21-01-2019, 07:40 AM
Next day Anand woke up pretty late and Keerthi was standing next to him...
"OMG sorry Keerthi what happened last night... I am embarrased...."
"It's OK Anand.. it was our first time... I didn't mind what happened to you.. it's beyond your control... but you left me alone here..."
He got up and hugged Keerthi tight... "I am so sorry baby I will never let you go... I promise"
Keerthi hugged him back.... we need to plan our wedding so cheer up she smiled...
Anand was glad Keerthi is back to normal but he was worried about his manhood... he googled a little bit and he couldn't find anything.. and his eyes caught Sanjay's business card on his computer table..
He began to remember what happened after he left the cottage and how he met Sanjay and his business card title about Sanjay being a famous Doctor.
He looked up Sanjay on Yelp and Sanjay's practice had more than 15000 5 star reviews.
He picked up the phone and called the number and the recepitionist picked up the phone.
"I need an appointment with Dr. Sanjay"
"Sure sir, Dr. Sanjay only see women as he is a gyno... are you looking for an appointment for your wife..."
He didn't know what to tell her... he really wanted to talk about his sex problems to Sanjay and that's the only number he had...
"Yeah.. yeah for my wife and also I'd like to talk to the Dr. after her exam so please get me an appointment for my wife...."
"OK What's her name.."
"Keerthi Suresh"
"OK sir.. as you know when het pretty booked so your appointment is in April 8th."
"But this is only Feb??"
"Yes sir sorry, I'll wall you if anyone cancels and see if we can fit you in sooner..."
Weeks go by
Sanjay's office... he was flipping through his schedule to make plans for his summer vacation and looking at all appointments... and he normally don't prefer new patient appointments.. so applied a filter to show only new patients... and what he saw next his heart cane out of his mouth...
"Keerthi???" He audibly said... but no one else was in the room... he thought may be someone else and he saw Anand's name.... he feverishly looked up the engagement email Tharun sent him to compare their last name and yes it was the same Anand and Keerthi!!!
He could not believe his luck.
He stormed out of his office and called out his assistant...
"Stacy..... I need you to call this patient... he is.. he is my friend.... I want to see him and his wife ASAP... clear my schedule and see how soon they can come for theri consultation"
Sanjay was not thinking.. his brain and cock just took over and his heart calmly consoled him may be he won't do anything.. he will just do a proper test.... may be he won't give Keerthi the customized consent form asking her consent to fuck. What if he gives her the form and she rejects it and his relationship wiuth Tahrun will be doomed. He likes Tharun. He decided he will cross the bridge when it happens.
He went back to his office and picked up the phone... and pretend like he is making an introduction call and called Keerthi's number. Turns out it was Anand's home landline... Anand picked up the phone...
"Hello, this is Dr. Sanjay who am I speaking with?"
"This.. this is Anand... hello Dr.. thanks for the call I had..."
"Hello Anand... my assistant will call you to confirm your appointment... but I want to quickly talk to you and see if there is anything particular you'd like me to address when you come in"
Anand was not surprised Sanjay didn't know him...
"Dr. if you remember you gave me your card at the Santa Cruz resort few weeks ago."
"Oh Anand... omg that was you?"
They spent few mins chit chat...
Sanjay "How may I help you Anand?"
"So that night when I came to the bar I was not able to hold on to my erection"
"Did you guys try again after that?"
"Yes a few times and every time I tried I came before even we started doing anything..."
Sanjay's devil horn grew...
"hmm.. I see your wife I mean fiance is also scehduled...."
"yes, your assistant said that's the only way to get your appointment..."
"so you are not planning to bring her..."
"I was not.. but what do you recommend Dr."
Sanjay's heart was just pounding as if he is going to have and heart attack...
"I mean it's better for ladies to get their cervix exam done.. but it will also give me a chance discuss with you and your fiance to better help you guys with your sex life."
"Yes Dr. she is very supportive of this and she did mention it's been a while she had her cervix examined... so I will bring her also."
After they hung up the phone.. Sanjay kept his hands on his head and he couldn't believe his luck. But he knew he can't do this to his friend Tharun.
