Adultery Secret Temptations – by The Author - COMPLETED
Dipti went to the closet and opening it stood in front of it, wondering what she should give to Pappu to wear for it was very embarrassing for her to be with him in the same room when he was in such an obscene attire.

“What size trouser do you wear?” she asked.

“28, ma’am,” he said.

“28? Are you that slim.” She looked at him disbelievingly but found that he was right. Surprisingly she hadn’t noticed this fact. He was indeed very slim. “Ramesh wears 32. His trouser won’t fit you.”

“Don’t worry ma’am … I …”

“I have to worry,” she interrupted him. “Look at yourself into the mirror. You look so obscene … you know. That thing in front of your underwear aargh … it needs to be covered. I’m …”

Seeing something on the floor she stopped before completing her sentence. It was a wrist watch. She went to it and picked it up. It’s Ramesh’s watch. But what it’s doing here.

Just then bedroom light went off and she felt rise of horrible foreboding within her. It seemed as if killer was coming back to get her.

Moments later she was proved right. Killer was pounding hard on the door. Perhaps he was hitting at it with his feet. He was trying to break in. It gave her goose bumps and shivering hysterically she jumped forward toward Pappu and embraced him tightly, forgetting the fact that he was in just underwear and vest.

“I don’t want to die,” she said.

“I won’t let you die ma’am,” he assured her, tightening his arms around her.

At the moment this locking into each other arms seemed most natural thing to do. Demand of the situation.

She felt that Pappu was afraid too. She could feel his trembling arms. His legs were shaking too.

Suddenly deep realization swept through her and she felt that both of them were in the same condition, feeling the most primal emotion of human existence. Fear of death had brought them together into the arms of each other dissolving the divides of rich and poor and master and servant. Now they were equal, reacting equally to the fear of death.

Pounding against the door grew harder and harder. It seemed as if door would break soon. Unfortunately there was nothing in the room which they could place against the door and delay the entrance of killer into the bedroom.

“Ma’am I know it would feel weird but I want to say something.”

“Trust me, nothing would be weird to me right now,” she said.

“I think …” he hesitated.

“Yes come on, say it,” she said.

“I think …” he stopped. And after few seconds which seemed like eternity he continued. “… I like you.”

His words went deep into her heard, forcing her to think about it. But she couldn’t gather any response. She knew she didn’t like him. But at the moment she didn’t want to convey this fact to him. It would hurt him. For some unknown reasons she didn’t want to hurt him.

As door cried loudly after the heavy pound she whispered into his ears, “I’m not a good woman Pappu.” There had been no conscious thought behind these words. She just said. It was some sort of confession, she guessed.

“Why are you like this?” he said.

Feeling uncomfortable at his question she got away from him. But he moved forward, embracing her again into his arms. She wanted to push him away but couldn’t. There wasn’t even a fragment of lust into his hug. Thought they were tightly pressed against each other she wasn’t feeling any hardness against her belly.

“We should do something,” she said trying to avoid his question. “We can’t let him come in and kill us.”

“Do you have any weapon here?” he said.

“I had one knife and I had already stabbed him in the chest.”

“That means he is wounded. We are at advantage here,” he said.

“I don’t think so. Look how energetically he’s hitting at the door.”

“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you ma’am,” he said and placed his lips on her left cheek.

She swallowed the knot in her throat but couldn’t say anything to him for she knew it was reassuring kiss. It was kiss to give substance to his words. Already he had saved her and there was no reason to doubt his statement and intentions.

Her cheek felt so soft and so tender under his lips. For a moment he forgot that there was someone outside, trying to break in to kill them. His shivering subsided and he felt like keeping his lips planted on her cheek permanently. But it wasn’t possible. She hadn’t said anything but she might if he didn’t pull his lips back.

Slowly he pulled his mouth away from her face and looked at her. There was total darkness in the room and it wasn’t possible to see any reaction on her face after this kiss. But her silence assured him that it was okay, that he hadn’t done anything wrong.

