Misc. Erotica The Hunt - (A Wife's Adultery Love Story)

Soon after Naina left someone rings the calling bell rapidly .
"I don't wanna fuck you again..Don't..." Ashish opens the door bickering.

"We are the occupants of the penthouse above yours."  A  Man in his 40's speaks at Ashish ,he is accompanied by a woman who is looking at Ashish like he is the scum of the earth .

"Welcome to our neighborhood then " Ashish reluctantly greets he is in no mood to entertain these couple any minute longer,he has his own problems to attend to.

The woman takes the leash of the conversation from the man ,crossing her arms defensively  spats " What a disgusting welcome it was !!!"
Ashish smirks “Are you two high ?”

The man takes back the baton of the colloquy ,trying hard to be the alpha among the trio " Listen ,I wanted to talk to you first,man to man ,before taking any action.We have teenagers in our home.We don't want sex party right under our nose."

It hits Ashish hard now he realizes Naina was not lying when she complained someone was watching their terrace-fuck from above,right now he is just standing dumbfolded for the stupidity he committed in the heat of the moment,he was so keen on humiliating Naina he forgot to take precautions. REFERENCE

"Hello oh Mr.Playboy ?!!!” The man draws Ashish’s attention by making twisting sound with his fingers “Pack your bag and get out of here before evening ." 
 We rented  this penthouse cause it  is a respected society for respected citizens of this country who does not want to withstand the filth this country has to offer.Does not you have any common sense?!!!Doing dirty work right out in the open?!!” Someone of the two said that which one Ashish does not know,his brain is exploding right now.

“And treating woman like that my gosh!!!That woman should hand you over to the security officer.You filthy animal.”the woman exclaims mentioning the fact particularly how roughly and humiliating way he treated Naina,evidently they watched their shagging for a while.

Ashish slaps the door right on their face without answering them and grab his hair screaming loudly "Fuckkk!!!!!" ...."Fuck ..fuck!!"

****How am i losing control ?How? This was not supposed to happen.Such complications are nuisances.What is making me this clumsy?***He curses at himself.

***You should rather ask WHO is disrupting your control instead of WHAT ***His inner god laughs at him.

“Shut up!!! Shut up.Go away.”Ashish yells loudly kicking whatever his foot found infront.

***Rain rain go away !!!Come again another day !!!Little Ashish want to play!!Rain rain....." His inner god  continues to mock him.

"Shut up..i Said shut up!!! Pack your bags huh!!! I will show them who is gonna pack their bags before evening ."Ashish takes out his phone.

Someone picks up the call on the other end ,Ashish immediately launches his complaint through his voice catapult "I want them gone.The tenants above my penthouse .I want them gone right now."

The voice over phone laughs making noises with tongue "Tut..tutt..tuttt !!Good moring to you too!!!Someone is salty .Did they find out you are keeping whores in your apartment ."

Ashsih does not speak just sighs ,this is his weakness fucking women ,he loves it and  that voice over the phone knows it.

"Ashsih beta,Men are territorial ,we don't like outsiders , women on the other hand more accepting towards the outsiders.Why do you think men form gangs,brotherhoods and women spread their legs to foreign invaders during war?"

" Enough with your filth ,I don't care why we form gangs and why do they spread their legs?Can you do it?You promised you would ."Ashish presses.

"Ok I will keep the intruder away from your door but you have to pay the advance they deposited and also whole next year rent of that penthouse.This is not personal Ashish beta ,it is strictly business."The voice chuckles.

'I don't care .Just send me the bills."Ashish presses his both eyes with his thumbs while speaking.

"Rich boy and his whims eh?!! Your father would have been furious if he ever had the luck to witness how his son is wasting money."the voice mocks him,not many people gets away with mocking Ashish.

"I wish my father would have let you die that night.No wonder you can't form a sentence without having the word 'gang" in it."Ashish sarcastically says.

"Ok Ashish beta cool yourself off.You are in a bad shape.Bang some pussies ,it always clears head.That and guns .I have an experience of lifetime.”The voice over the phone is not unsettled,he rather enjoying Ashish’s tantrum.

"And how is that experience going for you?Thinking about how bad women are for spreading their legs when enemies are at the door?Women seem wicked when you are alone Uncle ji.You should have settled for one good woman instead of plundering the whole garden with guns in your hand only to find more rotten apples." Ashish responds with annoyance in his voice.

"Ashish beta you know when someone tries to lecture me at this age - about life and life choices all I can hear they are actually talking to themselves.You sure that piece of advice you just gave me is not meant for you?!!!"