The Day Of Keerthi's Cervix Exam
Sanjay had 2 different forms in his hands....
FIRST FORM had a long paragraph as follows.
"I know you are deprived of good sex or any sex and you are longing for a good pounding and a real man to take care of your urges. But you feel guilty as you have a Fiance and you are committed. I spoke to Anand and he mentioned he has very small balls and based on my examination he will never be able to satisfy you in a way a real can could. In the next few visits you need to get your cervix exam done during that time I'd like to show you how it feels to be penetrated by a real man with a long, throbbing cock made for fucking and stretching pussies. Now as you may feel guilty you may continue to pretend it's a regular exam and I will do my best to make sure you can't see my cock or you cant see me actually fucking you. And Anand will not know about this. You and I can pretend you are getting your cervix examined. But instead of a speculum I will use my cock to penetrate you and conduct the exam. In the course of the exam I may cum inside your cervix and semen may overflow on your way home. if you uncheck this box if you don't me to cum inside your pussy in case you are ovulating. In any case I will never talk to you about this or emotionally bother you. I will be professionally treating you like a patient and you treat me like your doctor just trying out a new method. End of the visit I will make sure you are satisfied and the fire burning in your pussy (I know it is burning now just reading this) will be put off. Please sign below if you agree. If you don't like this proposal you can put this form in the trash next to you and you can leave and I totally respect that. In that case I won't be able to treat you. If I see this form signed I will continue with our exam like I mentioned above."
Sanjay read this over and over again. He purposely inserted words like cock and pussy to instigate the burning fire of an unsatisfied woman. Inside he was thinking may be he won't use this form. And he finished typing this and printed like a machine even though his heart said I'll just print but won't make her sign this and I will just give her the regular form and not the sex form.
But Sanjay walked to the exam room minutes before Keerthi entered and left the form WITH THE SEXUAL CONSENT in it. And as he walked out.. he thought may be she won't sign it and may be she will leave. His heart was hoping and his other part was hoping she would sign and this is something fate should decide.
Keerthi and Anand were in the waiting room. Kumar one of the attendants came out and called out
"Ms. Keerthi Suresh the Dr. will see you."
Anand and Keerthi held hands and walked together.
"Sir... it's just the patient for now... we need a sterile environment.. you can wait here.. please..."
Anand and Keerthi looked at each other.... she signalled with her eyes teling him I'll be fine and she entered the room...
Kumar said "madam.. as you are a new patient please fill out this form and sign this consent form please...."
If you ever been to a Doctor when was the last time you read the consent form??
Keerthi's mind was already pre-occupioed with Anand's test after that.. so like any other human beging.. she spent exaclty 3 seconds... to sign the consent form in 3 different places...
AND SHE DIDN'T READ A SINGLE WORLD.. including the customized message Sanjay wrote about the whole sex thing.
Keerthi sat on the steel table.. with her legs on top of the paddles.. she's been to an exam few times it's not new....
Sanjay entered and his heart pounding he was expecting and actually half-hoping the exam table to be empty and the consent form not signed. Actutally he was releived Anand didn;t storming through thr door to choke him so he thoughr that was good sign.
"Hello.. m.. ms. keerthi... how how are you..."
Keerthi was surprised...
"OMG Dr... you came to my engagement?"
"oh yeah.. yes.. I am a good friend of Tharun's"
"wow.. is that how Anand know you... omg small world..."
"yes indeed... " Sanjay was surprised she was so carefree and had normal reaction on her face she was in fact very normal... suddenly he was sad and realized may be that Kumar idiot never have her the consent form...
"ah ms. Keerthi did you.. did you get a chance to sign the consent form..." his throat dried up before he finished the question...
"oh yes Doctor.. she pointed to the chair where she left the sogned consent which she never read...."
Sanjay's heart was pounding as he reached and grabbed the consent form and he was shocked, delighted and unexplainable feelings took him over as he saw a hint of her signature in the bottom of each paper.. and he opened the section with that pharagraph and he saw her signature.. very consistent, beautuful strong hand writing...
OMG this is my lucky day and now he was only worried about satisfying Keerthi...
"Have you had your cervix examined before?" his voice is more composed now and not jittery...
