Adultery Audition of a Housewife

My name is Sharma. My finances were OK. But they were not just enough to make me live the life that I dream of. I have a marketing job and a stable salary but it was just not enough for me.
My wife name is SAPNA. Unlike me she was quiet content with the flat that we owned, the old Maruti car that we had and the minimal jewelry that I had bought for her. But I somehow, was not really cherishing the routine life that we had. In my teens, I had dream of Mercedes and luxury apartments and somehow those dreams kept reappearing again.
Life changed when I saw an advertisement in newspaper. It said that a reputed television soap company wanted TV serial actresses and that they were looking for normal housewives to make the serial more realistic. It read “Wanted housewives to act in Family Drama Serial”. Something prompted me from within and I immediately called the mobile number that accompanied the add. A gruff voice answered the phone.

“Hello, Sir, I am Sharma here. Is it Mr. SK, the head of “Shine Kolours Productions?” I asked hesitatingly.

“Haan, SK here, he said.”

“I just saw your add for a family drama serial! Can I know more details about it Sir?”

“See, Mr. Sharma, We make family soaps. This time our Director has come up with a novel idea of making real housewives act in the serial rather than casting the known TV Actresses again and again”

” Ya, I read about it in the ad Sir!, Can I know some more details like timings of shootings and the remuneration” When I said remuneration, I almost bit my lips.

“Oh, we shoot only in days. Can’t afford the lighting cost you know. And remuneration also is not comparable to films. We can’t pay as much as film walas do, you know!”

“How much will it be Sir?” I asked edgingly.

“If its Heroine or some other major role, we can pay at the most Rs.10,000 per day. That’s all”
My heart skipped a beat. “10,000 Rupees per day. That’s all” My monthly salary was just Rs.20,000.

“Sir, Actually I thought if it is possible for my wife to get a chance in your Tele – serial” - I pleaded.

“How old is she?”


 “Sure Man, Bring your wife to hotel Maurya tomorrow morning at 10. We will have an AUDITION”.

I was now all the more determined to get a chance for my wife Sapna. Let me tell about my wife. She is a gorgeous homely beauty. Fair milky white complexion. She is not lean but not fat either. One look at her and no one will deny that she is beautiful. The best part was her 34D boobs which makes heads turn towards her when she goes out.

But the problem was convincing my wife to take up acting. Being brought up very conventionally in a traditional family, acting in a tele serial will be tantamount to taboo for her. So, I just thought of what to say to her to convince her and reached my house.

Once I reached home, Sapna was her usual self and she was treating me with her evening snacks and Coffee.

“Sapna, I called, I gulped some saliva and with courage and detewrmination to convince her, I said…,


Today I saw an add. It is for actresses for tele serials”

I slowly broached the subject.

“Ji, you are planning to act in tele serials is it?” Her eyes showed surprise.

“No No, I said Actresses, I was thinking whether you can try it!”

” Me!” She almost shouted.

“Ya, Ya, It’s a family drama it seems and they want only housewives who have no prior experience in acting. They pay well. Why don’t you try? Anyway you have told me that u used to act in dramas in your college.” I poured out everything in my mind and started convincing her.


“Oh .., Ji, are you joking. How can I…….?

“Hey, come on Sapna, I know u can do it. You’ve got the talent. Look at your eyes. How expressive they are! “I started cajoling her. And to my surprise, Sapna looked mildly pleased now at this strange idea of her acting in TV soaps. She gave me a radiant smile and I took it as a green signal.


“We’ve got to go for the audition tomorrow morning at 10! Once we go there and participate, I am sure you will get a good role. Who can deny a role to such a beauty?”

So get ready., I said.., Again my wife was blushing.

to be continued...,

That night, I didn’t disturb her. I thought that a good night’s sleep will certainly help her look fresh and appealing next day.

Next day we got ready for the audition. My wife was wearing a rose color slik-cotton saree and a matching blouse. She always has the habit of hiding her naval inside her saree – which is something even I hate it. The blouse was normal. However, it was a tight fit -  holding her 34D jugs tightly.

Exactly at 9.15, we started from our house. The hotel was only 20 minutes ride from my house and we landed there quite early to our appointment. We were waiting in the lounge. At about 10.15, my mobile rang. It was the same number I had called yesterday - SK. My heart skipped a beat..,


He asked me to come to Room No . 410. I and my wife entered the room with bated breath. In the room were three large sofas and in the middle one, three persons were seated. A stout guy who looked around thirty’s got up and shook hands with us.