Ashish's  face ashen and the laughing voice cuts the phone.

"Yes Sir I forgot to inform you." Security officer Javed mumbles.

"Javed Javed.....You should have told me about new tenants." Ashish expresses his displeasure freely.

“what happened Sir?"  Javed inquires,all the things Javed had witnessed regarding Ashish and his harem over the years ,it’s quite stupid for him to ask what happened. 

"Does not matter.It's settled ,I had to call Mr.Gilani of course."Ashish bares his teeth.

"You called Mr. Gilani?!! Was he asking about me?" Javed looks extremely nervous.

That the reason Javed fears Ashish is Mr.Gilani the builder and promoter of this complex  and many several other establishments as such ,a very wealthy and influential  man.

What Javed has heard the story goes like this,this whole area was slum once,there is still slum just a few kilometers from here in fact Harsh and Bimal lives there. But back then when there was no city here ,the land was entirely filled with either slums or swamps.
In those days Mr.Gilani was  known as' Pagalchut' or sometimes only as “The Gun”.
A notorious local mafia boss who had a knack for violence and women became the king of this entire slum when the government back in the 90's started to develop this area as their dream project to create a smart city   after in 1992 the economic gates of India was opened by finance ministry,the new India arose ,so as  many  posh complexes like this one erupting the slums or covering the swamps killing the ecosystem haphazardly .

 What Javed had heard Ashish's dad was a doctor and had a big heart for the slum dwellers.Once he saved the life of ‘PAGALCHUT”/”THE GUN” by removing a bullet from his belly when government was very keen on cleansing the city of mafias. But later a situation came when that time’s ruling party needed the “PAGALCHUT” to aquire lands for their city ‘THE GUN” forged a business partnership with political parties and became respected Mr.Gilani later. Mr.Gilani never forget the act of humanity what Ashish’s father showed that day and that is how Ashish gets to live in his good graces.

But there is another nasty story behind how Ashish gets to fuck several women in his penthouse ,that story is particularly rancid and Javed does not believe it.All he knows Mr.Gilani is the guardian angel of Ashish and he is a man to be feared,his past speaks for himself.
"Of course he was asking about you Javed. If you take care of my needs next time I will tell you what he told me about you." Ashish smiles lying ,he is well aware of the effect of the name Mr.Gilani .
Ashish steps out of the security room and asks "Where is that other guy?"
Javed asks "Who?"
Ashish frowns "The new guy,the too smart for his own good guy."

Security guard Bimal intervenes "Harsh Sir.He had to run some errand at his home.".Bimal could not tell how horny Harsh is for Shilpa and went to bang his own wife.REFERENCE

Ashish put on his googles and slides inside his car "Yeah the guy gives me the vibe that the world has conspired against him by appointing him as a security guard here.Some people can't accept the reality ."

Bimal jokes "He could be a dreamer ....if we stop dreaming sir."

Ashish's car leaves without listening to whatever smart comment Bimal was gonna deliver ,

"If we stop dreaming then we wake up .Where is Harsh?" Javed sternly inquires.


*****OFFICE HOURS*********

"The new tenants are gone!!!That was fast.Thank you Javed ." Ashish lets out a sigh of relief.

“What was Mr.Gilani telling about….” Javed was asking but  Ashish cuts the call smiling .

***Rot in suspense that’s your punishment for failing to secure my privacy Javed. One threat is neutralized .***

***Who else is threatening you?*** Ashish’s inner god plays peek-a-boo with him.
Deepti ,Ashish's personal secratary ,is typing something in her laptop watches him under her spectacles Ashish rubbing his forehead like he is having a bad headache.REFERENCE

Ashish is feeling restless today at office,the stock market is making him so bored "Oh come on!!!! Don't buy YES bank share,what are you guys fools .The world is full of morons ,this stock's price rise even people hear the directors are meeting someone over a cup of coffee "
Deepti has never seen her boss like this,he is not a very expressive person,he keeps his opinion to himself.

"Don't you think people are fools?"Ashish asks.

"You talking to me?"Deepti exclaims,Ashish is not the one who engages in casual chit chat.

"Yes.Nobody is here."Ashish runs his fingers over his hair ,he is bored out of his mind,he wants something.

****Or someone?!!!***His inner god mocks.

"Shut up!!" Ashish growls.
"What?"Deepti asks.

"Nothing .Please continue." Ashish says,he acts so crazy ,talking to himself in broad daylight.
"I was not talking about anything" Deepti informs.
"Then talk about something."Ashish pleads .