"yes Dr. but when I was really young... my mom wanted me to get one ever since I had my first periods but I was like 19 when I got my first one..."
"wow... 7 years is a long time.. I am going to go through few questions just as a formality you probably answered them before but I need it for consistency if you don't mind..."
"have you had intercourse before"
"when was this?"
"right before I had my cervix exam" Sanjay looked at her stunned... he assumed she was referring to the fact that Sanjay may fuck her right after the cervix exam.. but in reality it was Keerthi's experience with her first boy friend and that's why she decided to get an exam to make sure everything is ok after her first inercours...
Sanjay's cock already started to erect....
Sanjay could not wait and he stopped the questions and walked to the closet and grabbed a robe for Keerthi
"please change to this Keerthi...."
Keerthi put on the robe and got comfortable on the steel table...
"Keerthik you need to put the robe on with the open part in front. You know, like a normal robe. That might seem obvious but, for some reason, lot of people think you are supposed to wear it like a hospital gown. You know, the ones that patients in hospital comedies wear so that when they shuffle slowly past the protagonist in their plush slippers, there's that dark comedic moment you realize you can see the patient's butt? Yeah, you're not supposed to wear it like that." he tried to crack some jokes
Keerthi put had it on the other way and got all comfy on the exam table, only to have Sanjay come back in and asked her to turn it around (because how is he going to examine her breasts and vagina if she is laying on the opening of the robe?). Sanjay turned around and ended up standing in the corner facing the wall as Keerthi flipped it around. It was little awkward for Keerthi for the first time...
Sanjay started the exam, which began with harmless tests she was used to from her regular physician, like a thyroid examination and pressing on her stomach.. Sanjay noticed her milky white midriff already glaring his eyes and her navel was so deep and round...
Without his knowledge Sanjay began to conduct his exam like clockwork... as he supposed to medically he didn't know what he was doig but his medical brain took over...
Then came the breast exam, where Sanjay looked at and feels her breasts and under her arms for lumps or anything unusual. This part was was a little more embarrassing for Keerthi as she never had a male doctre, but she'd gotten breast exams before from her femaile doctore so she was used to it. The only difference that surprised her was Sanjat actually, like, squeezed her nipple. She can't remember a doctor ever doing that before, but there was a good reason for it. Sanjay was checking for discharge and lumps in the nipple.
The devil and Angel argued in Sanjay's brain...
Sanjay pulled these footrests out from the front of the examination table and asked Keerthi to place her feet in them and scoot her body forward until her butt was at the edge of the table and her legs were wide open. Keerthi found it really hard to scoot anywhere in one of those loose gowns, so she ended up having to kind of bounce like five times until her legs were spread wide open in front of Sanjay. Keerthi felt like it was, perhaps, the most ungraceful thing she has ever done before as her immaculate breasts where bpuncing freely under the robe.... Sanjay had just examined them but he just noticed how beautiful they were but as he saw her breasts with his devil eyes they were already safe inside her robe...
Sanjay kept his hands on her both knees and he spread her legs little wider.... inside the robe and Sanjay took a peek inside her in a rushed manner...
Sanjay was stuuned he has seen many many many pussies Keerthi's pussy was something...
Visually, it looked more like a tiny paper slit. Almost no hint of a labia, and a nice little clit the size of a small pellet. Je was stunned... he wanted to feel them... he imagined lie looked like a closed eyelid without eyelashes turned sideways. No giant elephant-ear labia and thumb-sized clits.. Sanjay's mouth watered
![[Image: cravingcarmen-theperfectpussy-1.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/cravingcarmen-theperfectpussy-1.jpg)
She must have not been playing with it too much... he thought... her labia if at all was there may be hidden inside her rather fat portion of her vulva around the paper thin slit. He was so curious so he took one finger and started digging in..
![[Image: perfect-tight-pussy-bent-over.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/perfect-tight-pussy-bent-over.jpg)
![[Image: tumblr_nb34egiTUI1qe750ho1_1280.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/tumblr_nb34egiTUI1qe750ho1_1280.jpg)
But for some reason he didn't have the heart to take of his gloves.. and whatever he did so far was still within the proticol of the exam and he was not sure what was happening to him...
