Adultery Life of an Indian Woman by bena4u
Life of an Indian Woman Ch. 04

They both were living like in heaven but luck turned its face as Sameer migrated to USA along with his family and business. Leaving her starved for his cock as she'd been addicted if his big and throbbing cock.

Sameena missed Sameer's loving so much it was hard to think of being with anyone else, but he had awakened such feelings of lust in her that she soon started looking for ways to satisfy herself. She dated several men and made love with all of them, but once they got tired of her, once they got what they wanted, they went looking for someone else and she was alone again, lonely and unsatisfied. So, for the past two years she could not make love in the normal way. her sexual urges were getting more and more powerful day by day, and as time went on, she got more and more obsessed, trying to find a lover to keep her sexually satisfied. She hadn't hope on her husband as he never satisfied her in his youth and now he was too old, but couldn't she was not too old but only in her early forties and still reasonably attractive, not slim like she once was but still better fleshed than fat. Her milky-white breasts now got little more flesh, and her wide but shapely bottom sways back and forth as she walk.

She couldn't find any man of her age, even though she was desperately searching for someone to love her. The only males she ever came into frequent contact with were young boys and most of them were friends and schoolmates of her son Sajad. He had many friends, but his best friend was a boy named Juned; for the last ten years Juned and Sajad had been constant companions and he seemed to visit they house almost on a daily basis. They were always playing computer games either in their house or in his, as he lived less than a mile away.

The two boys had grown up together, and were now almost twenty. In the last year, she had noticed that Juned was growing like a beanstalk and was now almost six-foot tall. He was a young man now, with a well-developed body, starting to fill out nicely, though still rather slim. He had an athletic body and was a weight lifter and a good cricket player. Juned was not a typical teenager but a real physical specimen and seemed really cute, as well as being a good conversationalist. Due to Juned and her son best friendship, Juned and she had become very close; he developed the habit of calling her Aunty and they were able to talk to each other about anything.

Sameena obsession with Juned did not begin until one fateful day when he came from cricket to meet Sajad. He was not home yet but had told her to ask Juned to stay and wait for him. She told Juned that Sajad would be home soon and he wanted him to wait for him.

"OK, Aunty. Can I take a shower while I wait? I badly need to freshen up."

"Of course, Juned," she told him and off he went to the bathroom.

Some time later she was just passing by the bathroom then she heard a groan coming from inside. She went closer and found the door closed, but she peeped through the keyhole. her heart started racing when she saw Juned with his cock in his hand. It was fully erected and looked like a curved pole, his hand just able to encompass its thick circumference. A hot flash raced through her pussy as she focused on him and his big, thick and fully erect young cock as he masturbated. She gasped, and her mouth grew dry when she saw his erect cock spurting its creamy load of quicksilver. It was such an erotic sight: she couldn't take her eyes off it, and she was instantly aroused, as a sweet shiver went through her pussy, she felt its wetness soaking her panties.

Sameena couldn't stop herself from thinking about him when she went to bed that night. She was unable to sleep thinking about his big cock and his virile body. She now realized she was sexually attracted to Juned and she couldn't sleep without masturbating herself to orgasm. It was a habit she had learned when she was in her teens and she'd seen her mother do it to her father's cousin Zahid. Though she doesn't do it regularly, the lack of sexual inactivity with her husband even before he went to jail caused her to masturbate more often, because there was no other way for herto release the heavy sexual tension she often felt.

She had often hugged Juned like he was her son, just like she hugged Sajad. One day she hugged Sajad and after that she moved to give her second son a hug. She wrapped him in her arms, and then she remembered the day she seen him in the bathroom, and this time it was not a maternal hug. She hugged him harder than before, and she noticed how good he felt, how good he smelled. He also wrapped his arms around her and when he pulled her closer to him, she felt so relaxed in his arms she allowed him to hold her for a long time.

After that day every time she saw him she was instantly aroused and every time she masturbated, it was Juned she fantasized about. When he was not looking, she would lustily gaze at him, just thinking about the big cock he had hiding under his clothes. Her thoughts were centered on Juned and she never missed an opportunity to rub her body against him so she could feel his body against her. Alas, he never took the hint and she was impressed by his careful manners and his attitude; he always behaved like a true gentleman.

