21-01-2019, 07:21 AM
Moments later he heard the exam room 3 door open and he saw Vani walking out the room. He stood up to embrace her and he was curious to know if everything was ok.
When Vani walked to Tharun he noticed a difference and he asked..
"Vani... why are you limping??"
Before Vani could answer the exam room 3 door behind her opened and out came the Doctor examined her.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Sanjay" he introduced himself to Tharun...
"Hello Doctor..."
"Please follow me... Tharun. Vani, please wait in the waiting room."
Inside the Doctor's office Sanjay sat on his chair and across the table Tharun sat on the guest chair.
"Mr. Tharun I just got off the phone with Dr. Acharya. "
Tharun's attention suddenly become heightened.
"She says there is nothing wrong with you. In fact the only problem you have ia problem we all men wish we had" he smiled....
Tharun didn't know what to think... he doesn't think Dr. Acharya would have publicly told anyone about the sex fest she had with Tharun.
"Sorry, let me cut to the chase Tharun. Looks like you have a rather large penis according to the test result from Dr. Acharya. I wasn't going to get your erect to see it myself so I had to call Dr. Acharya to clarify." he laughed
Tharun was getting rather uncomfortable with this exchange and Sanjay was subconsciously wondering if Tharun's cock is bigger than his. But there is no way he is going to know. It's not like he can trick him into getting naked like he did Sunita and other ladies came for cervic exam.
"Sorry, I don't think that was funny..." continued Sanjay.
"Dr. Acharya and I discussed and here is what we think is the problem and it's not a medical issue so that's the good news.
"What's the bas news Dr.?" Tharun interrupted showing he is visibly annoyed and impatient.
"Vani has gone through a mental trauma subconsciously without having had such a large penis inside her. Before I continue I want make sure whatever we discuss here is strictly confidential."
"OK Doctor."
"I understand Vani is already married, since her file shows someone called Rakesh as her husband and obviously you are not Rakesh. This is probably the first time she is cheating on her husband and being with another man. Together with this stress and the stress and fear caused by your large phalic penis made her feel rather closed inside"
"The vagina itself is never too small to accommodate a penis – remember that its walls are stretchy enough to allow a full-sized baby to pass along it. But it can seem too small for sex if the muscles at its entrance go into a spasm when you try to insert your penis. This is a fairly rare condition called vaginismus."
"I had no problem performing her exam with a speculum and she looks perfectly healthy and rather very very fertile and juicy..."
Dr. Sanjay bit his tongue..
"... what I meant was there is no issue for her getting wet, inserting a tampon etc.... as long as she feels she is safe her walls will be relaxed and there won't be no issues with penetration"
"So.. what you are saying is that I should not let her see my penis during sex..."
"Hm.. I doubt that will help..."
Sanjay began to create a plan in his mind on the fly.... he wanted to help Tharun and at the same time see if can try something....
"Even if she doesn't see your penis she knows you are going to penetrate her and knowing what happened last time she will starting getting stressed the walls will spasm again. So you will only make it worse by trying again. Also looks like Rakesh, her husband had no problem penetrating her and I assume his penis is not that large and she knows it's her husband etc."
Tharun really felt sad and started talking to Sanjay openly...
"Dr. I think I really care for her.. I don't think we can fall in love or anything but she is such a great girl and free spirit and I really really enjoy being with her. I'd give up anything to be inside her completely for one."
Sanjay thought about for few mins. He had a plan to help Tharun and at the same time see Tharun's cock to see if he is bigger than his own cock. But if he execute that plan he will risk revealing something that will affect his career. But he came up with an idea and he started talking. He wanted to make it look like it's Tharun's idea so he started talking to him leading him to the solution.
"Tharun, what am I about to explain may sound crude but please let me talk freely... based on what I see in her condition she cannot know you are the one fucking her... even she can't know she is being fucked"
Tharun was getting uncomfortable hearing "fuck" from the Doctor and it's coming from another guy about Vani made it more worse. But Sanjay kept pressing on. Sanjay wanted to instill and grow the lust in Tharun's mind.
