Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
As given by Harithick:

Mahesh msg swathi to come at 5 to rohits house.. and swathi was so surprised this guy rohit can do anything for her hmmm she thought she will have a long night but she is worried as her pussy is so much itching...

Mahesh and rohit reached home and mahesh went to guest bedroom and started working there , while rohit was busy in arraning things for the evening , he arranged nice creams for her bhabhi to apply and a lovely night wear , he made sure it had layers of tops and inners so that outside it looks a normal nightie and over that he put a saree to cover the inner nighttie .. rohit wsa getting hot with the thought of his bhabhi wearing those sexy ones inside and a normals aree outside made his ock tight.....with nice smooth latin..but inside it wud be a slutty wear
rohit came down with two pegs for mahesh and himself and talking on the project anamika walked in a lovely saree with backless blouse and her kid... both mahesh and rohit were surprised seeing her dress so gorgeously ... Anamika coudl see both of them surprisde and a lil embaraassed with their looks

Rohit interferred. .. anamiak u can wait till swathi comes as she is coming with chotu and both can play while u and mahesh can work.. me and bhabhi will prepare dinner and spend some time together ..nno need to hurry we need the quality..

Anamika liked rohit always noticed her uncomfort and she quickly took her son immediately out..she could notice mahesh oozing at her and she knew she had ignited him already ..she smield and felt she is going to get one more round from Mahesh

After few minutes Swathi walked into th eouse with chout and chout ran to mahesh and rohit..rohit gave him a chocoalte... and smield..Swathi looked at mahesh and asked him u guys alreayd started and went and hugged mahesh from behind on hsi chair...
she was hugging mahesh and kissing his cheeks lookign at rohit and rohit understood his bhabhi is teasing him.. mahesh got so hot after seeing anamika and he felt swathi and kissed her cheeks and left.. mahesh got up and hugged swathi ... and hugged chotu
swathi hugged mahesh and while hugging pressed her bobos to his chest wantedly and left him .. and took chotu from mahesh hands... chotu was happy getting so much love from his paretns... Swathi took chotu and living.... and mahesh got back to his laptop... rohit said chotu ur video game keys?.. chotu instnatly siad yes.. rohti came to chotu and put keys in his shirtpocket and whiel doing so he wantedly touched swathis boobs .. as rohit was covering swathi bahbhi side mahesh ditn knew anythign..swathi almost gasped at rohits dare and touched his cock once teaing him more and asked chotu to thank rohit.. he was so happy and was looking at kyes as rohits hands squeesed her more... and swahti was showing him her tougne...

rohit and swathi did that talk with chotu for few seconds more and swathi left saying thanks rohit...rohti was feelign restless so was swathi .. Swathi went up and anamika was sitting there and both chout and her son so hapy seeing each other and they immediately went to play games with the kyes rohit gave

Swathi enquired about anamika and said she was looking so beautiful ....Swathi felt sad for anamika whenever she saw her..and she always advised her to get married..anamika said its not possible as the society and her son wont accept any new comer..
Anamika left her son and went to downstairs for her work.. rohit was briefing how he wanted the work and mahesh and anamika realised that they cant complete the work in one night... anamika and mahesh said the same..and rohit said yes its ok we have time till monday morning and since all of us are here not much to be worried.. all of them agreed and rohit asked apologies to anamnika for working along with drinking. .anamika just smiled its ok sir..

Swathi went inside her bathroom and found all those rohit had kept she looked at the way rohit had planned for her and she was all shy and the thougth of those lacy inners, tops and the saree over it.. oh my god rohit had planned to occupy her completely .... she was feelign weak in her knees that what she is doign is right or not...and she was encouraging him in the ground floor... she msg raavan... what all u planning to do

Rohit was busy with discussions so he dint see the msg..Swathi was confused as to what to do ..bcos she know if she allows rohit today its going to lead to her complete surrender to rohit and her love hole will be occupied by him.. and definitely she will enjoy this... swathi was thinking now rohit had seen her compeltely nude and had eaten h er love hole is it right or not to allow him ... whats wrong in allowing him.. oh..if she then aaman also is good enough to have it..and the thougth was makign her leak..and she realised she is becomign slut... and enjoying this body ... two rich guys are behind for her treasure...

After discussion, rohit saw the msg and replied..hope u liked it bhahbi ..

Swathi- yes ..but how can i wear these type of things

rohit- no prob , bhabhi .. ur beauties will be wrapped in saree and only eaten by me

Swathi- shut up raavan .. pls lets not do this..

rohit- bhabhi u stilll in that .. comeon.. do u want me to come up and make u ready ?

Swathi- no..maehsh and anamika are still there...

Rohit- ok get ready and coem soon

all 3 worked and rohit was quickly giving them inputs and details needed , anamika was engaged in putting things and documents together , she h as become an expert under rohits guidance, mahesh has been constantly sipping and putting numbers nd working the figures.
After an hour of enjoying in tub and applyign various creams to her body , pussy and her asshole swathi came out and put on the dress given by rohit...and she wbangd them over the saree ..she then took the kids for dinner to the table where rohit and his team were wroking..
Swathi enquired about dinner for others ... Rohit straight away said a no as he was having munching... anamika and mahesh decided to have food together....Mahesh enquired about swathi..swathi said she wasnt hungry and rohit asked her to help...mahesh left with swathi to rohit..and he went with anamika outside..
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by emily.babe135790 - 25-12-2019, 01:10 PM

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