Adultery Journey of a Cuckold by vyasya-Completed
"You may have the privilege of tasting it in person," she quipped, breaking the kiss, her lips still stacked over mine, "but for now you will have to do with this."

She unloaded the remnants of one of the condoms into her mouth, and tantalizingly displaying it as in porn movies, she leaned forward to kiss me; full expecting my reciprocation. I didn't disappoint. It was a delicate yet intricate kiss; every motion of her tongue was deliberately planned to provide utmost pleasure and humiliation. Her tongue swirled in my mouth, wrapping around mine, coating it with the thick, bitter semen. We played with it by passing it back and forth between our mouths. Eventually, gravity took over and all of it found its way down my throat. She did the same with the second condom. And for the third, she directly unloaded it into my mouth, whilst spilling some over the top of my lips. She remarked it just looked like Brolga's mouth when he tried to pry for Yarraman's semen in her dreams.

My humiliation at Pratik's place had only begun. He procured the rights to breed my wife under that roof in no time. She wanted to be publicly intimate with him - whilst preserving the decorum - in front of us and strangers whom we never expected to meet again.

It started with me taking over the chauffeuring duties for our family. Pratik romanced his new mistress in the backseat during the long drives. Sneha accompanied me in the passenger seat and paid no heed to the things that transpired in the back seat. It was unnerving when they kissed; often they were superficial but sometimes they were deep and intense. Most of the activities, in the car, happened during late evenings while returning from our daily trips. Initially it was heavy petting and later on she started performing fellatio on him. Sneha ignored most of their acts but did react disapprovingly a few times.

During sightseeing, they would walk together and request us or passer-bys to take their pictures. To an onlooker they just seemed like a couple, very much in love. Once a passing stranger commented on Mayuri's beauty and congratulated Pratik on having such a beautiful wife and soon a beautiful child. We collected a lot of their pictures during our stay at their place. Mayuri maintained them secretly and used them to titillate me after returning from their place.

Sneha expressed her displeasure against their public display but never disrupted their proceedings. Secretly, she desired to see Mayuri get pregnant with Pratik's child. By the end of Mayuri's pregnancy, we got acquainted with each others wives. Pratik connected with Mayuri at a physical level and I with Sneha at an emotional level. Sneha skillfully employed every talent that I possessed during that brief period. Although I had tasted every part of her body, she only graduated to stroking my cock and occasionally taking it in her mouth.

Mayuri continued her sex with Pratik into the last month of her pregnancy. She couldn't engage in prolonged sessions but encouraged him to take her sideways. My sessions with her were limited to orally pleasing her. It was only befitting that her water tube broke while was humping her.

Our first child was healthy despite her mother's overzealous sexual life during pregnancy. She borrowed characteristics of both Mayuri and Shrini. Just like Mayuri, she was very fair; something that would definitely please my in-laws. Not much could be said about the subsequent ones though. However, judging from Sneha's girl, I guessed, they may not be disappointed.

It was Mayuri's turn to get occupied with a newborn and surprisingly her night excursions dramatically reduced. In fact, her frequency fell to almost once or twice a week, compared to eight or nine times a week. It didn't affect Pratik as his wife reciprocated more during this phase. This, however, left me in a quandary. Not possessing Mayuri's libido, Sneha showed no interest in me after receiving her regular dosage of sex from Pratik. All the talk about Mayuri starting right away after delivering our first child evaporated in front of my eyes. In India, Dolly had entered seventh month of pregnancy. The distance between the three pregnancies were roughly three months. I wondered who would get pregnant again. I believed Shrini would certainly fill in the void for Pratik & I, just as Pratik did it for him.

In the second month, Mayuri made it clear that there was no intercourse for me until she conceived from Pratik. She intended to reserve her vagina for him until his seed took root in her. It was clear she didn't want to delay but the big question was when her periods would commence. She devised a two-pronged plan to expedite that. First, she entrusted her breastfeeding duty to Sneha from the third month onwards. Second, she intended to enlist my services to increase her libido, which had nose-dived after delivering our daughter.

Second part of the plan was far more insidious. Yet, it lead to the most intimate moments of ours under Pratik's roof. Mayuri wasn't quite ready to initiate her dalliance with Pratik as enduring an episode with him required intense desire to procreate and ultra strong libido. Former was never an issue but the later had become an issue due to her motherly instincts. Intercourse, with me, was clearly out of question but her plan was even more treacherous.

Turning away Pratik during this phase was weighing on her mind but she insisted that it was time to bond with the father of her child before yet another stallion impregnated her. Pratik didn't take much interest in Mayuri during this phase; perhaps this was an understanding he had with both Sneha and Mayuri. Now to the plan. Mayuri believed that her periods would commence if she was aroused consistently for prolonged periods of time. This duty was relegated to me. It was nothing out of ordinary but her conditions made it unique.

