Shaily Singh
Shaily did not expect Mr. Farooq to be so rough, but she chose to let him have his fun with her jugs. After all, he was the Dean of the college, and she always respected him a great deal. Truth be told, she felt incredibly honoured that he was laying his hands on her breasts and treating them as he wanted to, as she smiled at him while he roughed up her tits with his hands, as if she was his whore.

"Wow, they are just so proportionately huge and so soft but firm at the same time darling. It's hard to see such great breasts on a woman, and I am so glad you are going to be naked in the play. You are going to really add so much aesthetic value to it.", said Mr. Farooq, as he continued to grope her breasts and pinch her tits with all his lust, as he wished.

"I'm so glad you feel so Mr. Farooq!", said Shaily smiling politely at him as Mr. Farooq enjoyed her breasts for another couple of minutes before finally letting them free even though Shaily still stood right in front of Mr. Farooq, close to him, totally naked.

"Shaily, I would have talked to you about your nude adventure tomorrow in Prof Lekha's chamber, but the reason I asked you to come today itself is because I wanted to talk to you about something in person.", said Mr. Farooq. To Shaily's surprise, as he said those words Mr. Farooq's gaze was directed at her face rather than her boobs.

"Sure Sir, what did you want to talk to me about?", said Shaily, slightly disappointed that Mr. Farooq was staring at her face and not her tits. She felt ironic about her thoughts, but that's what she craved for right then. Mr. Farooq's unadulterated and unfiltered lust for her naked body in all forms,

"Shaily, like I was just telling you, the way you walked out of Prof Lekha's chamber without wearing any clothes at all just to talk to me in the morning. That was very touching to me, to say the least. I was actually concerned that you just wandered out into the open to talk to me where everyone around could see all of your private parts, but the way you conducted yourself in front of all of them really struck a chord in my heart. I love your spirit and the way you thought it was perfectly fine to be naked in front of your fellow students as well as the Profs that were there gawking at your nude body was indeed very beautiful. That, and also considering how you have been really 'friendly' with the night guards at your friends' place has made me really happy Shaily. You are a very good-hearted person for giving yourself and your hot body to those old underprivileged men like that. With that, I really think you are ready to be naked here at FID like I proposed earlier, as part of nudity routine darling. I don't want to pressurise you in any way dear, but seeing you seem so confident and happy in your own naked skin, it is a pleasure to see you naked, and I want everyone to realise how beautiful and blissful you look when you are without any clothes on your body. It really is a wonderful experience to see you without any clothes, not to mention how rigorously it would train you to be completely naked on the main stage for our play in front of countless strangers. Shaily, I know you wanted more time, thought and some more experience on your nudity to do perform this extremely tough routine, but I think you are already there darling. You really have it in you to make even the dumbest and the most distressed of hearts happy with that sexy body of yours and in my humblest opinion, you should be naked in college as part of your practice. If not for you, at least for all the others darling. What do you think?", said Mr. Farooq as he extended his left hand to grope Shaily's tits, as he looked up at her waiting for her answer.

"You said yes immediately? Shell, were you out of your fucking mind? You could have just asked for at least a day's time to discuss it with us dumbo!", exclaimed Arun.

Shaily was back at Abhishek and Karan's place. She was just telling all the guys how her meeting with Mr. Farooq went. Of course, like usual, she was on the bean bag naked while the guys sat on the couch as they all sipped their beers.

"I didn't know what to say Arun! I mean, Mr. Farooq was staring right into my eyes while he was fondling my tits, and I just involuntarily said 'Yes'. Moreover, the man had a point. I just strode out naked out of Prof Lekha's chamber knowing that there would be people around to see me naked to tell Mr. Farooq about my nude adventure, and I really happened to like the feeling of showing myself to them.", said Shaily grimacing.

"Shell, are you nuts? That was just a minute or two, and it wasn't anything that was planned. You just felt impulsive to talk to Mr. Farooq and you ended up showing your body to the Profs and students that were there right then, and you happened to like it. But now, you just agreed to get naked consciously in front of all the people at FID for the next two months until your play. 24x7. I'm surprised how you don't understand the difference.", said Arun hotly.

Arun had a really serious expression on his face. Being one of the elder ones of the lot, Arun generally had a more protective attitude towards Shaily. Now, after Shaily had agreed to play the role of the naked soul in the play, he was even more protective of her, as was evident in his words towards her.

