Non-erotic Suchismita - My Forbidden Love - by Pinuram [Completed]
Chapter 2: Journey to unknown.


I observed that I was having some problem with my vision, so I had to go for a checkup to ophthalmologist. Mom was bit upset about my eyesight as the problem was bit acute one. I could not see things away from me. So I have to wear glasses from now onwards. For first few days it created a great problem for me.

I had to figure out several things. I had to figure out as what do I tell my parents and where to go and also for the money. One of my senior, Suprotim Da, of my school days used to live in New Delhi. He was working in an IT Organization in Noida. So one day I called him up. After some pleasantries I told him that I am going for a trip to Himachal Pradesh and I want a car. He told me that he could arrange a car; he will lend his Tata Safari to me. He asked me jokingly that whether I was going alone or with someone special. I told him that I was going with someone special. He asked me that whether my parents know about my love or not. I told him that I will explain everything once I meet him, but I said that I need the car in Kalka. He said that it will not be possible. I have to come down to New Delhi first and meet him, he wants to hear my whole story then he will give me his SUV.

I laughed at him ---“What Suprotim Da, what is this?”

He said ---“Beta, if you need my car then I want to hear your story and after a long time we will be meeting also.”

I figured out that I have no other way so I had to go to New Delhi first. So one night on the dining table I told my parents that I want to take a trip to hills to Himachal Pradesh for a week. Dad asked me where I was going. I told them that I want to go some place very secluded in Himachal Pradesh, not like Shimla, Kullu or Manali. They asked me whether I was going alone or I would be going with my friends. I said them I wanted a break so I will be going alone. I lied a bit to them. But the problem was that how to communicate with Paree regarding all this.

My dad was also a travel enthusiast, and was a senior manager of Airport Authority in DumDum Airport (Kolkata). So my dad brought me an air-ticket of Saturday morning flight to New Delhi. He also brought a tourist map of Himachal Pradesh. He showed me the map and asked where would I like to go. I told him some place away from crowd some place very secluded. Dad told me that I could take a trip to Chitkul a place deep inside Sangla Valley. I have not heard that name before. I zoomed on to map so as to locate where it was.

Mom was bit unhappy as I was going alone, although it was not my first time I was travelling alone. Before this also after my 10th exam I took a lonely trip to Rajasthan, to Jaipur, Udaipur and Chittorgarh. They knew that my mindset was bit different from others; they knew that I love to travel alone.

Now I had to figure out of a plan as of how to pick up Paree from Kalka station. I have got glasses now. I thought neither Paree nor her friends have seen me in glasses, and if I don’t shave for two weeks I will grow enough beard and moustache that not even Paree will be able to recognize me. That could be a good veil to pick up Paree from her friends. I packed my rucksack with a heavy jacket, gloves, torch and lots of items that could save me if I get caught in some storm or in some problem.

During our trip we will be all alone, only Paree and myself. No one would know who we are. I assumed that our romance may take some sharp turn towards burning desire of unison. She is beautiful and gorgeous. Her eyes could beckon me into her folds of pleasure. I thought that it would be better to take some precautions with me, so I bought a packet of male precaution before leaving.

The d day arrived. My mom asked me why I haven’t shaved myself before. I just nodded my head and said I totally forgot to do so. I told her that as I reach New Delhi I will shave myself and take bath in Suprotim Da’s place. My heart was beating very fast with anticipation that I will meet my lovely lady after a long break. Dad handed me an envelope, I looked into it and found that it contained about eight thousand in cash.

I boarded the flight. Paree would reach Kalka station by Kalka mail on Sunday early morning. Now the main problem was that she does not know that I was going by flight, neither she was aware of my plan. I believed that she has full faith on me, so I need not to worry anything about.

Upon arrival to New Delhi, Suprotim Da was there to greet me.


He said ---“So after a very long time we meet.”

We shook our hands. He asked me what all was brewing. I told him bit of truth and bit of lie. I told him about Paree but I lied to him about the relation between Paree and my mom. I told him that my mom knows Paree well but there could be some problem in future from my parent’s side.

