Misc. Erotica Kasturi : The Enchanting Scent Part - 2
But after all that there were times when she went totally restless on the bed. Rubbing herself all over... pushing those dildos as deep as she could but still couldn't get the orgasm and experience she used to get. 

One day Kasturi was busy when her guard-man came over. She had gone really strict on her staffs from that day and no one now even dared to talk her... looking into her eyes leave alone a high pitched voice.
"Madam...You know I have been working for you for the past 4 years or so. Of all the places I had worked before you were the kindest. But now I think I am genuinely old to continue this. I need to rest a little now." He said.

"What is it Uncle now...you want your salary increased...tell me... Don't make any execuses." She replied turning pages looking at him for a moment and then back on it.
"No Madam. I am quitting it." He replied.
"Like this...I can't let you. And where would I find the new man like you." She replied.
"I will have my nephew here Madam. He may be starting it now...but once Instructed well...he will be as good as I am." He said with an excitement.
"You don't know uncle...these days people don't have morals... don't gurantee for anyone." She replied.
"Well I can give you. He may be a spoilt man so far but I know he is a man of virtue and he won't be disappointing you."  He replied taking a leave from her.

The nephew kept coming for 3 days straight along with his uncle...but couldn't get a chance to meet her. Either she was always in a hurry or came back really late. 
On the fourth day she called them in.
"Yes Madam...here he is the man I was talking about. His name is Rajesh but we call him Billu." The old man said politely.
While the old man saluted her...the nephew offered his hand for shake...which she declined as if didn't paid attention to.
"I suppose you have explained everything to him." She asked.
"Yes Madam." He replied.
"Okay hired." She approved and the duo returned back.
Although Billu didn't liked her response there was a little he could do about it...he was more than happy to get a job himself.

I was one Sunday summer. Kasturi had been alone in the house. Shweta had been on some college trip and it was sunday. There were a few files that needed her attention and thereafter she just slept waking up at 12:30 PM. Still there was a lot to go about.
She started browsing for restaurant with good food and ambiance...and she came across one which was some distant away...there were a few resorts gathered around. It was perfect and long drive would meant a long time would have been spent.

It was hot but not that much. She took a bath and wore a beautiful floral dress. It was off shoulder with thin strips to hold on her shoulders. An extra layer of that thin fabric stiched on the breasts part... giving the required coverage as the dress needed to worn bra-less. It ended right above her knees line an hot air balloon...with a belt kind of thing holding it on her waist. She worn flats. And took her car out. It took her an hour to reach there. She was right...it was particularly distant and far less crowded. Although she have came all the way down to kill some time... apparently she was all alone. Nevertheless she had her food ordered and finished too. She looked around all the time... Where men tried to steal glances of her. And passed smile...which she ignored straight away.

She was about to leave when a guy came to her and stood in front. She behaved as if she was dead staring at her phone. 
"Hey." He said.
"Hello yourself." She replied didn't even looking at her.
"Do you know where are the rest-rooms here?" He asked.
Kasturi had to look up now. There he saw her beautiful face..her hair straightened...a light makeup on her face and her lips perfect. She looked beautiful.
"I think thats over there..." She turned away to guide him. And took a puff of cigarette she was smoking. The breeze playing with her hair.
"Oh Are you sure ?" He asked.
"Yeah...I have just came up from there." She replied.
"Thanks....You are such a pretty girl and you are smoking cigarette...I don't mean to...I made an observation..I thought pretty girls didn't smoked." He said.
Kasturi knew he was falling bad but she gave him a chance.
"Well I do...and I don't care." She replied.
"Would you mind if I sit down here ?" He asked. 
"Yeah Sure..." She expressed Not-bothered-expression.

"What brings you here...are you on vacation ?" He asked.
"No...I live nearby." She replied.
"Really...Its been long I have seen anything pretty like you here. Is there some heaven or something nearby ? You are totally out of this world." He replied.
Kasturi smiled. 
"Did you just flirt with me ?" She asked.
"Don't ever...you are so cheesy." She added. 
"I think you must be too." He replied looking at her cross leg intersection. And looking back at her again. She blushed.

"So are you alone here ?" He was really persistent... Kasturi gave him a dead look.
"Comm'on atleast give us some chance to stand. Thats not fair." He replied.
Kasturi laughed lightly at his response. He signalled the waiter to come over with two beers.
"Yes I am all alone." She replied.
"Where is your boyfriend...did you dumped him ?" He asked.
"Kind of..." She replied... slipping off her wedding ring.
"Very pretty...you must be too beautiful for him." He said. Kasturi shook her head in "No" but going backwards... rubbishing his statement and blushing.

The waiter had arrived and he had been taking long to undo the cap. His eyes were fixed at her only. Kasturi held her plam sideways to prevent him looking at her face. 
"You don't have to hide it...rather this Motherfucker should." He said looking with anger at him. He took off almost falling.