"Dr. I am not comfortable making her sleep with medication etc. please lets forget that..."
"No I wasn't even implying that...."
"Then what are you suggesting Dr."
"Sorry Tharun that's your problem.. I can only give you medical advice... if she know she is being penetrated and particularly penetrated by you... then forget it."
"See when I asked her about tampons, she had no problem inserting tampon... also her husband had no problem..."
Tharun felt like this is the end... Sanjay continued..
"And during my physical exam I had her vagina open with this speculum..."
Saying that he grabbed the speculum and showed him... Tharun looked puzzled...
"Yeah... can you believe this entire speculum was inside her during the exam... and in fact I tried to mimic a large penis entering her vagina using the speculum and she can no reaction... it was extremely tight when I inserted but... please forgive me for saying this.. it seemed like she rather enjoyed this being inside her.. but i Was just doing my test..."
Sanjay continued to build Tharun's imagination.... hoping he will bite...
"Also to be sure I tested in 2 different major positions..."
"2 positions?"
"Yes, we normally do the cervix exam with the patient facing up sitting and opening their legs...
![[Image: plesaty-gynekolog-suka-nevernou-pacientk...-porno.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/plesaty-gynekolog-suka-nevernou-pacientku-v-ordinaci-e28093-ceske-porno.jpg)
"But in this case after I finished that test I had to make her mimic a doggy style pose and then do the same test again to make sure she can take it in any position... since it was not your cock she knows she is safe inside and I had no trouble with the test..."
Sanjay intentionally used the sexual terms to gently provoke the idea in Tharun's mind and hoping he would latch on.
"Dr. I ... I have an Idea... please don't mistake.. I don't know even if this will work... but...."
Sanjay beginning to think his plan is working...
"Please Tharun... remember patient doctor confidentiality..."
"You mentioned doing the test in doggy style pose... in that pose... will the patient be able to see the speculum or even the Dr. face"
"No Tharun, they can't see anything in that position.. they will be facing the wall... why do you ask.."
Sanjay's heart was racing in excitement....
"Dr. please forgive me if I crossed the line here and I know it's not ethical for your profession... I was just thinking...."
"Please tell me Tharun...."
"What if I somehow sneak in.. during the exam and instead of that speculum I used my cock to enter Vani? She will think it's another medical device but I will get to be inside her and you can also get to validate your theory and God knows this will cure her if somehow we can =reveal her I was the one inside her after the facet. May be she will be cured?"
Sanjay pretended like he was mad...
"Tharun... please don't even think about such things.. first of all it's not ethical even though you too are in a relationship.. second of all a speculum and a penis feel totally different... and I can never allow this to happen to my patient."
Tharun was disappointed... "I know that Doctor I just thought I will ask even thought I know the answer .."
After few minutes of silence.. "Tharun, I really like you as a person I know you care for this girl... I am willing to do some sacrifice but we need to keep this a secret... I think I can manage to make her believe your penis is just another instrument..."
Tharun was jumping up and down in excitement...
"OMG Thank you Doctor!!!"
"Let me work out the details and I'll call you... may be we can book an appointment for her to come in say day after tomorrow"?
"How about tomorrow Dr"
"No she is already sore from this morning..."
Tharun left Sanjay's office and as he walked down the hallway his face was down with confusion and guilt. How is he going to do that to Vani. On the other hand he knew this is something he wanted to do for Vani so she can enjoy his cock to the full extent. Whatever thoughts clouded his mind was immediately cleared when he saw Vani's smiling face down in the living room.
"Let's go Vani"
"What did the Dr.. say?"
"He said we don't have any medical issues and we should spend more time together and get to know each other. If you don't mind can I ask you something?"
"Yes Tharun"
"I know it mush be hard for you being away from your husband and...."
"... I was just thinking you know.. if you are stressed out because you are with me... giv.."
Before he can complete the sentence she close his mouth with her hands...
