Adultery Nights at the Gas Station by urbanslut
Would Vinit understand and believe me if I told him the truth? Maybe he would have if I had told him right away. But I had kept him in the dark for over a week. Why would he believe me now? Served me right for being so reckless and stupid. Maybe I had no choice. But if I did hold my nose and just give in to Pareshbhai for a night. Would it end there? He said just one night, but what was to stop him from blackmailing me again?

"How do I know it will be just one night?" I walked into the office, closed the door behind me, and with my arms akimbo, asked Pareshbhai.

"What?" he said, looking up from the screen.

"If I agree to what you want. How can I be sure it will be just one night? What if you keep asking over and over?" I said.

"I give you my word. It will be just one night."

"But how can I be sure?"

"Do you have a choice but to trust me?" he said in an annoyed voice. "Just go back to work. I am not in a mood for this nonsense. You heard me earlier. Either come dressed in a sari tomorrow, or don't. The choice is yours."

"But how can..."

"How can how can how can... well you can't. You just have to take my word for it. Now get back to work, Savitri." he said getting up. "I am going home now so you don't bother me again."

I sighed and turned to leave.

"Oh and I forgot. Make sure you wear your mangalsutra like a sati savitri is supposed to."

The rest of the night I could barely pay attention to anything happening around me. Fortunately, Jill was still upset with me so I didn't have to bother talking to her. The customers narrowed down to a trickle in a couple of hours. And I weighed my options, going over and over the consequences of either choice.

When Vinit picked me up, he was already on the bluetooth in a conference call. He stayed busy for a couple of hours after we got home. I tried to sleep, but I could not. I was distracted all day. I stayed up all day even as Vinit slept, agonizing over my options.

"Wow! You're looking so hot!" Vinit said when I got ready and came out of the bedroom. "A sari? Is there a special occasion tonight that I don't know about?"

"No, I just miss wearing saris. So I wore it today." I said the line I had rehearsed a hundred times since I made up my mind to take a chance with Pareshbhai.

"Why do you look so sad?" he asked, in a worried voice.

"I am just missing India a lot. Missing home." I said sincerely. "I wish I had never come to America."

"Awww, it's okay Savitri." Vinit said, taking me in his arms and kissing me gently. "Just a few more month and it will be all over."

"I love you, Vinit."

"I love you too, Savitri."

When Vinit dropped me off at work, Pareshbhai was standing at the door. He smiled and waved at Vinit, who returned his wave. I watched Vinit drive away and thought to myself "this is it. the die is cast." As I walked into the store, Paresbhai turned around and headed to his office. I walked in behind him. He noticed me only when he reached his desk and turned around.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, I am here." I said abjectly.

"So? Go outside and help Jill at the counter." he cryptically said.

I went to the counter. Jill was eyeing me with surprise, probably dying to know why I was dressed in a sari, but still holding the grudge from the previous night.

"Jill, I am sorry I snapped at you." I said, trying to mollify her.

"Umm hmmm." she said, still looking cross.

"Please, forgive me."

"Okay." she said tersely. I knew Jill. She stayed mad for a while. But once she got her apology, her anger melted away in a few hours. Of course, I didn't know what was going to happen tonight.

Honestly, I had expected that there would be no one in the gas station. Pareshbhai wouldn't dare making any moves while Jill or Troy were around. So I was convinced he would give them the night off, then take me to his office, and have his way with me. But that clearly was not the plan. I got to work serving the customers, waiting for the hammer to fall.

"Savitri." Pareshbhai said in a worried voice walking to the counter, "Vinit just called me."

"He did?" I said, panicking. Why hadn't he called me?

"He said he thinks he might have left the stove on at home."

"What??" I asked, confused. Why would Vinit leave the stove on? He never even boiled water.

"Yes, he thinks he might have left the stove on. He asked me to take you to your house and check on it."

And it dawned on me. This was a ruse to get me away from the gas station without Troy or Jill suspecting anything.

"Okay." I said tentatively.

"Come on. Let's go quickly." he said almost rushing out the door.

I looked at Jill. She had a confused experience on her face. Even she was not dumb enough to believe all that had just happened. If Vinit had left the stove on, why wouldn't he call me? I am sure she smelled something fishy. But I had no choice. I walked out of the door and got into Pareshbhai's car.

"Obviously, Vinit did not call." he said, leering at me as he drove out of the gas station.

"Shocking!" I said sarcastically.