“Hi, I am SK, executive producer of the tele serial!” While SK shook hands with my wife, I felt his hands lingered in her palms for some more time. He then introduced us to the other persons in the room. There was an elderly man in his sixties who was the director of the serial and there was a cameraman who was in his twinties. I felt that every one of them was looking at my wife with keen interest.

“So, Sapna ji, you want to try acting?” The director asked my wife politely.

“Yyyyy yes Sir!” My wife’s reply was not even audible to me. Her face showed that she was under high tension.

“Hey, Sapna, don’t get tensed, be relaxed. Have a drink!” SK offered her Coke and my wife sipped it slowly. Once she looked comfortable enough, SK said,

“OK, Sapna, its time for auditioning. Now our Director Saab will explain the situation to you. You have to act it out”.

Then my wife got up and stood in the middle of the hall. She was carrying her rose colour sari very graciously.

The director in his sixties took over…….

“Sapna, simply walk from this end to that end!.., he said”

Sapna did just as she was told. While she walked, her Sari just flowed with her body and at times her slender hips were visible to all four of us. Sapna walked up to Sofa and stood.

“Now walk away from us showing your back to us!”

Sapna turned and walked away from us. Her beautiful back just bulged in her Sari while her hips swayed in the walking motion. The director looked impressed. He turned to the cameraman and said

“She will look very good in posterior angle!” I understood that they were indirectly meaning that my wife’s got a sexy ass. It looked odd to sit in that room with three other men staring at my wife’s ass. But still, I sat there just watching.

“Ok Sapna, come back to us!”

“Now, I will narrate a scene to you. You are the eldest sister of a family. And your younger brother has just passed an exam. He comes and says the news to you. That’s the scene. Can you act it out for us?” the director asked…

My wife was very impressed with this scene because she has a younger brother and she loves him so much. So, I knew that she will be very comfortable in this scene.

“Sapna, you can act out the scene for us with the boy whom we have selected yesterday for this brother role. SK, call that boy who is waiting in the next room!” SK called in the intercom and a young boy of 18 entered the room.

“He is Rohit who is studying his first year B.Sc. in Bishop’s college. Like you, he is also an amateur who is acting for the first time!”

Rohit looked quite slim but tall. He entered the room nervously and smiled at my wife.

“See Rohit, you walk into the room. Sapna is standing there. You come shouting that you have passed in the exam. Sapna is also very happy. You both hug each other affectionately. That’s the scene, OK!?

The trial started. Rohit shouted happily that he has passed. My wife responded with a smile. Then he neared her and hugged her. Both of them were very edgy and there was clearly a lot of space between them when they hugged. The director looked unsatisfied.

“What is this? You are hugging as if Bush is hugging Bin Laden. You are brother sister and that affection has to be shown! Hug tightly!”

Again Rohit could not come up with a tight hug and my wife’s body too was involuntarily moving away from him. After all, no other male has hugged her except me in all her life. The director lost his cool.

 “Hey Rohit, you come out, I will show!” he acted out the scene with my wife. After saying his dialogue, he hugged my wife tightly. Though my wife tried to move away, he forcefully held her in his arms and pulled her towards him and hugged her. My wife’s breasts were pressing against his chest and he had his hands wrapped around her. Rohit was watching all this and when he got his turn, he too hugged my wife real hard. I felt that my wife was also responding very favorably to his hug than she had with the director and because of this it turned out to be a real intimate hug. My wife’s breasts were crushed against Rohit T shirt. And her belly was pressing against his jeans.


“Stay still in the hugged position!” The director shouted and then called the cameraman.

“Hey Javed, lets take some trial stills.” Immediately Javed took out his zoom focus camera and went near my wife and Rohit. The director too was closely looking at them. Javed took 2, 3 snaps. Then the director went near Rohit. Rohit’s hands were around my wife’s hips.

“What is this? You are hugging her like a lover. You show the intimacy of a brother Man!” So saying, the director took Rohit’s hands and gently placed it on my wife’s ass cheeks. He then presses those hands there. Rohit took the hint and pressed his hands on my wife’s fleshy ass cheeks. My wife was moving uncomfortably at this new development. She looked at me and I signaled her with my eyes to stay there. Javed’s camera was capturing Rohit’s hands pressing against my wife’s soft ass cheeks. After about ten snaps the director said cut and Rohit immediately released my wife. My wife came back to me like a kitten released from jail.