Being so close to such a beautiful woman was like a dream came true. Moreover it was first occasion in his life when he was this much close to any woman. Only he knew how he was holding back the lust. It was very difficult. His manhood was dying to extend into its full glory and feel the tender flesh of this beautiful woman. But he knew it wasn’t appropriate. She was this close to him out of fear. If he committed any blunder, he would lose her trust and she might get away from him. He wouldn’t let that happen.

Pounding against the door stopped abruptly. Both stood still, holding each other tightly. There was complete silence. Apparently killer hadn’t succeeded and had given up.

After one minute he whispered, “I think he’s gone. Let me check the door.”

As he tried to pull away from her she squeezed him tightly and whispered, “No don’t go there.”

He could feel the traces of terrible fear in her words. He was in similar condition. First time in his life he was facing such a situation and had no idea how to tackle such things and this killer seemed professional. Even after wound he was showing great energy.

“But we should check the damage to the door.” He whispered.

“Okay, let’s check it together.” She said pulling herself away from him and grabbed his hand.

Her hand was shaking. He squeezed it tightly to assure her that he was with her. Then with shaking legs he walked to the door wondering why had the killer stopped abruptly.

In the dark it was difficult to see any damage or breakage on the door so they had to walk all the way to it to find its condition. Puppu touched the door hesitantly and roamed his hand all over it, while Dipti stayed right behind him holding his another hand. There were rough bumps all over the door but door was still closed tightly keeping the killer away from them. Pappu had no idea what kind of wood was used to make this door but he was happy that door was made from strong wood.

“Door is okay,” he whispered.

“Do you hear anything?”

“ No. Do you?” he said.

“No,” she said.

“I think he’s gone,” he said.

“No, I think he’s still out there, waiting.” She said in a fearful voice.

“What should we do?” he said.

“We have to wait for the morning,” she said pulling him away from the door. The way he was pulling on his hand made it clear that she was still gripped in fear.

But he thought that danger was passed. Had the killer been still in the house he would have tried something. 15 minutes had passed and there was no sound in the house. But he let her take him away from the door.

“Can you sleep on the floor,” she asked.

“Yeah sure. I have no problem with that,” he said. “Back in the village I had slept on the floor all my life.”

Leaving his hand abruptly she climbed on the bed and said, “Go to sleep then.”

From her voice he could read that she wasn’t comfortable with him sleeping in the room along with her. But she seemed helpless.

Without any word he lay down on the floor, not even asking for something to spread below him on the hard floor. It seemed as if things were back to normal. Now she was master again and he was back to the status of servant.

“Take it,” she said suddenly and he felt the bed sheet upon him.

“Thank you ma’am,” he said.

He spread the bed sheet on the floor and lay down upon it, thinking how she was holding him tightly moments ago at the same spot where he lay now. Would she also think about it? He wondered.

He turned position frequently but sleep seemed distant and elusive. He heard her change positions on the bed. It seemed that she was also not sleeping. It was natural. After this terrible event it was difficult to sleep naturally.

One hour passed and he still was awake like an owl, sometimes thinking about Dipti ma’am and sometimes trying to hear any movement outside. Mostly he tried to concentrate on the moment when Dipti ma’am was in his arms. These thought made his dick hard.

He reached down and caressed his manhood gently thinking how hard it was to control erection when he was holding beauty in his arms.

Suddenly street dogs started to bark loudly in the street, shaking him to the core. He heard movement on the bed. Perhaps Dipti ma’am was also disturbed by the dogs.

He heard her move on the bed and then felt as if she had climbed down from the bed. He stayed still, pretending deep sleep.

Then something unexpected happened which made him hold his breath. She had lain beside him silently. Even though her body didn’t touch his he could figure that she was shivering. Apparently her back was against him.

Feeling sympathy for her he turned involuntarily toward her and embraced her tightly into his arms. He had forgotten that his dick was hard and he felt uncomfortable as it settled right upon her buttocks.

He swallowed. One part of him wanted to move away from her and one part wanted to stay as he was.

Taking deep breath he decided to flow with the moment and felt the tenderness of her buttocks against his dick.

