Adultery Secret Temptations – by The Author - COMPLETED
security officer jeep stopped in front of a house. Inspector Parshant kumar climbed down from it and looked up and down the street. He was young inspector, just 29 years old. He was tall and handsome. As he walked toward the front door of the house his sub-inspector Neelam greeted him. As usual she was looking gorgeous in security officer uniform. Her tight shirt held her breasts in a great seductive shape. They were looking so beautiful that he couldn’t move his eyes away from them.

“Sir!” she said.

“Oh … I’m sorry … I was lost in my thoughts,” he said looking into her eyes. She flashed him an awkward smile. Perhaps she had caught him staring at her boobs. God, what has he done? Instantly his mind carried him to a room where he was standing before a committee, facing the sexual harassment inquiry. This was not out of place thought. One DSP rank officer was in trouble due to complaint of Neelam.

“Sir!” she said again pulling him back from his thoughts. “I think it’s the same killer.”

It was fourth murder in Dhantoli. Earlier victims were also women. But whatever he didn’t agree with Neelam’s statement.

“Don’t jump to conclusions officer,” he said.

“You should see the body, sir,” she said, trying to defend her view.

Parshant followed her. He flinched when he saw the woman’s body. She was drenched in her own blood. Some of the blood had gathered on the floor in random patterns. It was horrible sight.

“What do you think now, sir,” she said.

“Wait … officer. Send the body for postmortem. Let the report come then I’ll tell you what I think.” he showed her his authority. Then he saw the two cups on the center table and walked over to them to examine them closely.

“Look like victim and killer had a tea together,” he said. “Send them for fingerprints.”

“There is nothing on them, sir,” she said. “Probably killer cleaned them before leaving.”

“And how do you know this,” he asked.

“Forensic expert just left before you came,” she said.

“But still they are important piece of evidence. Pick them up.”

“Right, sir.”

Silently Parshant took a deep sigh of relief. Finally this beautiful subordinate officer had agreed to something.

“Do we have the weapon here which killed this woman,” Parshant asked.

“No sir. Like in other cases, killer didn’t leave the weapon behind.”

Stubborn woman. She wasn’t ready to leave her conclusion despite his warning. He wished he could take her to the corner and fuck her hard. Perhaps then she would respect the opinion of her superior.

“Okay who saw the body first,” he asked.

“Her son. He had come from the school and found her dead.”

“hmm … apparently there was no force entry in the house. Two cups of tea suggests that killer was known to her. Make the list of all the people known to her, maybe we might get the lead from there,” he said.

“Right sir.”

“You continue here, I have to attend meeting,” he said and walked to the door.

When he was about to climb his jeep he noticed beautiful woman across the street, standing in front of her house. She was looking anxious. Perhaps murder of a woman so close to her house was bothering her. He decided to comfort her.

He walked over to her. “Hello miss, I’m inspector Parshant,”

“I’m Dipti, inspector. We moved here recently.”


“Me and my husband. We are tenant here in this house. I still can’t believe that a woman had been murdered so close to my house.”

“Well shit happens, you know. Did you see or hear anything which can be of help to us to solve the case.” His eyes traveled to her boobs and measured their size. They were of good size and had a beautiful shape.

He looked up if she noticed him. She blushed as their eyes met. Unlike Neelam, she seemed to like his attention.

“I didn’t hear anything,” she said, smiling.

He pulled his card from his purse and handed over to her, his fingers touching hers deliberately. “Call me if you get to know anything later on.”

“Okay officer.”

Dipti watched the security officer jeep go away from her, until it turned out from the street. Then she looked at the house across the street, her face shadowed with fear. From the open door she could see the figures of some security officermen. Apparently one of them was lady. She was sure that there was horrible sight in there. She could sense it from the faces of security officermen.

“Ma’am,” a voice from behind startled her.

She turned and shot a questioning glance at Pappu.

“I have prepared everything,” he said.

She had ordered him to cut the vegetables and knead the dough. “Okay.”

“Ma’am … what happened out there?”

