Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
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Guru-ji: Let me summarize for you what will be the plan. First the medicine part. You will take this herbal drug in the morning after your first urine in empty stomach and at bedtime. The dosage is written on the bottle. Okay?

I nodded taking the medicine bottle from him.

Guru-ji: This is the second herbal extract that you will always take when you will go out of this ashram. And here is an oil with which you need to massage your full body before taking bath in the noon. And every shower you take must be with herbal water as you did during your diksha. I feel you start applying the oils from tomorrow, and not today.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I felt very fresh after the herbal water bath.

Guru-ji: Yes, the herbal extract helps to rejuvenate your organs and energy level. But remember that the oil I just gave you must not be applied on your breasts. For that, this is the oil, which should be used. I hope there will be no confusion if you can remember that the breast massage oil is green in color. Okay?

I nodded like an obedient student. I could realize my nipples jumped up within my bra hearing the words “breast massage” from a male.

Guru-ji: Anita, you will get the guidelines regarding your massage from Rajkamal. You have probably not conversed with him because he remains busy most of the time, as he is the ashram cook.

Me: Yes Guru-ji. I have not talked to him though saw him yesterday when I came here.

Guru-ji: And now for the mind control part. This is very important. You keep this special soaking pad and wear it for the next couple of days whenever you go out of the ashram.

Guru-ji handed me over a small white square shaped cotton pad, which looked like a big handkerchief folded to form a square. I was in a dilemma what to do exactly with it though Guru-ji said to ‘wear it’.

Me: How do I wear this Guru-ji?

I probably asked the most silly question of my life!

Guru-ji: Anita, I already told you that I must know how much discharge you are having when aroused and this is a specialized pad with a measuring litmus paper within it, which will enable me to gauge that. You will have to place it within your panty over your pussy hole.

My ears turned red instantly hearing this. I avoided eye contact from Guru-ji out of womanly shyness. Hearing the words “panty” and “pussy” directly from a male made my condition worse, as the nipples grew more and so were my copious upper treasures giving me a tighter sensation, as my blouse was already stretched enough.

Guru-ji: Put it within your panty in such a way Anita so that it does not get shifted. It needs to soak every drop so that I get the correct measure. I hope you can manage that.

I nodded right away looking at the floor and wanted to end this discussion desperately. I felt like if I allowed more on this topic, Guru-ji might ask to lift my sari to my waist and he would actually put his hand within my panty to show me how to wear this pad.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I got your point.

Guru-ji: Fine. Anita, I want you to have at least two orgasms per day for today and tomorrow. Remember, every act that you will face might seem to be highly outrageous, but is actually a part of your treatment. So you must be taking it sportingly and allow for the incidents to happen in its natural path. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj.

Guru-ji: Anita, I also want you to participate in daily chores that we do. If you feel, you can help in the kitchen. Similarly if you feel, you can participate in pastime like yoga, swimming etc. in the afternoon.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I will definitely do that which would suit me.

Guru-ji: You can go now Anita. You will get instructions from me via my disciples what to do, where to go, etc. Have faith in Linga Maharaj.

Me: Thanks Guru-ji. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I went out of his room and went back to my room. I was still tense about the mind control part. As Guru-ji said, I have to ‘take it sportingly’, but obviously being married was pretty much worried to experience two orgasms in a day without my husband. I only had such intense sexual pleasures in the early part of my marriage days. I consoled myself at the same time that there is no other way out, as Guru-ji needs to know if my discharge is normal or not.

At around 10:00 am Nirmal came tapping at my room door. By then I already had a herbal bath. It was so refreshing and bathing in front of the life size mirror in my toilet was as if making me more shameless. The general 10-minute long bath got extended, as I stayed nude there for some more time appreciating my youthful figure in the mirror. Before that I went to the kitchen and got introduced with Rajkamal and helped him with some vegetable cutting also.

Nirmal: Madam, please get ready. Guru-ji said to take you to the tailor as you are having problems with your blouse fitting.

Me: But I did not tell Guru-ji in the morning about this. How did he know?

Nirmal: Meenakshi told Guru-ji.

I thanked in my mind to Meenakshi. She saved me from taking such an intimate issue to Guru-ji. And the way Guru-ji asks direct question would have been another blushing episode for me.