Suprotim Da’s family used to live in Chittaranjan Park in South Delhi. He has not married yet. His mom was also looking for a gentle bride for him.

I asked him---“So, you are also alone as of now, no affairs.”

---“No dude, just time pass. I am playing one day games now, I am looking for a good pitch for test match”

We both laughed our heart out.

---“So where are you going?”

---“I want to go to Chitkul a secluded place deep in Sangla Valley.”

---“Where is this place? I have never heard about that? You could have gone to Manali or Dalhousie?”

I told him that her friends are going to Manali and she want me to take her to a secluded place where we two will be totally exposed to unknown nature.

He told me that his driver, Balwinder, a middle aged person, will accompany us during our trip. As we were returning home, Balwinder was driving the SUV, I found Ballu to be very enthusiast person.

Ballu ---“Oh Sirji, Don’t worry”

Suprotim Da also told me that it will take about seven to eight hours to reach Kalka from New Delhi, so if I had to meet Paree sharp in time then I had to start from New Delhi by evening. He cautioned me that Highway will be full of trucks and there could be heavy fog on road during night. It would be of freezing temperature the place where we were going. I assured him that I have brought enough warm clothing for my trip.

In the evening, I bid Suprotim Da good bye. We started from New Delhi by 6 o’clock in the evening. I told Ballu that I also know driving, and it would be a long way before we reach. Balwinder told me that once we get out of Delhi I can drive. It took about whole two hours to touch the Highway. What a hell of traffic.

Once we got past Sonepat, Ballu asked me to drive. I told him that I can’t drive on hills.

---“Oh Sirji, drive the car now.”

Ok so I was now in the driver’s seat. Suprotim Da asked me to pay for the diesel to which I complied.

Ballu ---“Sirji, I need two khamba’s.”

What khamba? Oh I see; two bottles of alcohol. I said that will be arranged. He told me that in Punjab the alcohols are cheap so we could buy from Ambala.

We got friendlier as I drove in the dark night. He knew that I was going with my girlfriend.

He asked me ---“Sirji, what do Bhabiji do?”

---“She is just a college pass out.”

---“Oh, Sirji, when is the train arriving at Kalka Station?”

---“Early morning around 4:30 am by Howrah Kalka mail.”

---“Oh Sirji, Kalka mail? It will be definitely late by three to four hours.”

---“I don’t want to be late Balwinder; I want to reach Kalka before 4:30 in the morning.”

The car zoomed through the cold foggy night, cutting across the dark pitch road. Heavy trucks were running beside us. I brought out my jacket and wore that. During night Balwinder told me that accidents do happen frequently, so I should drive cautiously. I was feeling bit dizzy, Ballu sensed that and asked me to stop at Karnal. We sipped some hot tea in that chilled night. It was already 10 o’clock in the night.

Again we started our journey. I was driving slowly as I was new on this road and it was foggy outside. Ballu asked me not to take the flyover after Ambala. By 11:30 or so, we reached Ambala, he asked me to stop the car and he will want to buy alcohol. I gave him money and he went away. He brought two bottles of old monk, my favourite ones. He told me that in this pace if we drive we will probably reach Kalka by 2 am, so I asked him what to do. He said ---“Sirji, drive slowly till Pinjore; after that I will drive the car.”

I told him that I was totally new in this part of the country, so I am not aware of the roads, but I have studied the map of Himachal little bit.

We left the NH-1 after Ambala and took NH-22 from there. Car was again cutting through the dark winter nights. After Pinjore Ballu took the wheel, I sat beside the driver’s seat, rested my head on the backrest and closed my eyes. He told me that Kalka was only a stone-throw distance from Pinjore.