“A woman has been brutally murdered,” she said walking to the main door and stepped inside.

“When did it happen?”

She turned quickly to face him. He was at doorway. He looked anxious to know her answer.

“Why are you taking so much interest?” she said. “Concentrate on your work.”

She went to the bedroom and called Ramesh and told him about the murder. “I’m worried Ramesh,” she said.

“Why so … just calm down. Such thing can happen anywhere.” Ramesh said.

“One lady told me that it was fourth murder in this area and all the victims were woman.”

Ramesh went silent hearing this. Perhaps he was also worried. “Look … just relax. I’m busy now. We’ll talk about it in detail in evening,” he said and hung up.

She knew she had irrigated him. It seemed she had called him at wrong time. Perhaps he was in the meeting or something.

In evening she dbangd her voluptuous body in the black saree. It was Ramesh’s favorite. She knew it would make him happy if he was still angry with her. She looked herself in the mirror. She was looking gorgeous. There was only one problem. Her navel and waist were not visible as much as they should. It was defeating the purpose of wearing the saree.

She adjusted her saree a little and then looked in the mirror again. Now her navel and waist emerged in full glory. Perfect. She walked up and down the room to get the feel of being in the saree. Then she slipped out from the bedroom. Ramesh could be home any moment.She wanted to be near the main door when the door bell rang.

Footsteps on the stairs took her attention. Pappu was coming down. His eyes were on her.

Damn I forgot that this idiot is also here in the house. She tried to cover her exposed navel and waist by pulling her pallu but since his eyes were on her she failed miserably. She couldn’t help blushing. “P-pappu there is no work here now. You can take rest upstairs if you want.”

He stopped in the middle of the stairs but his eyes didn’t budge from her body. “Pappu go upstairs!” she said sternly.

He complied immediately.

Just then door bell rang. She opened the door. It was Ramesh. But he was not alone. Jayant Munde, who had arranged this house for them, was also with him.

“Namaste bhabhi ji,” he said, smiling.

His smile was suggestive, making her blush deeply. “Namaste Jayant ji, please come in.”

Jayant followed Ramesh inside. Ramesh went to bedroom and Jayant settled on the sofa.

“Bhabhi ji I thought I’ll find you all depressed and worried after this murder incident but you look quite energetic and charming.”

“Well …” she had no words. The way he was looking at her naked waist and navel was making her restless. She had got ready for Ramesh not for him. But now he was enjoying her beauty. She could read in his eyes what would he do with her if he found an opportunity. But there was no opportunity. With Ramesh in next room, nothing could be done.

“Honey make some tea, I’m coming,” Ramesh’s voice came from bedroom.

Now there was an opportunity. Ramesh would take at least 10 minutes. Pappu is upstairs. Jayant could utilize this time if he was smart enough.

Dipti’s eyes went to the India today magazine lying on the centre table and she thought of a plan. She moved forward and deliberately pulled her pallu down while bending forward to pick the magazine, exposing her white milky boobs, covered in tight blouse, and their deep cleavage.

"Read it, till i get tea for you," she said with a smile.

He grabbed the magazine; his eyes were sparkling with excitement. He was looking what she wanted him to look at. To show him as if it had happened by accident she quickly straightened herself and corrected her pallu. “Sorry,” she said. Now excitement from his face vanished. Perhaps he was hoping that she would keep bending in front of him with her pallu down forever. Poor guy.

She turned and walked to the kitchen, her gait sensuous and suggestive, and her ass cheeks shaking seductively. She knew he was watching her. His eyes were on her buttocks. She could feel his gaze on her flesh.

She started the gas and placed the pot filled with water upon it. Then she mixed tea and sugar. But her attention was on the man. She was wondering whether he would come in the kitchen or not. He should not. It was risky.

She heard footsteps outside kitchen. He was coming. Before long she felt him enter into the kitchen. Her heart started to jump inside her chest. But she didn’t turn to look. She stayed still, showing herself lost in the tea making.

She shuddered. His hand was on the left globe of her buttocks.

“Err … what are you doing Jayant ji?” she said without turning back. But his hand didn’t move away from her buttocks.