As Pappu savoured the feeling of being so close to Dipti, he wondered whether she would allow him to put his dick into her. If she did, he would consider himself as luckiest person of the world.

It was second occasion when he was so close to lose his virginity. He remembered how he had missed the opportunity to fuck a pussy six months ago. He had been in village then. It was after two in the afternoon and he had been wandering in the sugarcane field, searching for his father. His father had started working on this field recently and he hadn’t visited this place before that’s why he wasn’t sure where he might be. But he wasn’t in any hurry. He just wanted to see how he was doing at new place of work.

As he walked through the field he felt the sweet aroma of sugarcane. They seemed almost ready for cutting. He wanted to taste one but decided against it. Owner of the field might not like this. Swallowing the desire he kept walking.

When he heard the first moan, Pappu didn’t give much thought to it. He thought his mind was playing trick with him. Actually he had seen his first porn movie recently and moan of the lady, getting screwed in the movie, had got stuck in his head somehow. His mind was playing the moan again and again, disturbing his peace. Therefore when he heard similar moan in the field he went on ignoring it, for it seemed very unlikely that some woman was getting screwed somewhere here in the afternoon.

But when he heard second moan, louder than first, he came to stop, listening, trying to judge the direction.

“Ahh … oooohhh … dh-dheere,” A voice came from somewhere near.

Pappu walked, taking direction from the sound and soon very erotic scene emerged in front of his eyes. He hadn’t seen such a scene even in porn movie.

A woman was lying naked on the green grass and a man was sucking her pussy. She was holding his head as he worked on her pussy. As he looked closely he found that he was son of the owner of the field. He didn’t know his name but he had seen him couple of times in the village along with his father. Rumors had it that he was some kind of teacher in the city, what he taught was a mystery though. Pappu took cover behind a tree to enjoy the show without disturbing them.

Pappu swallowed and stared hungrily at the woman. He hadn’t seen her in the village before. From her clothes, which were lying nearby, he figured that she was from city, for nobody wore jeans in the village.

He noticed that woman’s boobs were not as big as he had seen in the movie. She looked quite young, perhaps around twenty one or twenty two. She was pretty though.

Man pulled himself away from her pussy and stood between her legs, his dick hard and solid. Pappu smirked seeing such a small dick, feeling proud that he had got much bigger than him. But he wondered whether size of the dick would matter, because the woman was looking at his dick with great interest as if dying to swallow it into her cunt.

“Put it in me, sir,” woman said.
Pappu put his hand on his open mouth. He couldn’t believe that she was his student.

Man smiled and took position upon her, holding his dick in his hand. Pappu wanted to see his dick enter into her but man’s body was obstructing the view. But as woman gave a seductive moan he knew that he had penetrated her.

Thinking the scene he jerked his body forward, jamming his dick upon Dipti’s buttocks. His heart skipped the beat as he did so and feared reprimand from ma’am but strangely she didn’t say anything. Pappu swallowed and went back to the sugarcane field to recall what happened next.

Everything was going fine in the field. Man was pumping his small dick nicely into the woman and she was moaning with great pleasure. But suddenly whole fun was interrupted. Don’t know how woman caught him peeking from behind the tree and shouted.

“Someone’s watching us!”

Man stopped immediately and looked in the direction of Pappu. Pappu pulled himself away.

Next moment Pappu’s ear was in man’s hand, dragging him from behind the tree.

“What are you doing here?” man said.

“Sorry sir I was looking for my father, he works here,” Pappu said.

“All workers are gone to another field,” Man said. “That’s why we are fucking here.”
“Sorry sir,” Pappu said. “Let go of my ear sir, its paining.”

“Only at one condition,” man said, winking toward the woman who quite surprisingly was lying shamelessly on the grass, not caring to cover her body.

“What’s that sir?” pappu said.

“Show her your dick,” man said. “If she liked it you will get to put your dick into her pussy.”

Woman gave questioning glance to the man and then nodded as if agreeing to the proposal of the man.

Man released Pappu’s ear and said, “Come on.”

