Adultery With the flow, turn by turn - by Softcorexx
I eventually set down in San Francisco. After immigration, we were out to hire a cab for the given hotel accommodation. The fresh cold breeze outside the airport was a fresh start in life. This time I wanted to change my past. No kin, no old friends here. Every one will be fresh. There is no demand to be adventurous here. I might have loved sex with others but that there is no need to duplicate it. My lifetime has been always a narrow escape and till today I was capable to save everything along with Atul. Atul’s weakness in bed can be overcome with time. Yes, no more adventure in life. I have already paid a vast price to come to US.

We got the cab, Atul gave the address which was near to his current office. It took about 40 minutes to reach the hotel. Unlike India hotels here were of only two levels. The room was full enough with small kitchen. Atul’s office was in walking distance. He was so excited to work on world’s one of the biggest technical company’s headquarters.

There is no reason to be shy in places like US. Nobody is bothered to look at you. The young women here are average, tall and beautiful. Yes, in India I was easily odd one out, but here I was the young woman next door. This helped me to be a low profile life.

Days went by so fast. In a week we started out the accommodation. It was beautiful 2 bedroom condominium with ample of space around. Atul bought the automobile as well. Slowly we began to buy furniture for our demands. In a matter of two weeks we were getting along with our house set up. Things were just fine. The weather was very pleasant

I was delivering an occasional talk with family over Skype. I avoided dad. Largely I was talking with Swati Bhabhi and my parents. The sole affair which I was not perfect was cooking. Only with time I was learning it well. We didn’t experience the opulence of the maids here so I was slow picking up the house work. With no dust and white community, cleaning job was minimized. Atul was helping me over the weekend.

It was all a matter of time. A twosome of months went passed like anything. A desired life was accomplished. I was independent and was easily handling my life without any adventure.

Sex life with Atul has improved a great deal, nevertheless he was selfish in the bed, but in comparison to India he was mentally more free here. That left him to spend more time in the bedroom and I was very happy over it.

But the settled life was never going to be satisfactory for me……


Anjali: Atul, I am growing bored at home. Can you start my TV connection here?

Atul: Oh yes. Even I miss our cricket matches. I will get call service provider to connect the services

Anjali: But for that we necessitate to buy TV as well. Something which we left out. The laptop is ok, but I need a TV

Atul: Today evening we will buy from Target.

Anjali: What time you are planning?

Atul: 6 pm approximately

Anjali: OK. I will wait for it

Around 2 pm on the day. Ding, dong, bell….

I opened the door slowly. There was a bald guy.

Steve: Anjali?

Anjali: Yes

Steve: I am from Comcast. I received a request to add new cable connection

Anjali: Oh yes, Atul might have sent for you.

Steve: Can I come and pick up the socket.

Anjali: Sure

Steve: Thanks

Steve entered the house. He was not seeing that great when he was standing outside, but as he went into the house I watched over his big body frame. He was acting along the outlet socket given on the rampart.

I was in the simple top and shorts in the house. Though it was frigid outside, I prefer to set the heater on and live a cozy life inside the home.

Steve: New to the bay area?

Anjali: Yes. How you recognize?

Steve: Because you visited me here without TV.

Anjali: Oh, we will purchase today.

Steve: No problem. I have tried out the signal. Let me know if doesn’t play tomorrow

Anjali: Sure

Steve: Also, I have connections to buy a TV on cheaper rates. If you require assistance then here is my card.

Anjali: Sure. Thanks

Steve: By the way my TV work is not connected with Cable. TV thing is my private, so don’t call office for that.

Anjali: Got it

Steve: So all done

Anjali: Thanks so much

Steve: My pleasure. Always there for beautiful ladies.

Anjali: Oh thanks (blushing)

Steve: You look more beautiful while blushing.

Saying those words he left. It's been some months now that I heard something around me like a shot from other male. Somehow it entered into my head.
Atul: Hello, are you ready?

