Adultery Secret Temptations – by The Author - COMPLETED
Pressing the bell for the third time, Dipti wondered why Shinde was taking so long. She wanted to talk to him regarding last night. She had seen him standing in front of his house and she had the feeling that he might know something about the murder of young man in the street.

As she raised her hand to press the bell again, door opened.

“Good morning Shinde ji,” she said.

“Good morning, good morning. I didn’t expect you on the door.”

He looked uncomfortable, his body language suggesting that he didn’t like her presence at his door. She had not seen him behaving like that before. It was okay with her. She too wanted to keep distance from him.

“Shinde ji, a man has been murdered in our street,” Dipti said.

“What are you talking?” he said, looking genuinely surprised.

“You don’t know?” she said.

“No, I don’t know anything about it.”

“I have seen you standing in front of your house last night,” she said looking into his eyes. Strangely, his face paled as she finished the sentence. “I thought you might know about it.”

“Sorry, Dipti, I don’t know anything about it,” he said. “By the way, why are you taking so much interest about it?”

“security officer inspector had told me that he was murdered by sub inspector, Neelam. I doubt it, for she didn’t look like a person who could kill someone.”

He considered for a moment what she had said and then spoke, “looks are deceptive my dear,”

Incidentally, her eyes went to his right hand, and she noticed red stains on his fingers. “Is that blood?”

He looked at his hand in a manner which suggested that he had no idea how it got on his fingers. Then he gave her awkward smile and said, “Oh, it’s nothing. Just tomato ketchup. I was eating breakfast, you know.”

“Sorry to disturb—,” she held back her words immediately once she heard a scream. Someone was screaming for help and voice was coming from inside the house.

“Someone is calling for help, who is with you,” she said.

“It’s nothing. My TV is on,” he said, his facial expression tense. “Now, please excuse me, my breakfast is waiting for me.”

“Help me!” voice came again and it shook her to the core. It seemed like scream of helpless person who was in terrible pain. She was sure that it wasn’t from TV. It was real...she could feel it. Immediately, words of Sudhir started to dance in her mind. He had said that Shinde was dangerous man. And then she thought about the red stains on his fingers: it could be blood.

“This sound is not from TV, I know it,” she said sternly.

He grabbed her hand and tried to pull her inside. Instincts told her that she shouldn’t enter into the house at any condition. She resisted with full force and gave her hand strong jerk. Her hand slipped free and she stepped back.

“I’m calling security officer,” she said.

“It’s nothing, Dipti. I just wanted to show you that sound is coming from TV. Come on,” he said, but she could see that his words didn’t match with the expression of his face. He didn’t mean what he was saying.

Without a word she ran to her home and closing the front door stood leaning against it, her heartbeat was heavy.

Pappu, who was in kitchen doing dishes, came to her immediately and said, “What happened, ma’am? You look tense.”

“Where is my phone?” she demanded.

“It’s in the kitchen,” he said. “You forgot it there.”

She lunged to the kitchen, picked the phone, placed a call to inspector Parshant kumar and told him everything. When she hung up, she found that Pappu was looking curiously at her. Obviously, he was also surprised to hear such thing about old man.

“It’s serious matter,” he said.

“Yes, it is. That’s why I called the security officer,” she said and drifted to the window, anxious. “That scream is still echoing in my head, it was so painful.”

“I can understand,” he said, “do you want water.”

“No.” at the moment she was worried about the woman. She didn’t know who she was, but still, she could feel her suffering.

After fifteen minutes, security officer jeep stopped in front of her house, and she saw inspector Parshant climbing out from it.

she rushed to the front door, pulled it open and rushed out with a speed of light, meeting inspector on the walk way. Two constables were also with him.

She guided him to the house of Shinde and knocked on the door. Surprisingly, door creaked open with the pressure of her knock.

As she stepped inside after inspector, she found Shinde sitting in the living room, reading newspaper. He stood up immediately and came to inspector.

“Something wrong inspector?” Shinde said.

“I want to search your house, if you don’t mind,” inspector said.

“Can I know the reason?” Shinde said.

“This lady here has complained that she had heard scream of a woman in your house. Who else stay with you here?” inspector asked.

“I’m alone,” Shinde said.

“Then, who was screaming for help in your house,” inspector said.

“I think this beautiful lady has gone mad or something. I was watching a horror movie and—”

“But you had said that you were having a breakfast,” Dipti interrupted.

“Oh, come on. Can a man can’t watch horror movie while having a breakfast,” Shinde said.