***If I don't talk with someone right now,my inner self will make me go crazy with things I  don't wanna face right now." he thinks

****The things you don't want to face?!!! Or the The woman you don't wanna face after calling her while you were balls deep inside Naina's pussy.What a messy pussy and affair it was!!!***
"Ass not pussy."Ashish hisses.

 ***She did not deserve my cock in her pussy.***
"I beg your pardon Sir?" Deepti could not believe the most ethically correct man she knows is talking about ass and pussy ,did she hear correctly?
"Pussy cat.Do you love cats?"Ashish barely saves the moment.

"No I am more of a dog person Sir."Deepti informs.

"Why?"Ashish asks

Deepti looks around in confusion ,again the most workaholic person in this office is seriously trying to have a conversation with cats and dogs right now?!!

"Are you alright Sir?""Deepti asks

"Yes yes.Why would not I be?!!" Ashish smiles .

****Lair lair dick on fire **** His inner god laughs at him

"Please tell me about why you love dogs?" Ashish pleads again shoving his inner self out of the scene.

"Cause they are loyal beasts."Deepti explains "They are so grateful to us ."

"Boring.extremely boring." Ashish yawns .

"They are not boring they entertain us in many ways." Deepti frowns

"I prefer cats .They are nothing like dogs." Ashish states.

"Cats are thieves " Deepti disagrees.

"Precisely .They are thieves.They scheme and steal.No matter how much food you give them they still gonna steal." Ashish confirms,his eyes sparks as he speaks.

"What is so lovable about that?" Naina is annoyed.

"You have to really work hard to make them happy.You have to have enough tricks in your bag that the cat does not run away to whomever offering it food." Ashish passionately explains.

"Sounds tiresome .All that work for pleasing a thief.There is no certainty in that." Deepti strongly objects.

"Yes.But at the end when you get their love that is something unparalleled . You have earned it.Unlike dogs who are happy with anything you do."Ashish's dislike for dogs is evident.

"Dogs are far better than your cat .Cats act like they are majestic,you don't own your cat,your cat owns you.Dogs are fierce ,protective ...the list goes on." Deepti stands her ground.

Ashish does not respond to Deepti at once,he takes his time then response back "And you are talking about dogs or men?"

"What?!!!What do you mean?" Deepti looks unsettled.

" An unimpressive looking woman dreams about gaining fealty and loyalty of a man who does not care how she looks.He must be grateful for what he is getting.All your man hating stuff yet you are willing to settle down for a boring,loyal,protective,lovable puppy guy." Ashish mocks her,he is annoyed with himself but making Deepti suffer instead.REFERENCE

Deepti is hurt,she responds back "Are you talking about cats or women?"

  "Don't apply my trick on me."  Ashish laughs.

" Am I doing that?Lets see .Seems to me you are saying you want to please a woman who is very proud and Uppity. Promiscuous in nature also .you want to catch that woman and keep her as your own,like a hard earned trophy ,a challenge.You want to chase her and you believe if you manage to get her affection in return ,that affection is worth more than a normal woman can give you. ."

Ashish is lightning struck by her projection.

Deepti continues,Ashsih really has hurt her feelings " You must be well aware of the effect of  that handsome face of yours on women don't you?Most of the women in our office will do anything to get a date with you.Yet instead of getting a normal woman who would be happy to be your partner you want to chase a woman who is unfaithful in nature  just to satisfy your ego that you caught the most unmanageable fish out there ."

Ashish now regret his decision to have a chat with his secretary,he wanted to avoid this particular line of conversation yet he is having it anyway.Sometimes all roads lead to the same castle regardless of which one you chose,like death.

Deepti continues her bombardments  "All my life I wanted any man to chase after me but nobody did.All you men want is sexy hot women .You want to chase them but nobody chase me cause I am ugly.I thought  you were different .Under your posh dressing,that spectacular face and physique you are just like rest of them.All men are same."

Deepti's eyes follows Ashish's wondering eyes and both watches Mahesh steps inside the room.

 "Who told you to try all the men then?" Mahesh jokes looking at Ashish's clouded face,he must have heard the last part of Deepti's lecture .

Mahesh is happy to watch Ashish's gloomy face 

*****All men are same??!!What did you do today Ashish, you son of a bitch?!!You fucked up did not you?!!!!And my darling Shilpa has recorded your misbehavior ,she does not have the camera yet but she has her phone.A smart woman like her must have trapped you.Finally your true nature is bared.Too bad Shilpa is not picking up my phone.Must be traumatized by your behavior.Preying on innocent women that's what you are good at.****

 If only Mahesh knew how his son managed to slurp honey from his ‘darling’ wife's pussy or how his archenemy Ashish made his ‘innocent’ wife cum twice ,if only someone shows him the reactions of his loving wife when she succumbed to his rival Ashish's erotic punishments.