After that tea was served and I found it odd that my wife was giving stealthy glances at Rohit and blushing whenever he was seeing her. After tea, again the director got up and signaled to my wife and Rohit to come up to him.

“Ya, position please!”

Both of them were standing there just like that.

“See, one of the main requirement when you shoot is whenever a scene gets cut and gets cut and continued, you should immediately come back and stand in your original position that you were when the scene was cut!” The director was almost shouting and my wife and Rohit immediately hugged each other and returned to the original position. Once again Rohit was pressing my wife’s ass cheeks. This time, my wife too didn’t seem to mind it.

“Now, Sapna, you have got a real test of you are acting skills. This is an emotional scene. You have to say with pride that “I always knew that you will pass, brother!” and fondly kiss him in the forehead, cheeks, etc. Your face should show love, pride, happiness, everything…Ok!”

My wife tried to act out the scene. Once again, when it came to kissing Rohit on the forehead and cheeks, she was just pecking at his face quite meekly. Once again, the director lost his cool. “Sapna, kiss him with full love. Don’t peck.” He pulled my wife towards him and kissed her on the cheeks. His lips were pressing against her cheeks for almost 10 seconds. When he released my wife, I could even see the wetness of his saliva on my wife’s cheeks. Ya, kiss him like that!” He told my wife.

Since the director was elderly and in his late sixties, my wife could not resist his kisses as it all appeared to be very professional.

“Then, my wife kissed Rohit as told and this time I found that her lips really pressed against his forehead and cheeks. Javed was clicking his camera for every kiss.

Now, the director turned to Rohit and said “u also respond by kissing your sister!” Now Rohit kissed my wife on her forehead and cheeks and he needed no guidance from the director and he kissed her real hard.

“Hey Sapna, why have you stopped kissing, you kiss him and he will kiss you. Mind you, it’s an emotional scene and both of you are highly emotional.”

So both my wife Sapna and Rohit were kissing each other alternately and at one point of time, the timing got missed and both of them moved towards each other to kiss the other one’s forehead and it ended up as a lip kiss. Javed captured this too. Rohit didn’t expect this and once his lips came into contact with my wife’s rosy bud lips, it must have been too much for him and he pressed my wife’s head against his and gave a pretty good lip kiss. This was evident as once his hands were released from my wife’s head, I saw her wiping off his saliva traces from her lips with her hand. The director was very pleased with this unexpected development and he patted Rohit.

“That’s good my boy! That scene was acted out very emotionally!”

He turned to Sapna and said “Good show Sapna!”

After that, SK said, we will continue after lunch. My wife came and sat next to me and said she wants to
have a private moment with me. I took her to the lounge again.

“Sharma ji, I am not very comfortable with this, we will go!”

“Why, what happened?”

“No, I am not professional enough to take all this kissing, hugging and all as acting. It feels odd! We will go!”

I also felt things are carried a bit too far. After all they told it’s a family soap but already my wife’s ass cheeks have been fondled many times and she has been kissed in the lips by a college boy!

“Ok Sapna, I will tell them and come. After all it’s not courteous to leave just like that!”

When I went to SK, he had just then completed his lunch and on seeing me he smiled amiably at me. Before I could start talking he said,

“Hey Sharma ji, your wife is a real find man. The director is very impressed. He says has going to make a mega serial with her for sure. By the way, I forgot……..Here’s your wife’s audition allowance Rs. 25000/- Take it. He thrust rupee notes into my hands. Instead of telling him anything, my hands silently started counting the notes.

“Be back at the audition room by 3 OK, The director is very strict on time.” SK told me and I nodded to him and returned to my wife.

“Sapna, They are very good people. They are highly professional. After all won’t you kiss your own brother? Take it like that. And that director is anyway much older than your father. What’s wrong in his teaching you by touching you?”

I argued with my wife and convinced her to continue the audition...!
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Audition of a Housewife - by unsatisfied - 08-11-2019, 11:37 AM
RE: Audition of a Housewife - by Showstopperkazzy - 10-11-2019, 07:30 PM
RE: Audition of a Housewife - by Muskan - 10-11-2019, 09:14 PM
RE: Audition of a Housewife - by chinna05 - 14-11-2019, 02:34 PM
RE: Audition of a Housewife - by mango78 - 14-11-2019, 04:00 PM
RE: Audition of a Housewife - by incest love - 14-11-2019, 07:38 PM
RE: Audition of a Housewife - by unsatisfied - 04-12-2019, 12:24 AM
RE: Audition of a Housewife - by pedapandu - 18-12-2019, 02:51 PM

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