"Tharun, please stop... I am completely fine"
"OK let's not talk about it... then..."
Tharun saw Vani's eyes were on the verge of breaking down in tears... he didn't want to cause a scene in the parking lot so he held her and walked her to is Model S P100D.
He opened the passenger door for her and shut the door after she got it.. he walked around the car and got it... he reached over to Vani and kissed her cheeks
"it breaks my heart to see you cry..."
"Tharun, I want you to know something... yes, I love my husband and he is a great guy. When we first had sex I felt terrible the day after and cried for hours thinking about what I have done. But after that I know if at all I cheated my husband it should have been a guy like you. I was a virgin when I got married born into a very strict parents. I never got to experience the world like you guys do here. So eventually I felt more lucky that I met you and not anyone else."
"Remember I was the one who made the first move, you were just trying to help me with my code. Feels like yesterday, I was the one massaged you neck, I believe that's the first time we touched... I mean I touched.." she giggled
"Hmm.. I am glad to hear that Vani. I just want you to know you should not feel guilty or embarrassed. I love how you think..."
Tharun continued, "The Dr. Sanjay did mention it could be your stress because of the affair."
"Yes, he told me that as well... but trust me Tharun I am way past that. I think I am very comfortable in my skin and my sexuality and my mind feels more open than ever. In fact don't be surprised if I introduced you to my husband as my "fuck buddy".
They both laughed.
As Tharun pushed the Tesla down the road.. he began to think. Sanjay said there could be only 2 reasons... it's not guilt, then it must me the visual of his size in her head.
Vani's phone beeped... she looked at the phone and said...
"Oh looks like I have a follow-up appointment on day after tomorrow."
Tharun decided that's the right thing to do.. he can tell her all the truth after he completely enters her. He began to think about the day Vani and him having sex without any issues and imagined how he can make her happy inside her wet pussy.
He dropped Vani off and went back to his home. He called Dr. Sanjay and he requested Dr. Acharya is also appraised of the plan so she knows about this treatment plan Sanjay suggested. Sanjay initially hesitated because he didn't want anyone one to know but this is an approved sex treatment Dr. Acharya knows but he is executing in an unconventional way. So Sanjay called Dr. Acharya and explained her what they are planning to do.
Dr. Acharya "Who came up with this idea"?
Sanjay "Tharun did and I think this is the only way they are getting back to normal sex. I don't think she can take him all the in if she is afraid."
"Dr. you don't have to lecture me but this could go terribly wrong for you and the clinic."
Sanjay feared she is going to screw up the plan... but convinced her.
"I guess you are right. As long the patient is OK with this and you think they serious about each other I don't mind helping them".
Morning 9am day of the appointment..
Vani was inside the exam room... exactly after 10 minutes she entered the room... Tharun got a text from Sanjay.
"She is ready for you. Don't make a sound. I will walk her through the instructions and I'll refer your penis as speculum... and just follow what I say and don't make a sound."
Tharun texted back "did you speak to Dr. Acharya?"
Sanjay texted back "yes she knows..."
Tharun heart started racing as he walked inside the exam room.
As he entered the room... Vani was in doggy style with her legs propped open and with her pussy pushed out between her legs... Tharun didn't feel the sexual energy with the cold of the room and they way this whole thing was set-up. He was able to only see her ass.. he can't even tell if it was Vani. He walked very slowly but his shoes made screeching sound as he walked.
Dr. Sanjay "Vani... now we are going to get the different speculum ok please hang on tight dear"
Vani "OK Dr."
Dr. Sanjay pretended Tharun was his assistant to account for the footsteps.
"Sheryl bring the other speculum..." he waved at Tharun signaling him to take of his pants...
Sanjay was impressed at Tharun's cock when he dropped everything... BUT there was a big problem... Tharun was flaccid 100% and his cock was soft and hanging lose.
He signaled to shake his cock and get it up and go towards her....
Sanjay "OK Vani I'm getting the speculum ready for you now just few more seconds..."
