Non-erotic Suchismita - My Forbidden Love - by Pinuram [Completed]
We both knew that we have to act and take our steps very cautiously so as not to raise a single eyebrow towards us. We both knew that my parents were basking in the thought that I was having a relation with Debi. We both knew that we had to shield ourselves behind that confusion before our truth finally reveals and that also at a proper time.

After dinner I retired to my room in second floor. I changed to shorts and nothing else as it was April and the summer was nearing in Kolkata. I had to study and finish some more chapters of optics before I go to sleep. I was not much able to concentrate in my studies but I had to. Gradually I was feeling heavy headed as the hours passed. It was dark outside. One by one the lights of the nearby houses were getting switched off. It was about thirty minutes past twelve. The crescent of the moon was shining under the dark black sky, the twinkles of the stars seemed as my Paree was smiling at me from the sky. I looked to the crescent imagining the face of Paree and lost myself in her thought. I also switched off the tube light and put on the reading lamp. The whole room glowed in soft yellow light, giving a dreamy ambience to my thoughts.

My chains of thoughts were sweetly broken when I felt two soft arms around my neck coming from behind and rested over my bare chest. Her soft thin fingers, danced on my chest sending sweet sensation all over. My nostrils and brain got filled up with sweet fragrance of jasmine. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to devour all the sweet pleasure of her feathery touch on my skin. She rubbed her cheeks on my head over my disheveled hairs. Her cheeks felt like butter melting down on my head. Her warm soft bosoms pressed softly on my nape. Bare warm skin of her chest and soft bulge felt awesome on my nape. Each and every vein under my skin was pumping blood all over my body like a fire engine trying to douse the ignition. I could feel her bosoms having goose bumps all over her chest as my nape pressing on her bare upper bust. She felt the warmth of my skin on hers. I took her hand in mine and gently pressed her palms in my grip. We both soaked ourselves in the halo of sweet love, enjoying the sweet warmth of our gentle hug. We remained in our sweet embrace for quite some time. Silence can be sweet sometime.

She whimpered out---“I missed you a lot.”

I slowly turned towards her on my swivel chair, parted my legs and put my arms around her narrow round waist. Her arms came up around my shoulders, left arm around my neck and right one clutch my hairs and pulled my face near her soft bosom. I pulled her more on me; her soft round tummy flattened on my chest and pressed my chin between her warm sumptuous bosoms. I looked up into her deep inviting eyes, hugged her with all my strength and crushed her waist and rubbed her curvaceous back. The lone strand of lock swayed over her right cheek, two small dimples on her cheek made the smile beautiful. Her long hairs were untied and caressed on the back of my palm and was all over her back. Her lips were half opened and her line of pearls played hide and seek behind those rosy lips. I could feel her warm breath flowing all over my face. Her soft tummy was moving timidly on my chest sending soft spasms on my body.

I whispered ---“You will make me mad, every time you hug me like this.”

She cooed down --- “Ratan Ee Ratan Chene, Suoree Chene Kachu (A jeweler only knows the true value of a stone and a swine knows about boris).” And laughed at me.

---“So you mean that I am a jeweler”

---“No, you are my sweet little piglet.”

---“And that makes you soft and tender as Boris.”

We both laughed on that joke.

She looked at my glasses and asked ---“What happened to your glasses? This is a new one I see.”

I rubbed my chin on her cleavage, friction ignited warmth on her soft skin.

---“It was due to you, I had to change my glasses.”

---“Why? What have I done?”

---“You called Debi that night, remember and next day I had my old specs on the floor.”

She got anxious to know as what happened that day in college and how I had my new glasses.

---“What happened that day?”

---“That’s a long story.”

---“I want to hear that.”

---“Ok, as I arrived that day to college, Debi was all quiet. She did not spoke a single word with me till last period. I was bit disheartened by her nature. From last few days she was not talking to me properly.


So I asked Sarmishta as what has happened to Debi as why she was not talking to me. Sharmi nodded her head and said to me that she doesn’t know as what has happened.

The last period was over.

Sharmi asked me to be seated. Debi was looking at me with fire in her eyes. All the students left the class and we were only three persons left in the class.

Debi looked at me and stood up and walked towards me. She asked Sarmishta to latch the door from inside. Sharmi looked queerly at Debi, she shouted to her to latch the door.

She was standing like an angry wounded lioness looking at her timid prey. Without saying any word she pasted a hard slap on my right cheek. My spectacles flew from my nose and hit the wall and broke into pieces. My cheek was burning; I rubbed my cheek in utter disbelief that she could slap me like that.

Then her lips quivered, eyes glistened a bit and screamed at me “How can you break your promise that you made for Suchi Di. You rascal; bloody swine; dark devil with lewd mind set. I protected you from that bitch (Anusuya) hovering around you for two years and you fall for other two bitch. Do you have a heart thumping inside your chest or you just want to bed with any bitch you like? All males have their brains in their loins, I thought you are different but at last you also proved me wrong.”

Sharmi was dumbfounded by hearing all those words. I had no words or excuse to say anything.

She continued in her deep voice “You never thought of Suchi Di, what she would feel if her heart breaks.”

I was looking to the ground and pleading to Mother Earth to open up so that SHE can pull me inside her lap forever. My eyes were already deluged, the corner of my eyes got flooded.

Debi then put her fingers under my chin and pushed my face up. Her anger has subsided a bit. I could not look into her eyes. She asked me to look at her.

“You are a devil all over but a faithful devil at last. That’s the reason I can’t get angry upon you now. Come with me, your glass has broken. Let that get mended from Lalbazar. I know that you don’t have any money also, most of your pocket money you have already spend on those bitches.”

I had to obey her, and thus how I got my new glasses.”

