Non-erotic Suchismita - My Forbidden Love - by Pinuram [Completed]
Chapter 5.2: Exploring Lahul Spiti

She asked me as what happened ---“She is happy now. It will take some time to heal and she will regain herself.”

I rubbed my face on her lap ---“I am really thankful to you.”

---“Why thank you? If it is your pain then it is my pain also.”

I whispered ---“So, tonight we are going to celebrate?”

She ruffled my hair with her thin soft fingers ---“No honey. She is still shaken. At least not now, she needs me more than you.”

Debi overheard our conversation and looked at us ---“What are you two talking?”

Paree playfully slapped Debi’s cheeks and said ---“Nothing. You enjoy yourself, we are just coming.”

She pulled me inside the hotel, while in the lobby she said to me ---“Yesterday night she dreamt of Sharmi calling her. That’s the reason she could not sleep and she cried for a long time. She clutched me like a baby as if she doesn’t want to let me go. I had to comfort her for a long time, before she could sleep again. In this case how I can leave her alone, you tell me.”

I looked at Paree; her face was beaming with motherly love, full of compassion.

We had to start early in the morning so everyone retired early to their rooms. After dinner Paree and Debi both went into our room. Before she closed the door behind her I was awarded a small peck on my cheek. She smiled sweetly at me and said ---“Honey, just bear with. She needs me more than you and I am sure you will understand this.” I looked at her and asked to my heart “Who are you? You are full of compassion and affection and at the same time you are sensuous and seductive. How come you can change your nature so well and so beautifully?”

I touched her cheeks and whispered ---“I love you, Paree.”

Paree again kissed me and said ---“Remember, you promised me that you will build a house in those mountains.”

I nodded my head to say that I remember as what I promised.

Next day we all started early; about eight in the morning so that we can enjoy the journey and sceneries’ as well. This time Suprotim Da was driving the SUV and Ritika sat beside him. One time I saw Ritika coming very near to Suprotim Da and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

I joked at Ritika ---“Ritu darling, don’t change Suprotim’s gear.”

On hearing that, Suprotim Da screamed at me ---“B****C****, keep your foul mouth shut.”

On hearing B***C**** from Suprotim Da’s lips, Paree could not believe her ears. She gave me a bewilder look. Paree never uses foul language, even in her wildest dream she doesn’t use such words.

On the other side, Ritika’s ears were turned red and she looked outside. Debi was smiling at all of us.

We had to stop at Powari to fill the diesel. The Innova was in front of us.

After we passed Recong Peo, the hills started to change its colour and texture. Till now we saw green hills around us. After crossing a bridge after Peo, the hills were barren and coarse. Instead of tall green trees, there were only small bushes and shrubs. Most of the hills were barren and brown in colour. Suprotim Da found it hard to drive in such condition. The roads were getting dangerous due to all stones and pebbles and boulders on the road and on the side. The Satluj River was flowing along with the road.

Paree rested her head on my shoulder and I put my arms around her waist to pull her near me. She was sitting between me and Debi.

Debi looked at me ---“Achaa, tell me one thing, you have bought fifty cans of beer and five bottles of vodka. Are you two going to drink all those during the whole journey?”

I nodded my head to say that we will be drinking all those.

She looked at me with fire in her eyes --- “Disgusting people.”

Suprotim Da heard as what Debi said ---“Oh! Shit. You just reminded us that we have to drink.”

I laughed; Paree freed herself from my embrace and started beating me.

We reached the Khab Bridge. I saw the Innova was standing there and Kalyani and Rani had already got down and were looking to the hills and the river. There were two rivers joining. Ritika shouted and asked Suprotim Da to stop the car. He already put brakes before Ritika said him to stop.


He looked at the road beyond the bridge. The cliffs were hanging precariously over the road. The Spiti River cutting through the deep ravines joined with the Satluj at Khab. The streams were fighting with each other so as who could reach the estuary before other.

I went behind the SUV to take out two cans and handed one to Suprotim Da. I saw Paree taking Ritika and Debi and her friends to the bank of the rivers. She was explaining the steepness of the road ahead. Just after the cliff ends, the road to Nako was a stiff one, cris-crossing by the side of the mountain. Suprotim Da went near Paree and asked about the road in details.

I was enjoying as how beautifully Paree was explaining the beauty of the place and the roads. Suprotim Da looked at me ---“Dude I am not going to drive from here. Either you or Balwinder had to drive.”

On his insistence I took the wheel and we climbed the cliff to reach Nako. Both the two ladies clutched Paree’s arms as we were climbing. Suprotim Da was speechless when he saw the steep climb.

He asked me ---“How you find this place? This is totally out of the world.”

In Nako, we stayed for two nights and enjoyed a lot. But for me, my nights were cold and my only bed partner was the beer can for both the days.

One evening we all sat in the courtyard of the Buddhist Monastery enjoying the sunset. Paree reminded me about the present she gave me at Nako, which was flowing in my veins. The mere thought raised goose bumps all over my body. I looked at her eyes and held her in a deep embrace and kissed all over her sweet face.

On the last night at Nako, I and Suprotim Da were walking down the road to the helipad outside Nako village. We took a bottle of vodka along with us and two glasses. As we were about to start, Ritika came running at us and asked as where we were going in this dead night. I pointed her to the sky and showed her the “Akash Ganga” Milky Way. I told her that we were going to enjoy the night sky. She insisted that she would accompany us. Paree and Debi were already in bed, so I had to be the bone or rather Ritika was bone in our vodka booze.

Except nine of us, we didn’t find any Indians at Nako. Only foreigners were all over the place. Some them on bikes some of the on cycles even.

