Fantasy Wife Become Girl Friend For Rich Man by puneslut2

These girls don’t even greet me, they totally ignore me. I could understand they must be very tired, it is not easy when group of boys are penetrating you for hours and hours roughly, that too strangers, that too after injecting you. Hema was used to it, but still Hema was looking very tired, but her skin was fresh and it was beaming, it never looks like she was forced. My wife was also tired but was having fresh clean skin, she was looking like newly weeded girl after her first night, where her best friend is carrying her after first night sex, or first night assault, but her first night was three days long, and newly wedded girl have one sex partner, but my wife Meenakshi had around 15 partner in last three days.
I wanted to hug meenakshi, I wanted to give her cozy hug, I wanted to tell meenakshi let’s forget what have happen, I still love her, I move towards Meena, but I feel she move little back, I feel she don’t want me to hug her, she was not keen to hug me, it was first time since long time we were apart for three days, despite meenakshi moving back, I move towards her to hug her, but quickly Hema come between us, she push me and signal me to don’t touch Meenakshi, why I can’t touch my own wife? More than 15 guys had drugged and fucked her like whore, and I can’t every give her cozy nonsexual hug, but why?
But Hema quickly handed me the photo frame which she was carrying till now, she asked me to take frame and give way to meenakshi, I realize I was in way of meenakshi, so she could not enter house, I went in her way to hug her, but I was unsuccessful. As soon as I pick up photo frame, Hema push me slightly, both girls enter in house. Shawl was still covering my wife Hema, shawl was wet, it was clear it was due to here wet skin, that means she have recently taken bath. Does that mean shawl was directly on her body? Does that mean she is nude under shawl? Her bare leg, her wet shawl indicate she is nude, I don’t want to guess more, I close the door and carry photo frame cover in packet in house.
I don’t know what is there in frame and why is it covered in packet?
As soon as I closed door, and turned around, I saw my wife was walking towards hall, and my wife meenakshi drop the shawl on floor, oh my god, my wife was totally nude, my doubt was correct, her body was wet, and she had taken bath just before leaving farmhouse. Her back was towards me, it was looking all red, look like her ass received lot of smacking, did they treats her roughly? Actually her entire white body was looking reddish, but her ass was very red, I see few scratchers on her back. Her back was also little reddish, but her skin was looking fresh, her hairs was sticking on here back as her hairs was wet. I wanted to see her from front, I wanted to see whether her boobs are also as red as her ass.
But I got another shock, that petticoat rope was still tied around her waist. It was also wet, petticoat which was around this rope is lying in lover park, but this rope is still on her waist, it was same rope which helps Vijendra to fuck hard in park, maybe all guys fuck he by holding this rope only. we put belt in neck of dog so that we could control it, but these guys was controlling my wife by petticoat rope, I could see mark of ropes on her waist, it look like rope cling really hard on her body. It was quiet obvious as guys was fucking my wife meenakshi holding same rope for three days now, it was bound to happen. It tell my wife has gone through lot of tough time.
I wanted my wife to turn around so that I could see her front part, but To my surprise my wife directly went to bedroom, she didn’t stay in hall? She don’t allow to hug me, and now she directly went in bedroom and closed it from inside, I was still standing holding that big 5 feet long photo frame in my hand, I don’t know what was there in frame. Now in hall only Hema and I were there. I saw my wife but I have not heard her voice, my talkative wife was silent today, and she silently went in bedroom locking it from inside.
I wanted to talk to Hema and wanted to know what is this frame, I wanted to know what exactly happen, but even Hema was not interested in talking to me, both girls was ignoring me, I was about to talk to Hema, Hema anticipate it and she quickly told me to bring tea for her. Hema told me that she is tired and wanted to have tea, I wanted to talk to her but she quickly sit on sofa and close her eyes ignoring me totally, I know she is not in mood to talk to me, probably Hema is also upset and tired because of what has happen, I though cup of tea might change her mood, I quickly put photo frame down and went to kitchen to prepare tea for my college friend Hema.
I very ghastly prepare tea, I wanted to talk to Hema, I wanted to visit my wife, I love her, no matter what she do but she trust me to tell the truth, both girls was very quiet, I was not able to j judge anything, I don’t even know what is there in that frame, all thoughts was running in my mind, I was preparing tea in kitchen, my friend Hema was in hall with unknown photo frame, and my wife is in hall totally nude, only one string was tied around her waist, I make tea in 5 minutes, I put it in cup and went in hall quickly.
