Yes, they will be perfect substitutes for a dress when we go out." Perfect posture would be necessary. If I leaned forward at all, I would be exposing everything. 

I was surprised when she walked me to another rack and handed me a pair of lace shorts. "I know the slacks are for work, Kelly, but I never expected a pair of shorts. Doesn't these go against your rule of access to my um...a..."

"MY, cunt?" she whispered.

"Ah, yes."

"Say it, dear. There's no one near us."

"Access to your cunt, Mistress."

"That won't be a problem, pet. Notice the loose legs; and you won't be wearing panties under them. We will also be removing the lining from them."


She really threw me for a loop when she instructed me to buy a pair of men's white basic-brief style underwear, especially when I was told to ask a clerk for assistance even though I indicated that I could do it by myself. I had to inform the clerk they were for me and to tell her I didn't know what to buy in men's sizes. The clerk asked if I really wanted a pair from the men's department. "We have the same thing in women's styles but without the fly opening."

I don't know what came over me or if I even thought about my reply when I blurted, "I understand that ma'am, however my Mistress specifically ordered me to buy a pair of male briefs. She will be very upset if I buy anything else." I swear the clerk's eyes glanced at my collar then moved her eyes down to the wrist cuffs before looking me directly in the eyes while smiling. Then she looked towards Kelly and asked, "Is she your mistress?" I replied affirmatively. "I'm jealous," she commented before asking if I wanted BVDs or Haynes. I indicated that I really didn't care. She said she liked the look of Haynes. As far as size, she said the sizes of men's briefs based on ranges of one's waist measurement. She handed me a three-pack, which I accepted. I turned to Kelly and asked, "May I have a pair of Men's boxers, too, Mistress?" When she gave her approval, the clerk grinned and suggested a pair in powder blue silk. Kelly approved. 

Kelly then commented that she may as well add a "wife-beater" undershirt. The clerk asked for a size and Kelly said, "Men's small, of course, and in white cotton, please. Oh, hell, you may as well include a pack of sleeveless T-shirts, too." The clerk quickly placed two three-packs on top of my collection. I'm sure she had a few things to tell her friends that night.
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:51 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:52 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:53 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 08-01-2020, 10:54 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:31 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:33 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:33 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 09-01-2020, 03:34 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:17 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:18 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:20 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:20 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:21 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:22 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 10:22 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 10-01-2020, 07:16 PM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 13-01-2020, 12:21 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 13-01-2020, 12:21 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 14-01-2020, 03:16 AM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 14-01-2020, 03:16 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 16-01-2020, 10:51 AM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:37 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:38 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:39 PM
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RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:43 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:44 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:44 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:46 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:46 PM
RE: Kim’s New Life - by Janetmon - by hirarandi - 17-01-2020, 02:47 PM

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