Seeing Arun snare at her with visible anger, Shaily started to shed tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Arun!", she said weeping silently on the bean bag naked. "I just didn't know what to say, I'm so fucking stupid to agree right there. You are right, I should have asked for more time.", said Shaily as she started to cry in front of all her guy friends, with her legs spread wide on the bean-bag such that her naked snatch was completely visible to all of them.

Seeing Shaily cry like a baby in front of them, Arun felt sorry for her. He regretted for reacting so strongly against her as he inadvertently got up and kneeled in front of Shaily as she wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry baby doll, I didn't mean to upset you darling.", he said lovingly as he took both his hands and massaged her breasts lovingly. "I'm sorry love, please don't cry baby, I feel awful.", he said as he continued to grope her breasts with love hoping to make her feel better.

The rest of the guys too all circled around the naked Shaily as they all rubbed her body trying to comfort her.

"Shaily darling.", said Karan as he rubbed Shaily's thighs lovingly. "It's okay baby. You still have a few days time before your nudity in college materialises. We'll all think through and come up with something so that you can have more practice before you get naked for every single one in college. Now don't you cry sweetheart.", he said as he gently rubbed Shaily's thighs with love.

Shaily looked up at the guys in between her weeps and smiled at them. She really felt like she was indebted to them for life, at that very moment, seeing them so concerned about her. Without them, she was sure she would be so clueless and fucked up with her attitude, and she was thoroughly grateful to god that they were all there for her right then while she went through probably the most challenging time of her life up until then.

"I'm really sorry to let you all down guys! I mean, I really didn't know what to say, and I just blurted out a 'Yes' to Mr. Farooq's words. I am really a very silly slut!", she said, as more tears popped out of her eyes.

"Oh come on baby, you were going to agree to his proposal at some point, right? Moreover, like Karan said, it'll take a few days time before you will be completely naked in college for everyone, so we can still do some more scenarios where you'll be naked for strangers and that'll be good enough. Now, come on, stop crying baby doll, we hate to see you like this.", said Faisal lovingly to her, as he wiped Shaily's tears with one hand while he rubbed her pussy lovingly with the other.

"Shell baby, actually Karan and Fais are right. Today is thursday, and am sure we will have at least the weekend before you start getting naked at college. We will all make sure that you have enough good practice before Monday begins baby. It's okay, we are all here for you darling!", said Jaspinder as he too tried to comfort Shaily by rubbing her shoulders.

After all their comforting words, Shaily finally seemed to feel a little better. She was sure that she had hastily decided on saying 'Yes' to Mr. Farooq for getting naked in front of the whole college at all times, but now that it was done, she couldn't do anything about it. But she made it a point to let her guy friends know that in the next couple of days, they ought to come up with some new ideas where she could be naked in front of clothed strangers before she started to get naked in front of the whole college.

Shaily slept in that night at Abhishek and Karan's place. After yesterday, Shaily and Jaspinder were eager to spend time with each other and so Jaspinder once again fucked Shaily that night before they went to sleep in each other's embrace. The next morning Jaspinder dropped Shaily at her place.

"Shell baby, I just want to say that you did the perfect thing by accepting Mr. Farooq's proposal to get naked for everyone at college. It's going to be a very intense practice for you for the play, and it's better if you agreed to it sooner than later and you did just that, okay? Now don't you overthink and fuck your mind on it, you understand me baby?", he said as he lovingly slid his hands inside Shaily's shirt and pinched her nipples while smiling lovingly at her.

"I guess Jasp! I just have to see how it'll all work out.", said Shaily smiling at him dryly.

"It's all going to work out fine baby. You just go and do your yoga, and I'll see you in college in some time, okay sweetheart?", he said.

"Okay Jasp, thanks. I love you!", said Shaily as she proceeded to give Jaspinder a deep lip kiss before they parted.

On her way to college, Shaily focussed on reading the printed script of her play that Mr. Farooq had given her yesterday. There were only minor modifications from what she had hand-written in her draft, mostly around how the Demon was going to treat her badly and brutalise and she was felt they were perfectly suitable with respect to the overall theme of the play. With no other changes in mind, Shaily considered it good enough to distribute it to the rest of the characters in the play so that they could all be on the page, and start with their practice after considering any suggestions they had for the play.

Shaily was naked in Prof Lekha's chamber as usual during their midday meeting with Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq.