Pappu gave hesitant look to the woman and swallowed.

“Come on boy show me what’ve you got between your legs,” woman said. “Look my pussy is waiting …”

Pappu looked at the man wondering what he would feel once he flashed his dick out. Would he die out of shame?

“You won’t like it,” Pappu said to the woman, trying to avoid.

“That decision is mine,” woman said, smiling.

Pappu drew a deep breath and unzipped his trouser and pulled out his monster.

Woman stared at him with wide eyes, surely not expecting such a big thing between his legs.
“You are so thin but your dick is so big, how come,” woman said.

“I don’t know. Did you like it,” pappu said.

“Of course, who wouldn’t?”

Feeling excited Pappu said, “So will you let me put it into your pussy?”

“Get the hell out of here, I was just joking,” man shouted, irritated.

Obviously man hadn’t liked his dick. His pride was hurt. But Pappu wasn’t ready to give up that easy.

“But I think she should decide about it,” Pappu said.

“I decide everything here okay. Now get the hell out of here.” Man said sternly.

Pappu gave a disappointing stare to the woman who seemed to be feeling pity on him. In her eyes there was craving for his dick but this man wouldn’t allow that to happen.

Grimacing on his bad luck Pappu turned and walked away from there without looking back.

That’s how he was cheated. Great opportunity to screw a pussy had slipped away from him. It was unfortunate.

Coming to the present he drew a deep breath. He was so lost in the lost opportunity of the past that without thinking whispered into the ears of Dipti, “ma’am can I put my dick in your pussy.” As if she was the same woman who was there in the field with that man. But soon he regretted saying this. But it was too late.

Dipti hadn’t minded much when Pappu had embraced her from behind since she was literally trembling when she had come down to lie beside him. His embrace provided much needed sense of security at the moment in the dark room. Outside dogs were howling incessantly, making every moment of the horrible night eerie and mysterious. It seemed as if killer was roaming in the street outside and dogs were alerting the people, trying to wake them up from sleep.

In such a situation Pappu’s closeness was assuring and comforting. That’s why she didn’t mind even his hard dick which was pressed obscenely against her tender buttocks. For few minutes she tried to keep her attention away from him but there was something about his dick which was pulling her attention back to him. It felt so big, so strong and thick, pulsating hungrily at her flesh, sending strange titillating sensation across her body.

Silently she smiled to herself. She knew Pappu was having crush on her, she had seen it in his eyes. But don’t know why she hadn’t felt anything so far for him. Was it due to his being her servant? No, there was something else. Actually she hadn’t like the way he had followed her home from the market, and like the way he had got this job after blackmailing her. Yes this was the real reason.

But he had saved her life tonight. Had he not come at right time, killer would have killed her mercilessly. Soft feelings emerged into her heart for Pappu and she felt that Pappu wasn’t that bad after all.

With changed heart she took her attention to his organ and tried to feel it again. As before, it seemed really big back there at her flesh.

Suddenly she felt the jerk upon her buttocks and her heart skipped the beat. It seemed as if he was trying to push his dick into her butt crack. She felt the twitching inside and she almost reached for his dick but stopped her hand at the last moment. Her breathing had become heavy though and she wondered whether he could notice it.

Strangely she wanted him to reach for her boobs and hold them into his hand which was lying uselessly upon her waist. If he could put his hand on her waist why couldn’t he put it on her boobs? She could feel the tension at the peak of her boobies. Her nipples were hard with excitement, waiting for man’s touch, Pappu’s touch. But it seemed as if he didn’t have courage to reach for her boobs. Should she grab his hand and put it on her tits?

She drew a deep breath and let it go slowly, thinking what should she do. Though at the moment all of this seemed weird but it was exciting nonetheless. Whatever it was taking her away from the dark horrible night. Dogs were still barking outside but they no longer had that creepy impact on her as was earlier when she was lying all alone on the king size bed. Now she was on a lusty journey along with Pappu, going away from the horrible night.

Wondering whether he would jerk again she smiled seductively to herself. She waited, keeping full attention on her buttocks. She wanted to feel his jerk with full attention. Last time she wasn’t ready and she had missed great deal of it.

