Misc. Erotica Heavenly Angel: Deceived by Trust - by - duckhunter-SoftCoreXX
Chapter- 6

At 5:30 am, the morning bell rang in th hostel for everyone to wake up and do their morning chores. Everyone except the bad trio woke up and breakfast was served at 6:30. There is a small prayer session at 7:30 and thereafter half an hour for exercise. All students must leave the hostel by 9:00 towards the college. This was their daily routine, and warden is very strict in upkeeping the laws of the hostel.

But vishnu, Rahim and anand get up much later than everybody, even the warden and other students are little scared to question them. Once they were caught by the warden for smoking in the hostel terrace, followed by strict action of suspending them. But Rahims brother Navas broke into wardens house and threatened to kill him, and later the trio was allowed back in hostel. After that incident even the strict warden, is scared to force them to abide by the rules and often their activities are overlooked.
Today they woke up at 8:30, had breakfast and Rahim proceeded to shower after grabbing Anands cellphone. In the washroom before shower he shagged after watching a hot clip from his phone. This was his morning routine, they get dressed up in their uniform and set off , when there is five minutes to start the period. Sometimes they arrive late and would be asked to stand outside which they do not care about. They are not worried about those small punishments, but knows how to take care if given severe ones.
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RE: Heavenly Angel: Deceived by Trust duckhunter-SoftCoreXX - by manasi - 28-01-2019, 07:12 PM

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