But the thing that he should fear most is how they looked at each other when his gorgeous wife Shilpa was in Ashsih's arms.

Mahesh is not aware how tensed the conversation got between Ashish and Deepti .

Few moments ago they were fighting but when an outsider comes in and laughs at their misery they instantly teams up .

"Mahesh....my good friend Mahesh.How good to see you" Ashish smiles,that brings a smile on Deepti's face that's the Ashish she admires as a boss, calm and ruthless before casting storm hiding behind his confident smirk.

"Good morning little brother !!!I am feeling particularly happy today." Mahesh greets him.

" Oh bhaiya ji,I want to feel happy.I do but I can't." Ashish creases  his nose smiling.

"I know the feeling.What's bothering you little bro.Your bhaiya will make the monsters disappear from under your bed so that you can sleep tight tonight little bro.." Mahesh plays along trying to make fun of Ashish.

"Yeah bhaiya but my problem did not hide under my bed.It rode a cab." Ashish smiles.

"We will buy a new toy cab  for you little bro ,don't worry.A red one.How about a toy train ...Ku jhik jhik jhik ...jhik jhik ..."Mahesh laughs making train noise.

"My problem threats the cab driver......"Ashish tries to dramatize as well  but Mahesh was not listening.

"Just don't take your little train to the petrol pump bro." Mahesh laughs.

"Mahesh, I received a complaint from transport department yesterday that you threatened a cab driver of our company to give you a free ride at home." Ashish's voice turned ominously calm,eyes sparkling.REFERENCE

That grabs Mahesh's attention " It's nothing man,I was just goofing around.I was too tired to take a bus after you confiscated my car keys." REFERENCE

Ashish empathizes with Mahesh  "Oh yes yes I understand.But you defeated the purpose of my punishment.You have no idea what I do to someone who defies me."
 There is a smug smile of self-content on Ashish's face rejoicing the sight of Naina limping out from his penthouse this morning after he destroyed her asshole.

"I thought you were joking about the bus ride." Mahesh complains.

Ashsih ignores Mahesh's bitching " On the other hand Mahesh you have no idea how rewarding I am when someone obey's my will." Another goofy smile conquers his face savoring how hard Shilpa cum after obeying him so willingly showing off her body like an acrobat all the way whether it was licking ice cream or jogging naked on treadmill or playing with danger with a knife or feeding him pussy grool with a spoon or making him lose control just with a slight touch of her fingers.

"What a woman!!!!" Ashish sighs loudly.

"What?" Mahesh inquires,Deepti looks at Ashish narrowing her eyes like - so there is a woman !!!

"You know before you came here today,I and Deepti were talking about cats and dogs” Ashish informs. 

“Oh that’s why the all men are same speech.Please don’t tell me you two were having the same old conversation about all men are like dogs and women are like cats.” Mahesh laughs.
 “Something like along the line.But Now I have moved on ,now that conversation is reminding me 3-4 years ago there was a cat-serial killer in London mercilessly killing 5-6 neighborhood cats terrorizing the locality." Ashish states.

Mahesh is puzzled,so is Deepti.

Mahesh says “I hope eventually you will come to the point!!!”

Ashish closes his eyes crunching his face like he is appreciating some Gazal as he explains moving his fingers to express his distress

 "Serial killers killing humans,I understand that stuff but killing fluffy soft cats day after day?!!! That is bad Mahesh, truly bad.There was this woman who's cat was killed she made everyone aware of the situation through newspaper.I want you to write a sympathetic letter to that woman,I know it's late but Mahesh for the shake of humanity or rather I say 'catity'  please write it."

"What?"!! There is a loose smile of disbelief on Mahesh's face,Deepti is equally quizzical.

"I want you to write that letter and post it.Find all the details about that cat serial killing case from internet and write it .But Mahesh I want you to feel the urgency of our endeavor due to that I want you to reach post office or speed post center whatever by feet.Your wallet Mahesh Hand it over."

"Are you serious?" Mahesh looks so surprised.

" Which part of my instruction you don't understand?" Ashish snarls.
Deepti scoffs a laugh,she knew something is gonna happen to Mahesh but she did not realize Ashish is gonna punish him this dirty.

"None actually ",Mahesh protests.