Anjali: Yes. Waiting for you

Atul: Come over the parking lot. We will first proceed to buy a TV

Anjali: OK.

Atul: Looking good.

Anjali: Thanks

Atul: I thought not to waste time, so called you out directly

Anjali: That’s okay. Quite good in fact.


Anjali: So, how was your day?

Atul: Now it started getting hectic. The festival season is coming up so more work

Anjali: Oh. I thought you would be free to visit some of the places

Atul: No yaar. This holiday season is not looking to good

Anjali: Atul, you said we will go Hawaii or Vegas

Atul: Can’t help. Lot of work. You know my position in the company. The holiday season is the peak business time.

Anjali: You mean entire holiday season at home?

Atul: Why don’t you look for a job?

Anjali: But my authorization card has not arrive so far

Atul: Matter of a week or two. At least you can begin exploring.

Anjali: hmm.


Atul: So which TV you like?

Anjali: I liked this 55” Samsung 4K

Atul: That is $1,199 + Tax. Way costly. Expect for 32 inches
Anjali: Atul, it's not that costly for you. What is the degree of buying small if we throw a laptop?

Atul: It is pricey. You know my package here

Anjali: Then gets some from India

Atul: No, I cannot

Anjali: What is the harm?

Atul: I suppose, I need to tell you the truth

Anjali: What truth?

Atul: Dad lost his long running case of ancestor property. Trouble is we had big loan against that property to buy our apartment and business. It's not like that we don’t have money, but to compensate off all the loans we are almost out of all the cash reserves.

Anjali: Oh that is tough.

Atul: Not that bad, as I am now working in the US. And then immediately I can make more and save for future

Anjali: I will also work. Together we can make it better

Atul: Ofcouse

Anjali: But I don’t want small TV

Atul: Then?

Anjali: Today that cable guy came to put on the cable. He is also doing side business of arranging cheap TVs. He also gave me his card. You can call him

Atul: Nice. Let me call him up

Steve: Hello

Atul: Hi, This is Atul. You came to my home today for new connection

Steve: I went 10 homes today

Atul: You met my wife and gave her your card.

Steve: Sir, I gave it to three ladies today. Tell me aparment

Atul: Its XX XXX XX

Steve: OK. The young one in US
Atul: Yes.

Steve: How can I assist you?

Atul: We need to buy a TV on reasonable rate. If so, what can you do?

Steve: Sure. Any model you want to?

Atul: I am looking for this Samsung 55” 4K

Steve: Let me look.

Atul: Sure

Steve: Sir, you can take it. It will be approximately $800

Atul: New?

Steve: Of course new and with limited warranty

Atul: OK. Then can I have it tomorrow

Steve: I will be needing cash payment first

Atul: OK. Take tomorrow

Steve: What time?

Atul: Around 10 AM

Steve: OK


Atul: It's done. He will come tomorrow. You can pay him cash to find a TV

Anjali: Cash? What if he didn’t fetch it or brought something broken?

Atul: We need to trust

Anjali: No. Can you work with him to pick the TV. At least you can find out

Atul: No. My schedule is packed

Anjali: Then let us buy from here

Atul: No. It is almost 2/3rd rate, he is passing on. If you don’t trust him then you can go and pick with him. At least it will be of your satisfaction

Anjali: Me?

Atul: It's ok.

We have reached our home! Atul had his dinner and started working on his laptop. He had a couple of offshore calls and then he got to turn in bed very late.

Anjali: So you got time?

Atul: Yes Madam.

Anjali: Atul, do you love me?

Atul: Why this question? Yes, of course.

Anjali: But you are neglecting me

Atul: No. I am not

Anjali: You didn’t see my night gown

Atul: It is sexy and so you are.

Anjali: I am feeling hot today. Can I take it off now?

Atul: Anjali, I know what you are expecting, but trust me I am real tired.