"OMG sorry Keerthi what happened last night... I am embarrased...."
"It's OK Anand.. it was our first time... I didn't mind what happened to you.. it's beyond your control... but you left me alone here..."
He got up and hugged Keerthi tight... "I am so sorry baby I will never let you go... I promise"
Keerthi hugged him back.... we need to plan our wedding so cheer up she smiled...
Anand was glad Keerthi is back to normal but he was worried about his manhood... he googled a little bit and he couldn't find anything.. and his eyes caught Sanjay's business card on his computer table..
He began to remember what happened after he left the cottage and how he met Sanjay and his business card title about Sanjay being a famous Doctor.
He looked up Sanjay on Yelp and Sanjay's practice had more than 15000 5 star reviews.
He picked up the phone and called the number and the recepitionist picked up the phone.
"I need an appointment with Dr. Sanjay"
"Sure sir, Dr. Sanjay only see women as he is a gyno... are you looking for an appointment for your wife..."
He didn't know what to tell her... he really wanted to talk about his sex problems to Sanjay and that's the only number he had...
"Yeah.. yeah for my wife and also I'd like to talk to the Dr. after her exam so please get me an appointment for my wife...."
"OK What's her name.."
"Keerthi Suresh"
"OK sir.. as you know when het pretty booked so your appointment is in April 8th."
"But this is only Feb??"
"Yes sir sorry, I'll wall you if anyone cancels and see if we can fit you in sooner..."
Weeks go by
Sanjay's office... he was flipping through his schedule to make plans for his summer vacation and looking at all appointments... and he normally don't prefer new patient appointments.. so applied a filter to show only new patients... and what he saw next his heart cane out of his mouth...
"Keerthi???" He audibly said... but no one else was in the room... he thought may be someone else and he saw Anand's name.... he feverishly looked up the engagement email Tharun sent him to compare their last name and yes it was the same Anand and Keerthi!!!
He could not believe his luck.
He stormed out of his office and called out his assistant...
"Stacy..... I need you to call this patient... he is.. he is my friend.... I want to see him and his wife ASAP... clear my schedule and see how soon they can come for theri consultation"
Sanjay was not thinking.. his brain and cock just took over and his heart calmly consoled him may be he won't do anything.. he will just do a proper test.... may be he won't give Keerthi the customized consent form asking her consent to fuck. What if he gives her the form and she rejects it and his relationship wiuth Tahrun will be doomed. He likes Tharun. He decided he will cross the bridge when it happens.
He went back to his office and picked up the phone... and pretend like he is making an introduction call and called Keerthi's number. Turns out it was Anand's home landline... Anand picked up the phone...
"Hello, this is Dr. Sanjay who am I speaking with?"
"This.. this is Anand... hello Dr.. thanks for the call I had..."
"Hello Anand... my assistant will call you to confirm your appointment... but I want to quickly talk to you and see if there is anything particular you'd like me to address when you come in"
Anand was not surprised Sanjay didn't know him...
"Dr. if you remember you gave me your card at the Santa Cruz resort few weeks ago."
"Oh Anand... omg that was you?"
They spent few mins chit chat...
Sanjay "How may I help you Anand?"
"So that night when I came to the bar I was not able to hold on to my erection"
"Did you guys try again after that?"
"Yes a few times and every time I tried I came before even we started doing anything..."
Sanjay's devil horn grew...
"hmm.. I see your wife I mean fiance is also scehduled...."
"yes, your assistant said that's the only way to get your appointment..."
"so you are not planning to bring her..."
"I was not.. but what do you recommend Dr."
Sanjay's heart was just pounding as if he is going to have and heart attack...
"I mean it's better for ladies to get their cervix exam done.. but it will also give me a chance discuss with you and your fiance to better help you guys with your sex life."
"Yes Dr. she is very supportive of this and she did mention it's been a while she had her cervix examined... so I will bring her also."
After they hung up the phone.. Sanjay kept his hands on his head and he couldn't believe his luck. But he knew he can't do this to his friend Tharun.
The Day Of Keerthi's Cervix Exam
Sanjay had 2 different forms in his hands....
FIRST FORM had a long paragraph as follows.
