Non-erotic Suchismita - My Forbidden Love - by Pinuram [Completed]
Suddenly her voice changed from lovely chirping to hissing snake ---“Let me go Abhi. You are hurting me. Let me go.”

I don’t know what type of beastly desire filled my brain that day. But her hiss made me comeback. I saw her eyes; those were filled up with tears of pain.

Her lips quivered ---“This is not my Abhi. Let me go.” Her bosoms were heaving as if huge waves were crashing.

There was no point of return for me and I grabbed the neck line of her blouse and pulled that cloth with my left hand. The fabric came off her juicy mounds with a screeching sound of torn fabric. Her bright pink innerwear revealed much of her creamy luscious mounds.

As she felt the fabric has gone away she cried out ---“LEAVE ME ALONE. YOU ARE NOT MY ABHI.”

I felt a sharp slap across my face and my glass hit the wall and broke into pieces. I let her go free from my licentious grab.

Somehow she covered her mauled bosoms with the loose end of her dbangry and slapped me once again.

“You have become a BEAST. You are not the person I knew.” There were tears in her beautiful eyes.

I grinded my jaws and grabbed my own hair in disgust. I said to myself “What am I doing to my lovely damsel. My nightingale is in pain and I am trying to maul her like a hungry hyena. Why what has happened to me.”

I closed my eyes tightly and fell at her feet. She sat there, sobbing. Bunched up her torn blouse somehow to cover her bosoms and tried to gather her dbangry over her slender mauled frame.

I was unable to think of anything as what had happened that day. What devil took upon me that day?

She banged her head on the wall and sobbed ---“WHY YOU DID THIS TO ME? WHY?”

I could not gather myself up to face her and hid my face, deluging her soft feet.

We remained motionless for long time, till we heard the rain drops splashing on the window panes.

After long time Paree gathered herself somehow and staggered to her room and locked herself. I felt like tearing myself apart and banged my fist on the wall repeatedly. I cursed the beast inside me.

I repeatedly asked myself “Why I did this with my love.”

Fortunately I had a spare pair of specs. For the whole afternoon I could not look in her eyes. Her face and eyes were swollen and red. Mom asked Paree as what has happened. She answered that she overslept in the evening. Somehow I finished my dinner and retired to my bedroom.

The torrential raindrops were hitting the doors and windows as well as her painful cries echoed in my brain.

Her agonizing lament echoed inside my heart and soul “YOU ARE NOT MY ABHI. YOU HAVE BECOME A BEAST.”

I could not sleep the whole night and kept on banging my head on the pillow.

I woke up late. It was already ten o’clock. My parents were not at home as usual. But how could I face my EVE with what I had done to her the other day. Somehow I gathered myself up and came to the drawing room on the first-floor. There was no sound of Paree. There was a painful silence all over. The walls were trying to gulp me. The ceiling was pouring fire on me. The doors and windows were branding me as a salacious animal.

I turned on the TV so as to divert my mind on to somewhere else. The TV screened something, but the screen was abusing me.

I heard the footsteps behind the curtain approaching the drawing room. Paree stood there at the door with the teacup and with a grievous look on her face. My chest pulsated as our eyes met. Some strong fingers twisted my heart. Her sweet lips quivered as she came near me and put the tea cup on the centre table. She stood there with glistened eyes.

Her piercing eyes questioned me repeatedly “What happened to you the other day?”

I fell on the floor, kneeled in front of her and threw my arms around her waist and hid my face on soft tummy.

“I don’t know Paree, what happened to me, I don’t know.” I nodded my head repeatedly and echoed my heat out.

She pulled up my face from her tummy and asked me again ---“What happened to you?”

There was a faint smile on her lips. I could not mutter any words. My chest was bursting out.

Again she asked me ---“Abhi, what made you such a beast? My Abhi was not like that. What made you act like that?”

I sobbed ---“I don’t know Paree. What made to turn into that beast? I really don’t know. Forgive me please. Please Paree, for the one last time, please forgive me.”

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RE: Forbidden Love by Pinuram [Completed] - by usaiha2 - 19-12-2019, 11:30 AM

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