“It’s a nice saree bhabhi ji, just checking the fabric,” he said caressing her round globes.

“It’s Ramesh’s favorite, you know,” she said.

“Nice choice. Now it’s my favorite too.” He said squeezing her ass cheek.

“Ouch … really.” His hand was working lewdly on her buttocks. She felt her breathing rise with every move of his hand on her tender flesh.

“Yes. I hope I’m not crossing my limits.”

“You are. Be advised however, my husband can come out of the washroom any moment.”

“Let him come … we are just chatting here aren’t we.” he said.

She giggled. “Keeping bad intentions toward your friend’s wife is not good Jayant ji.”

“My intentions are good bhabhi ji.” He said running a finger across her ass crack. “I’m taking care of my friend’s wife.”

She turned to face him. His eyes were drenched in lust. For a moment he looked at her face then dropped his eyes on her bulging breasts. He was really up to something. She felt panic rise within her. Ramesh could come out of washroom any moment.

“I think you should go back to living room. Ramesh can come any moment,” she said.
But as if he didn’t hear anything. He pulled her pallu down and looked hungrily at her breasts trapped in tight blouse. She had not expected this from him. Her breathing grew heavy instantly making her breasts rise and fall rhythmically on her chest. He grabbed both of her moving fruits and squeezed them hard.

“W-what are you doing Jayant ji …” she said with effort.

He didn’t say anything and kept squeezing them. She closed her eyes. Her face was pink. Suddenly he released her boobs. He was opening the front hook of her blouse. Now she panicked and pulled his hands away and quickly adjusted her pallu back to its normal position.

“Stop it Jayant ji. It’s not done.” She said. “My husband is in next room and you …”

“I just want to take a look … please bhabhi.” He pleaded.

“You don’t understand. We both would be in trouble if he …” she said.

But he was not ready to listen. Don’t know why he was ready to take such a big risk. It didn’t make sense.

“Don’t worry bhabhi ji. Ramesh wouldn’t mind … trust me,” he whispered into her ears.

This was weird statement. Why was he saying such a weird thing? And why on the earth Ramesh wouldn’t mind. She was confused.

“What are you saying?” she said.

“He is a cuckold,” he whispered again with authority as if it was obvious fact.

Oh boy it was news. But if it was true it was disgusting. Whatever fun she was getting with Jayant vanished out of the window.

“Please go back to the living room. Tea is ready.” She said sternly.

Suddenly she caught him looking toward the window. Instantly she turned to take a look. She saw a figure at the window who managed to get away before she could figure who he was. Was theory given by Jayant right? She couldn’t believe it.

“Who was at the window?” she asked him.

“Your beloved husband who else. He was enjoying the show,” he said, trying to convince her.

“I can’t believe it,” she said and went to the window and peeked outside. Window opened into the street, beyond which was a boundary surrounding the colony. It was deserted place. There was darkness everywhere. Perhaps there were no street lights back there. She tried to look in every direction but couldn’t find anyone.

Just then Jayant embraced her from behind and said, “Calm down bhabhi ji and let him enjoy.”

She pushed him away and turning toward him said, “Stop this nonsense.”

Leaving him in the kitchen she went to the bedroom. Washroom door was closed. She went to the door. “Ramesh!”

She didn’t get any answer. “Ramesh!”


She knocked at the door. With the pressure of her hand door pulled open. Washroom was empty. Now her head started spinning. Was Jayant really right about him being cuckold? Holy crap.

She rushed out of the bedroom and found Jayant at the kitchen door.

“What happened bhabhi ji?” he said. There was lewd smile on his face.

“Enough of it Jayant ji … this is not funny,” she said huskily.

She went to the kitchen window and shouted “Ramesh!” She wanted to confirm whether it was really him at the window. But she didn’t get any response. She called few more times but still nothing.

Frustrated she came back to living room and threw herself on the sofa and pulled down her head in her hands. “How can you people do such a thing with me,” she said.

“Sorry bhabhi ji we thought you’ll like it.”

