Adultery My Second Love
I woke up on Sunday with Sameer in my bed, I was with a feeling of joyful satisfaction about last night, and these 3 days of my weekend has been filled with lot of sex. There was a happy moment and sense of easiness with waking up with younger guys. I rushed to mirror to make sure I was looking young or it is just the feeling within my body. I couldn’t find any new wrinkles and body still looks firm. I prepared breakfast for him, trying to look sexy with just wearing a t-shirt and waking him up with cup of coffee. Sameer just opened his eyes and extended his hand to my ass and slowly touching me and said “GOOD MORNING” As he left the house I took a shower and slipped into my favorite white dress and matching shoes, I always admired myself in this dress as it’s flattered my curves and makes my breast looks like two size bigger. I read my messages on my phone, looking to go out and see the world, shop something for me and eat at one of my favorite restaurant. I should treat myself today. I took my car and went out to mall, played some of my favorite songs and life was good. I was sure that I wasn’t this happy in last 5 years and I wouldn’t get any chance like this in the future and went to the mall and picked up few things for myself and for my daughter and drove to one of my favorite restaurant for lunch. The waiter knew me well as ..I was one of the regular, he welcomed me as soon as I walked into the restaurant. “First of all Mam you are looking very lovely!! Your table is ready and would you like to order same as usual. I replied “Yes that’s fine” I scrolled through my phone and checked on my daughters Instagram as I have to keep an eye on her as well, ate my food and left for home. Drank my wine to sleep and dreamed about my boss and others. 
Next day begin usually with both of us getting ready and leaving the house, I left my daughter to her college and reached office. As soon as I entered my assistant walked up to me, our ex-boss is not in the office today his wife is in the hospital that’s leaves us with new boss to be in total control and in charge.  “OK and I sat on my office. Anything else, she replied “Yes!! Boss has requested 30 minutes meeting with you at eleven o clock. I asked “About what? She said “No Idea” so that’s it. “Thank you” I moved and started working on my files. I got mail from the boss – Hello. Good Morning ..I hope you are enjoying your day, I am looking forward to spend 30 minutes with you today – Thanks, your completely immoral and highly inappropriate Boss . PS – You are looking stunning today.
I was flattered but I didn’t have time to reply his kind words and I was not sure if I can meet him today for 30 mins as I am loaded with work, also our ex-boss assignment was passed to me to finish it by today and I am sure I would be stuck to my chair till 8 or 9PM. 10:50 my phone rang “Hello who am I speaking with? Your boss I hope you are on your way up, I said you have given me assignment for 200 pages at 9 o clock and I didn’t have time to read that all in such a short notice and you should know about meeting policies in our office, it has be 24 hours prior to prepare for the meeting” the phone line was silent & I think he couldn’t digest my rejection after I slept with him, his male ego was hurt. He replied after a while, I will get back to you and have a nice day and he hung up. I continued working on my assignments and within 10 mins somebody tapped on my back, I turned and it was him he said “Good Morning” I greeted him back he was wearing a black suit and hair perfectly combed, he was looking very handsome today, he sat next to me and said “How are you?” I’m quite well!! How about you? He said you know I don’t really get scolded my an employee but you are right meeting request should be 24 hours prior and I will make sure I will change my habit of last minute meetings. I didn’t say anything I just looked at his sexy eyes, he leaned over me kept his hands on my thighs and said you could spare 30 minutes for me and we will be alone. I said “why alone” he said relax this will be purely professional meeting and environment.  I again politely replied as you know our ex-boss is not there hence I have to finish his assignments as well so I could not spare 30 minutes, I am sorry!!! “”Fair enough he replied… he said for the same reason as he is not there to guide I thought I would sit and discuss with you but that’s fine you continue working the same.” Well thank you very much I really appreciate your understanding and you can call me anytime for assistance it can be done in 2minutes so we don’t need 30 minutes meeting for that and I turned my face and started reading my assignments, I was hoping he will leave but I could sense him getting up from the chair towards me. He called my name I turned around he reached to my hair slowly and pulled a little and he tried to kiss me I didn’t do or said anything, he came very close to my lips and stopped and pulled himself back and said ..Have a great day and you escaped yourself today the last minute meeting but we have this entire week so I will see you soon. I could barely speak I kept silent. I looked into his eyes