Misc. Erotica Kamya : A Teacher & her Adventures
Mahesh and Kamya were back in the car now. They had three bag full of dresses and lingerie that he had bought for her. Kamya was really impressed by the generosity and Mahesh had been showing…she felt as if he were her true soulmate. But for Mahesh Kamya was an angel and he could do anything to spend a second more with her. Her smile was contagious. And besides that she had the perfect figure to die for…She was taller slimmer than Tina and therefore a perfect match for each other.

“HaHaHa…” Mahesh was constantly giggling, after whatever happened with the staff in the showroom.
Kamya was silent…she was really embarrassed with whatever happened in there.
“Poor Boy…I feel really sad for him…atleast you should have given him something.” Mahesh interjected.
“huh Very funny…I cant believe he was daydreaming about me in front of me. Fucking idiot.” Kamya said with a fake anger on her face.
“If not him…I can help you if you want me to…” Mahesh pointed at her raging breasts as if he wanted to suck them.
“Ohh Really…I think that staff would have done it better…he was good with the mannequin maybe with actual breasts he could have given me an orgasm…something you can never give.” Kamya took a jab.
“Then maybe…we should get a hotel instead of movie ticket and see how you quiver under me.” Mahesh said pulling her all over himself…her breasts against his chest…Kamya was unprepared for it.
“Huh what now…” Mahesh added…with his left palm feeling her full thighs…going upwards to her juicy ass.
“Okay Okay…fine…Leave me.” Kamya knew she had to fall back because she could sense Mahesh was really tensed in his pants.

The car drove off…to a cinema hall.

“No I don’t want to see this movie.” Kamya said at the counter. “Please Mahesh can we watch something else.”
“The other movie will take an hour to start…besides I don’t know about you but I am interested in something else.” Mahesh said the later sentence in Kamya’s ears but the staff behind the counter understood it completely. He had a smile on his face.
“What are you laughing at…all men are same.” Kamya blabbered.
“Madam aap decide karlo…humlog bhi wohi dekhenge.” The guy standing behind Mahesh said as it was taking more than usual to get the tickets.
Kamya felt really embarrassed about all these…all these men know what was going to happen with her in the darkness. She looked at Mahesh and could see he was really happy about it.
“Leave it…I am not seeing anything.” Kamya said.
“Okay Soorrryyy Madam…but Please watch the film we were just Kidding.” The reply came more satirically in a local tone...the burned Kamya more.
“No…I don’t know about you but I am going to watch this only.” Mahesh took the charge and took the tickets. But for her relief the other men booked for other screening.

They were at the floor about to board in the theatre.
“I must take a loo…You go ahead and wait for me.” Mahesh instructed…as it was normal Kamya was okay with it. She went ahead to the watchman cum theatre ticket staff.
“Soorryyy Madam but this bag cant go inside.” The staff said in the same local tone.
“What do you mean the bag can’t go inside? Where am I supposed to keep it ?” Kamya replied.
“In the cloak room or your car…if you have travelled in one.” He said a little rudely.
“Its in the parking…besides it doesn’t have anything that isn’t allowed.” Kamya replied.
“Really…why don’t you show me ?” The gatekeeper said.
“No I can’t its personal stuff…undergarments kind of thing.” Kamya replied meekly for not letting people nearby hear it.
“Its my job madam I can’t let you through…until I personally ensure there isn’t anything that doesn’t fits in our policy…besides I am not asking you to put it on display.” The gatekeeper said it a little louder.
“Why don’t you put a hand inside and maybe feel it…” Kamya said out without even thinking.
“Really is it still warm….” The words took a different meaning for him.
“Where is the lady staff here…I will show it to her if its still warm or not.” This time Kamya almost shouted. Things were about to escalate when Mahesh walked in it all went smooth with just a stern look from him.
“Here have it…Cool down.” Mahesh said handing her the beverage.