“How can I like it? It is disgusting … you know.”

She stood up and went to the bedroom again and picked her mobile. She dialed Ramesh’s number and holding the phone on her ear stepped out from the bedroom. Phone was ringing nearby. It didn’t take long to figure from where sound was coming.

It was coming from outside the kitchen. She felt her heart sank. It was very disheartening. So Ramesh was indeed outside. She couldn’t gather her courage to go into the kitchen. She was wondering how she would face him.

He didn’t answer the call.

“Jayant ji I think you should leave immediately,” she said.

He grimaced and shook his head. Then he pulled his phone out from his pocket and dialed a number. Ramesh’s phone rang again.

Jayant went to the kitchen and peeked outside the window.

“His phone is lying on the ground. Where the hell he is,” he said looking genuinely surprised.

Now wave of unwanted fear travelled throughout her body and she rushed to the window. In the darkness she could she flashing light of mobile lying on the ground. Where is Ramesh, question shadowed her mind like a storming clouds.

“I think something is wrong Jayant,” Dipti said as flashing light of mobile vanished with the disconnection of call. She was thinking about the murder of woman, early in the day. She was trying not to think anything bad for Ramesh but still foreboding feeling was rising within her. “I think we should call security officer.”

Just then she heard main door open. With a flash of light she turned and rushed out of the kitchen. It was Ramesh and he was bolting the door with great urgency. He seemed in the grip of great fear. She had never seen him in such a condition before. But whatever, she took a deep sigh of relief seeing him.

“What happened Ramesh?” Jayant spoke before she could ask the same question.

“S-s-somebody attacked,” he stammered and went to the bedroom. He was not making eyes contact with her.

She followed him in the bedroom and said, “Can I ask what you were doing there out there.”

He didn’t answer.

“Jayant told me something very weird about you.”

“What?” he asked with urgency.
“He said that you are cuckold.”

He went to the door and closed it. He didn’t want Jayant to hear their private conversation.

Coming back to her he said, “Don’t trust him. He’s a liar.”

“Then what were you doing out there,” she asked.

He went silent again. Then he looked at her and said, “instead of asking me you should explain me something.”

Now she felt embarrassed. “W-what.”

“He was caressing your ass and you were saying nothing to him. Can I ask why?”

“I don’t know what you saying. Such thing never happened.” She said in unconvincing voice. She was bad liar.

“I saw everything with my eyes. He was caressing, fondling and squeezing your ass cheeks and you were standing there, enjoying his every dirty act.”

For a second she looked at him with wide eyes then out of shame she dropped her eyes. Then she noticed bulge in front of his trouser. He was accusing her of adultery but somehow he seemed to enjoy this accusation. This was weird. But whatever it sent titillating sensation across her body. It meant she could enjoy the attention of people without worrying about Ramesh.

Seeing him looking at his bulge he said, “Okay I accept I’m cuckold.”

She “It’s weird but I think I don’t mind.”

He looked uncomfortably at her. “I can’t believe that Jayant told on me.”

“Actually he was trying to convince me,” she said. “He wanted to see my breasts. And I was not ready for that. He said you wouldn’t mind if I show him ...”

“Son of a bitch …” he said. “You know he himself is cuckold.”


“Yes. He talked me into this and convinced me …. And now he told on me.”

“But why you agreed for all this,” she said.

“I don’t know why?”

He seemed tense. There was possibly no explanation for this. She knew she would also not be able to explain why she allowed Jayant to do whatever he did in the kitchen. She decided to leave the topic. “But Ramesh, why did you go outside at this time. There was total darkness out there. I was worried for you. Today a woman has been murdered here.”

Her words brought back fear on his face. His face turned red.

“Can you tell what happened back there? Your mobile is still out there,” she said.

She saw him swallow. Then taking deep breath he said, “My attention was inside. When you turned to window I got away quickly. I was standing against the wall. Suddenly someone came out of nowhere and tried to stab me with a knife. I grabbed his hand. He was strong very strong. I don’t know how I survived his attack. My mobile fell but I didn’t care and ran for it.”