Tharun realized this is not a good idea... he is a romantic, passionate person. There is no way he can fuck Vani this way let alone get his dick hard now.
Tharun signaled like he is cutting his neck to tell Sanjay call this off.
At the same moment Sanjay's phone beebed...
Text from Dr. Acharya
"How is it going Dr? Are they done. Hope Vani is OK?"
"Not going well.. our friend couldn't get an errection. I doubt if they will ever have sex, like ever."
"....typing... "
Dr. Acharya typed a response but she never sent it... in the next few mins.. the exam room 3 opened and Sanjay looked at the entrance...
Dr. Acharya walked in.. wearing a red saree and a doctors coat.
Sanjay was shocked and signalled "what the hell are you doing"
She approached Tharun as he pulled his pants up she held his hands and pushed his pants down... she sat down in front Tharun....
Dr. Acharya knew what she is doing and she knew very well what happens in this room stays in this room for so many reasons...
As she looked at Tharun eye, she began to run her lips across his soft penis and started to swallow Tharun flaccid cock from the tip to the end of the shaft.
![[Image: output_HL2iVN.gif]](https://pzy.be/i/2/output_HL2iVN.gif)
Tharun closed his eyes and forgot where he was... even for Tharun this was unreal feeling.. to be in the place he is now.. but when Dr. Acharya pulled her mouth out to release.. it transformed into an enormous cock she used to... and she smiled...
Sanjay was astonished...
Dr. Acharya kept her finger across her lips and sushed Tharun and Sanjay and then she pointed Tharun towards Vani's raised pussy waiting for his pounding.. he hesitated... Dr. Achraya grabbed his cock and gently guided the cockhead on her vaginal opening and Tharun began oush..
Sanjay.. "ah.. Vani so yeah I am inserting the speculum now... please relax and take a deep breath.."
As Tharun entered he was cautious not to hurt his sweet Vani and and he reached the part where he had trouble entering and prayed this works.. and to his sheer happiness his shaft went all the in and he finally made it inside Vani.. all the way in..
He turned and thanked Dr. Acharya with his eyes he was almost emotional...
Dr. Acharya began to walk back out showing a thumbs up!
Dr. Sanjay continued the instruction and that's when Vani opened her mouth for the first time...
"Ah.. yes Vani..."
"This speculum you are using now... is warm just like the one you used day before yesterday..."
"Ah.. yes Vani.." Sanjay began to sweat....
"Oh ok... I never heard the zipper... like the other day you know the zipper of the bag you store the warm speculum?"
"ah.. yeah.. ah.." Sanjay murmured...
Tharun felt like he was hit in the head and something began to make sense.. he recollected Vani limping the other day... and his eyes grew wider...
Vani continued "Sorry to interrupt Dr. please continue.. let me know if you need me to grab me by my hair like you did the other day to properly insert the warm speculum.. hopefully you don't have to pound me 100 times to get your reading.. she giggled...."
Sanjay swallowed as Tharun looked at his like his eyes going to burn him alive. He pulled himself out of Vani turned around pulled up his pants and jumped on Sanjay catching his neck... Tharun just realized what Sanjay did to Vani.
Vani heard all the comotion and when she turned around she was surprised to see Tharun she grabbed her clothes,,,
"Tharun, please stop beating him... what are you doing here? What did he dooo? PLEASE STOP"
After few mins Sanjay was on the floor in a puddle of blood. Tharun pressed the emergency button so someone will come get that pile of shit and he grabbed Vani and stormed out of the room.
Vani was confused.... what was going on.
Back in the car Vani cried, confused trying to make sense of everything just happened. Tharun was still a totally different person filled with rage... he realized it was all his mistake.. and he looked at Vani and he can't forgive himself....
He stopped the car near Vani's apartment... he walked her up...
"Come in Tharun..."
"Vani I need to tell you something..."
He explained her everything including his plan to enter her without her knowledge.. Vani was disgusted.. she cried.. she slapped Tharun across the face and yelled..