"Listen motherfucker .All I have to do is to hand you a "go fuck yourself' letter to fire you for threatening an employee of our company,he may be a  cab driver but you were at the wrong." Ashish speaks at Mahesh with a hateful tone
 “So either you write or I will.The outcome would be very different depending on who is holding the pen.”

"OH..my gosh ..Today pen is indeed mightier " Deepti exclaims hearing cuss words from her boss but very happy ,she despise men and Mahesh is the lowest of low in her eyes for  past few months after took the secretarial job she has witnessed how Mahesh had took advantage of Ashish's friendship to stay in the company.

"What do I have to do?"Mahesh gives in .

Ashish repeats what he has to do and then adds "You have to find all the other cat victims and write letters to the owners individually .Deepti will oversee the process."

"Happy to do that Sir." Deepti just won the lottery it would be so fun to humiliate the office murga.
"But why all of them? Why not only to the woman who advertised in the paper about the cat-serial killer or whatever?" Mahesh is desperate.

"Mahesh you are a family man are you not?I hope you have fathered several children by now." Ashish condescends.

"Only one Sir." Mahesh says

Ashish frowns "What?Did not you married again?"

Mahesh says "Yes Sir."

"A really really beautiful woman by the way Sir.You could not even believe your eyes if you see this worthless with that Queen of beauty Sir.I saw her only once from afar.If you ever seen her,i bet you will never forget her.What is your wife's name I forgot?" Deepti informs Ashish.

"I see.So pleased to hear that fate smiled upon you twice ." Ashish jokes.

"On you never." Mahesh did not take the sarcasm well as Ashish loved his first wife but got rejected as he was 7-8 years younger than her and his second wife Shilpa is currently seducing him. 
And the most important question asked by Deepti regarding the name of Mahesh's second wife lost in this tension.

Ashish looks at Mahesh intensely wanting to  use abusive words but that would only mean Mahesh really got the power to hurt him using his past with Rekha.

He smiles instead "Oh brother I will not go down on the history but I might go down on your wife." sliding his tongue between his teeth very quickly side to side.

Deepti giggles rubbing her cheek looking at Mahesh's insulted face as Ashish indirectly mocks him that he might eat Shilpa's pussy .

Ashish meant it as a joke but Mahesh knows how close his wife's pussy stays now a days to Ashish and Shilpa has herself admitted how heated up her pussy gets when she watches Ashish.REFERENCE

Also How Ashish made Shilpa cum using her panty wedgie ,spanking her,groping her boobs,kissing her ,all coming back to him right now.REFERENCE
But to his ignorance little did he know It was Rahul who enjoyed his wife that way,his own son not Ashish.
"Nice joke bro.We used to crack so many of those jokes about women you remember." looking at Deepti with the corner of his eyes trying to change the tide of conversation.
But Ashish is adamant ,he is never gonna fall for Mahesh's tricks again ,long he has endured "So why did not you fathered anymore children after your First one?"

Mahesh looks at Deepti clearly he does not want to discuss such things in front of her.

"Oh Mahesh I know you are a patriarchal  scum .Go on spit out more reason to dislike you." Deepti pouts.

Ashish rolls his eyes "I wish you were normal Deepti .Why people live with complicated philosophies I Don't understand."

Deepti rolls her eyes back "Really after cats and dogs.You are gonna say you don't have any complicated philosophy in your head?"

Ashish smiles keeping his both hands up in air "Guilty as charged Madam." and puts an end to that discussion at once.He does not want Mahesh to know Deepti's analysis about his cat allegory,it's a very private thought,even he does not understand that idea completely.

"Guys guys .I am a little lost.What are you talking about."Mahesh asks

Deepti and Ashish both answer in unison "Nothing." they both wanna hide their secret desires about what they want in their ideal partner.

Ashish asks  "So Mahesh what is your complicated philosophy about not fathering another child?You can speak freely.It does not matter what you say,Deepti is gonna hate men anyway."
Mahesh "I know these things much better than you as I have married twice..I know about girls more than you do bro.That's the one department I am better than you."smiling.

Ashish plays along "Yes yes of course."smiling inside .

Mahesh continues "After my son was born ,I saw a change in Rekha. Is it hard for you if I talk about Rekha?"

"Not at all." Ashish smiles.
*****It's hard you cunt.Not cause I loved her once.That love is gone.But cause it was a defeat.I can admit defeat but now when I think of that i was defeated by a jerk like you that hurts.***

"Hold on.Why is it hard for you if he talks about his first wife Rekha?" Deepti asks Ashish.

Mahesh dismisses Deepti  "That's why I wanted her out ."

Ashish confesses blatantly "I used to be in love with Rekha."