Although Kamya had those three guys dodged at the counter but the hall had a few of them…who were there to enjoy themselves. But she didn’t paid much attention to them.
They took a seat in the corner somewhat middle as all the corners were already booked.
Soon it was dark and the film started. And the moans started to come from all directions.
“See everyone is here for only one reason…who will pay money to see all these mediocre fags.” Mahesh said pointing to the actors in the movie.
There was a loud couple in far distance in the left side and at once the girl almost cried.
“Aaahhh…Dheere se karo naa…dard hota hai.” It was all crisp and clear as she had no idea that the scene will go all silent all of a sudden.
It attracted all kind of lewd comments and whistles…adding miseries to her embarrassment.
“I should too do it gently or you could bear it.” Kamya could feel Mahesh prickly beard around her exposed neck and ears…he was warming her up.
“UmmmHhhh” it took her sometime but eventually she responded.
“Your whispers are sexier than your cries.” Mahesh said nibbling all over her neck…arousing her. Kamya had her eyes closed now…this mediocre flick was a far better setup than the superhero flick she actually wanted to see.
Mahesh had his palm over the back chain of her kurti…and slid it all the way down to her waist.
“You know naa your kurti had this chain but you didn’t used it…instead you made it trap that poor staff…didn’t you?” Mahesh whispered in her ears.
He was actually right.
“What else could I have done…you keep teasing me in front of my husband I had my urges too.” She replied.
“You are insatiable…aren’t you ?” Mahesh said pulling her hair back to expose the front of her neck. She was delicious…her smell was making Mahesh act like a hungry dog…he was kissing her madly.
“Aaaahhh” This time it was her turn to cry but it was all fun now the comments the whistles.
Mahesh unclasped her bra and took it off her completely. “I don’t like bra…why do you have to wear it…everyone should see these bullets on your chest.” Mahesh was taking really dirty to her…but all of these was a turnon for her. She like being treated this way…the caution of getting caught…the thrill of doing it publically…as if everybody knowing what was going on in there.
But Mahesh didn’t stopped there…he made her back twist on the armrest of another seat…making her breasts almost pop out of her body…he flung onto her…demanding for more…demanding the dbangs to fall of the most beautiful thing in the world…her breasts.
But Kamya didn’t wanted that kind of exposure mainly because it was almost open and there were guys sitting behind there back…one standup and they could see everything whatever have been going on between them. But the kink to get caught or escape away was something she never really experienced off…and besides Mahesh super dominance what else she could have done.
Slowly the kurti came off her shoulders and her nipples stood even more erect with chilled Air Conditioner falling on her wet-Salived bullets.
“Eeeeshhhh….” She covered one with her palm while the other one was still in between Mahesh’s lips.

Suddenly the lights started to turn on and soon she was well covered again…with her zip all up to her back of the neck.
“I am going to the loo.” Kamya excused herself. As she was crossing Mahesh he pulled her back to him.
Falling she could see the guys…they all had their mouth open.
“Bhai Movie to hit hai.” One of them said.
“bring me your panties…or I will make you do it here.” Mahesh whispered determined.
Kamya looked back at the audience behind…she had a wicked smile on her face too.

She took more than usual time to come back and the movie had started back…the second half had begun.
Mahesh extended his palm but instead she clapped it. With a wicked smile.
“You had your chance woman you do know what you have signed up for.” He whispered.
“Ohh Really…why don’t you show me.” She replied getting up from the seat getting farther from the audience behind.
It was almost a corner only five more rows behind them.
Mahesh remained seated for sometime and then he moved as well.
He pulled her legs on his lap…her back was again on the armrest. He could feel her thick bulge popping out of her tight legging…with her legs closed.
Without wasting any further time…he digged under the elastic and pulled it off her round ass…Kamya popped it a little up to comfortable slid off and then he started to play with her panties and her lady lips. He could feel her wetness.
“Looks like you peed in your pants.” Mahesh said.
“Last time I checked you slurped all of it…”Kamya assured that it really wasn’t the pee it was her sweet nectar flowing out of her womanhood.
“Enough…We are going” Mahesh declared and put her leggings back on. And they exited the theatre.
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RE: Kamya : A Teacher & her Adventures - by Mande - 06-08-2019, 02:26 PM
RE: Kamya : A Teacher & her Adventures - by mraj1 - 11-08-2019, 07:01 PM
RE: Kamya : A Teacher & her Adventures - by Bigil - 17-08-2019, 09:25 AM
RE: Kamya : A Teacher & her Adventures - by rashmi_rathi - 13-11-2019, 01:21 AM

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