Dipti listened everything holding her breath. “Dear God,” she said. “I think it’s the same killer who had killed this woman. Didn’t you see his face?”

“I’m telling you I couldn’t see. My whole focus was on saving myself from his knife. Besides, there was total darkness back there.”

“I want to kill this Jayant. Due to him …”

“Leave it.”

“How to get your mobile back,” she said.

“Let it be there. We’ll see in the morning,”

Just then there was knock on the door. Dipti opened the door. Jayant stepped inside, not bothering the fact that it was their bedroom.

“bhabhi ji is everything all right.” He said.

She didn’t answer.

Ramesh told him everything in detail.

“It’s terrifying Ramesh. I think we should call the security officer,” Jayant said.

“Yes I also feel the same.”

“And what would I tell the security officer what I was doing back there,” he said, irritated.

“Oh I didn’t see it that way. Obviously you can’t say that you were watching us from the kitchen window,” he said pointing toward Dipti.

She felt embarrassed at his statement. She hadn’t expected it. She looked at Ramesh. He was also feeling the same. Whatever, this Jayant was really stupid person. He really had no sense of talking. Perhaps he was old cuckold. For him all of this might have been natural. But for them they were not.

“We can’t stay here. We have to find some other place,” Ramesh said, changing the topic.

“I’ll try to arrange but it would be difficult. It will take some time. Till then you have to manage here. If you want you can come to my house for some day,” Jayant said.

“No!!” both Dipti and Ramesh said simultaneously. They knew it would be more disastrous to stay with him.

“I think you are getting late Jayant,” Ramesh said.

“Yes I’m getting late,” Jayant said. “Oh yes … I forgot … My wife just called. She liked the way you fondled her breasts today.”

Dipti was shocked. She stood as it is as Ramesh took Jayant outside bedroom, holding his arm.

As ramesh came back to bedroom, Dipti turned to face him and looked at him accusingly.

“What was he saying Ramesh?” she asked.

“Look Dipti … stop behaving like a sati savitri. If you can allow Jayant to play with your ass then I can also do whatever I like.”

His words hurt. She decided to retaliate. “You had started cheating me and I just followed you. I would never have allowed any man near me had I not seen you with Seema.”

Color of his face changed. He was also feeling the pain. After all, truth is always bitter.

He moved forward and embraced her into his arms. “We won’t get anywhere blaming each other. I think we both want to live our life on our own ways. There shouldn’t be any problem with that until and unless we keep things within limits.”

“What kind of limits,” she asked in an innocent voice.

“I don’t want to tell you. I know you are mature enough to understand what I mean.”

She was getting his point. She was already on that track. But she was wondering whether he would honor these limits. Being woman she was naturally into this but men are different.
“Have you kept your limits until now Mr. Husband?” she asked.

He went silent. Then after few seconds he said, “You bet I have.”

His voice was not convincing. He must have screwed Seema she was sure about that. But she decided to leave the argument.

“I have to cook dinner but I don’t want to go to kitchen,” she said. Indeed she was still under the grip of fear.

He kissed her lips softly. “I can understand. Why don’t we give this task to Pappu.”

“You have arranged useless servant for me. He doesn’t even know how to make tea, cooking would be too much for him.”

“Okay I’ll stay with you in the kitchen … would that be fine,” he said.

“That would be great. But we have to keep this window close until we are here,” she said.

He nodded. “You are right.”

Taking dinner they returned back to bedroom leaving the dishes for Pappu. They changed into night clothing and settled comfortably on the bed. Getting closer to Ramesh, she asked, “How is she?”


“Jayant’s wife … who else.”

“She is fine,” he said.

“Did you like her?”

“No,” he said.

“Then why did you fondled her breasts,” she asked. She wanted to know what made him do such thing.

“You want to know?” he said.


“I fondled her breasts because I was provoked to do so by Jayant,” he said.

“Tell me in detail,” she said curiously.