First, the normal acts during foreplay were shunned. That is she didn't allow kissing on the mouth; no playing with her breasts or squeezing them; no massaging of vagina from over the dress. Anything that could artificially stimulate her.

Second, the more intimate acts were forbidden as well. That is no undressing; no sucking on breasts; no fingering of vagina; no licking her vagina.

Finally, the forbidden acts mentioned were allowed only if Mayuri desired so and only when she was sufficiently aroused.

The frugality of her conditions made me strive for her attention even more. The next two months, I spent most of my nights coercing her to award me the very acts that I rightfully deserved. First few days, in fact weeks, were trying periods. Nothing much transpired apart from hugging her tightly and grinding my pelvis against her butt. Soon, I started relishing the intimacy with her. It offered me a different perspective. I became intimately aware of her body structure, her erogenous zones, her leaking breasts, and her velvety stomach folds. Her body odor filled my nostrils and her mildly stale breath midway during the night became appealing. The modus operandi was simple. Hugging and gently stroking with hands were perhaps the only conditions allowed. Every night, well over two-three hours were spent lying next to her, hugging her tightly, and nuzzling her neck. Taking liberty, sometimes, I would stroke her butt and her sensitive stomach. She allowed gently grazing hands over her breasts as long as it was done sparingly and hands didn't linger long over them.

As mentioned, I spent whole nights restless, switching on and off trying my luck. Our sleep cycles were punctuated with these events throughout the night as I listlessly switched between my state of slumber and arousal. Eventually, she allowed dry humping but only after having tested my patience and desperation. My happiness knew no bounds when she lied on her stomach and let me hump her from behind - obviously without any penetration. However, the cloth between our genitals wasn't much of hindrance, given the context of that period.

The reader might wonder the utility of these antiques but they actually fuelled my desire for her. Never earlier did we spend three hours in each others arms without actually kissing. And even our sessions rarely stretched beyond an hour. This intense yearning grew each passing day. In the third week, she relented and finally offered her lips in the wee hours. My greed knew no bounds as I ravished her lips, completely disregarding our stale breaths. Neither did Mayuri hesitate as she passionately kissed me, teaching me in the process how she kissed Pratik with his foul morning breath. Needless to mention that we spent well over an hour kissing each other. Kissing was the main activity we indulged in that two month period. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said we kissed for well over hundred and fifty hours during the two month period. This simple act of exchanging saliva worked wonders as it satisfied my appetite during those miserly days. Ejaculating was still left to me when finally towards the end of second month, she stroked my penis ever so lightly to prolong ejaculation well into the morning hours. Was it any surprise that in the fourth month her periods resumed? Her body had also returned back to much compact shape but her waist that was quite proportional to her shoulders remained widened a little. The scars below her navel didn't quite vanish, and didn't seem they would vanish, but she seemed to have recovered from her pregnancy. Her dimensions grew by a size and she looked very much like a young Sneha, when we met her the first time in the US.

After delivering our child, she didn't let me see her vagina. She was afraid that it had become ugly, much loose and wouldn't regain back its original shape. She mocked about how it was better to not dip my penis into it until it became tighter as I would be embarrassed to know of my deficiencies. In the fourth month, she returned to her original ways and had me eat her pussy most of the time. The toughest test of my life as a cuckold had come near. She wanted me to be present at the time of conception and wanted it to be an open affair unlike the last time when Shrini was unaware of my presence. Nothing happened during the fourth month, even though officially her periods had commenced. Perhaps she was waiting for an opportune time or she had no intention to enact this part of her fantasy. The false sense of security that I had developed finally got shattered one night.

It didn't occur to me that she had already entered her fertile phase for the next month. Quite unaware, deep in my slumber, I got woken by Mayuri's hand that was massaging my pecker. Still drowsy, my mind grappled with what happened to me.

Faint whispers hit my ear and I realized that I wasn't dreaming. Mayuri was whispering to someone - most likely Pratik. The sudden creaking of the bed finally informed me that my courage would be tested.

"Didn't think you would come," whispered Mayuri.

"Hmm..." moaned Mayuri. There was rustling of bed sheets as she scooted in the bed to make space for him. Her hands had receded to lovingly hold her lover in her marital bed. My heart was thumping away as I lay motionlessly right next to them in the dark bedroom. Glancing towards the clock, I realized that it was about 3:00 in the morning. The darkness offered some solitude; it was fairly dark as the curtains were closed.
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RE: Journey of a Cuckold by vyasya - by Ramesh_Rocky - 23-01-2019, 02:50 PM

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