To my surprise Hema was not there, hall was empty, I couldn’t even see photo frame on floor, where Hema went? Where was photo frame? Did she went in bedroom, probably she went to bedroom, if she had went to bedroom that mean I can’t talk with her about this session as I have agreed with my wife Meenu that I will never discuss this topic again, that also mean I will be watching my wife’s front body part. But when I saw our hall door is opened, it clearly indicates she went outside hall, she had left our house, now my wife is in bedroom and I am in hall, only two people in house. But where she went? If she didn’t want tea then why she ask me to prepare tea? Why she doesn’t talk to me? Why my wife doesn’t talk to me? Why they ignore me?
Now I decided to go to bedroom, I wanted to hug her, I wanted to tell her whatever has happen has happen, I decided I will give her cup of tea if she want it, but suddenly then I saw that packet of paper which was covering that big photo frame was lying on floor, where is photo frame which Hema and my wife bring? I scan on my wall, I got biggest shock of my life, oh my god, my marriage photograph which was install on wall was replaced by this new photo our wall there was one photo of me and my wife Meenakshi, it was our marriage photograph, but now it was replaced by this new photo frame. I know Hema did this, and that is why she sends me to kitchen to make tea, she fooled me, But where is our marriage photo? Did she install it somewhere else? I scan entire hall but our marriage photograph was nowhere, oh my god, I got It, Yes, Hema took our marriage photo with her and replace it with this new photo. But why did she take our marriage photograph? She could have install this new photframe anywhere else. I don’t understand.
I saw towards this new photo frame, It was big photo now install on our wall, do you want to know what was in that photo? It was photo of my wife Meenakshi with Hema, same photograph which was on the wall of Hema’s house. My wife was wearing black saree and Hema was wearing white t-shirt in this photograph. It was same photo after watching which many client of Hema had asked date with my wife, it was photo of last day of our college, but wait, why Hema replace it with our marriage photo? What does that mean? There is same photo on Hema’s wall, now same photo is in our wall. I don’t understand the meaning of it. Does that mean now my wife is committed to Hema and not to me. She could have install this new photo beside our marriage photo, but she did not do it, she replace our marriage photo, what did this mean?
I was thinking about it, I don’t know whether Meenakshi is aware of this or not? Because this photo was covered till now, Ii decided to walk towards bedroom to meet my wife, I went to bedroom door, and I was about to knock the door, but wait, there was something attached to door, there was one letter attached to our bedroom door, I pick it up, it was small letter, and it was from Hema, at least handwriting suggest so, it was written as below.
Vishal, I know you will try to enter in bedroom of Meenakshi as soon as I leave, so I write this letter to you and left it on Meenu’s bedroom door, you please leave Meenu alone for few days, she must be tired, guys had fucked her lot in these days, so please don’t disturb her, let her take rest, and as agreed don’t bring this subject again in front of her. And one more thing, please don’t replace the photo frame I have installed on your wall, it will remain as it is now, this new photo is symbol of our friendship, don’t worries no one will blackmail you guys, Anil will visit your wife as friend only sometime, don’t overthink about it, we all have erase these three days from our mind and you also do the same, and don’t hurt Meenakshi, Just stay away from Meenu for few days and don’t even enter in her bedroom, now few days this will be only Meenakshi bedroom, you sleep in hall, Give her some privacy for few days, she is your wife and loyal to you.
After reading this message, I got another shock, why she want me to stay away from my own wife? Why she replace our marriage symbol with this new photo? Why my wife doesn’t talk even single word to me? Meenu told she was injected many times in these days, but I don’t see even single mark of injection on her ass, how? Probably they injected her on arms all the time. I didn’t saw her front body or her arm. But if guys has injected her so many times, then I should have seen injection mark on her back, maybe I overlook it, But Why Hema wants me to stay away from my Meenu totally? Why she ban my entry in abedroom? Meenu had locked bedroom from inside that mean she also don’t want me to come in bedroom. Meenakshi don’t show me her front body part, is there any secret there? Guys fucked my wife meenakshi, I could understand that, but why Hema not want me to touch Meenu? What she means by Anil will keep visiting as friend? How my wife agrees to come nude only covered in shawl? Why they didn’t call m me to farmhouse to pick my wife? Do they want to keep place secret from me? If Hema was really injected, then why I don’t see injection mark on her ass?
