Non-erotic Suchismita - My Forbidden Love - by Pinuram [Completed]
I mumbled a bit ---“Hmmmm….How to tell you… I was with my friend, my best friend. Her name is Debanjana Bannerjee.”

Paree’s fingers stopped combing my hairs, her grip felt bit firm on my hairs. Has she got tensed? I should not have told her, but she has to understand and know every bit of me my past and the people around me. I turned around keeping my head on her lap as it is and lied down on my back. I touched her palms which gripped my hairs and stopped at the middle of her act. There was an astounding gaze in her eyes, she was looking at my face trying to fathom as what I just said to her. I could read her mind saying that “How can a boy and a girl become best friend”.

I whispered to her---“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You have not told me that you have another girlfriend?” there was a choke of disbelief in her voice.

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, misunderstanding ….” I murmured inside me.

---“It is a long story honey; please don’t cross me before you hear everything.”

I started telling her about my school days in the hostel. I had great affinity for arts and painting. From class seven or eight I nurtured my dream to be a great painter in future. I was an average student during my school days. My parents pressurized me every time. Being a single child of working parents is a boon or bane, I don’t know. I faired above average in my secondary exams, but I could not satisfy my parents. Fairing eighty percentages was not enough for them as the highest marks in my class peaked up to ninety two percent. I was compared in every step with others.

Paree was attentively gulping my story.

I carried on with my part. My parents pushed me to science, I wanted to study literature and continue my arts and painting and sculpture. On every step I was reminded by my parents that they have spend huge amount of money in my studies and send me to hostel to make an engineer or doctor out of me. Love or care can’t be measured by money. Probably they failed to understand that.

Paree’s soft palms gently caressed my forehead, a soothing sensation of peace flowed inside my veins. My voice was little choked while telling her all these. Her big eyes were not blinking even. The time stood still in the room. She wiped her eyes with the back of her right hand.

She whispered in a quivering voice --- “I know this part of the story. ChotoMa told me today.”

“WHAT?” it was my time, to get stunned.

---“Yes, she told me about her pains, while bringing you up. To know a river you have to view it from both the banks, now I have understood all. Wounds heal but scars remains. I am sure that I will someday fill your scars even.”

She wiped her pearl beads, and smiled at me --- “Now tell me, what I don’t know. Who is Debanjana Bannerjee?”

I told her how I got into college, I told her about Anusuya Chatterjee, the break up, her patch up with Sukumar. The rejection sent me to the abyss of Pacific. I felt secluded and alone in this world. She was attentively hearing all of my words, and gently rubbing her palm on my forehead and combing my hairs with her thin soft fingers. I told her that my nick name was “Bihari” in college. I had no friends, no one to share my joys and sorrows. Then I explained her incident that happened which changed my view and views of few other people around me. I told her about the ailment of Sarmishta and how I had to carry her to hospital. Then we, Debi and I shared a bond, a platonic bond. I also told her that how I felt about Debi and one day in Scoop I was about to fall for her but we moved ourselves, and we became some sort of inseparable best friends.

A deep warm breath gushed out of my mouth after finishing all my dark and rainbow past.

First words Paree spoke to me after hearing all these --- “I want to meet your Goddess. When and how can we meet?”

I smiled at her and said --- “Debi has asked for the same thing, how she can meet my EVE, my damsel.”

I took her hand and rested on my chest. She stooped down to touch my forehead with my lips. Suddenly a crow cawed outside.

She looked at the table clock and exclaimed --- “My God, It is about four thirty.”

---“This is what I am. That what my past is, open as a blank book in front of you.”


She pulled the pillow and placed my head on that, adjusted herself beside me, seated on the side of the bed with her legs on the floor and face turned towards me. Soft soothing palms caressed my cheeks, wiping some beads from the corner of my eye. She took out my glasses and folded and kept that on the table.

“We should not forget our past, whether it is dark, white or be it colourful.” She continued in her calm voice “We should learn from our past and make the present and future life, a better place to live. Life is like a wheel, past sometimes catches up. We will face that together, my baby prince.”

She stood up from the bed to go out. I pulled her hand, she stopped and looked at me and said --- “You should take some rest now. We have a long day for shopping. Babu (she addressed my dad as Babu?) and ChotoMa are early riser, they will get up at six in the morning. I have to go.”

“Who are you?” I asked her in a choking voice.

She came near me, stooped down to kiss my forehead.

---“I am your Paree, I am your advisor, I am enchanting like Goddess Lakshmi, I am your Mother Earth to be patient and understand you, I am your Mother to take care of you and nurture you and I am your Rambha, Menaka to give you happiness and pleasure.”

Paree patted my cheeks gently and placed her index and middle finger on my eyelids to close them.

---“Sleep at peace; baby prince.”

She went out of the door closing it behind her.

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RE: Forbidden Love by Pinuram [Completed] - by usaiha2 - 19-12-2019, 10:45 AM

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