Fantasy Wife Become Girl Friend For Rich Man by puneslut2
Then I enter in college, I was still slender and flat chested girl, but Hemlata was well developed girl now. My friendship with Hemlata has become very strong till now. Around this time in first year of college you come to my life. Initially I thought you are fake and pretending to be innocent, as all guys Hema and me meet till now was lecher, but with time both Hema and I realize you are not fake, we both started liking you.

 like your innocence; I like your cute look. All guys used to look at me with dirty eyes as I was friend of college slut Hemlata, on my back guys used to call me slut; they used to address us as Hema-Meena slut pair, I don't mind that as hema is my real friend. But I found you different, you never have dirty eye on me. Whenever guys used to look at me or Hemlata they used to look at our breasts first and then our face, you were so shy you never look at us, you used to look away from us while talking to us. Guys used to touch me or Hemlata on false reason, they always try to find reason to touch us, we understand it, we even discuss it, but we used to ignore these sexual touches as we know every girl have to go through it.
But you never do it to us, I like it, sometime Hemlata used to say teasingly that you must be impotent, Hemlata was one who told me to become your girlfriend, but I had my doubt as you don’t have macho personality. Hemlata assure me that she is always there to protect us; finally I fall for you for your innocence. Hema has big role to play in we becoming couple, it was not possible without her; I will be grateful to Hemlata for helping me to become your girlfriend. This was second big favour she does for me.
Even after becoming girlfriend, I never allow you kiss for six months, I show you my boobs after one year, I allow you to fondle them after 18 months of relationship, and you fuck me after two years first time, I was in third year that time. If there was any other guy he would have jump on me on my first date, but you was different, you love me and not my body.
Remember I don’t have good image in college but you treat me like good girl. You never have dirty eye even on Hemlata. I never keep you away from fuck deliberately for first two years of relationship, infact I wanted to you to fuck me in first year only, but you never take initiative, I don’t want to start it on my own, and you fuck me first time after two years of relationship. But you work on my boobs very nicely, when I enter in college Hema had big boobs than me, but when college finish in third year I had bigger boobs than Hema, hema used to tease me about that and she admire you for work you done on my boobs.
Then our college ends and after some time we get married. you got good job, I become your housewife and started our new journey.Till now Hemlata have become popular call girl, from teenager she have become well developed adult girl, she has politicians, goons, rich guys as her client. Vishal, Hemlata was not like cheap call girl who used to fuck for money, she used to flirt with these guys and these guys are always ready to do anything for her.
Despite being call girl many of her clients had proposed her for marriage, but she never takes any marriage proposal seriously. Hemlata is very smart girl. She possesses lot of power because of her flagrant personality, despite that she never tries to trap me in prostitution, if she had trap me she could have won lot of money from her clients.
This Anil comes to our life after marriage, he was pimp of Hemlata but soon he becomes my good friend. You know I don’t do job and I was getting bore at home, this Anil used to come with Hema at our house in afternoon and soon he become my good friend, Vishal, there was nothing sexual between me and Anil till yesterday. We were just friends, that too because of Hema only. Slowly our friendship become strong and then he started visiting our house without Hema in afternoon. I don't know why but Hema never like that Anil is meeting me alone. i guess she is jealous, but she never openly told me to stay away from Anil.
Anil also give me lot of offers to become call girl, he used to give me that offers without offending me, everything was happening in persiflage environment. Honestly Anil thinks that you are very narrow minded person. He doesn’t like way you hide me in house. I become close friend of Anil because despite being pimp for girl he never see girl as body, he is pimp but he always pimp needy girls or girls who willingly accept prostitution for fun, in fact he help needy girls to earn money in safe environment.
Anil told me that Hema had big picture of her with me on her wall. Anil saw me first time in that picture only, Anil told that many client of Hema who come to fuck her see that picture and fall for my curvy body. They make offer of big amounts for fucking me. But Hema never entertain them, respect for Hemlata increase in my heart, she had rejected profit of thousands of rupees for me only, I mean she not even ask me about it. She was true friend, I feel very obligated to her.
Vishal, that big photograph which is on wall of Hema is of last day of our college, you remember I wear black saree that day, black saree was tightly wrapped around my slim milky body, Hema was wearing white t-shirt in photograph. Vijendra also look me first time in that photo and that is why he asks me to come to date in black saree. He wanted to see me in same attire as I was in that photograph. He actually fall for that picture, And when he ask Hema to join us in lover park he specifically ask her to wear white t-shirt, he wanted to see together as we look in that photograph.