"GET OUT..."
When Vani walked to Tharun he noticed a difference and he asked..
"Vani... why are you limping??"
Before Vani could answer the exam room 3 door behind her opened and out came the Doctor examined her.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Sanjay" he introduced himself to Tharun...
"Hello Doctor..."
"Please follow me... Tharun. Vani, please wait in the waiting room."
Inside the Doctor's office Sanjay sat on his chair and across the table Tharun sat on the guest chair.
"Mr. Tharun I just got off the phone with Dr. Acharya. "
Tharun's attention suddenly become heightened.
"She says there is nothing wrong with you. In fact the only problem you have ia problem we all men wish we had" he smiled....
Tharun didn't know what to think... he doesn't think Dr. Acharya would have publicly told anyone about the sex fest she had with Tharun.
"Sorry, let me cut to the chase Tharun. Looks like you have a rather large penis according to the test result from Dr. Acharya. I wasn't going to get your erect to see it myself so I had to call Dr. Acharya to clarify." he laughed
Tharun was getting rather uncomfortable with this exchange and Sanjay was subconsciously wondering if Tharun's cock is bigger than his. But there is no way he is going to know. It's not like he can trick him into getting naked like he did Sunita and other ladies came for cervic exam.
"Sorry, I don't think that was funny..." continued Sanjay.
"Dr. Acharya and I discussed and here is what we think is the problem and it's not a medical issue so that's the good news.
"What's the bas news Dr.?" Tharun interrupted showing he is visibly annoyed and impatient.
"Vani has gone through a mental trauma subconsciously without having had such a large penis inside her. Before I continue I want make sure whatever we discuss here is strictly confidential."
"OK Doctor."
"I understand Vani is already married, since her file shows someone called Rakesh as her husband and obviously you are not Rakesh. This is probably the first time she is cheating on her husband and being with another man. Together with this stress and the stress and fear caused by your large phalic penis made her feel rather closed inside"
"The vagina itself is never too small to accommodate a penis – remember that its walls are stretchy enough to allow a full-sized baby to pass along it. But it can seem too small for sex if the muscles at its entrance go into a spasm when you try to insert your penis. This is a fairly rare condition called vaginismus."
"I had no problem performing her exam with a speculum and she looks perfectly healthy and rather very very fertile and juicy..."
Dr. Sanjay bit his tongue..
"... what I meant was there is no issue for her getting wet, inserting a tampon etc.... as long as she feels she is safe her walls will be relaxed and there won't be no issues with penetration"
"So.. what you are saying is that I should not let her see my penis during sex..."
"Hm.. I doubt that will help..."
Sanjay began to create a plan in his mind on the fly.... he wanted to help Tharun and at the same time see if can try something....
"Even if she doesn't see your penis she knows you are going to penetrate her and knowing what happened last time she will starting getting stressed the walls will spasm again. So you will only make it worse by trying again. Also looks like Rakesh, her husband had no problem penetrating her and I assume his penis is not that large and she knows it's her husband etc."
Tharun really felt sad and started talking to Sanjay openly...
"Dr. I think I really care for her.. I don't think we can fall in love or anything but she is such a great girl and free spirit and I really really enjoy being with her. I'd give up anything to be inside her completely for one."
Sanjay thought about for few mins. He had a plan to help Tharun and at the same time see Tharun's cock to see if he is bigger than his own cock. But if he execute that plan he will risk revealing something that will affect his career. But he came up with an idea and he started talking. He wanted to make it look like it's Tharun's idea so he started talking to him leading him to the solution.
"Tharun, what am I about to explain may sound crude but please let me talk freely... based on what I see in her condition she cannot know you are the one fucking her... even she can't know she is being fucked"
Tharun was getting uncomfortable hearing "fuck" from the Doctor and it's coming from another guy about Vani made it more worse. But Sanjay kept pressing on. Sanjay wanted to instill and grow the lust in Tharun's mind.
"Dr. I am not comfortable making her sleep with medication etc. please lets forget that..."