The only thought circling in my head was that I am going to meet my Damsel of dreams after a long time. Her sweet kisses lingered on my cheeks and jaws and lips. I took out her handkerchief to smell her fragrance. In reality there was no fragrance present, but romantic hearts can smell their damsel’s odour from anything. The vision of her big black eyes floated in-front of my sleepy eyes. Each time she used to smile at me, it dimpled on her soft rosy cheeks. A small bunch of lock always used to dance on her left cheek and she used to remove that lock every now and then. That sight was most beautiful. What will she do to me after seeing me after a long time? She might not recognize me in this attire, she has not seen me in glasses and my face was also covered with beard and moustache. Soon I swooned into slumber.

I was totally unaware about the time. Balwinder nudged me ---“Sirji, wake up, the train has arrived.”

I opened my eyes to look around; it was clear outside. It was already 8:30 am in the morning. I asked Balwinder that why he has not woken me previously, he told that as I was sleeping so he didn’t wake me and also after reaching Kalka he checked at the station that the train was running about four hours late. Ok, I rubbed my face and sprinkled water on my face to look bit of fresh before going in-front of my damsel.

I put on a cap on my head and walked to the platform. I saw Paree standing with two couples and she was eagerly looking around, searching for me. She was wearing a white long jacket over her, which made her bit flabby. She was also not looking so fresh as she probably was damn tired after a long journey. I slowly walked towards them no one noticed me. I felt my heart beating loudly inside my chest. For once Paree looked at me, as our eyes met I took out her handkerchief and gently rubbed on my lips. On seeing me, her eye got big with total amazement. A hush came out from her mouth and she slowly walked towards me, trying to suppress her excitement, smiling beautifully. I looked into her sleepy eyes, which were not at all sleepy after she saw me in this attire. She came near me and took my left arm in hers. All others looked at us. In a husky voice I introduced myself as Paree’s friend.

“Hi, I am, Arjun, cousin of Indrani’s husband. Probably we have not met before.”--- As I shook hands with two gentle man standing over there. “So, how was your journey?”

Both her friend’s looked queerly at Paree as if asking, that who was I?

She told them that this was the person whom she was going to meet. Paree was constantly laughing and trying to suppress her excitement very hard as she was pinching my hand.

I came to know that, Kalyani and Rani was her friend; they got married last year with Dipankar and Ramanuj, respectively. Both their husband are into some family business in their town. They will be going to Manali via Shimla. They asked me as where I was going to take Paree. I told them not to worry about anything; she will be totally safe with me.

Kalyani ---“Suchismita could not sleep last night. She was beaming with excitement as she did not know as where you were going to take her. How romantic to go to some place totally unknown. Why don’t you two also come with us?”

Rani ---“Oh! Sure it will be a good idea.” All others voiced that we should go with them.

Paree sensed trouble ---“No, I am sure he has some plan already. Can we go out of the station now?” She pinched my hand again.

I took her bag. As we walked out, she looked at me with full of questions in her eyes as if asking what a disguise I was in, and she constantly smiled with her lower lips bitten by her upper teeth.

I told them that we were going to Chitkul a place deep in Sangla Valley. Kalyani said that she would have loved to accompany us but as they had already booked their package of Shimla-Kullu-Manali so they would be unable to make with us. In my mind I was also not willing that they come with us. Dipankar asked me that whether my route will take us via Shimla or not. I told them that we will take a detour; from Kandaghat we will take a small hilly road via Chail and Fagu before touching the highway NH-22 again. He asked me whether I have come here before or not, I told them that that was my first time, and I have studied the map very well. I asked them that when they will be returning back. He told me that they will be returning next Sunday in the same train which will leave Kalka at mid-night. Kalyani said to Paree, that wherever she goes she should be in time at the station on Sunday. I assured them that they need not to worry about anything. I called Balwinder to pick up Paree’s bag and put in the car.


Ballu bowed to Paree---“Namaste Bhabiji!!”. On hearing Balwinder calling Paree as Bhabiji, she looked at me with bit of rage. Dipankar asked me that how I have arrived at Kalka. I told them that I came to New Delhi by flight and from there I will be going by SUV, I pointed to the Tata Safari parked nearby.