"Wow Shaily, it's great news to hear that you are ready to get naked in college, this is going to be great. I'm sure the routine is going to prepare you pretty rigorously for the big day darling.", said Prof Lekha excitedly when she heard from Mr. Farooq that Shaily had accepted Mr. Farooq's suggestion to stay completely naked in college up until she would fly to Brussels to perform the play.

Shaily smiled at Prof Lekha. "Thanks Prof Lekha!".

The three of them then talked about the play and touched upon anything that required attention. Shaily conceded that she was happy with the script they had prepared for the play and she felt that it was now appropriate to distribute it to the rest of the artists involved in the play so that they could now proceed forward with the execution phase.

"That's good to hear Shaily. Mr. Farooq, in that case, I'll personally hand the scripts to Anupam, Pooja and Jaspinder and give them the weekend to read the scripts and come up with any suggestions they might want, what do you think?", said Prof Lekha.

"Yes Prof Lekha, that sounds perfect. In the meantime, since Shaily has generously agreed to get naked in college till the play, I'll get around to preparing the manifesto etc. for her so that she can get up and naked here as soon as possible.", said Mr. Farooq smiling at Shaily not turning his gaze away from her splendid tits hanging erotically in front of him while she sat beside him without any clothing on her voluptuous body.

Shaily smiled politely at both Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq. She was of course eager to get started with the practice for the play.

Shaily was just about to ask permission to go back to class when Mr. Farooq said, "Shaily, now that you have agreed to get naked for the whole college, we need to prepare a manifesto that we can present to the entire college for your nudity in the college premises and get everyone's approval before you can actually start being naked in college at all times in front of everyone. I have a rough draft in mind, but I'll need some time before I can formulate it correctly. I hope to have it ready by evening, so would you mind coming back here to Prof Lekha's chamber sometime in the evening so that we can finalise on it? I know it is Friday today, and I hope you have some naked plans along with your guy friends, but this is equally important as well, so that we can get you up and running naked in college as soon as possible in the coming week.", said Mr. Farooq passing a smile at her.

"Sure Sir, that won't be a problem at all, just give me a call and I'll be here in no time.", said Shaily smiling politely at Mr. Farooq.

"That's perfect Shaily. Prof Lekha, please make sure you distribute the scripts to other three artists as well. I hope we can start the practice for the play by Monday at the very least?", said Mr. Farooq.

"Yes Sir, I will give them the copies of the scripts and we'll incorporate any suggestions they have by Monday morning and we'll be ready to start with practice at least by Monday afternoon.", said Prof Lekha.

"Perfect Prof Lekha, okay then, I'll return to my chamber. Shaily just be ready to meet me and Prof Lekha in the evening about the manifesto.", said Mr. Farooq, as he glanced one last time at Shaily's gorgeously hanging tits in front of him before making his way out of Prof Lekha's chamber.

With just Shaily and Prof Lekha in her chamber, Prof Lekha smiled at Shaily and said, "Shaily, I had a look at your pics and videos from your first nude adventure darling. Gosh, you are a real playmate aren't you?", she said, smiling gleefully.

Shaily smiled shyly at Prof Lekha. "Well Prof Lekha, I must say I really enjoyed the whole experience with those two night guards, they were really so fun and so adorable, I must say. I wish I had some more time to explore more such scenarios though and to be truthful to you, I still consider it a little too early for me to get completely naked for the whole college, but I just felt like I had to oblige to Mr. Farooq's suggestion.", said Shaily with an awkward smile on her face.

Prof Lekha smiled at Shaily before saying, "Shaily, I know this would be a little difficult for you, but let me tell you, you made the right decision, there's absolutely no doubt about it. I agree with Mr. Farooq when he says your body is meant to be watched by all of humanity for what it is. I really do. I mean, look at yourself girl, you have the body of a goddess. It's so rare to see a woman so naturally gifted. I mean, you are even more shapely and voluptuous than those extremely hard-working models that we see on a daily basis in the media, and now that you are so comfortable with exhibiting your body to other people, it's high time you do this routine Shaily. Of course, there's also the added advantage that you are getting so much practice with your nudity as well, and it's a perfectly win-win scenario for everyone involved I would say. I know you would have liked to practice some more scenarios before you are totally naked in college for everyone, but I want you to take it as a challenge. If you remember my words, it's good that you are feeling uncomfortable and underprepared about getting naked for all your family here at FID. That's the exact kind of uneasiness and cold feet I want you to get rid off, and this routine that Mr. Farooq has suggested for you is the best way to go about it in my opinion".