Paree gobbled the whole matter with big eyes. A deep breath exhaled out of my chest. We both kept quiet for some time.

After some time she said --- “I want to meet Debanjana. How and when can I meet her?”

I said to her “Debi was at my house all the day but she said that she would like to meet you somewhere outside to make the congregate a memorable one.”

She nodded her head, her gold ear rings twinkled in the low yellow light of the reading lamp.

---“What is she planning?”

“I don’t know baby” I rubbed my face on her supple bosom.

I squeezed my lips to form a small “O” and blew cold air on narrow fissure between her supple bosoms. The cold sensation made her shiver in my tight embrace. Paree stooped down and touched my forehead with hers and cooed --- “Are you going to keep me standing whole night?”

I whispered --- “No honey, how can I keep you standing all night? Sit down wherever you want to.”

---“But if you don’t loosen your embrace then how come I sit on the bed and talk to you?”

---“Why do you want to sit on the bed, just sit on my lap”

“And if I sit on your lap then what will happen to me?” There was a teasing smile on her lips.

---“What will happen, nothing will happen. Simple.”

---“Do you want me to believe you?”

---“If you don’t believe then I can’t do anything.”

I loosened my arms around her fluid torso. She moved a little and then sat across my lap with her legs across my right and her back on my left. I put my left arm behind her back to support her weight and put my right one on her narrow waist. Her supple orbital soft bottoms nested over my bare thighs sending sweet warm sensation all over. She put her right arm around my neck and her left one on my right shoulder to sit comfortably on my thighs. My left hand fingers were touching the bulge of soft right bosom, kneading that soft mound with my finger tips. She looked deep into my eyes; her nose tip was already red.

I brought my lips near hers sweet red lips, she closed her eyes and opened those two rosy petals partially seeking for a deep kiss from me. I gently took her upper lip between mine and sucked gently at first.


Her lips sucked my lower one gently. With my right arm I pulled her waist more into me, her bosoms rubbed gently on my bare chest. Sparks of passion flew all over. Her left grip on my right shoulder turned hard. Her left hand pulled my face more on her lips and she turned her face sideways to cross her mouth over my face. Slowly she sucked the air out of my mouth, my tongue went dry at first and to compensate that dryness I sneaked out my tongue to rub the tip on her upper teeth line. She froze in my arms and the kiss lingered for some time. My breaths grew deeper, she pushed my tongue out of her honey soaked mouth with her tongue and the tip of her tongue touched the upper part of my mouth. I grabbed her waist and pasted her upper torso on my chest. Her warm bosoms melted like fresh cheese on my muscular chest. Soft plump buttery mounds got flattened as she pushed her bust more over mine. With the flat of my right palm I touched the upper portion of her tummy just beneath the region of her bust. She sensed my finger approaching her peaks of sensuality. She dug her finger nails of her left hand on my right shoulder. A sweet pain aroused as the skin got scratched. Our lips then moved frantically over each other trying to win the battle as who kisses the best and play with lips better than the other. Neither Paree was looking forward to break the blissful passionate kiss nor was I willing to let her lips get free.

Finally after a long time she opened her eyes and slowly freed her lips from the clutch of mine. Both of us were panting heavily like the woven of blacksmith. My ears and head was hot as amber. Her face and cheeks were burning with desire. She looked into my eyes with her partially opened eyes.

I somehow tried to catch my breath and whisper out ---“I missed you a lot, Paree.”

---“Me too.”

---“Can you feel the fire burning deep inside me?”

She nodded her head lightly to say that she could feel my burning fire sending hot sparks all over her bottoms.

I brought my right arm under her knees and pulled her on my lap and stood from the chair. She hid her face on the lap of my left shoulder, as I carried her to the bed and gently placed her on the mattress. Her fingers lingered on my chest and shoulder as her embrace loosened around my upper torso. None of us were saying anything to each other. There was a telepathic conversation going on between two lovelorn birds caught in a passionate storm.

I placed both my hand on either side of her body and stooped down over her face to plant another smooch on her amorous pouting lips. This time she teased me and rolled over to the other side of the bed and lied on her tummy and hugged the pillow to her bosom. Hundreds of strands of hairs covered her beautiful face partially. She teased me with a naughty smile.

---“I knew that you would be doing this to me.” Paree was breathing heavily.

Her broad shoulder tapered down to her narrow waist to form a sine curve and then widening to her hip and then her round fleshy bottoms curved out. A perfect sine curve cut out of the oscilloscope of electronics practical class.

I got up on the bed and crawled to her on my fours. She stretched out her left hand and pushed my face. All her fingers covered my whole face and I licked her palm.

She moaned out ---“Abhi, please don’t ignite the fire more into my heart.”

I whimpered ---“Why? I was bereft of your touch for three long months. The dams within me are bursting out.”

---“I sensed that honey. But ….”

---“What but, Paree? You kept me waiting for three long months and now we meet and you are teasing me.”

“You have to wait more. I don’t want to divert your attention from your studies” she sounded bit different this time.

I tried to press my face on her back, on her spine. She playfully rolled over again and got down from the bed. I fell on the bed on my stomach with a thud. Paree giggled at me leaving me high and dry. She came near the side of the bed and wagged her index and middle finger in front of my nose and said in a teasing voice ---“You can’t touch me honey, till your exams are over. All your dreams will be fulfilled only after then.”

---“Saint Vishwamitra’s meditation was broken by Menaka, then how come I can concentrate on my studies.”

She rubbed her nose over mine and said ---“Mother Earth will win now against Menaka.” Sweetly kissed my cheeks and went away leaving me in a beautiful trance.


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RE: Forbidden Love by Pinuram [Completed] - by usaiha2 - 19-12-2019, 10:59 AM

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