Each time I see this dwarf I feel amused. I noted that his eyes were roaming more on the lower portion of my figure. Realizing that I consciously avoided turning my back to him while talking.

Me: Where is the tailor? Does he stay in the ashram?

Nirmal: No Madam. But not far at all, it’s only five minutes walking from here. Madam, I will not go with you; Uday will come and take you, as he is dedicated for outside visits.

Me: Okay Nirmal. You can send Uday.

Nirmal: Madam, please make sure to take the medicine before going out of the ashram and to wear the pad.

He left the place with a wicked smile. I was again taken aback. This nitwit also knows that I need to wear the pad within my panty!

I closed the door and had the medicine as per dosage and then went to the toilet with the pad. Since I need to place the pad securely, I decided to get out of the sari and petticoat completely. So again I had to strip to an almost bikini posture as I had my bath only sometime ago. I pulled my panty half way down my fair buttocks and placed the pad covering my pussy hole and pulled the panty up again. The touch of a foreign body on my pussy instantly gave me a turn on. But I tried to distract my mind from it and quickly wore my petticoat and sari. My blouse as usual clung to my tight boobs with the upper hooks open, but at least I felt assured that I would get a proper blouse to wear, as I need to stay here for 5-7 days now.

Uday had a charming personality, but with a very well built body. He told me he teaches yoga here and is very active in sporting events like kho-kho, kabbadi, swimming, etc. Any woman would like his physical structure and honestly I also appreciated in my mind his physique. We went out of ashram and took the way by the big pond just outside the ashram. I noticed there was not much residence, only a few and very scattered.

As I tried to walk swiftly to match Uday’s steps through the grass filed, I began facing my common problem. I clearly felt my panty sliding off my smooth buttocks and getting shifted to a side due to my speedy walk. I know in no time it will roll into my ass crack if I do not walk slowly. Though the pad was secure in the front, I felt very uncomfortable within even though this was nothing new to me, as it’s the same story with almost all panties I wear. I had no other option but to walk a bit slowly and thankfully Uday did not ask me why I decelerated.

Soon we reached the tailor’s place. It was a small hut, so to say. As we knocked an elderly man came out. He must be at least 55-60 years, almost my father’s age. He was wearing thick spectacles and was wearing a lungi. He appeared very feeble.

Uday: Master-ji, our Madam is having some problem with her blouse, can you see if you can correct that.

Master-ji: But I right now I am busy taking measurements. It will take some time.

Uday: Okay Master-ji, she will wait for a while.

The tailor looked at me. His eyesight seemed to be weak, as he looked quite a while at me through his thick glasses. At that time another man came out of the house, he was middle aged, may be around 40, very thin, also wearing a lungi.

Master-ji: Ramlal take Madam inside. I am coming from toilet.

Uday whispered in my ears that Ramlal was Master-ji’s brother, who helped him in his tailoring and that they can stitch a blouse in only a couple of hours. Since it took at least a week to sew a blouse by our town’s ladies tailor, I was quite impressed hearing it.

Uday: Madam, I really have nothing to do here now. I would advise you to get a new blouse stitched by Master-ji. I will go to the village and pick you up from here in an hour.

I nodded knowing nothing what waited for me there and Uday was gone.

Ramlal: Come with me Madam.

His voice was very harsh and he looked rough too. He was ogling like most males at my upright breasts. He led me to a very small room. There was a sewing machine at the right side, a sari hanging diagonally on the left, and a heap of colored clothes. The room was undoubtedly humid, as there was no ventilation except the door. A dim bulb illuminated the room and a table fan was giving air. Since I came from outside, it took some seconds to get accustomed to the light and I noticed a girl was standing there also at one corner.

Ramlal: Sorry for the inconvenience Madam. There is not much space here. Master-ji will finish taking the measurements of this girl and then attend you. You sit on this stool till such time.

I was about to look intently at the girl who was standing at the corner of the room, but saying the above Ramlal forwarded me the stool, but kept on holding to that. I was rather irritated by his act, because if I sit now I will have to put part of my buttocks on his fingers and naturally I reacted heatedly.

Me: What is this? How can I sit if you hold the stool like this?

Ramlal: Madam, don’t get angry please. I am not sure if it can take your weight. Yesterday only one toppled and got hurt.

I understood and smiled on my own seeing the condition of the stool.

Me: Yes, your stool looks like you in health.
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-01-2019, 12:30 PM
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