Non-erotic Suchismita - My Forbidden Love - by Pinuram [Completed]
I whispered in her ears ---“Honey, do me a favour.”

---“What more favour do you ask from me?”

“I love your bare smooth armpits baby, so please shave off here also…” softly I patted on her lower abdomen.

The sentence made her stir violently in my crushing arms.

She screamed ---“Noooooo…….” as I nibbled on the juncture between the limbs.

She was rubbing her thighs gently one over the other, her own friction didn’t allow my finger to get proper access to the gateway of pleasure.

I was bursting under her.

I cooed down ---“Why no, baby?”

---“Why do you want me do those nasty things?”

---“Who told you that they are nasty?”

---“Where have you seen that people shave their ….?”

---“In magazines and films….”

---“You are just a filthy devil…. Leave me.”

She tried to get up and my arms crushed her more over me and I bucked my lower abdomen over the fissure between her supple bottoms. Her warm molten figure was burning me all over.

Just then we heard a gentle knock on the door.

Paree straightened up and asked me to loosen my embrace. She flew from my arms as I unwrapped my arms from her tender frame. My heavy boner was as the peak K2. She wrapped her dupatta around her upper torso and she threw a towel to me to hide my lower anatomy. I looked at her in disgust and she smiled at me naughtily.

I asked her ---“Who can this be at mid night, it is already twelve thirty?”

---“This can’t be Debi as I myself, put her asleep.”

I went to open the door and Paree stood behind me to look as who was there at the door.

As I opened we found to our utter surprise that Debi was standing at our door, her eyes red and deluged. Paree looked at me and pulled Debi inside.

---“What happened?”

She said to Paree in a soft crying voice ---“Can I sleep with you, Suchi Di?”

Paree smiled at me, blankly and I scratched my head.

She took Debi inside and told her to lie down on the bed and then she covered her with the blanket; then she came to me and handed a shirt and asked me to go to her room and sleep.

I asked her ---“Whether you are coming or not?”

---“Let me see as what has happened to her, I can’t say anything honey.”

Debi was looking at us, she said in a quivering voice ---“I know I am disturbing you, but then why have you brought me here along with you? You should not have brought me.”

Paree went near her and slapped her cheeks softly ---“Don’t say those to us, never.” She looked at me and said “What are you looking at, just go away.”

In bit of dismayed heart I walked out of the room and felt a deep urge to puff a cigarette along with a can of beer. I walked to the Suprotim Da’s room and knocked at his door to ask for beer can.

After sometime Suprotim Da opened his door, I saw that he was also in a same position as of mine. On seeing his dress code I laughed. He was wearing a towel covering below his waist. I peeked inside and saw that Ritika lying on the bed with the blanket covered her whole body; she clutched the end of the blanket till her neck. Her hairs were disheveled, face red and eyes glistening. I observed the boner under Suprotim Da’s towel, undulating.

I smiled at him and asked ---“Did I disturb you guys?”

He screamed at me ---“B****C****, you knock in the middle of night at one o’clock and ask whether you have disturbed us or not. What do you want?”

Ritika laughed as she heard him call me B****C****.

I scratched my head ---“Sorry dude but…”

---“But what, do you need condom… now …”

It was now my turn to say him B****C**** ---“Give me a can of beer…”

---“Beer crate is in the back of the car.”


---“Then give me the car keys.”

---“The car keys are with Balwinder, now go you bastard and let us sleep.”

I smiled at Ritika and winked at her ---“He is surely not going to let you sleep.”

Ritika on hearing such words from my mouth blushed red and hid her face under the blanket.

---“B****C****, why don’t you just go away, now.”

I took the car keys from Balwinder and took a can of beer and retired into the room puffing a cigarette and drinking the beer. Time flew by and I waited that Paree might come to me. But when she didn’t come even after a long time, I went to check as what has happened; I found that the door was ajar, so I gently pushed open the door to see as what the two ladies were doing.

I saw that Debi was asleep under one blanket and Paree under another. Debi has clutched the gown of Paree so tightly that no one could free the fabric from her clutch. Paree’s arms were around Debi, pressed her head on her bosom and both the ladies were sleeping peacefully. Debi was sleeping like a baby in the arms of Paree. I thought it would not be wise to disturb them. I stooped down to kiss Paree’s cheeks and gently ruffled Debi’s head and pulled the door behind me and went to the room to sleep.

Most of the next day, team spend in devouring the beauty of nature of Chitkul. On the breakfast table Kalyani and Ritika asked me as how I knew about this place. I told them that I read the maps and books before I visited the place.

Debi said in a veiled anger in her voice ---“That was not courageous to bring Suchi Di here. This is a total secluded out of world place. What you did was insanity.”

Paree smiled at me and said to all of them ---“Yes, that was the reason we had our first fight on the first night.”

I teased Paree with my next sentence ---“And what happened on the next morning, dear?”

She blushed crimson in immense shyness, she slapped my arms. Everyone understood as what would have happened the next morning.

Ritika teased Paree more ---“Yes, yes we all want to hear as what happened the next morning…”

“See, now handle them…” came the answer from Paree.

I winked at Ritika and said playfully ---“The same thing happened what you were doing last night.”

Now it was turn for Ritika to turn red in shame. She looked down on her plate as if she was trying to find some place to hide herself.

After breakfast, Paree acted as the guide of Chitkul, all the ladies went by the side of the river Beas to enjoy the beauty. We gents stayed back in the hotel. We all sat in the courtyard and enjoying simple chatting and puffing cigarette.

Suprotim Da and Dipankar asked me as what was the next place we were going to? I explained the next plan was to go to Nako directly and for that next day we had to wake up early in the morning so that we could reach Nako before night fall.

We could see the bank of the river from the courtyard, the ladies were enjoying very much on the bank of the torrent mountain river.

They returned late from the bank and all of them were heavily praising Paree and me for bringing them in such a beautiful place. The lunch was sumptuous.

During lunch Paree said to me ---“Summers in hills are greener than winter. I am really grateful to you that you showed me the both the colours of Mother Nature.”

---“It was all for you honey, if it was not your invisible letter then we could not even come to this place.”

Debi asked queerly ---“What invisible letter?”

I told them how we first planned to come in this place. I told them that my would-be-wife should be a spy rather than being in a teaching profession and I told them how she wrote the invisible letter.

All of us rested a while after lunch. In the evening after the sundown, the manager asked me that whether we would like to enjoy a bonfire or not. Paree’s and Ritika’s eyes twinkled as they heard of bonfire. Both the girls jumped as they heard about that.

All of us enjoyed the bonfire to its fullest. Paree sat on a chair and I sat on the ground at the feet of Paree, resting my head on her lap. She combed my hairs with her thin finger as we were enjoying the beautiful night. Debi sat on the left side of Paree and Ritika on the right side. Suprotim Da also sat on the ground just like me at the feet of his Damsel. I observed Debi coming back to life gradually. While I was observing her smiling face intently, Paree looked at my eyes and followed the line of sight.

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RE: Forbidden Love by Pinuram [Completed] - by usaiha2 - 19-12-2019, 11:08 AM

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