But instead of jerking his dick at her buttocks he whispered something in her ear which took her breath away.

“Ma’am can I put my dick in your pussy.”

Dipti lay still, holding her breath, wondering whether Pappu was really serious about putting his dick into her. If she had allowed him little freedom didn’t mean that he should dream of screwing her. She hadn’t allowed even shinde to put his dick into her, who was he then.

“Why all man so crazy about pussy.” she asked.

“M-ma’am, are you awake?” he stammered.

“Of course I’m awake,” she said. “Who can sleep with such a big gun pointed at the back?”

“I’m sorry,” he said and got away from her.

Dipti didn’t felt good. She didn’t want him to get away from her. Feeling empty and alone she turned toward him and embraced him tightly. This was unconscious action from her part and as she felt his body so close to her she wondered whether it was appropriate from her part. But next moment she pushed the thoughts away. At the moment there was no need to think what was appropriate and what was not.

Pappu had stirred the erotic wave within her when he was holding her from behind and now she wanted to stay entrapped in these waves, floating freely, aimless, directionless.

“Don’t feel sorry Pappu and stay close to me,” she finally said huskily. “But don’t dream about putting your thing into me. That wouldn’t happen in million years.”

Her voice sounded harsh but she couldn’t help it. It was required to remind him of his limits.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Don’t you like my boobs?” she asked.

For a moment he didn’t answer. He seemed stunned by her question.

“No- I mean yes I like,” he said, his voice shaking.

“Good. Instead of dreaming about my pussy you should dream about my boobs. Your dreams might come true,” she said dreamily.

“I am dreaming now,” he said.

“What are you dreaming?” she said teasingly.

“I am sucking your boobs in my dream,” he said.

“Do you want this dream to come true?” she said.

“Yes, from the bottom of my heart.”

She giggled and grabbed his hand. His hand was shaking. Perhaps this was out of excitement.

Placing his shaking hand on her boobs she said, “Do whatever you want.”
Hardly his hand had settled on her boobs that disturbing clattering sound echoed across the house. Apparently something had fallen in the kitchen, steel plate perhaps.

Pulling his hand away from her boobs Pappu whispered, “I think killer haven’t gone yet.”

“Y-you are right,” she said. “Oh God, when this night will pass.”

Dipti lay still as the sound echoed for a long while, listening carefully. She was lying on her back now, same as Pappu. After the sound died away, she waited for any moment, any sound, which could clear the picture. She wanted to know desperately whether killer was still in the house.

Then, a cat mewed softly and she took a long deep sigh, relaxed that it wasn’t killer in the kitchen.

“It’s a cat,” Pappu said.

“Yeah. I think it has sneaked in through the main door.”

For one minute there was complete silence between them. Dipti was wondering what he was thinking. By now, he should have continued with the work which was interrupted by the damn cat. Was he waiting for the invitation?

“Ma’am,” he said.

“Yes,” she said eagerly, pleased that he had finally broken the silence.

“Would you mind if …” he stopped before completing his sentence.

But Dipti knew what he wanted to say. “I won’t mind you fool. I’m waiting for you already. You are behaving as if you have never been with a woman before.”

“You are the first woman in my life,” he said emotionally. “I had never got any opportunity to get this much close to any woman.”

“Don’t tell me,” she said, surprised. “The way you were lying behind me, sticking your thing at my back, I thought you were experienced man.”

“I’m not. I’m sorry if I gave that impression” he said.

For a moment she kept silent, not able to decide what to say about it. It felt great that she was first woman in his life, but she didn’t want to reveal it to him.

“Don’t be sorry and enjoy,” she said, prompting him to reach for her boobs which were dying for his touch.

Next moment his hand was on her breasts, trembling, hesitating to explore the region. She lay still giving him full freedom to take his time. There was plenty of time. Night was still young.

“These are soft and …” he said.

“And?” she said, excited to know his answer.

“And round and …” he said.

“Please continue,” she said eagerly.