Inspector parshant looked toward the constables and said, “Search the house!”

“Wait Inspector! It is great insult to me. I’m retired colonel you know.”

“So what!” inspector shouted. “Are you above the law.”

Shinde went silent.

Whole house was searched thoroughly, but there was no trace of any woman.

“I think you are mistaken about something,” inspector said. “Probably he was right; sound might have been coming from TV.”

“No, it wasn’t from TV. Please try to understand- A woman is in danger here,” she said.

“Which woman?” he said. “Show me the woman. I’ll help her.”

“Are you out of your mind? It’s your job to find out,” she said.

Inspector came close to her and whispered, “I’m already pissed off with you. Don’t make things complicated here.”

“Sir, I’m not complicating things. I’m just trying to help,” she said.

“I don’t doubt your intention, but sorry without any evidence I can’t do anything.”

“Dipti you are mistaken my dear, I was indeed watching TV when you came,” Shinde interrupted.

Dipti gave a stern look to him, but inside she had helpless feeling. With heavy heart she stepped out from the house after security officermen. Scream of help was still flashing in her mind.

Getting into the house, Dipti slammed the door shut, went to the sofa and sat down on it, holding her head in hands.

“What happened ma’am?” Pappu said.

She looked up at him. “security officer didn’t find anything.” she told him what happened at old man’s house.

“Then, maybe he’s right. You might have heard sound of TV.”

“NO!” she snapped. “I know what have I heard. It was real. I can still feel it.”

“Then, why security officer didn’t find anything,” he said.

“I don’t know,” she said and stood up. “I can’t live here now. I’m leaving immediately for Delhi.”

She lunged to her bedroom, pulled open the closets and took out her suitcases; she wouldn’t stay even a single second into this house.

“But you wanted to wait for one week…” Pappu said.

She turned and found Pappu leaning against the wall. He looked sad. Surely, he would have been expecting exciting one week with her. It was natural, since she was also expecting the same. But right now she had the strong feeling that she should move out from here as soon as possible.

“Yeah. But not now…” she said and started putting her things into the suitcase and left which belonged to Ramesh.

It was a while before he spoke. “You don’t want to help that woman?”

She looked at him. “I want to. And I had tried. It’s up to security officer now to pursue the matter farther.”

Neither of them spoke anything for next ten minutes. He stood still against the wall as she put all her things into suitcases.

After finishing her packing, she called Salim and told him to come immediately. Then she looked at Pappu. There was something in his eyes which made her look closely into them and she found sadness there. And then she thought that maybe he was also sad due to losing the job again. She opened her purse and took out 5000/- rupees. “Here, Take it.”

He grabbed the money and silently put it into his pocket, without counting it. It seemed as if he wanted to say something to her but wasn’t able to say it.

“What’s the matter?” she said.

“Nothing, I just wanted to—” he said, hesitating to complete his sentence.

“You want to fuck me one more time,” she said looking into his eyes and he blushed deeply, “before I get the hell out of here.”

He nodded.

She looked at his crotch. She could trace a subtle movement between his legs. His cock was rising.

She felt a thrilling sensation inside and her cheeks turned pink. “Auto rickshaw is coming. I don’t want to keep him waiting. Moreover I’m still upset due to this incidence.”

“I can understand,” he said, “that’s why I was hesitating.”

She gave him awkward smile. “Take these suitcases outside,” she said.

He nodded, picked up her suitcases and walked out.

Hoping to get connected with Ramesh, she called his number again, but his phone was still switched off.

As she stepped out from bedroom, Pappu was coming toward her.

“Ma’am, you will go to airport or railway station.”

“First I’ll go to railway station,” she said. “If I couldn’t find ticket there then I will go to airport.”

“Can I also come with you?”

“Yeah, You can. But where are you planning to go?”

“My village. Give me five minutes,” he said and rushed upstairs.

Just then Shinde entered through the main door.

“Are you going somewhere?” A voice spoke.

She turned quickly toward the main door and found Shinde there on the threshold.

“What are you doing here?” she said.

“I wanted to clarify to you,” he said and moved forward toward her.

“I don’t want any clarification from you,” she said looking into his eyes.

“You are taking me wrong honey, trust me,” he said and then out of a sudden he came dangerously close, grabbed her arm and put something on her nose. She couldn’t scream. Pressure of his hand on her mouth was very strong. She also tried to push him away but did not succeed. And then, very quickly she passed out.
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