"Well, I guess so Prof Lekha. I do remember your words, of course, and I am certainly quite uncomfortable about getting naked in front of the whole college at all times, but as you say, I think it's for the best.", said Shaily smiling at her. "Prof Lekha, I am really happy that both you and Mr. Farooq consider me worthy of exhibiting my body to everyone and I would also like to tell you that I am really looking forward to it as well. But it's just that I feel I need more time before I can get around the feeling of being completely naked in front of all of my peers and the Profs with whom I work everyday. I was hoping to have more experiences with clothed strangers like the one I had the other day with the night guards at Abhishek and Karan's place before I delve into complete nudity in college.", said Shaily grimly.

"Shaily, darling, I understand your concern here. But the sooner the better, isn't it honey? Moreover, you still have the weekend with you for yourself and your guy friends and I'm sure you guys can explore a couple of more scenarios to get you up to pace darling. You have to note that we still have some work to do before you are naked in college. We need to prepare the manifesto, make sure that everyone at FID reads it and approves your nudity - that is all going to take a few days anyway. I suggest that during this time, you get naked in different scenarios that will prepare you for the intense routine here in college. I hope you understand what I'm saying honey", said Prof Lekha smiling at her.

Prof Lekha could, of course, get a feel of what Shaily was going through right then, from her words. But again, this was what it was all about, she reckoned, getting rid of the cold feet regarding her naked body being seen by all kinds of people. Prof Lekha wanted her to be not just naked in college, but rather adopt it as a lifestyle for the next couple of months. She wanted Shaily to live naked in college among all the clothed people, so that she would be adequately trained for the play in Brussels. That was the only way she could be sure that Shaily didn't screw up the play in any way when she would get naked on the stage for the audience to perform for 'Naked soul doesn't lie'.

Shaily found Prof Lekha's words sensible. Moreover, she did have a few days before she needed to start her nudity routine in college, so she could certainly use that time to do a few more scenarios where she would be naked in front of clothed strangers. Her guy friends had of course also promised her that they would brainstorm to come up with some more ideas, so maybe this wasn't all that bad, she felt. Of course, Shaily could not deny being aroused about getting naked completely while all her peers and Profs would be clothed, it was indeed very erotic for her, and there was no doubt she was waiting to experience the familiar feeling of numbness in her body and the wetness in her loins.

"You are right Prof Lekha!", said Shaily easing up a bit and smiling at her. "Maybe it's not a bad thing after all.", she said.

"Not at all Shaily, you can trust me on this. I'm sure you would love the experience every bit just as all of FID would in seeing you roam around naked in college and go about attending classes, eating your food in the cafeteria and whatnot, completely naked. It's going to be really enchanting and liberating for you, to say the least.", said Prof Lekha smiling at her as she got up from her chair. "I have a class darling, sorry.", she said as she put on her specs.

"Oh, of course Prof!", said Shaily herself as she got up.

While Prof Lekha prepared herself for the class by gathering her laptop and books for the lecture, Shaily proceeded to put her clothes back on.

"See you in the evening Prof Lekha.", Shaily said with a polite smile, as they shared a friendly hug before going their separate ways out of the chamber.

After attending their classes, Shaily and the guys went to the cafeteria to have some snacks in the afternoon. Jaspinder had got hold off the copy of the script for the play from Prof Lekha just a while back along with Anupam and Pooja. Of course, Jaspinder as well as the other guys got to read the script beforehand through Shaily, but Jaspinder was eager to give it a read once again. He was, of course, greatly looking forward to playing the role of the Demon where he would get to do some very rough and nasty things to the naked Shaily on stage, and he couldn't wait to read what the play had in store for him.

"Holy fuck Shell, your scenes with Jaspinder are going to be so hot and brutal. It seems like he's going to absolutely tear your body apart baby. It's just fantastic!", said Faisal, as they all read the script in the cafeteria.

"Well, Fais, he's a Demon for a reason, duh!", said Shaily mockingly, as all of them shared a laugh.

"This is epic Shell. Your altercations with Pooja and your brutalisation by the Demon are really going to make the play amazing. You have visualised this play to perfection darling, and I am sure with you being completely naked throughout the play, it is going to be so aesthetically pleasing to watch too.", said Arun lovingly as he grabbed her by her waist and slid his hands inside her shirt.