We started on Thursday morning from Nako for Kaza. Suprotim Da was again behind the wheel. The road out of Nako was plain and good. After some time we reached the Maling Top, height of above twelve thousand feet. The hills surrounding us looked as dwarf. We saw two foreigners coming from the opposite side on bicycle. Suprotim Da stopped them and asked as from where they were coming. They said that they were coming from a small village named Ghui. They said that the village was a very beautiful one, between the lap of high mountain peaks and cliffs and a small stream flowing by the side. All the ladies screamed that they want to goto Ghui. I took out the map and looked for the narrow line pointing to Ghui.

Suprotim Da said ---“Ok guys we are going to Ghui and after that to Kaza.”

Ritika hugged her prince tightly and kissed his lips ---“Thank you.”

Just as we started from the Maling point, we found a huge stream flowing over the road. We all froze to death.

Suprotim Da stopped the car and told to me ---“Dude this is impossible. A huge stream flowing on the road and that also above twelve thousand feet!! See the ravine on one side and the boulders on the other. I am not going to drive.”

All the three ladies panicked on seeing the stream. Debi shrieked ---“I am not going beyond this. I want to return from here.”

Paree scolded Debi softly ---“Don’t think of that when we are all here.”

She ordered me to take the wheel ---“Abhi, drive the car.”

Although I took the wheel, but I was also having beads of tension on my forehead.

Ritika said ---“We don’t want to be in the car, he will be more tensed if we stay in the car. It is better we cross the stream on foot and he drives cautiously.”

The Innova was waiting behind us to pass. Amzad came to me and asked whether I would be able to drive or not. I nodded and said I would drive. Except me and Balwinder everyone got down from the cars and crossed the torrential stream flowing over the road.

My heart was beating like a huge drum as I changed the gear to the first and very slowly crossed the river. After crossing I let out a deep exhale out of my chest. Most daring driving till date, I told to myself. Paree opened the passenger seat door and climbed into the car and hugged me and crushed me in her arms

---“My bold baby prince.”


We started again; we were then climbing down the hill.

Debi exclaimed ---“I will not come here again in my life. This is enough for me. This place is too dangerous, with no proper roads and streams flowing over the roads.”

Ritika said to Suprotim Da ---“We will spend our honeymoon here, honey.”

Paree joked to Ritika ---“Are you not spending your honeymoon now or what?”

All of us laughed at Ritika’s blushing state.

The road to Ghui was too narrow, only one car can pass. On one side there were very high hills and on another there was a very thin hilly stream flowing or rather say dancing its way above boulders and stones. We reached Ghui hamlet at about one o’clock in the noon. It was a very beautiful small village between two mountains. A boy came running to us as he saw our car entered the village. He asked us that whether we came to see the mummy or not. We all were baffled on hearing his words, and looked at each other’s face.

Suprotim Da got down from the car and asked the boy as what he was talking about.

The boy informed that at the end of the village there is a small temple. In that temple there is a mummy of a Tibetian monk of about six hundred years old naturally preserved. We all got curious on hearing that, Dipankar also got down from Innova and asked Suprotim Da as what has happened. He told him about the mummy. We all were anxious to see the mummy.

It was really a mummy of a Tibetian monk, naturally preserved, sat in a squatting posture with his legs bend knees pressing on his chest. White and yellow silk cloth wrapped around his body, eyes poked out. We all were flabbergasted on seeing that mummy, it was a miracle.

We stayed there for some time and enjoyed the beauty of the nature.

I asked Balwinder to drive our car and Amzad to drive Innova from here.

All ladies screamed out except Debi ---“We want to stay here today, we are not going anywhere.”

Dipankar and Suprotim Da tried to convince them that Ghui was even smaller than Chitkul and there were no shops or eateries in Ghui.

Paree looked at me and said ---“Do you have to say? We are staying here.”

I asked the boy whether there were any hotels in Ghui or not. The boy answered that there is not even a single shop here.

Kalyani yelled out at Dipankar ---“Then why have you brought those tents? Just for show?”

He looked at me helplessly as it was not his idea to bring the tents.

Debi came near me and asked me softly ---“Please, Abhi. See all the ladies want to spend the night here so please don’t deny them.”

I scratched my head and answered that we would be staying that night in tents.

Ritika yelled at us ---“Oh….. When your wives were begging to stay then you were not paying any attention and just when a sister asked, you easily complied with that?”

Paree handed two hundred rupees to that boy and asked him to help us find some place for camping and bring some firewood for night.

We males somehow erected the tents on the other side of the stream and we enjoyed the whole day in Ghui, roaming on the boulders and stones. The ladies played with the ice cold water.

After nightfall we lit a fire with the fire woods and we all sat around that under open sky. It was first time for us; the experience was breathtaking to stay in tents and under the open sky. I was having the best time of my life, I had my Damsel along with me and also I found life back in my Goddess.

We were sitting on the ground; I leaned over on Paree and was sipping the vodka slowly. Debi was just opposite to us on the other side of the fire. We all four couples were very much enjoying the clear sky and the cold night at a height of about eleven thousand feet.

Ritika said ---“Why don’t we sing some songs.”

I said to her ---“My damsel has got a voice of Koel. She will sing first.”

Paree nodded her head ---“No, no, no I am not going to sing any songs, the villagers will then come running at us if I start to sing.”

Kalyani ---“Don’t be so snobbish Paree. We all know how sweet you can sing.”

After much coaxing, Paree started with a Bengali song. She gently combed my hairs and looked in to my eyes deeply.

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RE: Forbidden Love by Pinuram [Completed] - by usaiha2 - 19-12-2019, 11:09 AM

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