“He took me to his home today. I had no idea what he was planning. On our way to his home he started talking about his wife and told. He told me about her figure in detail. He also told me what kind of undergarments she wears. What color she preferred. Now I know that he was trying to raise my interest into his wife. Then he dropped the atom bomb …”

“Atom bomb? What atom bomb,” she asked, surprised.

“He said, ‘My wife wouldn’t mind if you give lewd attention to her boobs.’ For a moment I couldn’t believe whether I was really hearing this. But it was true. His wife met me with seductive smile. She was wearing low neck kameez. Significant portion of her white breasts were visible. I couldn’t help staring at them. Jayant left me with her and went to his bedroom. She asked me what would I like … tea or coffee or something else. I gave her awkward smile. I had never faced such situation in my life. I tried my best to look away from her inviting breasts but when you have such a sight in front of you … you really can’t ignore it.”

“So you kept looking at her breasts,” she interrupted him, her breath heavy with mixture of excitement and jealousy. The way Ramesh was describing the things it seemed that he really had liked her breasts. Now she wanted to know how he managed to fondle them.

“No … I mean I looked away from them many times but each time they managed to pull me back to them. Suddenly she too dropped atom bomb …”

“How?” she said.

“She said, ‘You can touch them, I won’t tell my husband.’ I stared at her blanked-faced. I was wondering whether she was serious with this offer or she was merely joking. But expression on her face said that she was serious. I decided to avail the opportunity.”

“Dear God …” she said.

“What happened? You want me to stop or something.”

“No-no … keep moving,” she said.

“I embraced her left boob in my hand and felt it softly. Its roundness and tenderness travelled across my body.”

“Were they more round and more tender than my boobs,” she asked, jealous.

“No they were not. Did I say that? I’m telling you what I felt at that time. Should I continue?”
“Of course … what happened next?”

“Forgetting about Jayant I felt her boobs, caressing and squeezing them. Suddenly I noticed Jayant. He was peeking from bedroom. I pulled my hand away immediately. Her wife left for kitchen to bring tea and Jayant came back to living room and sat beside me on sofa. He surprised me by saying, ‘why did you pull your hand away from her boobs. Didn’t you like them?’ I looked at him disbelievingly. Then he told me that he was cuckold. I became curious. He told me some of his adventures and talked me into doing it myself. I didn’t like the idea first but finally he managed to convince me …”

Thap … thap …thap. Fist on their bedroom door sounded.

Both exchanged surprised glance.

“It must be Pappu,” Dipti said and climbed down from bed and walked to the door, her feet trembling. Ramesh Joined her quickly. It was Pappu.

“What happened Pappu? Why you disturbed us at this time,” she said.

“Ma’am as I finished washing the dishes I noticed someone in the window. It was dark outside. I couldn’t see him properly. But I don’t know since how long he was standing there.” He said under one breath without stopping.

“Okay don’t worry … go to sleep now,” Ramesh said. “And keep your door locked properly.”

“I thought I should tell you this. sorry for disturbing you,” Pappu said and went away.

Ramesh closed the door and bolted it and then again checked it whether it was done properly or not.

“Ramesh I think we should report this matter to security officer. He’s still out there. I’m afraid,” she said.

“Don’t worry Dipti. We can’t be sure that it was the same man. It could be anyone,” he said unconvincingly.

“But why would anyone peek inside our kitchen.”

“To get the glimpse of my beautiful wife,” he said taking her into his arms and took her to bed.

He started sucking her boobs. The energy with which he was sucking on her nipples was making her moan with ecstasy. It was different, different than other days. It took her away from the present fearful situation, and she started to melt below him. Her Pussy became wet and ready for his hardness, throbbing with desire.

He penetrated the burning flesh fiercely, in one go. It was different too. Obviously he was more excited today.

“You are so wild today,” she said softly into his ears as he pumped his dick into her.

“I don’t know. I just want to fuck you hard,” he said in a hoarse voice.

And he did fuck her hard till she screamed with a great orgasm. Then exhausting themselves, they drifted to deep sleep into each other’s arms.
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RE: Secret Temptations – by The Author - by themaskeditor - 21-01-2019, 03:44 PM

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