Rani nudged Paree ---“You are very naughty, for so long you have not divulged anything. You are very lucky to have him.” Paree smiled at her, only she and I know the stark truth. We both bid them goodbye as I sensed that we were getting late, we have to cover a long distance.

Our car started to climb the serpentine roads of Shiwalik range. Paree could not stop laughing at me.“What a hell of a person are you!!! Oh! My God! Not even in a blue moon I could have thought that you will surprise me like that. When have you put on glasses? Are these real or just for disguise? And these beard and moustache they are also false?”

I tried to calm her down ---“Will you let me talk?”

---“Ok, baba, tell me everything.” But she again started to laugh at me.

I told her the whole story, as how I planned my trip and as how I lied to my parents and how I arrived here to pick her up. On hearing all these she could not stop laughing at me.

By the time we took the detour route after Kandaghat, it was getting foggy outside. On both sides of the road there were huge pine trees. Slowly our car was climbing the lonely road through a hilly jungle.

Paree was on my left side sitting with my left arm tucked in her embrace as she was looking outside, enjoying the beauty of hills and nature. After a long time I got to devour her beauty. She was looking bit tired but there was full of excitement in her eyes. She has worn a black silhouette hugging salwar suit. Over the salwar she wore a long white jacket to get rid of the chilled winter. With the back of my fingers I touched her cheeks gently.

She cooed ---“Ummm! I have never been to hills before. I feel like all as if I am sleeping and I am in a beautiful dream and I don’t want to wake up from this dream ever.”

---“See, I am at your side, you are not in any dream, all these are happening to you in real.”

She rubbed her cheeks on my shoulder. I held her tightly with my left arm and rubbed my cheek on hers.

She yelled out ---“Ouch! Those moustache and beard are hurting me. You can’t kiss me till you get rid of all these.”

---“Ok baba, I will get rid of all these.” Saying so, I took her right palm in my clutch and brought her soft fingers near my lips and kissed them lightly.

---“Umm!! I’m feeling very excited.” She pressed my hand on her chest “See how my heart is beating fast.” Gently I rubbed her soft bosom with my hand over her heavy woolens.

---“Hey! Naughty boy.” She winked at me. “I badly need a bath and to get fresh.”

I looked around and said ---“Ok, as we reach Chail, we will find some room for an hour so that we could refresh.”

As our car reached a small hilly hamlet, Balwinder announced that we have reached Chail.

Ballu ---“Madam we have reached Chail. (Bhabiji, Chail aa gaya)”

Paree looked queerly at me ---“Why is he calling me Bhabiji? I feel shy.”

---“Oh! Dear, see, as you are with me so he is calling you Bhabiji, nothing else. He is a good person and a long time driver of Suprotim Da.”

We took a room to freshen ourselves.

Jokingly I said to Paree ---“See, we have very less time, so can I take bath with you?”

She screamed at me in her top voice and pushed me---“NOOO, just go away. You evil person.”

After freshening ourselves up, we again started from Chail. Fog dispersed, we could winter sun rays on our skin. Paree has changed to a white dress. She was looking fresh as a morning tulip, beaming with radiance. Two small pearl ear drops adorned her small ears. I have shaved my chin so as not to miss her kiss, as she has threatened me that I won’t be able to kiss her with all my moustache and beard, so I had to comply. Balwinder was now driving bit faster on those serpentine curves. We started to climb the mountains again.

Paree asked me that how much time will it take to reach Chitkul, I nodded my head that I am unaware of that. Balwinder overheard our conversation and answered that it will probably take eight to ten hours to reach Chitkul. He has already asked about the route at Chail to the manager of the hotel. After Fagu we hit the Highway NH-22 again.

Paree was looking outside the car devouring the beauty of hills and nature. She rested her head on my left shoulder as I wrapped my left arm around her. She was playing with my fingers of right hand on her lap.


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RE: Forbidden Love by Pinuram [Completed] - by usaiha2 - 19-12-2019, 10:21 AM

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