Anjali: Just 30 mins. It's now been a week

Atul: OK

Atul started kissing me. I took my top off. He did some kissing and sucking but he was acting like somebody has forced him. I didn’t discourage him, but he was very poor today that too when we were faring after a workweek. Initial one month was great, only nowadays he is worse than what he was in India.

Anjali: You are straining to penetrate so early. I am not wet all.

Atul: I want to finish up and sleep. What is your problem today?

Anjali: Then you sleep. I am not interested in this 2 minutes Maggie sex.

Atul: Anjaliiiiiii

Anjali: Don’t cry at me. If you think you are busy then its ok. I am not going to force it. Simply show some emotions, at least.

Atul: I am sorry. Give me some more time. After Christmas, it should be ok.

Anjali: It is 1+ months until Christmas from right away

Atul: Sorry, but no option

Anjali: It's ok. I know you are busy. I really am sorry. Actually, I have missed you in bed for some time now

Atul: Promise. Everything will be fine again.

Anjali: I trust you.

Atul: I have called Steve this morning. He will come during noon time. Either you trust him and give $800 cash or go with him to bring your favorite TV. Remember model is 55’ Samsung 4K

Anjali: OK

Atul: Bye sweetheart

Anjali: Bye

Knock knock

Anjali: Hi Steve

Steve: Hi, how are you doing

Anjali: I am fine. Thank you.

Steve: Atul told me to take money from you.

Anjali: Yes. But I have one question

Steve: Please go ahead

Anjali: Transaction is cash and you are not shop owner. What if you take money and don’t come back or you give us defective product?

Steve: You can come with me and pick the TV on your own and give me money once it is right installed in our apartment

Anjali: OK. How much it will take?

Steve: Its near by so maximum 30 mins two ways

Anjali: OK. Let me get ready

Steve: You are looking fine (grin). I have other orders as well

Anjali: OK. Let us go now


In the pickup truck

Steve: How you liked this place?
Anjali: It is a nice place. I like weather and cleanliness here

Steve: Yes. But it is getting costly here.

Anjali: Yes. I can see

Steve: I have to do many works in parallel to get my earnings

Anjali: Oh. So beside Cable and TV, what all you do?

Steve: I am connected with Travel agency. They sell tour plans.

Anjali: That is cool

Steve: Let me know if you are looking for a vacation. The holiday season is coming up

Anjali: Sure. Any discount you give?

Steve: I can arrange some. Also, they have scratch card schemes, you sometimes get free tour on that.

Anjali: That is super. I will try.

Steve: You need to buy one small tour first to earn scratch card.

Anjali: Oh. That is bad.

Steve: But I have connections. I can get scratch card for a beautiful customer like you


Steve: Here is our distribution shop. Come with me.

Anjali: It looks lonely

Steve: Yes. Because no customer comes here. We deliver mostly

Anjali: So I am exceptionally?

Steve: No, you are the one who didn’t trust us.. Ha ha

Anjali: I know. I am sorry.

Steve: It's ok. Anyway, I have to make this trip even with you. Glad you came with me. I had a good time talking to you.

Anjali: (smiling)

Steve: So here is the TV which Atul asked for

Anjali: OK. Can I open and see.

Steve: Sure. But we have packed it again. Better we open at your house. You may be after you test it properly

Anjali: OK

Steve: I have one more TV in deal here. It is 65’’ and $100 less

Anjali: Why, that's so?

Steve: It is the box opened and used for a month. The person sold it back to us as he was moving out.

Anjali: So it is used

Steve: It is our honesty else can easily pack it back

Anjali: Who knows this 55” is same?

Steve: Good one.

Anjali: What is the risk for 65”?

Steve: You can pay me after a day of the full trial

Anjali: That is good. I will go for 65”

Steve: Smart lady.


Anjali: You can place TV here. That is a better angle in the house

Steve: OK

Steve: I have installed TV. All your channels are up. I will check tomorrow with you if everything is fine and to collect $700.

Anjali: Sure.
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RE: With the flow, turn by turn - by Softcorexx - by rombyzomby - 01-01-2020, 09:23 PM

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