"So don't worry about the stove." he said.

"Pareshbhai, I agreed to what you said. And I am trusting your promise of one night only. But if you expect me to take you to my house, and in my bed..."

"Oh shush!" Pareshbhai interrupted. "I am not taking you to your house."

"Oh. Ok." I said and fell silent.

Ten minutes later, I was standing in the dinky lobby of a cheap motel. Pareshbhai was talking to the receptionist, with cash in his hand. I thanked my stars that he had not chosen an Indian-owned motel. The sight of me and him in a motel room that night would have set tongues wagging in our tiny Indian community.

"Okay, let's go Savitri." Pareshbhai said putting his hand on my bare arm. I cringed at his first touch, noting that I would have to accept much worse. As we walked to the elevator, I could see the receptionist eyeing the two of us with barely concealed surprise. An ugly old man like him with an attractive young woman like me. Why wouldn't he be surprised?

We took the elevator to the third floor. When we got out I saw an old man making out with a young woman near the ice machine. They ignored us as we walked by, but watching them probably made Pareshbhai feel more confident and he pressed his fingers into my arm hard, pulling me closer to him.

The room was pretty basic. A normal kingsize bed, two couch chairs, a TV and a small fridge. The room looked reasonably clean. The only thing was it seemed a little warm. The air conditioner had not yet been turned on.

Before I could notice anything else in the room, I felt Pareshbhai roughly push me towards the bed. I fell on it on my back and bounced a little. He pounced on top of me and pulled my sari's pallu down. He stared at my blouse-covered breasts hungrily, but did not go for them. Instead he started kissing and biting my bare arms. Instinctively I struggled, when my ears rang out with the slap on my face.

"Listen you fucking raand. You're here as a whore for me. Stop resisting."

Instantly, tears sprang to my eyes.

"And don't you fucking cry."

He put two fingers inside the neck of my blouse and pulled hard, breaking the tiny metallic hooks.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Treating you like the whore you are." he said pushing the open flaps of my blouse to either side. He then pushed my bra up over my breasts and said, 'Why should that black asshole be the only one who gets to enjoy these?"

And he bit them hard, making me cry out even louder.

"Slut, I told you not to act like some Sati Savitri. I am sure you don't cry when that Troy fucks you. So what's wrong with me?"

And he got back to attacking my boobs. He bit them hard, without any concern about hurting me. Tears were still running down my cheeks. After a couple of more minutes of my crying, Pareshbhai let go of my boobs and stood back.

"Okay, we aren't doing anything else until you fucking stop crying. I am not going to made to feel as if I am forcing you. If you don't stop crying, I am calling Vinit and telling him all."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." I said wiping off my tears.

"Good. Now get up and take that sari off." I took off my sari and stood there in my petticoat, my breasts on display with the bra cups bunched over them and the blouse open.

Pareshbhai came over and pulled the cord for the petticoat. Once it was loosened, he put a finger in the waistband and pulled it, making the petticoat fall at my feet. He stared at my milky white legs and gently put his hands on my bare waist just above my panties.

"Fantastic! Just fantastic!" he said, sounding a little breathless.

He then put his face between my boobs and started rubbing his face against them, making them jiggle from side to side. He also took my mangalsutra locket, which was resting in my cleavage in his mouth a couple of times and sucked on it. That sacred symbol of my marriage being sucked like a piece of candy seemed perverse, but I guess appropriate, given the situation I had gotten myself into. As he played with my boobs, his bald head gleamed in the dim light under my face and the few remaining hair on the side of his head brushed against my skin.

He took one hand off my waist and reached behind me to unhook the bra clasp. He fumbled with it, tried to squeeze it open. But he clearly did not have the expertise to do it one handed. So with his face still rubbing against my boobs and my mangasultra in his mouth, he reached up with his second hand, and with a lot of effort, finally managed to unhook the bra. I raised my arms as he pulled the bra and the blouse off and threw it by the side.

Then Pareshbhai moved his rough hands down my naked back, until they were on my panties-covered ass. He squeezed my ass cheeks a couple of times, and then I felt his fingers slide inside the waistband of my panties. I cringed, and fought back tears as I felt the touch of his fingers against my bare ass cheeks. Here I was, a happily married woman, standing almost naked in a dingy hotel room as an ugly fat old man's face was buried in my boobs and his hands were buried in my panties.
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RE: Nights at the Gas Station by urbanslut - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-01-2019, 02:18 PM

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