"I know you are deprived of good sex or any sex and you are longing for a good pounding and a real man to take care of your urges. But you feel guilty as you have a Fiance and you are committed. I spoke to Anand and he mentioned he has very small balls and based on my examination he will never be able to satisfy you in a way a real can could. In the next few visits you need to get your cervix exam done during that time I'd like to show you how it feels to be penetrated by a real man with a long, throbbing cock made for fucking and stretching pussies. Now as you may feel guilty you may continue to pretend it's a regular exam and I will do my best to make sure you can't see my cock or you cant see me actually fucking you. And Anand will not know about this. You and I can pretend you are getting your cervix examined. But instead of a speculum I will use my cock to penetrate you and conduct the exam. In the course of the exam I may cum inside your cervix and semen may overflow on your way home. if you uncheck this box if you don't me to cum inside your pussy in case you are ovulating. In any case I will never talk to you about this or emotionally bother you. I will be professionally treating you like a patient and you treat me like your doctor just trying out a new method. End of the visit I will make sure you are satisfied and the fire burning in your pussy (I know it is burning now just reading this) will be put off. Please sign below if you agree. If you don't like this proposal you can put this form in the trash next to you and you can leave and I totally respect that. In that case I won't be able to treat you. If I see this form signed I will continue with our exam like I mentioned above."
Sanjay read this over and over again. He purposely inserted words like cock and pussy to instigate the burning fire of an unsatisfied woman. Inside he was thinking may be he won't use this form. And he finished typing this and printed like a machine even though his heart said I'll just print but won't make her sign this and I will just give her the regular form and not the sex form.
But Sanjay walked to the exam room minutes before Keerthi entered and left the form WITH THE SEXUAL CONSENT in it. And as he walked out.. he thought may be she won't sign it and may be she will leave. His heart was hoping and his other part was hoping she would sign and this is something fate should decide.
Keerthi and Anand were in the waiting room. Kumar one of the attendants came out and called out
"Ms. Keerthi Suresh the Dr. will see you."
Anand and Keerthi held hands and walked together.
"Sir... it's just the patient for now... we need a sterile environment.. you can wait here.. please..."
Anand and Keerthi looked at each other.... she signalled with her eyes teling him I'll be fine and she entered the room...
Kumar said "madam.. as you are a new patient please fill out this form and sign this consent form please...."
If you ever been to a Doctor when was the last time you read the consent form??
Keerthi's mind was already pre-occupioed with Anand's test after that.. so like any other human beging.. she spent exaclty 3 seconds... to sign the consent form in 3 different places...
AND SHE DIDN'T READ A SINGLE WORLD.. including the customized message Sanjay wrote about the whole sex thing.
Keerthi sat on the steel table.. with her legs on top of the paddles.. she's been to an exam few times it's not new....
Sanjay entered and his heart pounding he was expecting and actually half-hoping the exam table to be empty and the consent form not signed. Actutally he was releived Anand didn;t storming through thr door to choke him so he thoughr that was good sign.
"Hello.. m.. ms. keerthi... how how are you..."
Keerthi was surprised...
"OMG Dr... you came to my engagement?"
"oh yeah.. yes.. I am a good friend of Tharun's"
"wow.. is that how Anand know you... omg small world..."
"yes indeed... " Sanjay was surprised she was so carefree and had normal reaction on her face she was in fact very normal... suddenly he was sad and realized may be that Kumar idiot never have her the consent form...
"ah ms. Keerthi did you.. did you get a chance to sign the consent form..." his throat dried up before he finished the question...
"oh yes Doctor.. she pointed to the chair where she left the sogned consent which she never read...."
Sanjay's heart was pounding as he reached and grabbed the consent form and he was shocked, delighted and unexplainable feelings took him over as he saw a hint of her signature in the bottom of each paper.. and he opened the section with that pharagraph and he saw her signature.. very consistent, beautuful strong hand writing...
OMG this is my lucky day and now he was only worried about satisfying Keerthi...
"Have you had your cervix examined before?" his voice is more composed now and not jittery...
"yes Dr. but when I was really young... my mom wanted me to get one ever since I had my first periods but I was like 19 when I got my first one..."
