Adultery Cuckolded by Disgusting Neighbor by vyasya
"You should also not indulge in any other affairs during this period," she added.

"Hmm..." he thought for a few moments.

"Actually, there is one issue here - my two daughters have been pressurizing me to get married again," he said, "and they have been setting me up with these elderly ladies who have not much interest in anything but playing cards and gossiping."

Manisha chuckled; I too laughed realizing how a middle aged woman could quench his desire.

"We need to let them in on the secret."

"What?" I intruded.

"That is no way to keep a secret."

It was dark in the car so there wasn't much they could convey non verbally.

"They are smart girls," Kishanchanji assured, "and this isn't completely unusual for them. They know their Father has had a taste for adventure."

Manisha added, "may be it isn't such a bad idea but they would have to swear not to share it with their husbands."

"Absolutely - besides which son-in-law would want to put up with such a father-in-law?"

I exhaled in frustration as Manisha kept on acceding to each of his demands. Little did I realize that she perhaps didn't have much of an option. Perhaps his daughters already knew about it.

"I am quite sure they would approve," added Kishanchanji.

"This is obviously an education for Vinit," she started.

"Hence, the emphasis is to maximize the opportunities to control his jealousy," she said.

"Aah..." Kishanchanji interjected, irritatedly, "scratch that - it sounds too pristine."

"Vinit having wedded such a beautiful wife and as an owner of a fledgling business has to learn," he started, looking at both of us.

"to rein in his jealous streak and adapt to this lifestyle."

My heart sank as I heard Kishanchanji meting out verbal humiliation with impunity.

"And hence this period has been chosen to help Vinit adapt to the new lifestyle that is supposed to bring prosperity to your lives but more importantly help Vinit educate about his rightful place in your married life."

He nodded her to continue with the rules that she was about to lay out.

She started after brief hesitation, "Manisha shall be primarily Kishanchanji's wife during this period."

"Essentially," added Kishanchanji, "she shall only approach Kishanchanji to quench her physical needs and only reciprocate to his overtures."

"Wait a minute," I intruded.

"Hold on," Manisha intervened, shutting me out.

"However," Kishanchanji continued, "knowing that such harsh conditions are unsustainable Manisha may indulge Vinit at her discretion after having fulfilled her duties towards her primary husband."

"Such indulgence," clarified Manisha, "shall not involve any form of penetrative sex."

"Except," she added, before I could object, "the two days when Vinit is entitled to spend the nights with me."

"And even on those nights," Kishanchanji added reiterating the point he had made earlier, "Manisha shall seek to first fulfill her duties towards her primary husband."

"As a token of appreciation," continued Manisha, "to allow penetrative sex during this period, Vinit shall always use a condom preserving the right of the primary husband to ejaculate in his wife."

"What about the special occasions?" I asked mockingly. They perhaps missed my tone in the heat of their dialogue and Manisha promptly added, "the special occasions are exclusively reserved for the primary husband under all circumstances."

"If deemed necessary," she clarified, "the secondary husband shall arrange for it that the occasions don't get diluted due to sundry family affairs."

"That should summarize it right?" she asked him. Her voice clearly betraying her demure and calculated state.

"There is one little thing about the time period itself," he responded, hesitantly.

"Does it have to be only two years?" Manisha chuckled.

"Kishanchanji," she quickly retorted, "don't push your luck."

"This is as good as it gets!"

"Okay - if you insist then I shall not waste any opportunity," he said, leaning forward to kiss her. She held back and glanced at me to see my response.

"Vinit do you approve?" she asked. I wasn't clear about what she was asking as she had made it clear before the discussion that it was our understanding.

"Kishanchanji has been like a father figure to you - do you really mind if he overstayed his welcome?"

"As I recollect," she answered it herself, "he didn't object to the duration," she said, "but it is only responsible of us to utilize these privileges judiciously."

"As part of our mutual understanding," she continued, "Vinit agreed to offer you more than your share of the relationship with me and I shall see to it that I give you the very best."

"We can always visit this question later on - if it is in the best interest of our marriage to continue this any further."

"Now then," she said confidently, "if you could please drive Kishanchanji and me home."
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RE: Cuckolded by Disgusting Neighbor by vyasya - by Ramesh_Rocky - 23-01-2019, 03:24 PM

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