"Thanks a lot Arun! I believe the same too, the scenes with Pooja where she is completely disgusted with her own soul is going to form the emotional crux of the play, while my brutalisation by the Demon is going to be a finesse of art, in my opinion.", said Shaily gleefully.

"It sure is baby doll. This is really a marvellous play, to say the least darling!", said Abhishek as he massaged Shaily's thighs under the table with his hands inside her skirt.

Just then, as they were in the cafeteria reading the script, Anupam came up to them.

"Hey Shaily, I just got the script from Prof Lekha and I went through it. Great work by you, really. I have to congratulate you for thinking so bold and out of the box, I really do. The play is stupendous baby, and I can't wait to start practising.", he said smiling at her acknowledging how Arun and Abhishek were groping her body behind the table.

Shaily smiled at Anupam. "Thanks a lot Anupam, I'm glad you like it. I urge you to spend some more time reading the script over and over again in the weekend and let me or Prof Lekha know about any changes you might want!", she said.

"Well, the only change I want to suggest is to swap Jaspinder for me.", said Anupam winking at her, as all of them including Shaily laughed out to his words.

"Sorry Anupam, for now Shell's body is mine, better luck next time.", said Jaspinder winking at Anupam evoking another round of friendly laughter. Shaily had an embarrassed expression on her face as she playfully slapped Jaspinder on his shoulder for his words.

"Haha, I'm just kidding bro. But yeah, I am jealous towards you for landing the role of the Demon in the play, and it's obvious why to anyone who reads the script. Anyway guys, I'll get going, I just came here to congratulate Shaily. Great work once again Shaily, you are as talented as you are sexy!", said Anupam smiling at her.

"Awww, thanks a lot love. I am looking forward to starting practice with you from Monday. Ciao!", she said smiling at Anupam.

"Me too darling. See you on Monday. Bye guys!", said Anupam before walking away.

"Isn't he cute?", said Shaily smiling at the guys after Anupam left.

"Haha, he's cute alright, but I am pretty sure he wants to get in your pants Shell! Did you see how we was gawking at your tits while he was talking to you?", said Faisal laughing slightly.

"Haha, I sure did. Well, who doesn't love staring at my tits for that matter?", said Shaily with a wink as they all laughed out and proceeded to the guys' place to hang out.

"Guys, if anything doesn't work out, I think I'll just get naked again for Dinesh Ji and Sultan Ji. I enjoyed the experience so much any way. What do you guys think?", said Shaily.

"Shell, that's a fine last resort, but the thing is you have already been naked for them and they completely groped and molested you for a good couple of hours. I'm not sure if doing it again or something similar would prepare you for your intense nudity routine in college darling. We need something really more challenging and something different for you baby.", said Arun.

They were all in Abhishek and Karan's place with Shaily as usual on the bean bag naked with her legs spread wide exposing her cunt for the guys who sat right in front of her on the couch, as they all sipped their beers. Right now they were brainstorming on how Shaily could be naked in strange scenarios for her 'nudity practice' before she could be comfortable with getting naked for everyone at FID, probably starting as early as next week.

Arun was right. Of course Shaily could just hang out again with Dinesh Ji and Sultan Ji in their watchmen cabins like she was their whore for the night, just for the fun of it, but it would not add any value to her 'nudity routine'. She indeed needed something really more challenging that would make her feel more uncomfortable and awkward for getting naked. That's what they were looking for.

"Yeah Arun, you are right!", said Shaily smiling at him. She was very tipsy on account of the beer she had been drinking and she blew a kiss to him spreading her legs wider for all the guys to see her naked pussy.

"Guys, I have something in mind that we can work out.", said Karan.

"Karan, come on. It's too early for me to run buck naked on the streets for the whole world to see my tits and ass jiggling ridiculously in all directions, alright? I will do it sometime later, but for now, keep your lame jokes to yourself!", said Shaily with a mock angry expression on her face, referring to Karan's joke on her before her first nudity adventure had materialised.

"Oh no Shell, I am not joking this time. I have a really good idea that fits into the bill, and I am really positive it's going to work out fine with a little bit of meticulous planning.", said Karan.

The fact that he didn't have a playful smirk on his face as he said those words told Shaily that he was indeed serious about what he was saying.

"What is it Karan?", said Shaily hopeful that his idea would materialise into something substantial.

