04-01-2020, 04:57 PM
As everyone around her wants to protect the truth about the affair, it is not possible prabu or saravanan or prabu mother talking about it. I am not sure if the truth will be revealed. In this two years, saravanan has learned that he is not a right person for his wife. She is not satisfied with him and she is finding it difficult to accept it openly. He will not be willing to live with her and increase her sorrows and thoughts about prabu. He will definitely talk to prabu on this and say, it is you who made her like this. I am not able to live with her as she is always in your thoughts. You either accept her or give a solution to this. At the same time, I cannot lose my self respect at any point in time. It took long years for me to attain this position. If saravanan decided that respect is important for him, he has to sacrifice his wife to prabu. Without losing something, you cannot get another.