Deepti  exclaims "Wait what?" how office gossip can get any better than this!!!

Mahesh clenches his jaw how shamelessly this guy is admitting he loved my deceased wife..

Ashish sighs "It is what it is ."

Deepti asks  "But how?Mahesh is clearly 17-18 years older than you.The math does not add up."

Mahesh says "It's a long story .You only need to know we studied in same university all three."

Ashish looks at Deepti's face and clears her doubt " I was 17 when I met them and he is 15 years older than me.They were already married at that time with child.But nobody knew they were married,they hid it well."

Deepti’s belly is bursting with fluttering butterflies  "Why?"

Mahesh says " That is personal."

Ashish concurs with Mahesh "Lets not deviate from the point."

Mahesh continues "But marriage always get out .Everybody knew at one point.So you see Ashish's hopes and dreams crushed."

Ashish does not want to hear that part of his defeat "So what changes you noticed in Rekha after your first child was born?"

Mahesh  looks up at the ceiling  slowly speaking taking his time " I realized something ,it was an epiphany."

Ashish hurries him up "Enough with the big words.You are speaking like my maid."
The word maid does not sound right in his ears at all.

Mahesh jerks his body 'Well I realized Man loves the woman and woman loves the children.once women get their children they completely ignores you."

Ashish and Deepti look at Mahesh in disbelief ,for a few seconds they were both silent.

Deepti speaks up first "So you deprived your second wife of any children?So that you can enjoy her undivided attention?"

Mahesh laughs "Pretty neat huh!!! There so many excuses to avoid that.That way I get all her love for myself.You have seen her,how gorgeous she is."
Deepti grits her teeth "You scumbag..you piece of shit you did not give her any children just cause you can enjoy her for sex."

Mahesh frowns  "Sex?!!!No you are mistaken I did it for love.Don't worry We will have children when I get a promotion which I am getting soon,several actually.Bringing up children is a pricey job in cities." giving a quick look at Ashish thinking *** if my plan works I will father as many as children Shilpa wants.****

Deepti gets up from her seat and come closer "You know Mahesh may be you are right but one thing you are wrong about that i am sure of."
Mahesh scoffs "yeah!!What is that?"

Deepti lowers her face at a sitting Mahesh ,she clearly wants to slap him,Ashish is a little bit worried now ,he wants no violence here especially gender related, that is a thing even he can’t make go way in the age of social media .

Deepti runs her finger on Mahesh's cheek "Oh you stupid moron,You don’t understand what love is !! We ,Women are love ." 

Ashish smiles hearing that "Touche."

Mahesh removes her hand from his face "Whatever that means.i am going back to my desk."

Ashsish asks "Where are you going?You have letters to write.Each letter to each cat owner.One you will write ,then you will walk to post office to post it.Then you will come back write to the next cat owner.One letter at a time. Deepti will look after that."

Mahesh " Oh come on.We just have a jolly good time .Come on Bro...." he stops looking at Ashish's stone hard face.

Mahesh corrects himself "Sorry Sir."

Ashish explains 'The reason I ask if you have several children or nor cause I wanted to say you treat all of them equally even if you have a favorite one.Like you are gonna treat all the cat victims equally regardless which one was cutest."

Ashish picks up his suit and says to Deepti "I am going out.After hearing that filth I just heard from him  I need some fresh air for a while."

Deepti "Don't worry I will keep him company."with a ominous smile on her lips which chills Mahesh's heart.

Ashish orders "Your wallet Mahesh hand it over.I want your legs to do the job.The money you will need for each post you will collect from Deepti which you have to return her later.Or you can always beg "

Pretti laughs "Not a penny less,not a penny more."

Mahesh silently hands over his wallet,Ashish puts it inside a drawer in his desk "Mahesh you know what else always comes out like marriage?!!!You were saying you can’t hide marriage forever it always comes out."

Mahesh's mood is dry,so does his voice "What?"

Ashish smiles "Power Mahesh. Power is a curious thing it always gets out,it has a need to explore things.I am locking up your wallet cause I can,I have that power "looking into Mahesh's eyes.

Ashish leaves his office while Deepti dictates Mahesh "Mahesh last week a dog died saving it's owner from fire in ........."the torment continues.
Mahesh keep writing one letter and walks for 10 minutes to reach nearest Indiapost office and comes back.

The cycle continues for the shake of all the unfortunate cats and dogs all over the world.

Soon Deepti spreads the word what Mahesh is doing for Ashish.

As soon as Mahesh enters office at some point  people start shouting ""meow...meowww..." some co-wokers howl  "woofff...woofff" like a dog ,some sways 10 rs note as he passes by "Man I got extra 10rs to give some beggar any taker?" comments like that.

