26-01-2019, 04:30 PM
Free programming books
List of free programming books on github
Some of the more commonly recommended free books which are more geared towards beginners are:
Some non-free programming books which are commonly suggested on this subreddit are:
More lists of book suggestions
Algorithms are language agnostic but certain books are not. Here are a few books to consider:
Free programming books
List of free programming books on github
Some of the more commonly recommended free books which are more geared towards beginners are:
- The Yellow Book by Rob Miles - programming with C# for beginners
- Al Sweigart's Automate the Boring Stuff with Python has a focus on writing simple, practical programs, rather than computer science & software engineering concepts.
- Al Sweigart's Invent with Python books, which teach programming through the creation of computer games with Python and Pygame. Al is also a redditor: /u/AlSweigart
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson and Sussman
- Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame by /u/professorcraven
Some non-free programming books which are commonly suggested on this subreddit are:
- The C Programming Language, also known as K&R
- Head First Java - along with the other Head First books, which are considered decent beginner fare
- For C++ books and suggestions, look in the C++ FAQ section.
More lists of book suggestions
- The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
- The Definitive C Book Guide and List
- Recommended Reading for Developers
- What is the single most influential book every programmer should read?
- Curated Programming Resources (contains links to free and non-free resources)
Algorithms are language agnostic but certain books are not. Here are a few books to consider:
- Introduction to Algorithms which is language agnostic and accompanied by lectures here.
- Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick which is in Java and accompanies these lectures.
- The Algorithm Design Manual which is language agnostic.
- Coffee Break Python if you have little time.
- MIT's introductory course (Introduction to Computer Science and Programming)
- Learning Python, 5th Edition
- Learn Python The Hardway
- Core Python Programming
- Python: The Essential Reference
- Byte of Python
- Beginning Python
- Python in a nutshell
- Head First Python
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners
- Python Cookbook
- Effective Python
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