"No I wasn't even implying that...."
"Then what are you suggesting Dr."
"Sorry Tharun that's your problem.. I can only give you medical advice... if she know she is being penetrated and particularly penetrated by you... then forget it."
"See when I asked her about tampons, she had no problem inserting tampon... also her husband had no problem..."
Tharun felt like this is the end... Sanjay continued..
"And during my physical exam I had her vagina open with this speculum..."
Saying that he grabbed the speculum and showed him... Tharun looked puzzled...
"Yeah... can you believe this entire speculum was inside her during the exam... and in fact I tried to mimic a large penis entering her vagina using the speculum and she can no reaction... it was extremely tight when I inserted but... please forgive me for saying this.. it seemed like she rather enjoyed this being inside her.. but i Was just doing my test..."
Sanjay continued to build Tharun's imagination.... hoping he will bite...
"Also to be sure I tested in 2 different major positions..."
"2 positions?"
"Yes, we normally do the cervix exam with the patient facing up sitting and opening their legs...
![[Image: plesaty-gynekolog-suka-nevernou-pacientk...-porno.jpg]](https://pzy.be/i/2/plesaty-gynekolog-suka-nevernou-pacientku-v-ordinaci-e28093-ceske-porno.jpg)
"But in this case after I finished that test I had to make her mimic a doggy style pose and then do the same test again to make sure she can take it in any position... since it was not your cock she knows she is safe inside and I had no trouble with the test..."
Sanjay intentionally used the sexual terms to gently provoke the idea in Tharun's mind and hoping he would latch on.
"Dr. I ... I have an Idea... please don't mistake.. I don't know even if this will work... but...."
Sanjay beginning to think his plan is working...
"Please Tharun... remember patient doctor confidentiality..."
"You mentioned doing the test in doggy style pose... in that pose... will the patient be able to see the speculum or even the Dr. face"
"No Tharun, they can't see anything in that position.. they will be facing the wall... why do you ask.."
Sanjay's heart was racing in excitement....
"Dr. please forgive me if I crossed the line here and I know it's not ethical for your profession... I was just thinking...."
"Please tell me Tharun...."
"What if I somehow sneak in.. during the exam and instead of that speculum I used my cock to enter Vani? She will think it's another medical device but I will get to be inside her and you can also get to validate your theory and God knows this will cure her if somehow we can =reveal her I was the one inside her after the facet. May be she will be cured?"
Sanjay pretended like he was mad...
"Tharun... please don't even think about such things.. first of all it's not ethical even though you too are in a relationship.. second of all a speculum and a penis feel totally different... and I can never allow this to happen to my patient."
Tharun was disappointed... "I know that Doctor I just thought I will ask even thought I know the answer .."
After few minutes of silence.. "Tharun, I really like you as a person I know you care for this girl... I am willing to do some sacrifice but we need to keep this a secret... I think I can manage to make her believe your penis is just another instrument..."
Tharun was jumping up and down in excitement...
"OMG Thank you Doctor!!!"
"Let me work out the details and I'll call you... may be we can book an appointment for her to come in say day after tomorrow"?
"How about tomorrow Dr"
"No she is already sore from this morning..."
Tharun left Sanjay's office and as he walked down the hallway his face was down with confusion and guilt. How is he going to do that to Vani. On the other hand he knew this is something he wanted to do for Vani so she can enjoy his cock to the full extent. Whatever thoughts clouded his mind was immediately cleared when he saw Vani's smiling face down in the living room.
"Let's go Vani"
"What did the Dr.. say?"
"He said we don't have any medical issues and we should spend more time together and get to know each other. If you don't mind can I ask you something?"
"Yes Tharun"
"I know it mush be hard for you being away from your husband and...."
"... I was just thinking you know.. if you are stressed out because you are with me... giv.."
Before he can complete the sentence she close his mouth with her hands...
"Tharun, please stop... I am completely fine"
"OK let's not talk about it... then..."