Was my wife telling truth? How many guys really know I am husband of Meenu? Does this new photograph indicate that Meenakshi is not my loyal wife, but she is slut friend of Hema? Did my wife change loyalty? What is guarantee that these teenager and guys won’t enter in our life again? What is guarantee that Meenu will not fall for richness of Vijendra? Does Hema give number of Meenu to all guys? Who know whether these guys have my wife’s photograph with them or not? Who know that this photo will not get viral tomorrow?
Who is mastermind? Hema? Anil? Vijendra? Or my own wife? What is role of those guys? What is role of medical guy? What is role of pizza guy? Who were those two guys sitting back in SUV? If these guys was not aware I am her hubby, then why they was teasing me? Why they were showing Meenu’s inners cloth like blouse, panty to me only? Why Vijendra gifted me blouse of my wife? Why Pizza guy told me story inside of bungalow in detail?
There was lot of questions, but I was relief that my wife is with me, and she is honest with me, Hema had also told that these guys will not blackmail US, I decide to give time to Meenu to get out of this and forget about what had happened and begun new journey from here.After all she is my wife and staying away from her is matter of few days.. i again take sleeping pill and sleep on sofa....
It was ten days since my Meenu is back from her one day date with Vijendra, she told me that these guys have gangbang her, they drug her and fuck her forcefully. Meenakshi pretended to be innocent, but why did she hide herself in bedroom from last ten days, i don’t know the answer. Yes friends my wife Meenakshi has locked herself in bedroom from last ten days. I cook food for her and keep it on her bedroom door, she open door very slightly pick her food and close the door. She again keeps all dishes at bedroom door once she is done. Guys, we have bathroom and toiled attached to our bedroom, and her wardrobe I is also in bedroom. She communicates whatever she wants with me on phone.
Guys, Meenu lock herself in bedroom that doesn’t mean she have not meet with anyone, sometime Hema come and directly went in bedroom to see her, Hema don’t even look at me. One male doctor (age 30 daily comes to visit her in evening. Hemlata and doctor daily visit our house at eight pm. I have to hide myself in kitchen when they visit, yes guys, Meenu told me on phone that this doctor is friend of Vijendra, so they don’t want him to know that Meenakshi is married. Why don’t understand why they chose male doctor?
Now I got the secret of replacing our marriage photo with photo of Hema & Meenakshi in hall ((read last part for reference). They don’t want doctor to realize that she is married, so they replace the photograph. I could understand, actually anil has fooled both the girls and have gangbang my wife (as per my wife version). I know my wife Meenu will need treatment to get out of this physical assault (gangbang and drug). I also understand that I can’t take Meenu to any random hospital, doctor will ask how this happens, one need special doctor to treat her, and Vijendra & anil have doctor for such situation. I guess this doctor belong to Vijendra, that is why Hema want Meenu’s marriage as secret, so she replace all photograph and make me hide daily when doctor visit.
All this time Hema didn’t reveal much to me, my wife meenakshi only order me on phone from bedroom, and she had requested me to not to ask anything and she need some time before things become as it was earlier. Anil didn’t receive my call, once I call Anil three times in row to get answers, but he did not receive my phone, but I immediately receive call from my wife Meenakshi and she told me not to disturb Anil. That mean instead of calling me Anil call my wife meenakshi and told her that I am bothering him. I don’t understand these groupies. Why everyone is avoiding me? What is real truth? I just resign and keep quiet, I know I can’t call Vijendra or another guys. All doors were lock for me and I was just waiting for finishing Meenu’s treatment.
It has been half month now that treatment of my wife was going on and I have not got glimpse of her in my own house, she was present in same house, she was present in our same bedroom, but I haven’t seen her. One male doctor and Hema was daily entering in her bedroom and was spending hour in my own bedroom with my wife. It has become routine now, I had started to go to job now, I leave daily at 10 AM and come back at 7 PM.
I now understand that Hema do come out of bedroom when I go to office, she prepare afternoon food for herself, she watch TV, she spend her day as per her regular schedule, she even go to market, she go to our neighbor to talk to them, but whenever I come she quickly lock herself in bedroom, I understand now she has recover, she is back to normal for entire world but for me she is lost, meenakshi only hide herself from me. Visit of doctor & Hema was still going on and I have to hide myself in kitchen before they come, as this doctor belong to group of Vijendra and marital status of Meenakshi has to be kept secret from him.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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RE: Wife get details & reach to Vijendra(Her date) home - by bigman - 21-11-2018, 07:59 PM

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