“And big. These are soft, round and big,” he said. “Beautiful.”

“beautiful What? Me or my boobs,”

“Both,” he said. “In fact I had never seen more beautiful woman than you.”
She wondered whether he was just making flirt, but then thought why he would do that. But whatever she was pleased to hear such remarks from him.

He circled his hand around her right boob and squeezed it lightly. Instantly thrilling wave travelled through her and she gave a soft moan.

“What happened ma’am?”

“N-nothing. I liked the way you squeezed it,” she said.

He grew in confidence and squeezed at her soft boobs strongly, as if trying to get the juice out of a lemon.

“Ouch! Not so hard, you stupid,” she shouted.

“S-sorry ma’am,” he said, relaxing his grip on her boob.

“Can I feel them without the hindrance of clothes?” he said.

She thought about it, pretending as if she was hesitating but inside she was dying to pull her shirt off so that he could play with her naked boobs.

“Okay,” she said. “Give me a minute.”

She rose by the waist and pulled her shirt off. But she let her bra stay on her body. She wanted him to remove it. She knew it would be fun when he would pull her bra away from her chest.

Feeling excited, she fell back on the floor.

Immediately his hand reached for her breasts.
“What’s this,” he said, roaming his hand on bra cups.

“This is a bra,” she said. “haven’t you seen it before?”

“Oh, I have seen, but it’s dark here, you know”

Strangely he started playing with her boobs without caring to remove the bra. She thought maybe after few minutes he would remove it and then real fun would begin.

But few minutes passed and even then nothing happened. He was playing with her boobs just like that, not even caring to pull the bra cups aside to feel the naked flesh.

“What are you doing?” she said, irritated.

“w-what happened ma’am?” he said.

“Why don’t you remove this damn bra and enjoy fully.”

“I don’t know how to remove it,” he said.

“What the hell you are doing with me if you don’t know anything,” she said, rising up again, her voice exuding great impatience.

“S-sorry ma’am,” he stammered.

She unhooked her bra and threw it away. Don’t know where it fell in the dark room.

She lay down again, her breath heavy with mixture of excitement and irritation.

Without speaking a single word he grabbed her naked boobs in both hands and squeezed them seductively. Instantly her irritation disappeared and she closed her eyes, feeling his inexperienced hands on her tender flesh.

Her breathing grew heavy as he played with her tits freely, confidently, kneading them, shaking them, sending waves of intense pleasure through her.

“Yes, you are doing good Pappu,” she said.

“I’m feeling so good ma’am,” he said, his breathing heavy with excitement.

“So am I, Pappu,” she said. “Play with them as long as you like. We have full night here with us.”

Suddenly movement of his hands stopped and she felt hot air on her naked boobs. His mouth was quite near; she could feel his juicy lips.

And then the moment came she was waiting for. He took her hard nipple in his mouth and started sucking it hungrily, passionately.

She took hold of his head and whispered into his ear, “You are doing great Pappu.”

She slipped her hand into her salwar and ran her finger on her clitoris and gave a seductive moan as she felt the intense wave of pleasure. she was approaching orgasm very rapidly.

With a great urgency she slipped her index finger into her cunt and started moving it in and out rapidly.
“Yes Pappu, suck them hard for me … yes …”

“Ahhhhh,” she gave a load moan and with that she erupted into a great orgasm. She tightened her grip upon Pappu’s head as the orgasm passed through her.

“Oh god … oh god,” she said. “Please stop.”

Pappu stopped and fell upon her breasts. He seemed tired. He had really sucked her boobs with great effort. She didn’t disturb him and lay still on the floor, trying to control her breathing.

Soon she drifted into a sleep, deep sleep rather.

Chirping of birds outside woke her up in the morning. She looked to her side. Pappu was still sleeping. Thinking what had happened last night here on the floor she blushed deeply.

She rose quietly and wore her bra and shirt

Silently she thanked Pappu. Without him she wouldn’t have seen this morning.
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RE: Secret Temptations – by The Author - by themaskeditor - 21-01-2019, 03:50 PM

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