Tharun saw Vani's eyes were on the verge of breaking down in tears... he didn't want to cause a scene in the parking lot so he held her and walked her to is Model S P100D.
He opened the passenger door for her and shut the door after she got it.. he walked around the car and got it... he reached over to Vani and kissed her cheeks
"it breaks my heart to see you cry..."
"Tharun, I want you to know something... yes, I love my husband and he is a great guy. When we first had sex I felt terrible the day after and cried for hours thinking about what I have done. But after that I know if at all I cheated my husband it should have been a guy like you. I was a virgin when I got married born into a very strict parents. I never got to experience the world like you guys do here. So eventually I felt more lucky that I met you and not anyone else."
"Remember I was the one who made the first move, you were just trying to help me with my code. Feels like yesterday, I was the one massaged you neck, I believe that's the first time we touched... I mean I touched.." she giggled
"Hmm.. I am glad to hear that Vani. I just want you to know you should not feel guilty or embarrassed. I love how you think..."
Tharun continued, "The Dr. Sanjay did mention it could be your stress because of the affair."
"Yes, he told me that as well... but trust me Tharun I am way past that. I think I am very comfortable in my skin and my sexuality and my mind feels more open than ever. In fact don't be surprised if I introduced you to my husband as my "fuck buddy".
They both laughed.
As Tharun pushed the Tesla down the road.. he began to think. Sanjay said there could be only 2 reasons... it's not guilt, then it must me the visual of his size in her head.
Vani's phone beeped... she looked at the phone and said...
"Oh looks like I have a follow-up appointment on day after tomorrow."
Tharun decided that's the right thing to do.. he can tell her all the truth after he completely enters her. He began to think about the day Vani and him having sex without any issues and imagined how he can make her happy inside her wet pussy.
He dropped Vani off and went back to his home. He called Dr. Sanjay and he requested Dr. Acharya is also appraised of the plan so she knows about this treatment plan Sanjay suggested. Sanjay initially hesitated because he didn't want anyone one to know but this is an approved sex treatment Dr. Acharya knows but he is executing in an unconventional way. So Sanjay called Dr. Acharya and explained her what they are planning to do.
Dr. Acharya "Who came up with this idea"?
Sanjay "Tharun did and I think this is the only way they are getting back to normal sex. I don't think she can take him all the in if she is afraid."
"Dr. you don't have to lecture me but this could go terribly wrong for you and the clinic."
Sanjay feared she is going to screw up the plan... but convinced her.
"I guess you are right. As long the patient is OK with this and you think they serious about each other I don't mind helping them".
Morning 9am day of the appointment..
Vani was inside the exam room... exactly after 10 minutes she entered the room... Tharun got a text from Sanjay.
"She is ready for you. Don't make a sound. I will walk her through the instructions and I'll refer your penis as speculum... and just follow what I say and don't make a sound."
Tharun texted back "did you speak to Dr. Acharya?"
Sanjay texted back "yes she knows..."
Tharun heart started racing as he walked inside the exam room.
As he entered the room... Vani was in doggy style with her legs propped open and with her pussy pushed out between her legs... Tharun didn't feel the sexual energy with the cold of the room and they way this whole thing was set-up. He was able to only see her ass.. he can't even tell if it was Vani. He walked very slowly but his shoes made screeching sound as he walked.
Dr. Sanjay "Vani... now we are going to get the different speculum ok please hang on tight dear"
Vani "OK Dr."
Dr. Sanjay pretended Tharun was his assistant to account for the footsteps.
"Sheryl bring the other speculum..." he waved at Tharun signaling him to take of his pants...
Sanjay was impressed at Tharun's cock when he dropped everything... BUT there was a big problem... Tharun was flaccid 100% and his cock was soft and hanging lose.
He signaled to shake his cock and get it up and go towards her....
Sanjay "OK Vani I'm getting the speculum ready for you now just few more seconds..."
Tharun realized this is not a good idea... he is a romantic, passionate person. There is no way he can fuck Vani this way let alone get his dick hard now.