he wanted to rip my clothes like he did other day he started to walk and kept his eyes on me as he left my office. I waited until the door was closed and I ran to washroom. I looked myself in the mirror, my dress was till my knees and fitted to my body, my breast were shaped out of my shirt so that anyone can tell the size of my boobs, I thought to myself I could never let my daughter dress like this until she is twenty. I think I am trying too hard to attract these young guys, I turned around and saw my black bra was visible through my shirt, it was so evident that you could read the brand tag through my shirt, Yes it was too revealing. I met Payal at lunch I asked her am I trying too hard with my dressing. Believe me in the morning I had no intentions for wearing this dress unless someone made me realized that I was looking sexy, she said “are you mad? You are looking perfect if I had boobs like yours I would have shown off every day, so is he planning to make a move on you on this trip? I shook my head and said may be or may be not I don’t know. If he does you tell me how was he? In bed.. I said no ways I am not talking shit with you ..Payal laughed also she has been supportive of me in this case with my boss, should I tell her the truth that he is not into me for relationship but to use me for himself and for the company, I think I should get an second opinion about this but is she the right person??? Also she has a big mouth she might tell to her interns and eventually this will be spread like a fire in the office. As I was thinking about her in my mind, she said “I had sex last night at home as my husband is away from home for couple of days so I let my children sleep and I called the guy whom I met on Facebook late night, he was amazing I meeting him again tonight. I replied laughing “could we not talk about your sex life now? I have lot of work to be done. She said “What’s wrong? You should have my Facebook guy, as you are suffering from no dicks for a long time. It’s ok to have fun, you seem ready your body seems ready as well, although you should know that you’re currently in your sexual prime, seeing you haven’t has sex for a while makes me sick… “”Ok Ok Payal you’ve made your point “Tell me what happened” she replied gladly!! I listened to every details about her last night’s adventure, how she exhibit herself over and over to the guy over chats. Oh my god!!!! she confessed of having anal sex and she told me it wasn’t her first time. As she has telling the details my boss walked onto us, our eyes met and Payal said I have some work and she left, I told the same and he looked at me and said I am sure you have lot of work. He smiled at me naughtily and said “it looked like you guys were discussing about something personal” I said don’t worry it wasn’t about you. He said “you both looks like cougars of office” were you discussing about your next hunt, I replied I am not a real cougar but she is, she hardly fucks a man of her own age the oldest guy she had must be 23-24 years old and she is 36 years old. He said “that’s the difference between you two” and that’s why I like you more, she looks for easy targets and you are hard to get and once you give yourself in “you can be fucked hard” and I am not sure Payal can take a men like you do. Anyways screw Payal, I am following you in the office I am sorry, getting hard just by seeing you. He couldn’t keep his hands off me.. he tried to reach for my ass but I swiftly moved away saying it’s a common room and anybody can walked in, he said I don’t care as a part of your training to be an office whore, they should know that you are fucking their boss so nobody will mess with you.  I immediately felt hot about the thought of being a bossy bitch, who has boss in her pants.. it was an impressive idea, whatever he was saying I told him YES but I told give it a little time as you have just arrived here and I am sure they will come to know that you are married as well, he looked at me and said it shouldn’t worry you as your attitude should be to just get dicks, married/not married, 20 years old or 60 years old. I was surprised I said “60 year old” no that’s not my type, he replied now you don’t have any type, you have to open your legs for everyone. Trust me even if you will not enjoy sex with old men, it will be benefited to you in other way. I guess he wanted me to fuck an old guy but I don’t understand what is going on in his head. He wants something more than I can imagine, I asked him “so who was your office whore in Mumbai” he said “there were many girls but not a milf like you. Milfs are mostly not as available as you are they are either married to loser husband or busy with their family, “not you” my darling are on your own.. Don’t worry we will have a great years to come working together. I shook his hand and left the common room.  There was lots to be done and I was sitting and focusing over the work, I see the clock passing 6, 7,8PM and people starting to walk out, I didn’t see him leaving yet. Office boy walked to me and said Madam please take the keys and lock the office, there are still few people in the office, he left and I kept on working..