And Mahesh burns inside,insulted,humiliated by everyone ,he wants his revenge now at all cost,he promises himself he will go to any length to destroy Ashish forever.
“Good Noon Mam” Ashish greets C.E.O Priyanka Trivedi at her house’s backyard “Could not find you at the office .Figured you would be here.”REFERENCE

“The perks of being boss eh?!!!” The C.E.O smiles removing white gloves from her hands and instructs some construction workers “Haan bhaiya jo boli thikse kaar dijiyega”

“Renovating your house again?!!!” Ashish exclaims.

“Yes.I am bored with the current design .” Priyanka explains.

“I never understood why don’t you live in a place which suits your stature ?You live in this palace in a shitty neighborhood .Do you follow Warren Buffet’s (CEO of Berkshire Hathaway) philosophy of living in the same house or Jeff Bezo’s (Amazon ceo) philosophy of driving honda city.Is that what it is?”Ashish expresses his displeasure .

Priyanka slides her hand grabbing Ashis's arm  as they walk slowly “I wish I were that much humble.Do you know why  Escobar returned to his country even after the Colombian government was after him? He could have gone to anywhere with the wealth he had,he was in times magazine for one of the richest man in the world.”

Ashish frowns “You mean Pablo Escobar the drug lord?”

Priyanks smiles “Yes that’s the one.”

Ashish asks smiling “Why? But You are not a drug-lady.”

Priyanka explains as they walk together “ I am not ,but I am a woman with power that is what is common.Because Escobar knew he is only a tiger if he lives in his own territory.The amount of respect and awe he will get from fellow countrymen ,he will not get anywhere in the world with all the billions he got .I live here cause I will not get the same respect if I start living in some posh society like you do where everyone is equally successful .How can I explain the power I feel when my lowly  neighbors talk to me.I believe in capitalism profoundly.”

Ashish chuckles “That is cold and cruel.No wonder you are where you are because of that nature.”

Priyanka concurs “Oh don’t jealous now.You got your gifts,I have mine.Both are good for climbing,the lower floor is always so crowded but top one is so empty all the time.”

Ashish rubs his forehead “You know what mam forget I even asked .Today I am hearing so many personal codes that is just making me nuts.”
They reach inside the house “Why are you drooling over my house?!!You yourself inherited a gorgeous house as family heirloom ,of course you had to leave that and live in your penthouse for god knows what reason.”

Ashish smirks “Trust me you don’t wanna know why?”

Priyanka chuckles “But Can I ask why are you here?!!What could not wait?”

Ashish hesitates “ It is a personal visit Mam.I need to know something.”

Priyanks takes her seat and Ashish too “About what?”

Ashish asks “Tenue de Soiree.The perfume “.The perfume smelled on Shilpa and later Naina identified it's name.

Priyanka sneezes “It’s good but for the younger crowd mostly.What about it?”
Ashish asks  “Do you recall my first break though in business world?"

Priyanka smiles ‘How can I forget ? The most meteoric rise of a person I ever witnessed .It was around 2009,after Lehmann brother fall and world sunk into the most gruesome economic crisis in past 100 years maybe less .We fired some good guys back then and hired some bunch of diplomas to cut cost.What of it?Everyone knows in the office how you managed to use the crisis at your advantage.It's almost a folktale now.”
Ashish politely acknowledges the praise “ Thank you Mam.After I close the business deal with the French firm they sent me an expensive box of  gift,”

Priyanka agrees  “Yes yes. Awww it was such a lovely gift box full of luxury items.”

Ashish says  “I received two bottle of  Tenue de Soiree inside of them along with many other things.”

Priynanka  gleefully says “Yes yes I recall now.You gave one to me.”

Ashsih smiles  “Yes you begged like a teenager back then.”

Priyanka sighs “Good old days. What you did with the second bottle.Gave it to a girlfriend I suppose.”

Ashish clenches his jaw  “That was my intention .But I did not,I can’t recall what I did with that.”

Priyanka look puzzled “I don’t get it what are you particularly asking for?”

Ashish sighs “Even I don’t know.That’s why I came here.”

Priyanka requests  “ What's happening to you Ashish ,your impeccable memory used to be one of your gifts .Are you losing it? Stay for lunch .Perhaps We might recall something.”

Ashish sighs “Sure thing mam.I don't know that either what's happening to me today either.”