"wow... 7 years is a long time.. I am going to go through few questions just as a formality you probably answered them before but I need it for consistency if you don't mind..."
"have you had intercourse before"
"when was this?"
"right before I had my cervix exam" Sanjay looked at her stunned... he assumed she was referring to the fact that Sanjay may fuck her right after the cervix exam.. but in reality it was Keerthi's experience with her first boy friend and that's why she decided to get an exam to make sure everything is ok after her first inercours...
Sanjay's cock already started to erect....
Sanjay could not wait and he stopped the questions and walked to the closet and grabbed a robe for Keerthi
"please change to this Keerthi...."
Keerthi put on the robe and got comfortable on the steel table...
"Keerthik you need to put the robe on with the open part in front. You know, like a normal robe. That might seem obvious but, for some reason, lot of people think you are supposed to wear it like a hospital gown. You know, the ones that patients in hospital comedies wear so that when they shuffle slowly past the protagonist in their plush slippers, there's that dark comedic moment you realize you can see the patient's butt? Yeah, you're not supposed to wear it like that." he tried to crack some jokes
Keerthi put had it on the other way and got all comfy on the exam table, only to have Sanjay come back in and asked her to turn it around (because how is he going to examine her breasts and vagina if she is laying on the opening of the robe?). Sanjay turned around and ended up standing in the corner facing the wall as Keerthi flipped it around. It was little awkward for Keerthi for the first time...
Sanjay started the exam, which began with harmless tests she was used to from her regular physician, like a thyroid examination and pressing on her stomach.. Sanjay noticed her milky white midriff already glaring his eyes and her navel was so deep and round...
Without his knowledge Sanjay began to conduct his exam like clockwork... as he supposed to medically he didn't know what he was doig but his medical brain took over...
Then came the breast exam, where Sanjay looked at and feels her breasts and under her arms for lumps or anything unusual. This part was was a little more embarrassing for Keerthi as she never had a male doctre, but she'd gotten breast exams before from her femaile doctore so she was used to it. The only difference that surprised her was Sanjat actually, like, squeezed her nipple. She can't remember a doctor ever doing that before, but there was a good reason for it. Sanjay was checking for discharge and lumps in the nipple.
The devil and Angel argued in Sanjay's brain...
Sanjay pulled these footrests out from the front of the examination table and asked Keerthi to place her feet in them and scoot her body forward until her butt was at the edge of the table and her legs were wide open. Keerthi found it really hard to scoot anywhere in one of those loose gowns, so she ended up having to kind of bounce like five times until her legs were spread wide open in front of Sanjay. Keerthi felt like it was, perhaps, the most ungraceful thing she has ever done before as her immaculate breasts where bpuncing freely under the robe.... Sanjay had just examined them but he just noticed how beautiful they were but as he saw her breasts with his devil eyes they were already safe inside her robe...
Sanjay kept his hands on her both knees and he spread her legs little wider.... inside the robe and Sanjay took a peek inside her in a rushed manner...
Sanjay was stuuned he has seen many many many pussies Keerthi's pussy was something...
Visually, it looked more like a tiny paper slit. Almost no hint of a labia, and a nice little clit the size of a small pellet. Je was stunned... he wanted to feel them... he imagined lie looked like a closed eyelid without eyelashes turned sideways. No giant elephant-ear labia and thumb-sized clits.. Sanjay's mouth watered
![[Image: cravingcarmen-theperfectpussy-1.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/cravingcarmen-theperfectpussy-1.jpg)
She must have not been playing with it too much... he thought... her labia if at all was there may be hidden inside her rather fat portion of her vulva around the paper thin slit. He was so curious so he took one finger and started digging in..
![[Image: perfect-tight-pussy-bent-over.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/perfect-tight-pussy-bent-over.jpg)
![[Image: tumblr_nb34egiTUI1qe750ho1_1280.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/tumblr_nb34egiTUI1qe750ho1_1280.jpg)
But for some reason he didn't have the heart to take of his gloves.. and whatever he did so far was still within the proticol of the exam and he was not sure what was happening to him...
See Tharun's action in this story How I fucked a homely girl and a modern slut at work