"You guys all know that we've been to Lonavla last year, right? Well, it turns out we took the main route that most people take. But very few know that there's also another longer route to Lonavla from Mumbai that takes about 4 hours longer. Now, it makes sense that most people don't know about it simply because it is longer, but that might just work in our favour right now. That route is filled with seedy hotels all the way. Now, the thing that is going to work in our favour is that all these seedy hotels cater to the visitors by employing escorts, which is very handy for us for our case. We can just stop by one of those hotels and get Shaily naked in front of those hotel staff for extended periods of time and since all the hotels allow escorts to hang around, they would just assume Shaily is our escort when they see her without any clothes on her body. I think we can work this out perfectly fellas, what do you guys think?", said Karan enthusiastically. It was clear from his face he was really positive that it was going to work.

"Karan, I think we might just have cracked this. Your idea indeed seems very much workable as well as practical. We could all actually just stay in one of the hotels for the entire weekend and have Shell naked throughout where we can expose her to all the hotel staff in various scenarios. Shell, what do you think baby?", said Jaspinder happy that they had something going on.

Shell thought for a moment as she sipped her beer naked on the bean-bag with her legs spread wide casually for the guys. Indeed, Karan's idea seemed really good and practical to her. It also had the added advantage that it was a remote location in contrast to her first naked adventure where there was some risk of running into residents of the apartment. This time, she could get away with doing all sorts of crazy things naked because she would never see those hotel staff or the other visitors ever again. Moreover, like Jaspinder said, they could spend the entire weekend in one of those sleazy hotels where she could be naked and exposed throughout in various scenarios for long hours and it wouldn't be an issue because those hotels catered escorts to visitors. The hotel staff would just assume that Shaily was all her guy friends' escort and that would be it.

"I think Karan's onto something here for sure guys!", she said confidently. "The fact that these seedy hotels house escorts is really going to help us. Like Jasp says, we can spend the entire weekend in one of those hotels and I'll have a lot of elaborate practice in getting naked for them all throughout. I think this is going to work!", said Shaily with a happy expression on her face as she smiled at Karan for coming up with such a brilliant idea, blowing him a kiss and spreading her legs wider, thrusting her pelvis towards him, as if inviting him to fuck her pussy.

Karan as well as the rest of the guys all laughed out to Shaily's playfully whorish actions, happy that they were finally onto something really substantial for Shaily's naked adventure.

"Arun, what do you think? Can we work this out?", said Karan.

Arun was already thinking on Karan's idea. "Yes Karan, I think you have cracked this. This certainly seems workable. We just have to make sure the hotel staff believes that we hired Shaily as an escort for all of us, and I think we'll be good to go.", he said.

"Yes, that's they key. Once they figure out that Shaily's nothing but our escort for the weekend, they'll be perfectly happy to accommodate us and not raise concerns when she gets naked for them.", said Faisal.

Seated on the bean bag all naked, Shaily clapped her hands in delight knowing that her guy friends worked out something so perfect for her second naked adventure.

"Guys, is it ok if I celebrate? Do you guys think it'll work out?", she asked apprehensively, pouting cutely at the guys.

The guys all laughed out hearing Shaily's words.

"Yes darling, I think it's safe for you to celebrate baby. We fucking got this!", said Arun emphatically as Shaily got up from her bean bag and clapped her hands with delight, jumping up and down in a childishly exuberant way.

"You guys are so fucking awesome!", she screamed with happiness as she proceeded towards the couch to stand right in front of them offering her body for the guys out of utter happiness.

For the next couple of hours Shaily made sure her naked body was accessible to all of the guys by sitting in between them on the couch as they surfed YouTube while having fun with Shaily's naked body, groping and molesting all of her private parts as much as they wanted. Indeed, it was such an awesome experience for the guys to have her naked for them at all times at their place so that they could have fun with her privates any time they wanted to and it filled all the guys' hearts with happiness knowing that Shaily too loved it as much as they did. Moreover they were all happy that they had worked out Shaily's second naked adventure as part of her nudity routine and so it was all worth it for some celebration by having some fun with Shaily's sexy ripe body along with beer and YouTube.

At around 7 PM Shaily received a call from Mr. Farooq asking her to come to Prof Lekha's chamber to discuss regarding her naked manifesto. "Sure Sir, I'll be there in a few minutes!", she said happily as she put on her clothes in front of the guys. Jaspinder then dropped her to college for her meeting with Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha.