She couldn't stop herself from thinking how his cock was big, thick and hard and frequently fantasized about it as she masturbated. It always felt really good; Juned was always the object of her fantasy on these nights and her session ended always with a sweet wonderful orgasm. Juned had an enormously long cock for a boy of his age and she continued to fight her animal-like urge for sexual satisfaction as her thoughts continually returned back to Juned and his cock.

Now Sameena often dreamed about Juned touching her, his hands massaging her neck, back, legs, and chest. She would place his hands on her body at every opportunity. She hugged him, pressing her body against him with great caution. Her nipples would grow hard; her cunt would flood at the thought of him and his cock. As time passed, her desire was increasing for his hot young cock, as she still remembered the size of his cock, a huge size for a young man. With his stamina, she was willing to bet he could fuck like a bull, hammering her hungry pussy. Juned would be the best fuck she could ever imagine as she masturbated, her pussy flooding more than ever. The truth is that she was completely obsessed by his cock, even though she had only seen it that one time.

Her mind was in turmoil, her physical desire toward him evident by her growing nipples and damp wetness between her legs, and yet, he was her son's friend and she was so much older than he was. her thoughts began to run wild, "What can he see in me? I'm so much older than he is. She can't compete with the girls of his own age."

She needed time to think about these emotional and physical feelings that were surfacing. It had been two years since she had sex with anyone and thinking about Juned like this way was the odd sensation of being totally relaxed with him alarmed her. She needed time to contemplate this strong sexual attraction as her inner voice whispered caution, while her body screamed for release.

In the morning after showering she stood naked looking at her reflection in the full-length mirror, studying her middle-aged body. It certainly wasn't perfect. She was pretty in an unusual way, pretty in the right light, the right clothes, the right make-up, but she knew that she didn't possess that fresh, natural beauty anymore. She smiled as she looked at her full breasts, hanging like two small size melons. She gently touched her nipples and found them responding to her touch. She twisted them as she watched herself in the mirror. She bit her lower lip as her imagination grew about being in bed with him. She made up her mind and convinced herself that she had to have him between her legs, but she hadn't figured out how to lure him into her bed.

"Well, just go with him, it might be fun," a silent voice spoke in her mind.

Juned intent gaze had given her the feeling that he was peering directly into the very depths of her soul. She was trying to seduce him, but always remained within permissible limits. Although she started wondering if all the time and energy that she was spending on Juned was really worth it, her growing desire for Juned and her hunger for a sexual relationship with her son's best friend were not diminishing. She did not have the courage to tell Juned what she was thinking and just wondered how she could ever tell him, how could she seduce her son's friend? She needed a plan, but none caherto mind.

Suddenly everything happened very fast. It was a nice sunny day, not too warm but comfortable, when the doorbell rang. When Sameena answered it Juned was standing there, smiling. He stepped inside, and she leaned forward to kiss him on the cheeks, as she usually did when he came. This time she liked it more than before, and her breast stuck out and pushed against his chest. It wasn't much, but was a pleasure. This time, instead of just kissing she put her lips on his cheek and left them there for longer than usual, not they normal kissed.

Juned looked her right in the eyes and gave her a wicked smile. He leaned forward and gave her a slow kiss on the lips. She smiled even more lasciviously and slowly licked her lips. "Coherin, Juned," she managed to say in a husky voice.

They walked in to the front room and sat there on the sofa beside each other. they were alone at home, just talking. She asked him what he was doing, how he was finding college life and other small talk. Then she told him, "Juned, I'm tired and my feet are killing me."

"Oh! Aunty, let me massage them for you!" he offered and without waiting for her answer immediately knelt on the floor in front of the sofa to rub her feet. He began massaging her foot with his strong hands, tentatively at first, because this was the first time he had touched her. It felt so nice because she had been longing for his touch for a long time. She wondered if he had read her thoughts, and sighed as she moved her leg further, plopping it in his lap.

"You've got nice feet," he said.

She looked at him and said, "Thanks." She jumped with excitement when he slid one of the legs of her shilwar up and began gently squeezing her flesh, giving her a pleasant warm glow inside. She felt warm and sensuous, and she began to think her dream was coming true, so she asked him, "What are you doing?"

"I'm doing this for you, Aunty. You told me you're tired."

"Thank you," she said, with a shy smile.

"I can't believe this is really happening," Juned commented.

"What's not to believe?" she asked, wondering what he was about to say.

"That I'm actually touching you and rubbing your feet," he replied, giving her a strange look. He looked at her and she looked at him, and then they both laughed at the same time. Then he said rather nervously, "Aunty, I want to tell you something."
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