Ok, back to point now, Anil told me last month that Hema is in big financial crisis, she need lot of money. I ask anil why he doesn’t help her, but anil says Hema have very high self-respect and he won’t take money from him. I decided that I should approach her with money, remember how she got gangbang for me in college days. But then Anil told me I should not approach her, otherwise Hemlata will feel very bad. Anil was right, I decided I won’t approach Hema for giving her money, i don't want to hurt her. But I wanted to help her to get our of this financial crisis, i don’t know what to do? But I wanted to help her.
I told Anil that I want to help Hema in her financial crisis. Anil thought about it for few days, he told me that he will come with plan so that I can help Hema. He also told me that plan will be such that Hema won’t understand that I am helping her. I don’t know what Anil has in mind, but I trust him whatever he was doing was doing for Hema only. He strictly told me to keep this discussion secret from Hema, I follow his order and keep it secret from Hema. Anil told me that he will come up with some plan till Hema’s 26th birthday.
Anil & Hemlata are my good friend but I never do anything for them, especially Hemlata. Last week there was Hemlata 26th birthday & when I ask for gift she told me that she want nothing from me, she only want my friendship for life time. My respect for Hema increase, she could have easily ask for help but despite her financial crisis she keep quiet. Anil later told me in private that I can give big gift to Hemlata if I wanted to, I ask him for detail and he said it is only one day of my life that could make Hemlata very rich and bail out Hema from this financial crisis.
One day of my life, I asked Anil for detail and he told me that I should go on one date for Hema with her regular client (Vijendra). Anil told me that client had seen my photograph in Hema’s home and desperately wants to spend some time with me. He also told me that client want me to see in same look as photograph, and i should wear same black saree. He told that client want me so badly that he even agree that he won’t fuck me. I thought there is nothing to lose in this deal, if Hema could get gangbang for me from four guys which are double of her age, i can easily go on date to bail her out from financial crisis.
i don’t like idea but I have done nothing for Hemlata for last ten years and this was my chance, it was only date. She supported me in every aspect of my life, but what did I do for her. I thought going on date is not big deal and I then said to anil that I am ready, but he should ensure that there Is no fucking, Anil told me that i should tell hema that i am doing it for my fun.
Anil and I told it to Hema, she initially doesn’t want me to do it, she was again refraining me from doing it, Hema is so selfless girl. Anil insisted Hema that I should go on date, Anil play key role in convincing Hema to let me go on date, but she don’t say yes, I could see she was angry on Anil, i understand Hema is frustrated because of financial crisis. then finally I tell her that I want to do it for my own fun, i requested her to let me go.
when I say my own fun Hema keep quiet and agree for it. I told Hema that this date I am dedicating to her and whatever I earn in this date will be her birthday gift, she was annoyed initially but then I told Hema that I only want fun from this date. I told Hema if i accept money from this date then i will feel I am betraying my husband. Hema now don’t have any option, she quietly accept it. but still i could see stress on her face, i guess she was still worried of her medical crisis.
Anil then told that they need unmarried girl,. Hemlata told that she can give me look of unmarried girl, we know it was difficult because I have big boobs and wide ass, but Hemlata do good job with my hair, my dressing and then we decide that I should project myself as unmarried girl. Hema help me lot because she thought I am doing it for fun, but I am doing it for her, so she could get out of financial crisis. I thank Anil because he told me that meenakshi is in financial crisis. Anil told me that client (Vijendra) is very rich and this deal will give lot of money to Hema.
Hemlata told me that Vijendra love to expose girls to lower class people like driver, servant. Anil then suggests that I should take you as driver so that even if he exposes me it won’t be problem. Hemlata then told that I should not take you with me, but Anil was adamant that only you should take me to Vijendra, it was important for my safety. Hemlata took all guarantee of my safety. Now Anil don't have any logic to make you my driver for date. But we agree with anil that you should my driver only for his ego, he become very angry on Hema when she say you should not become driver. remember Anil is simple but he is very egoistic.
I was feeling happy that I was helping Hemlata to earn some money, whatever I decided it was only for my ten years old friendship with Hemlata and what she did for me in college, she supported me unconditionally for last ten years; it was my token to her from my side. Remember it was decided only one day date, it was not gangbang as it turned out later.