Tharun signaled like he is cutting his neck to tell Sanjay call this off.
At the same moment Sanjay's phone beebed...
Text from Dr. Acharya
"How is it going Dr? Are they done. Hope Vani is OK?"
"Not going well.. our friend couldn't get an errection. I doubt if they will ever have sex, like ever."
"....typing... "
Dr. Acharya typed a response but she never sent it... in the next few mins.. the exam room 3 opened and Sanjay looked at the entrance...
Dr. Acharya walked in.. wearing a red saree and a doctors coat.
Sanjay was shocked and signalled "what the hell are you doing"
She approached Tharun as he pulled his pants up she held his hands and pushed his pants down... she sat down in front Tharun....
Dr. Acharya knew what she is doing and she knew very well what happens in this room stays in this room for so many reasons...
As she looked at Tharun eye, she began to run her lips across his soft penis and started to swallow Tharun flaccid cock from the tip to the end of the shaft.
![[Image: output_HL2iVN.gif]](https://pzy.be/i/2/output_HL2iVN.gif)
Tharun closed his eyes and forgot where he was... even for Tharun this was unreal feeling.. to be in the place he is now.. but when Dr. Acharya pulled her mouth out to release.. it transformed into an enormous cock she used to... and she smiled...
Sanjay was astonished...
Dr. Acharya kept her finger across her lips and sushed Tharun and Sanjay and then she pointed Tharun towards Vani's raised pussy waiting for his pounding.. he hesitated... Dr. Achraya grabbed his cock and gently guided the cockhead on her vaginal opening and Tharun began oush..
Sanjay.. "ah.. Vani so yeah I am inserting the speculum now... please relax and take a deep breath.."
As Tharun entered he was cautious not to hurt his sweet Vani and and he reached the part where he had trouble entering and prayed this works.. and to his sheer happiness his shaft went all the in and he finally made it inside Vani.. all the way in..
He turned and thanked Dr. Acharya with his eyes he was almost emotional...
Dr. Acharya began to walk back out showing a thumbs up!
Dr. Sanjay continued the instruction and that's when Vani opened her mouth for the first time...
"Ah.. yes Vani..."
"This speculum you are using now... is warm just like the one you used day before yesterday..."
"Ah.. yes Vani.." Sanjay began to sweat....
"Oh ok... I never heard the zipper... like the other day you know the zipper of the bag you store the warm speculum?"
"ah.. yeah.. ah.." Sanjay murmured...
Tharun felt like he was hit in the head and something began to make sense.. he recollected Vani limping the other day... and his eyes grew wider...
Vani continued "Sorry to interrupt Dr. please continue.. let me know if you need me to grab me by my hair like you did the other day to properly insert the warm speculum.. hopefully you don't have to pound me 100 times to get your reading.. she giggled...."
Sanjay swallowed as Tharun looked at his like his eyes going to burn him alive. He pulled himself out of Vani turned around pulled up his pants and jumped on Sanjay catching his neck... Tharun just realized what Sanjay did to Vani.
Vani heard all the comotion and when she turned around she was surprised to see Tharun she grabbed her clothes,,,
"Tharun, please stop beating him... what are you doing here? What did he dooo? PLEASE STOP"
After few mins Sanjay was on the floor in a puddle of blood. Tharun pressed the emergency button so someone will come get that pile of shit and he grabbed Vani and stormed out of the room.
Vani was confused.... what was going on.
Back in the car Vani cried, confused trying to make sense of everything just happened. Tharun was still a totally different person filled with rage... he realized it was all his mistake.. and he looked at Vani and he can't forgive himself....
He stopped the car near Vani's apartment... he walked her up...
"Come in Tharun..."
"Vani I need to tell you something..."
He explained her everything including his plan to enter her without her knowledge.. Vani was disgusted.. she cried.. she slapped Tharun across the face and yelled..
"GET OUT..."
See Tharun's action in this story How I fucked a homely girl and a modern slut at work