"Hello Shaily, please come in and get naked.", said Mr. Farooq as Shaily entered Prof Lekha's chamber smiling at both of them.

"Sure Sir!", said Shaily with a polite smile on her face.

Shaily immediately complied as she stripped off her tank top and her short skirt that were the only clothing on her body right then. It was of course noticeable to Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha that after accepting the role of the naked soul, Shaily very rarely bothered to wear any undergarments to college. She did wear her panties every now and then, but her guy friends ended up disrobing it off her everyday during one of the classes much to her sweet embarrassment, and so, off late Shaily felt it unnecessary to even wear any panties as well.

"Hello Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha!", she greeted them without any clothes, extending her arms and smiling brightly much to Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha's amusement, as she stuffed a couple of tissues near her pussy and sat down on the chair beside Mr. Farooq.

"Wow Shaily, I never get bored from seeing you without clothes. Indeed, the whole college has to see what a wonderful person you are when you are uncovered darling.", said Mr. Farooq with a genuine smile on his face as he gawked at Shaily's hanging jugs that were right in front of him to stare at.

"Haha, thanks Mr. Farooq! I feel so humbled.", said Shaily smiling shyly towards him acknowledging his stares on her hanging jugs. By now she was really comfortable in being naked for Mr. Farooq as well as Prof Lekha, it was as if she was naked for her own family members given how they were both elder to her, but also so accommodating and friendly. Of course, being her mentors, she found it even more meaningful to be naked in front of them, and Shaily found herself very comfortable in being without clothes in their presence and she loved how lustily Mr. Farooq stared at her tits when she got naked for him.

"So Shaily, like I told you in the afternoon, we would have to prepare a manifesto for your intense nudity routine here at FID and make sure every one is aware of it and agree with the terms and conditions we present in the manifesto for our case. Towards that, I am glad to tell you that I spent a major part of my day preparing the manifesto and I have the first draft ready with me right now. Here you go, please give it a read and let me know if you see any changes that might be necessary.", said Mr. Farooq, passing her the manifesto for her nudity routine that they were planning for her in college.

Shaily smiled at Mr. Farooq and started reading his draft of her nudity routine manifesto.

Miss Shaily Singh - Intense Nudity Routine [MS-INR]
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Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:57 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:58 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:59 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Shivraj Pandu - 08-01-2019, 04:17 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by xossip - 08-01-2019, 09:16 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:39 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:40 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Givemeextra - 09-01-2019, 02:48 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by akshatha - 09-01-2019, 11:01 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 10-01-2019, 02:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 10-01-2019, 02:15 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 10-01-2019, 02:15 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by shruti23 - 10-01-2019, 09:03 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 13-01-2019, 01:03 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 13-01-2019, 01:04 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by shruti23 - 15-01-2019, 10:34 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:26 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:27 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:28 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:28 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-01-2019, 12:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-01-2019, 12:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-01-2019, 12:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by ronylol - 20-01-2019, 02:05 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 23-01-2019, 02:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 23-01-2019, 02:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by shruti23 - 23-01-2019, 06:43 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 26-01-2019, 02:27 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 26-01-2019, 02:28 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by neha2 - 08-03-2019, 10:01 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by thyroid - 08-03-2019, 04:54 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-03-2019, 12:55 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by neha2 - 01-04-2019, 06:21 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by kriti23 - 22-04-2019, 09:18 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-07-2019, 04:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-07-2019, 04:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-07-2019, 04:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 04-08-2019, 03:10 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-08-2019, 01:40 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-08-2019, 01:41 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-08-2019, 01:43 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 10-08-2019, 08:01 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 11-08-2019, 07:46 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 14-08-2019, 05:43 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:37 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:37 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:37 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by ronylol - 20-08-2019, 05:50 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 21-08-2019, 08:30 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 30-08-2019, 05:50 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:15 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:16 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:17 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:18 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Asdasx - 08-04-2020, 08:25 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 18-04-2020, 03:41 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Hornyluckyguy - 06-01-2021, 01:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by kozaksi - 02-09-2021, 12:53 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:45 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:46 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:46 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:47 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 29-01-2022, 12:09 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 08-04-2022, 11:30 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by boob_lover259 - 29-01-2025, 11:18 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by boob_lover259 - 03-02-2025, 01:28 AM

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