Vishal I decided I won’t tell you all this things, it was only matter of one day date, that too without fuck, but slowly things goes out of control and it result in gangbang situation. I have tell you all truth now, I told you why I agree to go on this date. Everything is open like book now, it is your decision now.
Vishal I know it is too much to digest for you but my heart is pure and my love is for you only. If you still love me come to the address given by Anil to you, if you don’t trust or need some time to get out of this which is very understandable then don’t come to pick me, I will stay with Hemlata until you come out of it, I will always remain your faithful wife.
remember I am not prostitute, I will stay with Hemlata but never indulge myself in any sexual activity until you come to pick me, I am always be your loyal wife but sometime things become such that one should stay away. If you need time to get out of this mental shock then take your own time and you call me anytime once you feel comfortable. I will stay with Hemlata till then, remember this was last time I do all this, from now I will never do it and will always remain faithful to you.
Vishal I have confess everything now Decision is your, but remember if you pick me that mean you trust me and after that I don’t want any further discussion on this topic. Take your time I am always your wife and remain your wife only, and I am with Hemlata and will stay with her in her flat until you come totally out of it. If you want me to take home with you today, just give me one missed call, don’t call me Vijendra and company is still here and they are about to leave in next twenty minute, I don’t want them to see me talking with driver on phone.
Your lovingly wife
I read the letter, I understand what happen and how it happens. I always knew one could easily trap my innocent and naïve wife Meenakshi. I understand now that Anil has trapped my wife. Hemlata is clean and she doesn’t want my wife to go on this date. Respect for Hemlata goes up in my mind as well. How can one slut be so faithful and selfless friend, I feel shame on myself that I look at this pure girl Hemlata with dirty eyes.
Anil told my wife that Hemlata is in financial crisis, but my naïve wife doesn’t even confirm it from Hemlata. It was so stupid on her part, I understand Anil created illusion of Hemlata’s financial crisis in mind of my wife, Anil also ensure that my wife don’t confront Hemlata on this issue by his intelligence. I remember he was alone visiting my home from last one month, that mean he was creating communication gap between my wife and Hemlata. Anil was intelligent and my wife was very easy victim for him. I understand when my wife committed to help Hema, from that day Anil was hunting rich client for my wife Meenakshi.
From letter of my wife I understand Hemlata don’t want me to go as driver, but that Anil insisted. I understand Hemlata fight for me, so that I can stay out of this humiliation, but she give up in front of this Anil. Anil wanted to humiliate me, I wanted to punch that bastard Anil so hard now. It was clear now anil is playing with three(Me, Meenakshi, Hemlata) of us. He is mastermind of all this dirty plan.
Wait, is Anil blackmailing Hemlata also? I don’t know but I understand my wife was trapped emotionally in this by lecher Anil. He used friendship between my wife & Hemlata as his tool. From that letter I understand Hemlata was not in favor of all this but she become helpless when my Meenakshi says she is going on date for fun, Hemlata did her best to stop my wife from entering in this world. I can’t blame Hemlata for this, It happen only because Meenakshi doesn’t consult anything from me or Hemlata. It was big mistake on her part.
Wait but my wife told me that she agreed only for one day date, but then why she went with guys for gangbang? Why she willingly become nude in SUV? I understand one day date, but becoming nude in SUV was too much, why that happen? What was her motivation for that? Was it another trap by Vijendra? I know Hemlata could have stop this but she was under impression that my wife Meenakshi is enjoying this. My head was heavy now, I wanted my wife back but I know I can’t ask her these question as she had clearly mention that she won’t discuss this topic again.
I stop thinking, it was unnecessarily making me feel bad, whatever has to happen has happen, now I decided that I will give miss call, I want my wife back. I want to bring her back home. Whatever she did, it was only for friendship, at least she think so!! She has already promised me in letter that she won’t do such adventure again; I know her heart is pure and that is why she is able to tell me the truth.
Hemlata is also very clean in this; actually she is loyal to my wife from last ten years. Both girls do sacrifice for each other, they are best friends. I surely know that this was plan of Anil who manipulated both the girls. I pick up my phone and as per instruction I give small miscall to my wife Meenakshi.
Now I was waiting for SMS from Anil, I still don’t know where they took my wife and her friend Hemlata for gang bang. Again my phone ring, but to my surprise it was another whatSapp message from my wife. She had told me everything, what she wants to tell me now? Are there few more surprised? I was dreaded and open the message of my, it read as below….
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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RE: Wife get details & reach to Vijendra(Her date) home - by bigman - 21-11-2018, 07:56 PM

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