"I am Gaurav by the way." He said offering his hand.
"I am Kasturi." She replied and shook hands. Smiling.
"What do you do Gaurav ?" She asked.
"I am a truck-driver." He replied.
Kasturi blushed remembering the word and her encounter with two of them on her way to her maternal grandfather's home. But that place was really out of budget for truckers.
"Are you sure....a trucker." She replied.
He shook his head in No. 
"You guys have sterio-typed us. Which is not totally wrong ? But I am well paid off...I have my own Mercedes Truck and I drive for my business." He replied.
"I am so sorry." Kasturi said... controlling her laugh but falling miserably.

Two beers later...all of a sudden he popped out.
"I bet you have really cute nipples...did your boyfriend told you you have cute nipples." He said.
She had all opened...but that question caught her off guard.
"Yes." She blurred out...but suddenly realised her mistake and looked around trying to cover up her smile.
"Will you show me your really cute nipples?" He continued.
She couldn't hold up anymore and started giggling.
"Are you wearing a bra right now?" He asked.
"No." She replied. Her eyes almost closing with her laughing face. She couldn't believe she was doing all this.
"Can you flash you liitle cute nipples to me? I could pay you." He asked in laughs too.
Kasturi's jaws dropped. 
"Are you crazy... There are people around." She replied.
"So you.... interesting." He replied.
"No No No...even if I was gonna." She replied.

"I think I should go home." She said... standing off her seat.
"Where are you going...I thought we are bonding." He said...and started following her. 
"Are you really gonna follow me?" She asked smiling.
"Are you really gonna follow me?" She repeated.
"Please...how long its gonna take you...ten seconds..I can pay 10k to have a look of your titties. Comm'on make my day." He said walking behind her.
Kasturi knew she was going to regret this...but she always craved for these kind of fun encounters. She stopped.

"Are you gonna do it?" He asked... getting closer.
"Yeah...fine." she replied... getting backward for more privacy in shade. She lurked around to see no one was coming. 
"You are crazy right?" She said... blushing hard before flashing her breasts for merely 3 seconds. 
"Whoa...whoa...whoa..." That wasn't ten seconds.
She dropped her jaws again.
"I know whats bothering you." He said and took her hands with him. She tagged along. 
They walked across to a new kind of building there were far less people around and to get more of the privacy he took her a floor higher. 

And finally stood in front. She was blushing red holding her dress on her shoulder...ready to drop it. She was clearly turned on. And finally she did. For the whole ten seconds. Both of her breasts out in broad daylight at a public place...in front of a man she just met.
His cock throbbed in his pants. She indeed had really cute pair of them and all pink...with an added filter of softness on it.
"Fuck...you really have really-really cute nipples." He replied...giving her...the money.

"Can i lift up your skirt too, and look inside !" He said almost bending down to do it.
"No..." She said in a faint racy voice. As if she were asking him to do it. Smiling all the way.
"Comm'on do it...no one's here." He said. 
She looked around and slowly showed him her long shaved off thighs and her love traingle covered inside a thin sexy panties. It had really thin elastic and it looked her legs were all naked. It was black in colour. 
Then she noticed someone was coming and she dropped it off immediately. Turned around to avoid any kind of attention...Gaurav placed his hands on her waist to project they were actually couples.

"You are such a tease. That man would have made his day. Just a few seconds. So unlucky him." He whispered slipping his hand down on her ass now. 
She blushed red but didn't said a word at all. 
"I would give you 20k if you will give me your panties." He whispered nuzzling in her hair. She turned her arond and came in front of her. He looked around and said...do do it quicker." He said.
She blushed for a few seconds and took her hand underneath the dress. She was about to drop it when she saw a man. She was almost bent to drop it...when she noticed him. Thankfully he wasn't looking her way. Her jaws dropped again.
"I couldn't believe you almost tricked me to do it." She replied.
"Wasn't that fun...and that guy is unluckier than the whole world combined." He said laughing.

She let the man go...and dropped it. Almost to her knees. 
"Stop...come forward." He commanded.
That would have meant she had no idea of whose coming from where. 
"Lift it up...the dress." He said. She obliged...her face clearly showing how slutty she felt that time.
"Yeah Now get rid of it." He said...
"Give it to me." He asked and sniffed off the intimate scent coming out of it. 
He gestured her to get in-between the balcony cemented sides and a plant placed in a pot which rose upto her waist.
She didn't needed commands anymore she displayed him off her shaved...mushy...and syrupy womanhood...with just her slit showing off in Between those beautifully swelled out lips. 

He got down on his legs and lifted her skirt up himself. To see her from a close distance. She grabbed his hair as he blew air on her womanhood. He slid his hands across her thighs and held her ass...and nuzzled in between. Feeling the ticklish of his rough face and beard. She moaned out loud enough although she was biting her palm hard.

He took her hands and she tagged along. Her panties who just had a value appreciated by 20k was lying useless on the ground.
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RE: Kasturi : The Enchanting Scent Part - 2 - by rashmi_rathi - 26-01-2019, 03:07 PM

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