I heard boss’s voice “so how was your day? “Good and yours? “Awful”, he pulled my chair closer and said I couldn’t get 30 mins of your day. I really shouldn’t have waited today at office as he is not letting me go unless he have me, I told him “you know my daughter is alone at home” He smiled and said “she is teenage girl she will be alright” The lights in the office were off except at my office he said now we have that meeting but we don’t need lights. It was dark in the room except my laptop’s screen light …his tempo from being a boss at work to bossing me around changed very quickly, he came close and said “you look amazing in this dress, I cannot control myself” he rubbed his hands on my back. I continued looking at him silently as I thought I would never fool around in the office so I was little uncomfortable, as he held me closer, he said a busty women like you should be a super model. Do you always dress like this??? And he enters his hands in my shirt, I said ‘Why” he replied “I am just wondering if we go out on meeting like this, we will definitely get the business” I replied for my age, wearing this dress will be inappropriate  ...he got a little pissed “are you really still hung up on your age?  I told you before you don’t look like 39 so next time dress as you like. I looked at him and thought maybe he is just saying to make me happy but he always have a plan he didn’t become boss by fucking a middle age women. He said “do you know what I thought first when I saw you? ‘YES” and be honest” he push his chest against my breast and his hands on around my hips. “When I first saw you in the supermarket” he lowered his voice and whispered in my ear, “I wanted to drag you out, drive you home, and fuck you in every room of my house for the rest of the weekend.” “The only reason I asked you about your dress is because it looks good on you—very very good on you, and if we were to date I would hope to see more like this.” He hugged me tighter, so can you please stop reminding me about the age thing? I honestly wouldn’t give a damn if you were sixty.” He started touching my thighs and said can you promise me to drop this age thing between us or age of your partner. I nodded and said YES.  He started kissing my shoulders. He said “so all your work is done today, will be free tomorrow? I was about to say something but he started kissing me on lips. He entered his hands between my thighs. And I started to feel the love between my legs and my eyes starts to roll up..He said “ANSWER ME” he pushed one finger inside my vagina… Say yes...You are free tomorrow...He pushed two fingers inside me, holding my body completely still with his other arm. He kept punishing at a steady pace, kissing my bare shoulders and whispering my name—waiting for an answer. He slowly pulled fingers out of me … I thought he was done, but he began using his thumb to massage my clit. Then he pushed his two fingers in and out of me again. OH my god... I was sure I was going to explode in any second if he didn’t stop. ” He kissed my neck..  I said “Stop...”“Not until you answer my question.” He slipped his other hand underneath my dress and grabbed my boob. He cupped each of my boobs, softly pinching my nipples, pushing me further to the edge…. I said yes...  He started rubbing my clit even harder—faster, and I felt so horny. .” I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming out. I didn’t want to scream in office if there will be someone still there to know what was going on. Now he was playing with me …he said Yes what?? Kissing my neck..Squeezing my boobs …fingering me.. And I couldn’t hold back… I exploded in waves through my pussy in his hand. I started biting his neck …so hard it was probably bleeding. My knees nearly gave out, and it took every bit of energy I had to not collapse into his arms. “Yes...I’ to go out tomorrow.” He said “Good” he got up and locked the door … he grabbed me and put it on the desk” he whispered. “Remove your clothes” It took me 20-30 secs to be in my birthday suit ,,, he took a tissue paper and cleaned my soaked pussy…he put his pants down and slowly slowly entered in me …his hands held me so tight as he was pushing me …with every strokes I push myself into him …I was rejoiced with the size of his dick entering me and my pussy was so wet that he entered smoothly …we didn’t changed any position he kept on fucking me slowly slowly as we were in office. He was enjoying each and every part of my body, i was just holding him tightly so he doesn’t stop ,,,I was saying ,,,fuck me fuck me fuck me was more than 30 mins,… he took few deep stokes and said make me cum…I took his dick in my hand and started rubbing it,,, we both were kissing each other,, I unbuttoned his shirt and started kissing his chest I was biting his chest …his nipples and rubbing his dick and balls …he came on my thighs and stomach… I was still hypnotized with him …I turned on the light and took his dick in my mouth and cleaned his area with my tongue …and when we finally done …we started to dress … we locked the office and he held my hand and we walked towards the parking ….he helped me into the car and said you drive safely and tomorrow meet me at 8AM …I said “where are we going? …he said to see the city as I am new here… I said what about work...he said I am boss & we are on an official day out for meetings. I have already informed my secretary about it …and then he put his hand in his pocket and gives me a box …I opened it & it was a bracelet …I said no I can’t take it, he forced me to keep it and asked me to roll the window and drive away “In case I get hard again I will not let you go”

Here's my return gift
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My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 13-12-2019, 01:54 PM
RE: My Second Love - by sexycharan - 13-12-2019, 03:39 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:47 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 13-12-2019, 04:49 PM
RE: My Second Love - by Chennai Veeran - 13-12-2019, 04:59 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:48 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 13-12-2019, 08:31 PM
RE: My Second Love - by xbiilove - 13-12-2019, 09:02 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:50 AM
RE: My Second Love - by xbiilove - 13-12-2019, 09:03 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:50 AM
RE: My Second Love - by Renjith - 13-12-2019, 09:39 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:54 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 13-12-2019, 10:56 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 13-12-2019, 10:58 PM
RE: My Second Love - by Joseph Rayman - 13-12-2019, 11:19 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:58 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 14-12-2019, 02:01 AM
RE: My Second Love - by Ananthukutty - 14-12-2019, 06:57 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:59 AM
RE: My Second Love - by Dumeelkumar - 14-12-2019, 08:19 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 08:00 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 14-12-2019, 11:47 PM
RE: My Second Love - by blackdesk - 15-12-2019, 05:05 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 08:05 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 07:46 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 08:26 AM
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RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 10:06 AM
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RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 10:08 AM
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RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 16-12-2019, 11:59 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 17-12-2019, 06:16 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 17-12-2019, 09:03 PM
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RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 18-12-2019, 06:32 PM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 18-12-2019, 11:48 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 18-12-2019, 11:46 PM
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RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 22-12-2019, 06:13 AM
RE: My Second Love - by MeriKaru3 - 22-12-2019, 08:40 AM
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