Shilpa looks at the note which was sent along with the dress in disbelief .
****That bastard did not only stop calling me while he fucks another woman.He even took it a notch up by sending this ….this…I don’t even have the words for it. The words are so disgusting****

Suddenly she has the strong urge to cry her heart out, everyone around her is so cruel to her.Her husband constantly pushing her to do a dirty job,Rahul is probably trying to take advantage of the situation -she is not sure about it still and Ashish is the disrespectful monster just like Mahesh told her he would be.
Life seems so horrible right now,she is stuck,her fate will be determined by the success of her mission now.Now the plan seem so stupid,they went all in now they are stuck,if she does not succeed to accomplish her goal the result would be horrible .Shilpa’s head is spinning now that she is out of the erotic aura of Ashish ,miles away from him,loathing his dirty hindi words right now,she is sipping the reality slowly and by god the future seems so dark .

Alas!!! She has no idea neither Ashish chose the words of the apology letter nor the skimpy dress,it was all Naina's work.
She needs to get out of the house.

Shilpa takes out the cucumber from her pussy and threw it in the dustbin.
****If he is not gonna respect me  then I am not going to respect his wishes.It works only both ways.But what about tomorrow?!!! What if he forces himself on me? This is so horrible.I hate him,I hate him so much .******

Shilpa wears a patiala suit and reaches the Beauty Parlour.

“Shilpa Mam ,I was thinking that you will not show up today as well” The woman states.

This beauty parlor was originally belonged to Rekha ,Shilpa used to work here herself .REFERENCE1,REFERENCE2[url=https://xossipy.com/showthread.php?tid=14552&pid=842146#pid842146][/url]
After Shilpa married Mahesh now she runs it. She loves the parlor,she understands the work as she understand what physical beauty is as she herself is beautiful.
Moreover she likes it cause she loves to play the boss.
She usually comes in the daytime,she does not come here at night,one shift work is enough for her.

But due to the debacle of her mission she could not able to visit her parlor for past few days.Right now she needs some work to keep herself busy ,she needs to not think about the horrible things is coming to her mind.

“Any appointments?”Shilpa asks

“Yes quiet a few” the woman responds.

“Good” Shilpa’s response was abrupt .

The woman looks concerned her boss Shilpa is a loud mouth woman ,proud and confident .But today she looks like someone sucked all the joy out of her,her beautiful features are begging for some comfort.

Shilpa takes her seat and opens Youtube to watch some MMA  (MIXED MARTIAL ARTS) videos,other women might stay away from the violent nature of the sport but whenever Shilpa is angry she watches MMA fights, it soaks her anger like drawing the poison from the wound.

The woman speaks softly to another working girl “Damn she is angry.She always watches those awful fighting videos when she is angry.”

The girl giggles “Mahesh Sir did not pay much attention to her now a days or what?”

The woman silently smiles “ Probably.She always have been an attention seeker even when she worked here at your age.I have known her for a long long time.”

The girl smiles back “The Queen Bee” and they both look at a callous Shilpa watching Youtube intently oblivious of  what her employees speaking about her at her back.

There is nothing more juicer than to watch a beautiful woman fall from her graces,everyone is silently waiting and begging at the universe for that to happen,such a jealous society it is and such is the price of being beautiful.
[Image: 439dd1b01b03f0900955e0c5f14f550b.jpg]
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RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:17 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:24 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:37 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:49 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 12:01 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 12:13 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 12:18 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Antichrist12 - 22-08-2019, 12:38 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:34 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 02:53 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 03:46 PM
RE: The Hunt - by akshatha - 22-08-2019, 05:47 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:35 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 07:50 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Tarun_Vjv - 22-08-2019, 09:17 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 10:12 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 01:39 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:29 AM
RE: The Hunt - by daredevil5456 - 18-08-2022, 05:26 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:39 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 07:34 AM
RE: The Hunt - by xossipyenjoy - 23-08-2019, 10:19 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 11:37 AM
RE: The Hunt - by AB-the Unicorn - 23-08-2019, 03:52 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Antichrist12 - 23-08-2019, 08:45 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 25-08-2019, 03:47 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 26-08-2019, 06:56 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 31-08-2019, 04:33 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 03-09-2019, 04:27 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 08-09-2019, 06:06 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 10-09-2019, 07:56 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Doom - 13-09-2019, 11:02 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 14-09-2019, 10:42 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 23-09-2019, 05:34 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by playboy131 - 10-12-2019, 10:58 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Devilmaycry - 15-12-2019, 11:46 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Doom - 16-12-2019, 01:46 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by playboy131 - 30-12-2019, 10:26 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by playboy131 - 17-01-2020, 02:29 PM

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